
Showing total 45 results
45 results

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1. Environmental enrichment, training, and habitat characteristics of common bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) and Indo-Pacific bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops aduncus)

2. Definitions of successful aging among middle-aged Latinas residing in a rural agricultural community.

3. Wellbeing and coping of UK nurses, midwives and allied health professionals during COVID-19-a cross-sectional study

4. Combining epidemiology and economics to assess control of a viral endemic animal disease: Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Syndrome (PRRS)

5. Using Fitbit data to examine factors that affect daily activity levels of college students

6. Comparing immigration status and health patterns between Latinos and Asians: Evidence from the Survey of Income and Program Participation

7. Social distancing in America: Understanding long-term adherence to COVID-19 mitigation recommendations.

8. Automatically detecting bregma and lambda points in rodent skull anatomy images.

9. PuzzleWalk: A theory-driven iterative design inquiry of a mobile game for promoting physical activity in adults with autism spectrum disorder

10. Characterizing patient-reported outcomes in veterans with cirrhosis.

11. Characterizing patient-reported outcomes in veterans with cirrhosis

12. Political prioritization and the competing definitions of adolescent pregnancy in Kenya: An application of the Public Arenas Model

13. Political prioritization and the competing definitions of adolescent pregnancy in Kenya: An application of the Public Arenas Model.

14. Assessing the health risks of consuming ‘sachet’ alcohol in Acoli, Uganda

15. Characterization of the placental transcriptome through mid to late gestation in the mare.

16. Characterization of the placental transcriptome through mid to late gestation in the mare

17. Random forest prediction of Alzheimer’s disease using pairwise selection from time series data

18. The impact of an insecticide treated bednet campaign on all-cause child mortality: A geospatial impact evaluation from the Democratic Republic of Congo

19. The impact of an insecticide treated bednet campaign on all-cause child mortality: A geospatial impact evaluation from the Democratic Republic of Congo.

20. Random forest prediction of Alzheimer's disease using pairwise selection from time series data.

21. Development and implementation of a pediatric adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) and other determinants of health questionnaire in the pediatric medical home: A pilot study

22. Development and implementation of a pediatric adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) and other determinants of health questionnaire in the pediatric medical home: A pilot study.

23. Learning from data to predict future symptoms of oncology patients.

24. Factors associated with program effectiveness in the implementation of a sexual risk reduction intervention for female sex workers across Mexico: Results from a randomized trial

25. Factors associated with program effectiveness in the implementation of a sexual risk reduction intervention for female sex workers across Mexico: Results from a randomized trial.

26. Development and implementation of a pediatric adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) and other determinants of health questionnaire in the pediatric medical home: A pilot study

27. Learning from data to predict future symptoms of oncology patients.

28. Effects of fish movement assumptions on the design of a marine protected area to protect an overfished stock

29. Community recommendations on biobank governance: Results from a deliberative community engagement in California

30. Community recommendations on biobank governance: Results from a deliberative community engagement in California.

31. Effects of fish movement assumptions on the design of a marine protected area to protect an overfished stock.

32. Correlates of HIV Testing among Female Sex Workers in Iran: Findings of a National Bio-Behavioural Surveillance Survey

33. Design and Testing of Novel Lethal Ovitrap to Reduce Populations of Aedes Mosquitoes: Community-Based Participatory Research between Industry, Academia and Communities in Peru and Thailand

34. Status and Power Do Not Modulate Automatic Imitation of Intransitive Hand Movements.

35. Synergistic Combination of Electrolysis and Electroporation for Tissue Ablation.

36. Higher Dimensional Meta-State Analysis Reveals Reduced Resting fMRI Connectivity Dynamism in Schizophrenia Patients

37. Synergistic Combination of Electrolysis and Electroporation for Tissue Ablation

38. Status and Power Do Not Modulate Automatic Imitation of Intransitive Hand Movements

39. Higher Dimensional Meta-State Analysis Reveals Reduced Resting fMRI Connectivity Dynamism in Schizophrenia Patients.

40. Association between Stress Response Genes and Features of Diurnal Cortisol Curves in the Multi-Ethnic Study of Atherosclerosis: A New Multi-Phenotype Approach for Gene-Based Association Tests.

41. 'This Is Real Misery': Experiences of Women Denied Legal Abortion in Tunisia.

42. Neighbourhood Characteristics and Long-Term Air Pollution Levels Modify the Association between the Short-Term Nitrogen Dioxide Concentrations and All-Cause Mortality in Paris

43. ‘This Is Real Misery’: Experiences of Women Denied Legal Abortion in Tunisia

44. Association between Stress Response Genes and Features of Diurnal Cortisol Curves in the Multi-Ethnic Study of Atherosclerosis: A New Multi-Phenotype Approach for Gene-Based Association Tests

45. Neighbourhood Characteristics and Long-Term Air Pollution Levels Modify the Association between the Short-Term Nitrogen Dioxide Concentrations and All-Cause Mortality in Paris.