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135 results

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1. Some results associated with the longest run in a strongly ergodic Markov chain

2. A large-update interior-point algorithm for convex quadratic semi-definite optimization based on a new kernel function

3. A partial order in the knot table II

4. k-factors in regular graphs

5. New Results on Global Rank Axioms of Poset Matroids

6. On the Characterization of Maximal Planar Graphs with a Given Signed Cycle Domination Number

7. Neighbor sum distinguishing colorings of graphs with maximum average degree less than $$\tfrac{{37}} {{12}}$$3712

8. Solution to an extremal problem on bigraphic pairs with a Z 3-connected realization

9. Neighbor sum distinguishing edge coloring of subcubic graphs

10. Finite p-groups with a class of complemented normal subgroups

11. The intersection numbers of nearly Kirkman triple systems

12. Banach upper density recurrent points of C 0-flows

13. Skew Motzkin paths

14. Minimum genus embeddings of the complete graph

15. Some class 1 graphs on g c -colorings

16. Solvable D 2-groups

17. Special blocks of finite groups

18. Total coloring of planar graphs without chordal 7-cycles

19. On pattern avoiding flattened set partitions

20. Acyclic edge coloring of triangle-free 1-planar graphs

21. Heavy cycles in 2-connected triangle-free weighted graphs

22. A new characterization of L 2(r) by their Sylow numbers

23. On edge connectivity and parity factor

24. Isomorphisms of finite semi-Cayley graphs

25. Complexity analysis of an interior point algorithm for the semidefinite optimization based on a kernel function with a double barrier term

26. New results on nonexistence of perfect p-ary sequences and almost p-ary sequences

27. Neighbor sum distinguishing total colorings of triangle free planar graphs

28. The cycle structure for directed graphs on surfaces

29. A LIL and limit distributions for trimmed sums of random vectors attracted to operator semi-stable laws

30. Minimum orders of eulerian oriented digraphs with given diameter

31. On the constant metric dimension of generalized petersen graphs P(n, 4)

32. Neighbor sum distinguishing total colorings of graphs with bounded maximum average degree

33. On graphs with cut vertices and cut edges

34. A Rao-type characterization for a sequence to have a realization containing an arbitrary subgraph H

35. The product of the restrained domination numbers of a graph and its complement

36. Supereulerian graphs and the Petersen graph

37. Cartesian closed categories of FƵ-domains

38. Difference systems of sets based on cosets partitions

39. Edge coloring by total labelings of outerplanar graphs

40. An equivalent condition for the self similar sets on the real line to have best coverings

41. On a discrete version of alexandrov’s projection theorem

42. Super cyclically edge-connected vertex-transitive graphs of girth at least 5

43. A note on list edge and list total coloring of planar graphs without adjacent short cycles

44. On the clique-transversal number in (claw, K 4)-free 4-regular graphs

45. Characterization of Gromov hyperbolic short graphs

46. Almost everywhere convergence of sequences of Cesàro and Riesz means of integrable functions with respect to the multidimensional Walsh system

47. The nonorientable genus of the join of two cycles

48. Borel equivalence relations between ℓ 1 and ℓ p

49. Total restrained bondage in graphs

50. Mutation on knots and Whitney’s 2-isomorphism theorem