
Showing total 13 results
13 results

Search Results

1. Defecation problems in children with Hirschsprung's disease: a prospective controlled study of a multidisciplinary behavioural treatment.

2. A randomised cross-over study showed no difference in diaphragm activity during weaning from respiratory support.

3. Wrapping newborn infants in cloth and newspaper after delivery led to higher temperatures on arrival at the neonatal intensive care unit.

4. Prenatal early food and multiple micronutrient supplementation trial reduced infant mortality in Bangladesh, but did not influence morbidity.

5. Newly born low birthweight infants stabilise better in skin-to-skin contact than when separated from their mothers: a randomised controlled trial.

6. Preliminary evidence of a sensitive period for olfactory learning by human newborns.

7. Implementation of kangaroo mother care: a randomized trial of two outreach strategies.

8. Test performance and self-esteem in relation to experienced stress in Swedish sixth and ninth graders--saliva cortisol levels and psychological reactions to demands.

9. A randomized controlled trial of an asthma clinical pathway for children in general practice.

10. Effects of gender, apolipoprotein E phenotype and cholesterol-lowering by plant stanol esters in children: the STRIP study. Special Turku Coronary Risk Factor Intervention Project.

11. Randomized controlled study of digestive enzyme activity following trophic feeding.

12. Hyperimmune bovine colostrum in the treatment of shigellosis in children: a double-blind, randomized, controlled trial.

13. Ureaplasma urealyticum, erythromycin and respiratory morbidity in high-risk preterm neonates.