Rong, Long, Yoshizaki, Izumi, Adachi, Satoshi, Yoda, Shinichi, Komatsu, Hiroshi, Iimura, Yoshikazu, Fukuyama, Seijiro, and Kadowaki, Akio
タンパク質結晶の成長と完全性に及ぼす不純物の影響を、ニワトリ卵白リゾチーム結晶を用いて明らかにした。, The impurity effects on crystal growth and perfection was systematically studied with lysozyme and lysozyme dimer. X-ray diffraction experiment, rocking width measurement, X-ray topography, etching, AFM observation and fluorescence experiments revealed that impurities actually degrade the crystal perfection, and dislocations are the main cause., 資料番号: AA0048459000, レポート番号: JAXA-RR-04-051