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1. Nψ,ϕ-type Quotient Modules over the Bidisk

2. On Counting Certain Abelian Varieties Over Finite Fields

3. The Answer to a Problem Posed by Zhao and Ho

4. A Cartan’s Second Main Theorem Approach in Nevanlinna Theory

5. Minimal Complex Surfaces with Levi–Civita Ricci-flat Metrics

6. A revised pre-order principle and set-valued Ekeland variational principles with generalized distances

7. On Hölder Dependence of the Parameterized Hartman—Grobman Theorem

8. Surjective L2-isometries on the Projection Lattice

9. Properties of New Holomorphic Mappings with Respect to Conic Domains

10. Density-equicontinuity and Density-sensitivity

11. Cyclical Deformations of Quadrangles in $$S_\kappa^2$$ and Defining Properties of Alexandrov Spaces

12. On Absolute Uniform Retracts, Uniform Approximation Property and Super Weakly Compact Sets of Banach Spaces

13. Heegner Point Kolyvagin System and Iwasawa Main Conjecture

14. Heat Kernel Estimates for Non-symmetric Finite Range Jump Processes

15. Indices and Stability of the Lagrangian System on Riemannian Manifold

16. A Trudinger—Moser Inequality Involving Lp-norm on a Closed Riemann Surface

17. The Attractor of Fibonacci-like Renormalization Operator

18. Mixed Product of Hankel and Toeplitz Operators on Fock—Sobolev Spaces

19. Kähler Metrics on the Projective Bundle of a Holomorphic Finsler Vector Bundle

20. Complex Valued Bismut-Lott Index Theorem

21. Complex Symmetric C0-semigroups on A2(ℂ+)

22. Classifications of Isoparametric Hypersurfaces in Randers Space Forms

23. Classification of Krasner Hyperfields of Order 4

24. Weyl Spectrum of Upper Triangular Operator Matrices

25. Projectively Flat Singular Square Metrics with Constant Flag Curvature

26. Littlewood-Paley Operators on Spaces with Variable Exponent on Homogeneous Groups

27. Complete Space-like λ-surfaces in the Minkowski Space $$ℝ_1^3$$ with the Second Fundamental Form of Constant Length

28. The Degree of Proper Holomorphic Mappings Between Special Domains in ℂn

29. Calculating the Fundamental Group of Galois Cover of the (2,3)-embedding of ℂℙ1 × T

30. On the Character Sum of Polynomials and the Two-term Exponential Sums

31. Non-Gaussian Random Bi-matrix Models for Bi-free Central Limit Distributions with Positive Definite Covariance Matrices

32. Quasi-modularity and Holomorphic Anomaly Equation for the Twisted Gromov-Witten Theory: $$\mathcal{O}(3)$$ over ℙ2

33. Classification of Special Anosov Endomorphisms of Nil-manifolds

34. Asymptotic and Partial Asymptotic Hankel Operators on $$H^2(\mathbb{D}^n)$$)

35. Joint Similarities and Parameterizations for Dilations of Dual g-frame Pairs in Hilbert Spaces

36. Diffeomorphisms with the ℳ0-shadowing Property

37. Remark on Mild Solution to the 3D Incompressible Micropolar System in Fourier-Herz Framework

38. Several Expressions of Dirichlet L-function at Positive Integers

39. A Uniqueness Theorem of Meromorphic Maps and a Generalization of the Borel’s Lemma

40. Beurling Type Theorem on the Hilbert Space Generated by a Positive Sequence

41. Derivatives of Frobenius and Derivatives of Hodge—Tate Weights

42. Discrete Littlewood-Paley-Stein Characterization and L2 Atomic Decomposition of Local Hardy Spaces

43. Hopf Cyclicity of a Family of Generic Reversible Quadratic Systems with One Center

44. Local Nonautonomous Schrödinger Flows on Kähler Manifolds

45. Half Exact Functors Associated with Cotorsion Pairs on Exact Categories

46. Global Existence and Blow-up in Finite Time for a Class of Finitely Degenerate Semilinear Pseudo-parabolic Equations

47. Gradient Estimates and Harnack Inequalities for Positive Solutions of $$\mathfrak{L}u=\frac{\partial u}{\partial t}$$ on Self-shrinkers

48. Hermitian Yang-Mills Metrics on Higgs Bundles over Asymptotically Cylindrical Kähler Manifolds

49. Boundary Behavior of Large Solutions to the Monge-Ampère Equation in a Borderline Case

50. On Weyl’s Theorem for Functions of Operators