
Showing total 58 results
58 results

Search Results

1. The impact of codeine re-scheduling on misuse: a retrospective review of calls to Australia's largest poisons centre.

2. Patterns of alcohol consumption in 16 cohorts of Australian young adults aged 15–24 between 2001 and 2016.

3. Alcohol's harm to others in 2021: Who bears the burden?

4. Reducing barriers to the hepatitis C care cascade in prison via point‐of‐care RNA testing: a qualitative exploration of men in prison using an integrated framework.

5. Age, period and cohort effects on alcohol‐related risky behaviours in Australia from 2001 to 2016.

6. Associations between nicotine vaping uptake and cigarette smoking cessation vary by smokers' plans to quit: longitudinal findings from the International Tobacco Control Four Country Smoking and Vaping Surveys.

7. Non‐cigarette combustible tobacco use and its associations with subsequent cessation of smoking among daily cigarette smokers: findings from the International Tobacco Control Four Country Smoking and Vaping Surveys (2016–20).

8. Mortality in the SuperMIX cohort of people who inject drugs in Melbourne, Australia: a prospective observational study.

9. Definition matters: assessment of tolerance to the effects of alcohol in a prospective cohort study of emerging adults.

10. Effect of vaping on past‐year smoking cessation success of Australians in 2019—evidence from a national survey.

11. Alcohol consumption trajectories over the Australian life course.

12. Declines in alcohol consumption in Australia: some challenges to the theory of collectivity.

13. A prospective cohort study evaluating the impact of upscheduling codeine in Australia among frequent users of codeine.

14. Trends in MDMA‐related mortality across four countries.

15. Hazardous and harmful alcohol use in the Northern Territory, Australia: the impact of alcohol policy on critical care admissions using an extended sampling period.

16. Trajectories of alcohol‐induced blackouts in adolescence: early risk factors and alcohol use disorder outcomes in early adulthood.

17. Perceptions of injectable opioid agonist treatment (iOAT) among people who regularly use opioids in Australia: findings from a cross‐sectional study in three Australian cities.

18. Shifts in alcohol consumption during the COVID‐19 pandemic: early indications from Australia.

19. Changes in alcohol consumption associated with social distancing and self‐isolation policies triggered by COVID‐19 in South Australia: a wastewater analysis study.

20. Typologies of illicit drug use in mid‐adulthood: a quasi‐longitudinal latent class analysis in a community‐based sample of twins.

21. Predicting alcohol dependence treatment outcomes: a prospective comparative study of clinical psychologists versus 'trained' machine learning models.

22. Drinking risk varies within and between Australian Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander samples: a meta‐analysis to identify sources of heterogeneity.

23. The overall effect of parental supply of alcohol across adolescence on alcohol‐related harms in early adulthood—a prospective cohort study.

24. Effect of increasing the delivery of smoking cessation care in alcohol and other drug treatment centres: a cluster‐randomized controlled trial.

25. Modelling the effects of alcohol pricing policies on alcohol consumption in subpopulations in Australia.

26. Adolescents’ alcohol use and strength of policy relating to youth access, trading hours and driving under the influence: findings from Australia.

27. Measuring spatial and temporal trends of nicotine and alcohol consumption in Australia using wastewater‐based epidemiology.

28. Effects of high alcohol intake, alcohol-related symptoms and smoking on mortality.

29. Adolescents' exposure to paid alcohol advertising on television and their alcohol use: exploring associations during a 13-year period.

30. Intravenous midazolam-droperidol combination, droperidol or olanzapine monotherapy for methamphetamine-related acute agitation: subgroup analysis of a randomized controlled trial.

31. Trajectories of heroin use: 10-11-year findings from the Australian Treatment Outcome Study.

32. Pharmaceutical sales of pseudoephedrine: the impact of electronic tracking systems on methamphetamine crime incidents.

33. The Australian experience following plain packaging: the impact on tobacco branding.

34. Effectiveness of a universal internet-based prevention program for ecstasy and new psychoactive substances: a cluster randomized controlled trial.

35. The impact of quitting smoking on depressive symptoms: findings from the International Tobacco Control Four-Country Survey.

36. The relationship between player losses and gambling-related harm: evidence from nationally representative cross-sectional surveys in four countries.

37. Drug use in Australian nightlife settings: estimation of prevalence and validity of self-report.

38. The effects of liquor licensing restriction on alcohol-related violence in NSW, 2008-13.

39. Long-term mortality, remission, criminality and psychiatric comorbidity of heroin dependence: 11-year findings from the Australian Treatment Outcome Study.

40. Familial factors associated with development of alcohol and mental health comorbidity.

41. 'Wide-awake drunkenness'? Investigating the association between alcohol intoxication and stimulant use in the night-time economy.

42. Trends in non-drinking among Australian adolescents.

43. Use of Silk Road, the online drug marketplace, in the United Kingdom, Australia and the United States.

44. Psychiatric comorbidity in treatment-seeking substance use disorder patients with and without attention deficit hyperactivity disorder: results of the IASP study.

45. Predicting steep escalations in alcohol use over the teenage years: age-related variations in key social influences.

46. Deficits in social perception in opioid maintenance patients, abstinent opioid users and non-opioid users.

47. Population-level effects of automated smoking cessation help programs: a randomized controlled trial.

48. Systematic review of record linkage studies of mortality in ex-prisoners: why (good) methods matter.

49. The role of time preference in smoking cessation: a longitudinal analysis of data from the Household Income and Labour Dynamics of Australia survey, 2001-08.

50. Randomized controlled trial of a novel cannabis use intervention delivered by telephone.