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1. Schatten-p class (0 < p ≤ ∞) Toeplitz operators on generalized Fock spaces

2. Isometric isomorphisms in proper CQ*-algebras

3. Fractional wavelet packet transformations involving Hankel–Clifford integral transformations

4. Positivity of Toeplitz operators on harmonic Bergman space

5. Gröbner–Shirshov basis and the minimal projective resolution of U q + (G 2)

6. Jordan higher derivable maps on triangular algebras by commutative zero products

7. Structures of not-finitely graded Lie algebras related to generalized Heisenberg–Virasoro algebras

8. The equivariant family index theorem in odd dimensions

9. A quantum modification of relative Chen-Ruan cohomology

10. Nonpositively curved almost Hermitian metrics on product of compact almost complex manifolds

11. Similarity degrees for the crossed product of von Neumann algebras

12. Finite p-groups with exactly one A 1-subgroup of given structure of order p 3

13. A bishop-stone-weierstrass theorem for (M 2(ℂ)) n

14. The discrete subgroups and Jørgensen’s inequality for SL(m,ℂ p )

15. Universal inequalities for lower order eigenvalues of self-adjoint operators and the poly-Laplacian

16. Generalized notions of character amenability

17. The structures for the loop-Witt algebra

18. On the products arising from the Kummer conjecture

19. Probabilistic normed Riesz spaces

20. Continuous homogeneous selections of set-valued metric generalized inverses of linear operators in Banach spaces

21. Strongly irreducible operators on Banach spaces

22. A Class of C*-algebras with non-stable K 1-group property

23. Congruence triples on regular semigroups and their generalizations

24. An off-diagonal Marcinkiewicz interpolation theorem on Lorentz spaces

25. (Co)Homology and universal central extension of Hom-Leibniz algebras

26. Quantizations of the W-algebra W(2, 2)

27. The products of three theta functions and the general cubic theta functions

28. L p boundedness for parabolic Littlewood-Paley operators with rough kernels belonging to block spaces

29. Representations of four-derivation Lie algebras of Block type

30. Commutators with finite spectrum II

31. A maschke type theorem for weak Hopf algebras

32. Noncommutative versions of the Singer-Wermer conjecture with linear left ϑ-derivations

33. On K-groups of operator algebra on the 1-shift space

34. A specialization of prinjective Ringel-Hall algebra and the associated Lie algebra

35. On the toroidal Leibniz algebras

36. Some Results on Subelliptic Equations

37. Some Results Related to a Question of Hinkkanen

38. Operators on Differential Form Spaces for Riemann Surfaces

39. Integrated Groups and Smooth Distribution Groups

40. Remarks on g–functions on ℍ n

41. Long Bialgebras, Dimodule Algebras and Quantum Yang–Baxter Modules over Long Bialgebras

42. Tensor Product of Massey Products

43. Representations of a Noncommutative Associative Algebra Related to Quantum Torus of Rank Three

44. The Galois Correspondence in Field Algebra of G–spin Model

45. Higher Level Orderings on Modules

46. On Generic Extensions of Representations of a Dynkin Quiver of Type D

47. Takesaki–Takai Duality Theorem in Hilbert C*-Modules

48. On Quasi-Bicrossed Products of Weak Hopf Algebras

49. An Alternative to Free Entropy for Free Group Factors

50. On Real Operator Spaces