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808 results

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201. Summary of status regulation and care based on clinical status medicine (基于临床状态医学的状态调护综述)

202. Postoperative nursing of a patient with lumbar disc herniation (1例腰椎间盘突出症患者的术后护理体会)

203. Inheritance of Traditional Chinese Medicine nursing veteran experts’ idea of humanistic care and enhancing the effect of nursing intervention on acute mastitis (传承中医护理老专家人文关怀理念 提升急性乳腺炎护理效果)

204. Auricular acupoint pressing therapy and nursing measures for a patient with acute pancreatitis combined with gastrointestinal dysfunction (中医耳穴贴压治疗急性胰腺炎合并胃肠功能障碍1例的护理)

205. On thinking of Traditional Chinese Medicine nursing in Huangdi Neijing (从《黄帝内经》中论现代中医特色护理)

206. Research progress of death education for cancer patients (癌症患者死亡教育的研究进展)

207. Progress of experiential teaching on cultivation of Humanistic care ability of nursing students (体验式教学在护生人文关怀能力培养中的应用进展)

208. Establishment and implementation of the nursing order system based on the Gui Meifen's nursing records model of syndrome differentiation (桂梅芬辨证施护病历模式下医院信息管理护嘱系统的构建与实施)

209. Nursing of a patient with vagus reflex induced by ramp-incremental cardiopulmonary exercise test (1例斜坡递增式心肺运动试验诱发迷走神经反射患者的护理)

210. Appropriate technology of Traditional Chinese and western medicine based on the concept of enhanced recovery after surgery in total knee arthroplasty (基于加速康复外科理念的中西医结合护理在全膝关节置换术中的应用)

211. Traditional Chinese Medicine holographic scraping combined with moxibustion in the treatment of targeted therapy and immunotherapy-associated diarrhea in a patient with renal cell carcinoma (中医全息刮痧联合艾灸治疗1例肾恶性肿瘤患者靶向治疗和免疫治疗相关腹泻的护理体会)

212. Nursing of a patient with severe gastroparesis syndrome after gastric cancer surgery treated with scraping-moxibustion therapy (刮灸疗法治疗1例胃癌术后重度胃瘫综合征患者的护理)

213. Research progress on benefit finding of patients with lung cancer (肺癌患者疾病获益感的研究进展)

214. Application of hand scraping therapy combined with Baduanjin exercise to relieve peripheral neurotoxicity and anxiety induced by oxaliplatin-based chemotherapy: A case report (手部刮痧疗法联合八段锦改善奥沙利铂化疗所致外周神经毒性合并焦虑情绪1例的护理体会)

215. Progress of research on core outcome sets in cancer clinical trials (肿瘤领域核心结局指标集研究进展)

216. Traditional Chinese Medicine holographic scraping combined with moxibustion and nursing management for a patient with gastric cancer (中医全息刮痧联合艾灸在1例胃癌患者中的应用及护理)

217. Progress of research on Traditional Chinese Medicine five-element music therapy in clinical nursing of patients with cancer (中医五行音乐疗法在肿瘤患者临床护理中的研究进展)

218. Nursing of a lung cancer patient with insomnia treated with five-element energy cupping therapy (1例肺癌伴失眠患者行五行能量罐疗法的护理体会)

219. Progress of research on the application of central venous catheterization (中心静脉置管技术应用研究进展)

220. Research status and thinking on the application of moxibustion therapy in cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy (艾灸疗法在肿瘤化疗患者中的应用研究现状与思考)

221. Progress of research on management of skin graft-versus-host disease following allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (异基因造血干细胞移植皮肤急性移植物抗宿主病管理的研究进展)

222. Application progress of medical robots in care of patients with Parkinson's disease (医疗机器人在帕金森患者照护中的应用进展)

223. Application of meticulous nursing in fluid management of a patient with chronic heart failure (1例慢性心力衰竭患者容量管理的精细化护理体会)

224. Moxibustion combined with Traditional Chinese Medicine ointment treatment and nursing management of a patient with low back pain caused by lumbar disc herniation (艾灸联合中药膏摩治疗1例腰痹病疼痛患者的护理体会)

225. Research progress of narrative therapy in psychological intervention for cancer patients (叙事疗法在癌症患者心理干预中应用的研究进展)

226. Nursing of cervical spondylotic radiculopathy of Qi stagnation and blood stasis type treated with Traditional Chinese Medicine ointment (中药膏摩治疗气滞血瘀型项痹病1例的护理体会)

227. Progress of research on prevention and treatment of radiation-induced rectal injury in patients with pelvic malignancy (盆腔恶性肿瘤放疗所致放射性直肠损伤的防治研究进展)

228. Research progress of moxibustion for postoperative urinary retention in patients with hip fracture (艾灸在髋部骨折术后尿潴留中的研究进展)

229. Application of Traditional Chinese Medicine ointment rubbing technique in a patient undergoing hip replacement for necrosis of the femoral head (中药膏摩技术在1例股骨头坏死行髋关节置换术患者中的应用)

230. Investigation on the current situation of research and development capacity of ICU specialist nurses in Guangxi, China (广西壮族自治区ICU专科护士科研和发展能力现状调查)

231. Rehabilitation nursing management of a patient with severe traumatic brain injury complicated with multiple rupture of thoracic-abdominal organs based on the concept of enhanced recovery after surgery (1例基于加速康复外科理念的特重型颅脑创伤合并胸腹腔多脏器破裂患者的康复护理体会)

232. Nursing of a patient with post-stroke constipation treated by acupoint massage along meridians (循经穴位按摩治疗脑卒中后便秘1例的护理体会)

233. Cluster nursing management for a patient with lumbar disc herniation induced low back pain combined with hyperglycemia (1例腰椎间盘突出症腰痛合并血糖升高患者的集束化护理管理)

234. Five-element music therapy combined with acupoint massage and nursing management for a patient with postherpetic neuralgia (五行音乐联合穴位按摩治疗带状疱疹后遗神经痛1例的护理体会)

235. Current status of management of stress hyperglycemia in stroke patients with enteral nutrition (脑卒中肠内营养应激性高血糖的管理现状)

236. Research progress of integrated traditional Chinese and western medicine nursing in non-operative treatment of intestinal obstruction and abdominal pain (非手术治疗肠梗阻腹痛的中西医结合护理进展)

237. Nursing of a patient with postoperative pain of appendicitis treated with thumbtack needling combined with auricular acupoint pressing therapy (揿针联合耳穴压丸治疗1例急性阑尾炎患者术后疼痛的护理体会)

238. Cupping therapy and nursing management for a patient with lumbosacral pain caused by sequelae of pelvic inflammatory disease (拔罐疗法治疗1例盆腔炎性疾病后遗症腰骶疼痛的护理体会)

239. Nursing of a critically ill patient undergoing transcatheter aortic valve replacement combined with coronary stent implantation (1例危重症患者一站式经导管主动脉瓣置换术联合冠状动脉支架植入术的护理)

240. Application of cluster nursing management in enteral nutrition of critically ill patients (集束化护理管理在危重症患者肠内营养中的应用)

241. Integrated traditional Chinese and western medicine nursing based on integration of medical care for pain management in a patient with diabetic foot disease complicated with erysipelas (医护一体化模式下1例糖尿病足合并丹毒患者的中西医结合疼痛护理体会)

242. Auricular acupoint pressing therapy and nursing management for insomnia in a patient with central retinal artery occlusion (耳穴压丸治疗1例视网膜中央动脉阻塞患者失眠的护理体会)

243. Nursing of a patient with primary dysmenorrhea treated by auricular acupressure combined with auricular pressure (耳穴按摩联合耳穴贴压治疗原发性痛经1例的护理体会)

244. Intradermal needling combined with digital acupoint pressure therapy and nursing measures for a patient with limb pain caused by arteriosclerosis obliterans (皮内针联合手指点穴治疗1例闭塞性动脉硬化症患者肢体疼痛的护理体会)

245. Nursing of an elderly patient with esophageal food impaction during the recovery stage after cerebral infarction (1例老年脑梗死康复患者食物嵌塞的护理体会)

246. Writing essentials and checklist of integrated traditional Chinese and western medicine nursing ward round case report (中西医结合护理查房案写作要点和核对清单)

247. Integrated traditional Chinese and Western medicine nursing for a patient with acute myocardial infarction with chest pain as the chief complaint (1例急性心肌梗死胸痛患者的中西医结合护理体会)

248. Nutrition support and nursing management for a patient with pressure injury (1例压力性损伤患者的营养干预及护理体会)

249. Application of Traditional Chinese Medicine nursing technology in pain control after hemorrhoid surgery (痔术后中医疼痛护理的应用现状)

250. Postoperative nursing of a patient with cervical spondylotic myelopathy (1例脊髓型颈椎病患者的术后护理体会)