David A. Stewart, Marie A. Pfarr, Kayla B. Phelps, Lauren Helms, Thomas G. Saba, Shane C. Quinonez, LaGail Green, Elise Gross, Heather L. Burrows, John T. Schmidt, and Andrea DelGiudice
Background Large amounts of information are provided to applicants during the residency interview process. It is important to share this information in an efficient, environmentally sound, and engaging manner. Preparing information packets requires significant administrative time and results in discarded paper or unused flash-drives. OBJECTIVE We sought to eliminate paper documents, minimize administrative effort, and streamline communication during interview season. Methods With the assistance of LegitApps Company we designed an app for Android and Apple devices that allows us to communicate in real time with applicants. The app delivers all required documentation prior to the applicant's arrival. It provides interview day schedule details and logistics, maps to their specific pre-interview dinner, and helps with navigating our city (finding hotels, identifying places to eat, highlighting fun things to do, etc). An easy to complete interview day survey is automatically pushed to all applicants at the end of the day. After initial programming, only minimal maintenance was needed by our administrative staff throughout the season. Results The app was downloaded 522 times this season. Based on results from the end-of-the-day survey, almost all 353 applicants downloaded the app. They appreciated the streamlined communication and hub for information. They used it to find Uber rides, book hotels, explore the city, and to prepare for their interview day. By eliminating paper, we saved money and manpower, allowing our staff to dedicate their time to the applicant experience. Survey comments include: “I appreciated the UM Pediatrics App, as it made the resources easy to access and reference throughout the day” and “I liked the App and that you tried to save some trees and not print out all of the information.” Conclusion The app successfully conveyed information efficiently to applicants and decreasing the administrative workload. We plan to expand the app to include our fellowship programs and are working with other programs at our institution to develop similar apps for their programs.