26,033 results on '"grout"'
Search Results
2. Ethan Grout
- Author
Howard, Matt and Howard, Matt
- Subjects
- Life change events--Fiction, Men--Fiction
- Abstract
A bittersweet novel, Ethan Grout portrays the life of a young man who collects a life as he goes, creating his own kind of community when being alone just won't do any more. Ethan Grout realises it's his twenty-seventh birthday when he receives a card from the fitness centre he recently quit. He's also just quit the no-hoper job he's held for ten years, a week before his father Markus's funeral. Markus's last words of advice had been:'Ethan live it, buddy - live your life.'How difficult can that be? His dad had worked in film and travelled the world, which meant that, as a child, Ethan roamed an empty house in the suburbs, pretending a family surrounded him. Now, Ethan's home is a tiny room above a busy city bar. It feels good to come home to a place with so much life in it; the buzz and lights of downstairs and the street sooth Ethan to sleep far better than silence ever could. With a new life awaiting him, but with no specific plan, Ethan takes a new job and then another, and even another, on the lookout for anything that might stick. Along the way he creates his own gang of misfits: from Joy, who became his step-mother just a month before his father died; to her super-model son Travis, an innocent in a vacuous business; to the mercurial Alejandra who makes Ethan's first and then his last new job almost bearable. A bittersweet novel, Ethan Grout portrays the life of a young man who collects a life as he goes, creating his own kind of community when being alone just won't do any more.
- Published
- 2010
3. Mix-Design and Application of Hydraulic Grouts for Masonry Strengthening
- Author
Androniki Miltiadou-Fezans, Theodosios P. Tassios, Androniki Miltiadou-Fezans, and Theodosios P. Tassios
- Subjects
- Grout (Mortar)
- Abstract
This book provides guidance for the rational design and application of hydraulic grouts, based on a series of specific data (type of masonry, voids'width, targeted strength and durability level, available materials, etc.). To this end, the basic characteristics of a grout, i.e. its injectability (penetrability, fluidity and stability), its strength and durability, are taken into account by means of rational models and quantified expressions of all grout-design parameters. Thus, a holistic, rational mix design methodology for optimization of grout composition is given, permitting the preliminary design of grouts, without having to resort to multiple tests in advance. Moreover, detailed practical guidelines for grouting application and quality control, based on real case studies, are also included. The book attempts to rationalize the entire procedure of this poly-parametric decision-making, keeping however in mind the need for practical engineering solutions.
- Published
- 2022
4. Playing Cleopatra : Inventing the Female Celebrity in Third Republic France
- Author
Holly Grout and Holly Grout
- Subjects
- Women--France--Social conditions--19th century, Women--France--Social conditions--20th century, Women in the theater--France--History, Actresses--France--Paris
- Abstract
Questions about the meaning of womanhood and femininity loomed large in late nineteenth- and early twentieth-century French culture. In Playing Cleopatra, Holly Grout uses the theater—specifically, Parisian stage performances of the Egyptian queen Cleopatra by Sarah Bernhardt, Colette, and Josephine Baker—to explore these cultural and political debates. How and why did portrayals of Cleopatra influence French attitudes regarding race, sexuality, and gender? To what extent did Bernhardt, Colette, and Baker manipulate the image of Cleopatra to challenge social norms and to generate new models of womanhood? Why was Cleopatra—an ancient, mythologized queen—the chosen vehicle for these spectacular expressions of modern womanhood? In the context of late nineteenth-century Egyptomania, Cleopatra's eroticized image—as well as her controversial legacy of female empowerment—resonated in new ways with a French public engaged in reassessing feminine sexuality, racialized beauty, and national identity. By playing Cleopatra, Bernhardt, Colette, and Baker did more than personify a character; they embodied the myriad ways in which celebrity was racialized, gendered, and commoditized, and they generated a model of female stardom that set the stage for twentieth-century celebrity long before the Hollywood machine's mass manufacture of “stars.” At the same time, these women engaged with broader debates regarding the meaning of womanhood, celebrity, and Frenchness in the tumultuous decades before World War II.Drawing on plays, periodicals, autobiographies, personal letters, memoirs, novels, works of art, and legislation, Playing Cleopatra contributes to a growing body of literature that examines how individuals subverted the prevailing gender norms that governed relations between the sexes in liberal democratic regimes. By offering employment, visibility, and notoriety, the theater provided an especially empowering world for women, in which the roles they played both reflected and challenged contemporary cultural currents. Through the various iterations in which Bernhardt, Colette, and Baker played Cleopatra, they not only resurrected an ancient queen but also appropriated her mystique to construct new narratives of womanhood.
- Published
- 2024
5. The Course in Miracles Experiment : A Starter Kit for Rewiring Your Mind (and Therefore the World)
- Author
Pam Grout and Pam Grout
- Subjects
- Course in Miracles
- Abstract
ACIM, the Fun Version! A real-world rewrite of the lessons of A Course in Miracles by the #1 New York Times best-selling author of E-Squared.A Course in Miracles is profound, deeply moving, and as boring to read as a bookshelf assembly manual.Ask for a show of hands at any self-help gathering, and 95 percent will happily admit to owning the dense blue book that's a famous resource for spiritual transformation. Ask the obvious follow-up,'How many have actually read it?'and all but a smattering of hands go down. It's as if everyone wants the miracles, the forgiveness, and the mind shifts, but they just can't bear its ponderous heaviness.Pam Grout to the rescue! Her new book is for all those still struggling with the Course. Grout offers a modern-day rewrite of the 365-lesson workbook-the text at the heart of the Course. Unlike the original, it's user-friendly, accessible and easy for everyone to understand.In daily lessons with titles like'The Home Depot of Spiritual Practices'and'Transcending the Chatty Asshat in My Head,'Grout drills down to the Course's essential message and meaning, grounding it in the context of everyday life in a way that's bound to stick. The lessons here blend eternal truths with pop culture and personal stories that are laugh-out-loud funny and deeply soul-stirring, often at the same time.You won't be tempted to use this Course in Miracles as a doorstop. You'll want to use it, every day, to change your life.
- Published
- 2020
6. E-Squared : Nine Do-It-Yourself Energy Experiments That Prove Your Thoughts Create Your Reality
- Author
Pam Grout and Pam Grout
- Abstract
For the 10th anniversary of the #1 New York Times bestseller, a new release complete with a brand-new Manifesting Scavenger Hunt.E-Squared could best be described as a lab manual with simple experiments to prove once and for all that reality is malleable, that consciousness trumps matter, and that you shape your life with your mind. Rather than take it on faith, you are invited to conduct nine 48-hour experiments to prove there really is a positive, loving, totally hip force in the universe. Yes, you read that right. It says prove.The experiments, each of which can be conducted with absolutely no money and very little time expenditure, demonstrate that spiritual principles are as dependable as gravity, as consistent as Newton's laws of motion. For years, you've been hoping and praying that spiritual principles are true. E-Squared lets you know it for sure.NEW in this edition: A note from Pam Grout on the 10th anniversary of E-Squared, plus a brand-new Manifesting Scavenger Hunt with even more opportunities to prove your manifesting mojo.'I absolutely love this book. Pam has combined a writing style as funny as Ellen DeGeneres with a wisdom as deep and profound as Deepak Chopra's to deliver a powerful message and a set of experiments that will prove to you beyond a doubt that our thoughts really do create our reality.'— Jack Canfield, co-creator of the New York Times best-selling Chicken Soup for the Soul® series
- Published
- 2023
7. E²+ : Neue Beweise zum Selbsttesten
- Author
Pam Grout and Pam Grout
- Abstract
Wunder sind keine Zufälle, das hat Pam Grout in ihrem Buch e² bewiesen. nun gibt es neun weitere Experimente, die uns für die kleinen Wunder des alltags öffnen und uns zeigen, wie man zu mehr Möglichkeiten, mehr erfolg und mehr Lebensfreude gelangt durch die Kunst des Wünschens. Neue beeindruckende Experimente, die beweisen, dass Wunder und Glück näher liegen als gedacht.Pam Grout ist Weltreisende, Abenteuerin und Autorin zahlreicher Bücher und Artikel darüber, was sie auf ihren Reisen erlebt hat. Sie lebt mit ihrer Tochter in Lawrence, Kansas.
- Published
- 2015
8. The Force of Beauty : Transforming French Ideas of Femininity in the Third Republic
- Author
Holly Grout and Holly Grout
- Subjects
- Femininity--France--History, Women--France--Social conditions, Aesthetics--Social aspects--History, Beauty, Personal--France--History
- Abstract
The market for commercial beauty products exploded in Third Republic France, with a proliferation of goods promising to erase female imperfections and perpetuate an aesthetic of femininity that conveyed health and respectability. While the industry's meteoric growth helped to codify conventional standards of womanhood, The Force of Beauty goes beyond the narrative of beauty culture as a tool for sociopolitical subjugation to show how it also targeted women as important consumers in major markets and created new avenues by which they could express their identities and challenge or reinforce gender norms. As cosmetics companies and cultural media, from magazines to novels to cinema, urged women to aspire to commercial standards of female perfection, beauty evolved as a goal to be pursued rather than a biological inheritance. The products and techniques that enabled women to embody society's feminine ideal also taught them how to fashion their bodies into objects of desire and thus offered a subversive tool of self-expression. Holly Grout explores attempts by commercial beauty culture to reconcile a standard of respectability with female sexuality, as well as its efforts to position French women within the global phenomenon of changing views on modern womanhood. Grout draws on a wide range of primary sources-hygiene manuals, professional and legal debates about the right to fabricate and distribute'medicines,'advertisements for beauty products, and contemporary fiction and works of art-to explore how French women navigated changing views on femininity. Her seamless integration of gender studies with business history, aesthetics, and the history of medicine results in a textured and complex study of the relationship between the politics of womanhood and the politics of beauty.
- Published
- 2015
9. Bond Failure Mechanism of Fully Grouted Rock Bolts
- Author
Jianhang Chen, Yongliang Li, Junwen Zhang, Jianhang Chen, Yongliang Li, and Junwen Zhang
- Subjects
- Grout (Mortar), Rock bolts, Structural failures
- Abstract
The purpose of writing this book is to provide the latest research findings in ground control techniques in mining engineering, especially the rock bolting techniques. Since rock bolts are widely used in mining engineering and civil engineering, they are significant in guaranteeing the safety of underground openings. However, instability issues still occur with the rock bolting technique. Therefore, it is valuable to understand the exact load transfer mechanism of rock bolts. This book summarised the recent research work regarding rock bolting conducted by the authors. It is valuable for the readers to fully understand the reinforcing mechanism of fully grouted rock bolts. This book focuses on the bond failure mode of fully grouted rock bolts, which is the most widely encountered failure mode in rock bolting. Different investigation approaches are used in this book, including numerical simulation, analytical modelling and experimental tests. Therefore, this bookconducts a comprehensive study to reveal the bond failure process of fully grouted rock bolts. Moreover, it reveals the corresponding bond failure mechanism. Therefore, it helps the reads to fully understand the bond failure mechanism of rock bolting. Moreover, it helps the readers to develop new approaches and methods to prevent failure of the rock bolting system.This is an open access book.
- Published
- 2023
10. Der Einfluss der Niederländischen Revolution auf die zeitgenössische Malerei : Eine ikonografische Analyse von drei Werken Pieter Bruegels d. Ä.
- Author
Marina Grout and Marina Grout
- Abstract
Studienarbeit aus dem Jahr 2023 im Fachbereich Geschichte Europas - Mittelalter, Frühe Neuzeit, Note: 1,0, Georg-August-Universität Göttingen (Seminar für Mittlere und Neuere Geschichte), Veranstaltung: Revolutionen der Frühen Neuzeit (Aufbaumodul Frühe Neuzeit), Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: Wie verarbeitet Bruegel die politischen Ereignisse seiner Zeit in seinen Werken und welche moralischen Botschaften verbergen sich in seiner Ikonografie? Diese Arbeit stellt die These auf, dass Pieter Bruegel der Ältere auch ein Maler politischer Motive war und sich seine Werke politisch interpretieren lassen. Die niederländische Revolution hatte somit einen erheblichen Einfluss auf seine Malerei. Die bildenden Künste können einem die tiefsten und auch einzigen Einblicke in die Gesellschaft einer bestimmten Zeit bieten. Sie fangen nicht nur die spezifischen Produktionsbedingungen ein, wie z.B. Erwartungen des Auftraggebers, Technik und ikonografische Normen, sondern auch die gegebenen Voraussetzungen und den politischen Kontext, in dem die Werke entstanden. Sie sind ein Spiegel der Gesellschaft und als historische Quelle von enormer Bedeutung. Denkt man an niederländische Kunst, so fallen einem wohl zuerst Rembrandt, Vermeer, Landschaftsbilder und vielleicht das goldene Zeitalter des 17. Jahrhunderts ein, eines der produktivsten Jahrhunderte in der Malerei. Doch dazu wäre es in dieser Form ohne die niederländische Revolution wahrscheinlich nicht gekommen. Die niederländischen Aufstände, die Bilderstürme und der 80-jährige Krieg zwischen 1568 und 1648 trugen zu einem neuen Kunstverständnis bei und bildeten die Voraussetzungen für die Kunstproduktion der nachfolgenden Jahrhunderte. Vor allem die spanische Inquisition, die Verfolgung vermeintlicher Ketzer und die Plünderung und Zerstörung von gemalten Bildern, der sogenannte Ikonoklasmus, in den Jahren 1566 bis 1568 und ab 1581 hatten direkte Auswirkungen auf die Auftraggeber und die individuellen Künstler. Der Maler und Graphiker Pieter Bruegel der Ältere muss diese Auswirkungen selbst gespürt haben. Bekannt geworden ist er hauptsächlich durch seine Landschaftsdarstellungen mit miniaturhaften Dorfbewohnern im Vordergrund, die ihm den Namen „Bauern-Bruegel“ gaben, doch einige seiner Gemälde bieten zusätzlich eine politische Lesart, die vor dem historischen Kontext der Zeit zu interpretieren ist. Aus diesem Grund behandelt folgende Hausarbeit eben diese Auswirkungen der niederländischen Revolution auf die zeitgenössische Malerei am Beispiel von Pieter Bruegel dem Älteren. [...]
- Published
- 2023
11. Art & Soul, Reloaded : A Yearlong Apprenticeship for Summoning the Muses and Reclaiming Your Bold, Audacious, Creative Side
- Author
Pam Grout and Pam Grout
- Abstract
With her trademark humor, enthusiasm, and no-nonsense guidance, #1 New York Times bestselling author of E-Squared Pam Grout invites you on a year-long'apprenticeship'to recognize and unleash your innate creativity. Making art does not necessarily mean painting a gallery-worthy still life or belting out a Grammy-winning song. It simply means finding a way to give your inner muse a voice in this world. Sure, there's drawing, dancing, singing, and writing. But there's also art to be made from creating your own pair of angel wings or inventing a new toy or curating your own at-home film festival. Each week features a project of self-examination, an inspirational message, a real-world example of a celebrity who has addressed similar obstacles, and three zany activities to awaken your infinite creativity. It's time to declare the beat of your own drum.
- Published
- 2017
12. E² : Wie Ihre Gedanken die Welt verändern
- Author
Pam Grout and Pam Grout
- Abstract
Worum geht es? Der Kurs im Wundern war der Anfang. Das Secret erklärt Zusammenhänge. Und Pam Grout nun lässt uns in E² die Gesetzmäßigkeit spiritueller Prinzipien selbst erfahren. Dieses Buch tritt anhand von neun Experimenten den Beweis an, dass Wunder keine Frage des Glaubens sind, sondern von uns selbst erzeugt werden. Auf faszinierend anschauliche und verblüffende Weise wird hier Spiritualität mit Wissenschaft verknüpft. Ein Muss für jeden. Denn hier ist die Chance, die Probe aufs Exempel zu machen. Was Ist Besonders? Neun beeindruckende Experimente, die beweisen, dass Wunder und Glück näher liegen als gedacht.Pam Grout ist Weltreisende, Abenteuerin und Autorin zahlreicher Bücher und Artikel darüber, was sie auf ihren Reisen erlebt hat. Sie lebt mit ihrer Tochter in Lawrence, Kansas.
- Published
- 2013
13. Religion and Law in the United Kingdom
- Author
Mark Hill QC, Russell Sandberg, Norman Doe, Christopher Grout, Mark Hill QC, Russell Sandberg, Norman Doe, and Christopher Grout
- Subjects
- Church and state--Great Britain, Freedom of religion--Great Britain, Religion and law--Great Britain, Religious minorities--Legal status, laws, etc. -, Ecclesiastical law--Great Britain
- Abstract
Derived from the renowned multi-volume International Encyclopaedia of Laws, this convenient resource provides systematic information on how the United Kingdom deals with the role religion plays or can play in society, the legal status of religious communities and institutions, and the legal interaction among religion, culture, education, and media. After a general introduction describing the social and historical background, the book goes on to explain the legal framework in which religion is approached. Coverage proceeds from the principle of religious freedom through the rights and contractual obligations of religious communities; international, transnational, and regional law effects; and the legal parameters affecting the influence of religion in politics and public life. Also covered are legal positions on religion in such specific fields as church financing, labour and employment, and matrimonial and family law. A clear and comprehensive overview of relevant legislation and legal doctrine make the book an invaluable reference source and very useful guide. Succinct and practical, this book will prove to be of great value to practitioners in the myriad instances where a law-related religious interest arises in the United Kingdom. Academics and researchers will appreciate its value as a thorough but concise treatment of the legal aspects of diversity and multiculturalism in which religion plays such an important part.
- Published
- 2021
14. Instrumentation industrielle - 4e éd.
- Author
Michel Grout, Patrick Salaun, Michel Grout, and Patrick Salaun
- Subjects
- Engineering instruments
- Abstract
En instrumentation industrielle, certains matériels subissent plus d'agressions que d'autres et méritent une attention particulière : c'est le cas des indicateurs, des transmetteurs de mesure et des vannes de régulation.Cet ouvrage propose une approche pratique et concrète pour choisir, commander, installer et entretenir les matériels d'instrumentation en les adaptant aux processus et aux environnements climatique et industriel :– fiches de calcul et feuilles de spécification des vannes de régulation,– schémas types d'installation des matériels,– règles à suivre pour le raccordement au procédé, aux sources d'énergie et aux autres éléments du système de contrôle. Cette 4e édition s'enrichit de diverses mises à jour, notamment de compléments sur les débitmètres électromagnétiques
- Published
- 2020
15. Atme Dich schlank : Und bring deinen Stoffwechsel auf Trab!
- Author
Pam Grout and Pam Grout
- Abstract
Richtiges Atmen ist eine hohe Kunst. Uns die bewusst zu machen, ist das Ziel von Pam Grout. Die meisten Menschen nutzen nur einen kleinen Teil ihrer Lungenkapazität aus. Durch tiefe Atmung ermöglichen wir uns Dinge, die wir nicht für möglich hielten. Zum Beispiel unseren Stoffwechsel derart anzukurbeln, dass Diäten für immer überflüssig werden, ganz zu schweigen von der Energie, zu der uns eine tiefe Atmung verhilft.
- Published
- 2015
16. Sieben Weisheiten, die dein Leben verändern : Living Big: Mit Leidenschaft außergewöhnlich leben
- Author
Pam Grout and Pam Grout
- Abstract
Viele Menschen führen ein Leben unter ihren Möglichkeiten und leben mit halber Kraft. Dabei nutzen sie nur zehn Prozent ihres Gehirns und, was viel dramatischer ist, nur einen Bruchteil ihres Herzens. In diesem Buch ermutigt Bestsellerautorin Pam Grout (E2 – Wie ihre Gedanken die Welt verändern) die Leser, das eigene, ungenutzte Potenzial zu leben, mit jeder Faser zu lieben und die verrücktesten Träume wahr werden zu lassen. In sieben Kapiteln erzählt sie von gewöhnlichen Leuten, die außergewöhnliche Dinge tun. Sie stellt große Fragen und zeigt in konkreten Anleitungen und Aufgaben, was jedem von uns möglich ist, um ein großartiges, liebevolles und sinnerfülltes Leben zu führen. Ein lebensnaher, inspirierender Ratgeber für ein tatkräftiges Umsetzen der eigenen Visionen!
- Published
- 2015
17. E-Cubed : Nine More Energy Experiments That Prove Manifesting Magic and Miracles Is Your Full-Time Gig
- Author
Pam Grout and Pam Grout
- Subjects
- Self-actualization (Psychology), New Thought, Spiritual life, SELF-HELP / Personal Growth / Success
- Abstract
E-Squared, the international hit sensation described by one reader as'The Secret on crack,'provided the training wheels, the baby steps, to'really getting it'that thoughts create reality.In E-Cubed (don't worry—there will never be E to the 27th Power), Pam Grout takes you higher and deeper into the quantum field, where you'll prove that blessings and miracles are natural and that joy is only a thought away.With nine new experiments and more tips on how to keep the gates of the world's largesse and abundance wide-open, this book is chock-full of incontrovertible evidence that the universe is just waiting for us to catch up, just waiting for us to begin using the energy that has always been available for our enjoyment and well-being.
- Published
- 2014
18. Living Big : Embrace Your Passion and Leap Into an Extraordinary Life
- Author
Pam Grout and Pam Grout
- Abstract
Live a bold, creative, and spiritually fulfilling life with this guide full of inspirational stories of everyday people who found their passion.In Living Big, author Pam Grout inspires you to live more fully and completely through the principles of boldness, service, kindness, commitment, creativity, happiness, and spirituality. With a chapter devoted to each of these essential ideas, Living Big profiles ordinary people who have done extraordinary things by putting them into action. In these everyday heroes and heroines, we not only recognize our own potential but learn how to create our own big lives. Chapters conclude with three soul-searching questions and a section called'Boot Camp for the Soul,'which includes actual practices readers can undertake to start Living Big now!
- Published
- 2014
19. Encounter A Place Apart : A Companion for the Warrior Mystic Monk
- Author
Paul Grout and Paul Grout
- Subjects
- Monasticism and religious orders
- Abstract
If you think that Jesus might have had something significant to say related to the well-being of the human race, this book is for you. If you think that Jesus'purpose was to get people into heaven after they died, this book is not for you. Actually, maybe it is, but you may not like it. Through individual and group encounters and thought-provoking questions, through poetry, prayers, icons, and meditation exercises, this companion for the warrior mystic monk seeks to guide the reader into an encounter with the life force that holds together and flows through all creation. This guide is intended for those who believe that Jesus began something central to the well-being of humanity and all creation, which has become almost lost within the institution of religion. Many who are embracing this emerging spiritual awakening remain within the church. The church continues to be family. At the same time, one's primary spiritual community is made up of those who are seeking awakening whether they are inside or outside of a religious institution.
- Published
- 2018
20. Grouting Equipment Manual : Selection, Operation, Maintenance, and Repair
- Author
Donald C. Hegebarth and Donald C. Hegebarth
- Subjects
- Sealing (Technology)--Materials, Grouting--Materials--Handbooks, manuals, etc, Construction equipment--Maintenance and repair--Handbooks, manuals, etc, Grout (Mortar)--Handbooks, manuals, etc
- Abstract
Pressure grouting is an essential construction procedure that is practiced by contractors and engineers around the world. Used since the 19th century, grouting reduces the amount of leakage through rock for dam foundations and underground works. It also strengthens soils to provide a stable foundation to support the weight of surface structures, such as buildings, bridges, and storage tanks. In addition, it is frequently used to repair deteriorated concrete and to produce concrete underwater. This manual introduces various types of equipment employed in pressure grouting applications performed in geotechnical works and examines the operating principles and maintenance issues relative to each equipment type. The term pressure grouting encompasses a wide variety of applications and operations, including dam foundation grouting, soil stabilization and permeation, consolidation and compaction grouting (except low-mobility), water cutoff and structural stabilization in rock tunnels, deep foundations via drilled piers, underwater concrete, structural concrete repairs, raising of settled slabs and structures, rock and soil anchors, and machine foundations and bases. The applications for pressure grouting operations are almost limitless, as the equipment can be employed anywhere fluid grout can be used. Primarily intended for machine operators and maintenance mechanics, this manual will also prove useful to specification writers, engineers, contractors, purchasing managers, and others who have a responsibility to specify, acquire, operate, or maintain pressure grouting equipment. Topics covered include mixers, agitators, pumps, delivery systems and accessories, but not electronic monitoring and other ancillary equipment.
- Published
- 2013
21. Dodge Charger
- Author
Frank Grout and Frank Grout
- Abstract
The Dodge Charger is a slick machine that turns heads wherever it goes. Discover its past and what the future may hold for this famous muscle car with a racing heritage.
- Published
- 2016
22. Thank & Grow Rich : A 30-Day Experiment in Shameless Gratitude and Unabashed Joy
- Author
Pam Grout and Pam Grout
- Subjects
- Gratitude, Self-help techniques
- Abstract
There are a lot of gratitude books out there, but none quite like this, which comes with actual gifts: a sign, a totem, an answer, and a present from the natural world!Most of us believe we can think our way out of problems. We believe that if we just exert enough mental effort, we will pull up a solution to whatever ails us.And that has gotten us nowhere.So in this book, we're going to forget thinking... and start thanking. This playful but easy practice has the power to reconnect us with our true nature. When we observe the world from a place of gratitude, when we use our attention to spot beauty and gaze at wonder, we tune in to a frequency of magic. This joy channel is the most powerful on the planet and has the capability to radically change our lives.Brazen gratitude provides a portal—an entry point—straight into the heart of the field of infinite possibilities described in Pam Grout's bestseller E-Squared. It enables you to align with the spaciousness of the cosmic energy field, the spaciousness that makes your life a love-shining prism. Thanking puts you on an energetic frequency—a vibration—that calls in miracles and will make you rich (in spirit), happy, and madly in love (with life).This book also offers a different perspective on abundance, which is not just financial capital. It shows readers how to grow and expand creative capital, social capital, rip-roaring good times capital, and much, much more!
- Published
- 2016
23. Новая книга неограниченных возможностей (Novaja kniga neogranichennyh vozmozhnostej)
- Author
Grout, Pam, Луис, Анита, Grout, Pam, and Луис, Анита
- Subjects
- Self-actualization (Psychology), New Thought, Spiritual life
- Abstract
Автор убедительно доказывает, что мысли определяют нашу жизнь. Попробуйте изменить их! Просто повторите предложенные эксперименты, и вы увидите – это работает. Не рискуя ничем, вы получите абсолютно все! (Avtor ubeditel'no dokazyvaet, chto mysli opredeljajut nashu zhizn'. Poprobujte izmenit'ih! Prosto povtorite predlozhennye jeksperimenty, i vy uvidite – jeto rabotaet. Ne riskuja nichem, vy poluchite absoljutno vse!)
- Published
- 2016
24. Thunder in the Skies : A Canadian Gunner in the Great War
- Author
Derek Grout and Derek Grout
- Subjects
- World War, 1914-1918--Personal narratives, Canadian, World War, 1914-1918--Artillery operations, Canadian, Artillerymen--Canada--Biography, Soldiers--Canada--Biography
- Abstract
An extraordinary, newly discovered account from an ordinary Canadian on the ground in the crucial battles of the First World War.What was it like to be a field gunner in the Great War? Drawing on the unpublished letters and diary of field gunner Lt. Bert Sargent and his fellow soldiers, Thunder in the Skies takes the reader from enlistment in late 1914, through training camp, to the Somme, Vimy Ridge, Passchendaele, the Hundred Days Offensive, and home again with peace.Posted just behind the front lines, Sargent and field gunners like him spent gruelling months supporting the infantry in the trenches. Theirs was a very different war, as dangerous or more at times as the one on the front lines. As an ordinary Canadian writing letters home to ordinary people, Sargent gives a wrenching, insightful account of a tight-knit band of soldiers swept up in some of the most important battles of the war that shaped the twentieth century. Thunder in the Skies details the daily life of artillerymen fighting in the First World War in a way no other book has before.
- Published
- 2015
25. Jumpstart Your Metabolism : How To Lose Weight By Changing The Way You Breathe
- Author
Pam Grout and Pam Grout
- Subjects
- Weight loss, Respiration, Energy metabolism
- Abstract
Jumpstart Your Metabolism reveals the easy but incredibly effective way to shed stubborn pounds—simply breathe. If you've tried every conceivable combination of diet and exercise and still can't shed those extra pounds, then perhaps you haven't discovered the hidden key to weight loss—proper breathing. By increasing the amount of oxygen you take in, you can help your body do a more efficient job of releasing hydrogen, the chief culprit in the storage of excess fat. And you'll be amazed at the benefits of learning to breathe the right way: -Reset your body's metabolism to burn calories more efficiently -Lose weight without complicated food restrictions or rigid exercise schedules -Feel more energized and less stressed Breathing coach Pam Grout will show you how with thirteen'energy cocktails,'simple but powerful breathing exercises that you can incorporate into your daily routine, whether you're at your desk, in your car, standing in line, watching TV—nearly anywhere, anytime. Easy to learn and fun to do, the program in Jumpstart Your Metabolism will help you jumpstart the rest of your life!
- Published
- 2010
26. Kansas Curiosities : Quirky Characters, Roadside Oddities & Other Offbeat Stuff
- Author
Pam Grout and Pam Grout
- Subjects
- Curiosities and wonders--Kansas
- Abstract
Your round-trip ticket to the wildest, wackiest, most outrageous people, places, and thingsthe Sunflower State has to offer! Whether you're a born-and-raised Kansan, a recent transplant, or just passing through, Kansas Curiosities will have you laughing out loud as Pam Grout takes you on a rollicking tour of the strangest sides of the Sunflower State.Visit the Museum of the World's Largest Collection of the World's Smallest Versions of the World's Largest Things—and get your own largest ball starter kit.Meet more chainsaw-wielding, glow-in-the-dark-scrap-metal-zoo-building, grapefruit-peel-sculpting, papier-mâché-mixing, porcelain-pig-painting grassroots artists than you can shake a stick at!Get a load of Big Brutus, a sixteen-story coal shovel that has become a popular tourist attraction; and discover the thrill of an indoor hurricane—it'll blow you away.
- Published
- 2010
27. The 100 Best Vacations to Enrich Your Life
- Author
Pam Grout and Pam Grout
- Subjects
- Tourism--United States--Guidebooks
- Abstract
Imagine studying French in a Maine village, learning about nutrition at a historic North Carolina spa, or helping rebuild the devastated communities of the Gulf Coast. Weave a Navajo rug; make a film in New York; learn to surf in Mexico; or choose any of scores of other possibilities.
- Published
- 2014
28. E-Squared : Nine Do-It-Yourself Energy Experiments That Prove Your Thoughts Create Your Reality
- Author
Pam Grout and Pam Grout
- Subjects
- Self-actualization (Psychology)
- Abstract
E-Squared is the sensational word-of-mouth SMASH that has gone on to become an international phenomenon, published in 26 languages and featured in the New York Times bestseller list! E-Squared could best be described as a lab manual with simple experiments that prove reality is malleable, consciousness trumps matter, and you shape your life with your mind. Yes, you read that right. It says prove. The nine experiments, each of which can be conducted with absolutely no money and very little time expenditure, demonstrate that spiritual principles are as dependable as gravity, as consistent as Newton's laws of motion. Rather than take it on faith, E-Squared invites you to prove the following principles: • There is an invisible energy force or field of infinite possibilities.• You impact the field and draw from it according to your beliefs and expectations.• Your connection to the field provides accurate and unlimited guidance.• The universe is limitless, abundant, and strangely accommodating. E-Squared is the remarkable truth that spiritual seekers have been looking for over the centuries. Discover why everyone is talking about it TODAY!
- Published
- 2013
29. Genetic Preservation of Plant Cells in Vitro
- Author
Brian Grout and Brian Grout
- Subjects
- Germplasm resources, Plant--Storage--In-vitro, Germplasm resources, Plant--Cryopreservation
- Abstract
The long-term storage and maintenance of viable plant cells and organs is an area of active concern across the range of pure and applied plant sciences. In academic, government and commercial laboratories, the extended storage of propagules of one sort or another, with maximum protection of the genome from mutation and altered expression, is often a very necessary activity that can draw heavily on resources and effort. However, preservation per se is typically not an activity in its own right, but a facilitating technology that is part of a larger programme of work. Consequently, there are many laboratories that do not have the benefit of a specialist in storage technology, and have to delegate the responsibility to individuals, or teams, who are faced with a daunting learning curve. To maximise the chances of success, in the shortest possible time and with minimum losses, these researchers need sources of reference that are au thoritative and soundly based in practical experience.
- Published
- 2012
30. What You Need to Know About Leadership
- Author
Jeff Grout, Liz Fisher, Jeff Grout, and Liz Fisher
- Subjects
- Leadership
- Abstract
What You Need to Know About Leadership Business Needs Leaders. Every day, good and bad leaders make and break organizations. If you want to get anywhere in your career, showing leadership is crucial. So what do you really need to know about leadership? Find out: What it's all about Why vision matters How you can build a great team Why leaders need to motivate and inspire the people around them How to lead when the going gets tough What You Need to Know about Leadership is the book you need to get to the corner office. Read More in the What You Need to Know Series and Get up to Speed on the Essentials…Fast.
- Published
- 2011
31. An Alphabet of Good Health in a Sick World
- Author
Martha M. Grout, Mary Budinger, Martha M. Grout, and Mary Budinger
- Abstract
'When two powerhoues of practical knowledge and medical expertise combine forces, you end up with a book such as this. When you know you are ill and do not know what to do or where to turn, simply turn the pages of this book. The answers are there.'-- Doris J. Rapp, M.D., author of IS THIS YOUR CHILD'Congratulations on this outstanding book. It desperately needs to be read and used to practice real healthcare by every M.D..'--Martin Plotkin, M.D., M.D.(H)
- Published
- 2011
32. Ultrafine Cement in Pressure Grouting
- Author
Raymond W. Henn, Nathan C. Soule, Raymond W. Henn, and Nathan C. Soule
- Subjects
- Sealing (Technology)--Materials, Grout (Mortar), Grouting (Soil stabilization)--Materials
- Abstract
Henn and Soule present the technical and practical information required by engineers to plan and implement grouting programs that use ultrafine cement to manage costs while developing sites that may be less than ideal.
- Published
- 2010
33. Colorado Curiosities : Quirky Characters, Roadside Oddities & Other Offbeat Stuff
- Author
Pam Grout and Pam Grout
- Subjects
- Curiosities and wonders--Colorado
- Abstract
Your round-trip ticket to the wildest, wackiest, most outrageous people, places, and things the Centennial State has to offer!
- Published
- 2010
34. The 100 Best Volunteer Vacations to Enrich Your Life
- Author
Pam Grout and Pam Grout
- Subjects
- Vacations, Voluntarism, Leisure
- Abstract
From building houses in Appalachia to saving sea turtles in Costa Rica to teaching English in Thailand, this book is a rich resource of ways to use your skills to help out the world and reap some lasting benefits yourself.
- Published
- 2009
35. Improving Teaching and Learning in Physical Education
- Author
Harvey Grout, Gareth Long, Harvey Grout, and Gareth Long
- Subjects
- Physical education teachers--Great Britain, Physical education and training--Study and teaching--Great Britain
- Abstract
Do you want to know more about the key aspects of teaching PE?Would you like help in planning effective PE lessons?Would you like to begin to develop your own personal teaching philosophy?Then this is the essential guide for you!This book will support you in your initial teacher training programme and beyond, taking you through the wide range of issues that you need to consider in order to become a successful teacher and develop successful learners.Each chapter looks at important aspects of PE teaching and relates it directly to the PE lesson and how pupils learn. It covers key areas, including:PlanningAssessmentLesson organizationManaging pupil behaviourHealth and safetyICTThere is a sample lesson plan at the end of every chapter which shows the reader how to incorporate aspects of the PE National Curriculum into each lesson. Reflection tasks are included throughout to encourage trainee teachers to critically analyze their own practice. This is supported with real life examples of teacher and trainee experiences of teaching PE in secondary schools.The book also provides guidance to the trainee teacher applying for their first post in a school. The authors offer common interview questions to help the reader formulate and justify a personal philosophy of teaching PE which will be vital to their personal and professional development, as well as the interview process itself.This book is essential reading for all trainee and practising secondary school PE teachers.'I highly recommend the text for physical education trainee curriculum/pedagogy programs and also existing practitioner reflection.'Allan Sander, University of North Florida Coordinator of Physical Education, United States'This book is a very useful text for initial teacher trainers and their trainees alike.'Julie Armstrong, PGCE PE Course Leader, Durham University“The format of the book with opportunities for reflection, case studies, clear links to practice, exemplar lesson plans and signposted further readings makes the book suitable for anyone training as a secondary school physical education teacher.”Paul Carney, Programme Director BA/BSc Physical Education and Sport & Exercise Science Canterbury Christ Church University“The authors are to be congratulated on achieving a consistency of style, content and rigour across the chapters with a number of contributors. Their reward is a book that will be extremely helpful for use by trainee teachers in their journey towards qualified teacher status and entry to the teaching profession.”Mick Abrahams, afPE Lead Regional Physical Education Subject Adviser
- Published
- 2009
36. Frontiers in Quantum Systems in Chemistry and Physics
- Author
P.J. Grout, Jean Maruani, Gerardo Delgado-Barrio, Piotr Piecuch, P.J. Grout, Jean Maruani, Gerardo Delgado-Barrio, and Piotr Piecuch
- Subjects
- Quantum theory, Quantum chemistry
- Abstract
In this volume we have collected some of the contributions made to the Twelfth European Workshop on Quantum Systems in Chemistry and Physics (QSCP-XII) in 2007. The workshop was held at Royal Holloway College, the most westerly campusof the University of London,and situated just a stone's throw from Windsor Great Park. The workshop, which ran from 30 August to 5 September, continued the series that was established by Roy McWeeny in April 1996 with a meeting held at San Miniato, near Pisa. The purpose of the QSCP workshops is to bring together, in an informal atmosphere and with the aim of fostering collaboration, those chemists and physicists who share a common?eld of interest in the theory of the quantum many-body problem. Quantum mechanics provides a theoretical foundation for our understandingof the structure,propertiesanddynamicsof atoms, moleculesandthe solid state, in terms of their component particles: electrons and nuclei. The study of ‘Quantum Systems in Chemistry and Physics'therefore underpins many of the emerging?elds in twenty-?rstcenturyscience andtechnology:nanostructure,smart materials, drug design – to name but a few. Members of the workshop were keen to discuss their research and engage in collaboration centred upon the development of fundamental and innovative theory which would lead to the exploration of new concepts. The proceedings of all of the workshops, which have been held annually since 1996, have been published both to disseminate the latest developments within the wider community and to stimulate further collaboration.
- Published
- 2008
37. The 100 Best Worldwide Vacations to Enrich Your Life
- Author
Pam Grout and Pam Grout
- Subjects
- Vacations--Guidebooks, Voluntarism, Travel--Guidebooks
- Abstract
From helping to build a health clinic in Tanzania to learning massage in Thailand to aiding green turtle conservation in Belize,The 100 Best Worldwide Vacations to Enrich Your Life is full of fun, meaningful, and memorable possibilities for today's discerning traveler.
- Published
- 2008
38. Digital Systems Design with FPGAs and CPLDs
- Author
Ian Grout and Ian Grout
- Subjects
- Field programmable gate arrays, Programmable logic devices, Digital electronics, Digital electronics--Design and construction
- Abstract
Digital Systems Design with FPGAs and CPLDs explains how to design and develop digital electronic systems using programmable logic devices (PLDs). Totally practical in nature, the book features numerous (quantify when known) case study designs using a variety of Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) and Complex Programmable Logic Devices (CPLD), for a range of applications from control and instrumentation to semiconductor automatic test equipment.Key features include:• Case studies that provide a walk through of the design process, highlighting the trade-offs involved.• Discussion of real world issues such as choice of device, pin-out, power supply, power supply decoupling, signal integrity- for embedding FPGAs within a PCB based design.With this book engineers will be able to:• Use PLD technology to develop digital and mixed signal electronic systems• Develop PLD based designs using both schematic capture and VHDL synthesis techniques• Interface a PLD to digital and mixed-signal systems• Undertake complete design exercises from design concept through to the build and test of PLD based electronic hardwareThis book will be ideal for electronic and computer engineering students taking a practical or Lab based course on digital systems development using PLDs and for engineers in industry looking for concrete advice on developing a digital system using a FPGA or CPLD as its core. - Case studies that provide a walk through of the design process, highlighting the trade-offs involved. - Discussion of real world issues such as choice of device, pin-out, power supply, power supply decoupling, signal integrity- for embedding FPGAs within a PCB based design.
- Published
- 2008
39. What Do Leaders Really Do? : Getting Under the Skin of What Makes a Great Leader Tick
- Author
Jeff Grout, Liz Fisher, Jeff Grout, and Liz Fisher
- Subjects
- Leadership
- Abstract
An enormous range of literature on leadership and management theory has been produced over the years, some of it highly academic and much of it contradictory. What Do Leaders Really Do? takes the basis of the best-known management theories to see how they fit with the practical reality of leadership. How do leaders spend their time? Are they really preoccupied with strategy, vision and inspiring people? Do they lead by accident, or design? The book challenges the assumption that leaders are born, not made and explores the theory that female leaders are fundamentally different from their male counterparts. What Do Leaders Really Do? Looks into the everyday working lives of well-known leaders in a variety of fields - business, sport and the armed forces - in order to identify the elements that encourage people to follow where they lead. Drawing on the experiences of a wide range of leaders with varying backgrounds and roles, as well as a range of respected academics and management writers, this book will closely analyze the background, experiences and behavior of a diverse set of leaders. A central part of the analysis will be a detailed examination of what these leaders do on a day-to-day basis. It is not a book about management theory but an accessible, no-nonsense guide to those theories and how they translate to real life. Many people lead effectively without knowing how they do it; this book will isolate and identify the core skills and behavior displayed by effective leaders. What Do Leaders Really Do? is intended to be a refreshing alternative to the hundreds of academically-oriented leadership books that are available. The tone will be straight-forward, accessible and sometimes humorous, rich with first-person evidence and anecdotes. It will dissect popular leadership theory into the easily understandable basics, with reference to the practicalities of real-life leadership situations. After all, what good is theory if it doesn't work in practice?
- Published
- 2007
40. Mind Games : Inspirational Lessons From the World's Biggest Sports Stars
- Author
Jeff Grout, Sarah Perrin, Jeff Grout, and Sarah Perrin
- Subjects
- Sports--Psychological aspects, Athletes--Psychology, Success--Psychological aspects
- Abstract
What makes a winner - in business or in sport? Why do some people consistently break sales targets, cross the line first or hammer the ball in the net with pinpoint accuracy? Natural talent and disciplined training are vital. But with two equally matched professionals, something else makes the difference that provides that extra, champion factor: the mind. Mind Games looks into the mental processes of sporting stars, identifying the attitudes and approaches that enable them to achieve peak performance, every time, and applies them specifically to the world of business. What are the key mental characteristics that make some people come out on top? How do winners channel adrenalin into controlled power while losers choke? What do sportsmen and women mean when they talk about'the inner game', being'in the zone'or being'in the now'? What is it that coaches do to realise the potential they see? What are the lessons that business winners need to learn from sport's superstars? Mind Games has the full involvement of over 30 sporting household names, including Sven-Göran Eriksson, Matthew Pinsent, Clive Woodward, Nick Faldo, Jonny Wilkinson. The authors draw on extensive first-hand experiences of acknowledged sporting champions across a range of sports, identifying personal techniques proven to have worked under the pressure of top-level competition. They also draw on the expertise of professional coaches and psychologists who have worked with sportsmen and women.
- Published
- 2004
41. Living Big : Embrace Your Passion and Leap Into an Extraordinary Life
- Author
Pam Grout and Pam Grout
- Subjects
- Conduct of life, Quality of life, Conduct of life--Case studies, Quality of life--Case studies
- Abstract
Living Big profiles people who are living fully and completely. In these everyday heroes and heroines, we not only recognize our own potential but learn how to create our own big lives. Chapters conclude with three soul-searching questions and a section called'Boot Camp for the Soul,'which includes actual practices readers can undertake to start Living Big now!
- Published
- 2001
- Author
Catherine Grout and Catherine Grout
- Abstract
Ce livre présente des rencontres avec un certain nombre d'œuvres contemporaines réalisées par Daniel Buren, Robert Irwin, Fabien Lerat, Akio Susuki entre autres. Ces rencontres ont eu lieu dans l'espace urbain, autrement dit dans un contexte non muséal, non institué comme lieu de l'œuvre. L'axe de réflexion s'articule à partir des textes de Hannah Arendt pour le contexte public et politique de l'apparaître, de ceux de Merleau-Ponty pour celui de la rencontre avec les œuvres et le monde, de ceux de Kôjin Karatani pour une critique de la pensée occidentale, avec ceux d'Erwin Straus et de Marc Richir pour celui du paysage comme horizon de sens.
- Published
- 2000
43. Review of the Continued Analysis of Supplemental Treatment Approaches of Low-Activity Waste at the Hanford Nuclear Reservation : Review #3
- Author
National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine, Division on Earth and Life Studies, Nuclear and Radiation Studies Board, Committee on Supplemental Treatment of Low-Activity Waste at the Hanford Nuclear Reservation, National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine, Division on Earth and Life Studies, Nuclear and Radiation Studies Board, and Committee on Supplemental Treatment of Low-Activity Waste at the Hanford Nuclear Reservation
- Subjects
- GE
- Abstract
The Hanford Nuclear Reservation in the state of Washington produced about two-thirds of the nations plutonium for nuclear weapons from 1944 until the last reactor was shut down in 1987. The U.S. Department of Energy Office of Environmental Management (DOE-EM) manages the ongoing clean-up at Hanford and has built a plant to convert the high-level radioactive waste into a glass form (vitrification) for safe disposal. However, decisions remain about how best to treat and dispose of the low-level waste at Hanford, which comprises over 90% of the volume of waste. To inform its decision, DOE contracted with key Federally Funded Research and Development Centers (FFRDC), led by Savannah River National Laboratory, to carry out an analysis. This final in a trilogy of reports from the National Academies reviews the FFRDC third report released in January 2023. The review finds that the FFRDC team made a strong technical case that converting the supplemental low-level waste from the vitrification process to a grout form (like cement) is the best option in terms of cost-effectiveness and timeliness, and that off-site disposal of that grout is a valid option as it will be away from potable water. The FFRDC provided a useful framework to help decision-makers understand the issues and trade-offs of the disposal options and did an excellent job of isolating specific factual considerations that can be analyzed, often quantified, and compared with each other. The FFRDC chose to provide a purely technical analysis that excluded analysis of two important factors to be considered - securing regulatory permissions and public acceptance - treating them, for now, as uncertainties. Looking ahead, the DOE faces many uncertainties and should emphasize flexibility in its overall approach, allowing for multiple, redundant options and pathways, as well as the ability to change over time.
- Published
- 2023
44. Quantum Systems in Chemistry and Physics, Part II
- Author
Y. G. Smeyers, R. McWeeny, Julia Maruani, S. Wilson, Paul Grout MBE, Y. G. Smeyers, R. McWeeny, Julia Maruani, S. Wilson, and Paul Grout MBE
- Subjects
- Quantum theory, Quantum chemistry
- Abstract
The description of quantum systems is fundamental to an understanding of many problems in chemistry and physics. This volume records a representative slection of the papers delivered at the second European Workshop on Quantum Systems in Chemistry and Physics which was held at Jesus College, Oxford, April 6-9, 1997. The purpose of this international Workshop was to bring together chemists and physicists with a common interest--the quantum mechanical many-body problem--and to encourage collaboration and exchange of ideas on the fundamentals by promoting innovative theory and conceptual development rather than improvements in computatorial techniques and routine applications. - Covers the following topics: - Density matrices and density functional theory - Electron correlation - Relativistic effects - Valence theory - Nuclear motion - Response theory - Condensed matter - Chemical reactions
- Published
- 1999
45. The Grouting Handbook : A Step-by-Step Guide for Foundation Design and Machinery Installation
- Author
Donald M. Harrison and Donald M. Harrison
- Subjects
- Foundations, Grouting (Soil stabilization)
- Abstract
Minimize loss of revenue and the downtime of critical assets by avoiding foundation cracking, poor bonds, and initial alignment changes. After their successful introduction as a maintenance material, machinery grouts are now being used for equipment placement in new construction. While certainly suitable for both markets and applications, a successful installation depends on proper grout selection, application, foundation preparation, and forming methods. Therefore, guidelines on their uses and limitations are needed for engineers and maintenance personnel. Based on 45 years of field experience, The Grouting Handbook collects a vast amount of information into a practical and user-friendly reference for mechanical and civil engineers. The book focuses on four basic elements of grouting: - The soil and its load-carrying capability; - The foundation and its mass, design, concrete mix, installation and curing procedures; - Anchor bolt technology, design and installation; - Epoxy grout comparison, material selection and installation. From the ground up, The Grouting Handbook takes you step by step through the grouting process. Clear, straightforward directions give you details on preparing the foundation and surface and selecting the best material and method. Comprehensive yet concise, this is a convenient handbook for veteran and rookie engineers alike. - Organizes a comprehensive amount of information into an easy-to-use reference - Provides advice for selecting the proper grouting material and method for the task at hand - Contains tips and practical solutions for common problems
- Published
- 2013
46. Rock Grouting : With Emphasis on Dam Sites
- Author
Friedrich-Karl Ewert and Friedrich-Karl Ewert
- Subjects
- Geotechnical engineering
- Abstract
Fifteen years have passed since I was working at a dam site super vising grouting work. That was not the first time that I had to car ry out engineering geological investigations for several similar projects, which always included testing programmes to find out the permeability of the rock, and often I was in charge of grouting work. It thus attracted my attention when this particular grouting programme did not run as intended: most of the grout holes took only very little grout! It could not be the aim of the invested work simply to drill holes and fill them again without bringing about any further improvement. Fortunately, I had the chance to be en gaged in many other grouting programmes in the following years and used all these examples to analyse as thoroughly as possible the permeability of the rocks being treated in view of their grout ability. The more I studied, the stronger my conviction grew that our rules which had decided the grouting of rock for many de cades should be developed further, and therefore I occupied my self with contributing some ideas for a new basis to investigation and judgment of permeability of rock and for a more adequate application of this technology.
- Published
- 2012
47. Ground Anchors : Tension Force—Vibratory Analysis
- Author
Jean-Jacques Henri Rincent and Jean-Jacques Henri Rincent
- Subjects
- Tensegrity (Engineering), Tie-rods, Statics, Mechanics, Mechanics, Applied
- Abstract
This open access book introduces a non-destructive vibration analysis method for calculating the internal tension force of tested tie rods. This method was formalized in 2003 and patented after two years of investigation, with the patent expiring in 2005. The objective of the book is to present this method through numerous concrete examples. It covers the theory and principles of instrumentation, explaining how vibratory responses are analyzed to calculate the free and total lengths of the tie rod, as well as its diameter, which includes the reinforcement and its grout. The data obtained from this method can be utilized to: Verify that tie rods adhere to drawings Resize tie rods A notable strength of this book lies in demonstrating the relationship between dynamic stiffness and the tension force of the tie rod, along with the calibration method using static tensile tests. However, performing static tensile tests at heights poses difficulties due to equipment weight, and there is a genuine risk of failure, especially for older tie rods. The book addresses important aspects such as the uncertainty of results and sampling. The examples provided in the book primarily stem from tests conducted in Brazil, where more than 2,000 tie rods were tested over a two-year period on motorway and railway retaining walls. In practical terms, this amounts to 16,000 non-destructive tests as each tie rod is tested eight times. These aging structures, in existence for several decades, exhibit load losses ranging from 1% to 5.5% per year during these periods. The book acknowledges the observation of cyclic load effects on these reinforcements, which warrant further investigation. In one of the tested walls, a limited number of tie rods were re-tensioned. Retaining wall managers increasingly employ this method for maintenance diagnostics. It allows for a representative sample to be taken, providing insight into the existing conditions.
- Published
- 2024
48. Natural Cleaning : DIY Solutions for the Kitchen, Bedroom, Bathroom, Office, and More
- Author
Pam Farley and Pam Farley
- Subjects
- Natural products, House cleaning, Formulas, recipes, etc
- Abstract
Protect your health, reduce waste, and be a better steward of the Earth by making the switch to natural cleaning products with these 43 easy recipes!A clean house should not come at the expense of your health. Common household cleaners are not kid-friendly or pet-friendly—or lung-friendly, or skin-friendly. Store-bought cleaners that contain bleach and ammonia, drain cleaners, toilet cleaners, and more are the cause of thousands of household emergencies each year. These harsh cleaners and artificial fragrances can irritate your eyes and lungs, and exacerbate allergies and asthma. Not to mention how all these chemicals and packaging materials are affecting the environment. Bottom line, your home—and the planet—are simply safer without them.Most people think natural cleaners either:don't workare difficult / annoying to makeinvolve a lot of exotic, expensive ingredients that are too hard to findall of the above! The truth is, you can clean every room in your house—curtains, carpet, toilet, tile grout, whatever—without ever touching another bottle of Clorox. In this book, you'll learn why these cleaners work, how to stock your home with a few basic ingredients you can grab as needed—and why you shouldn't use some of the DIY cleaning recipes you see online. You'll also learn: How to safely and naturally clean every surface in your home, from stainless steel appliances to moldy showersWhich natural cleaning ingredients should never be mixed (and why)How to customize your cleaners with essential oilsWhy you should use distilled water instead of tap waterThere's even a recipe for cleaning dog toys! Make the switch to non-toxic DIY cleaning solutions now!
- Published
- 2022
49. The Natural Cleaning Handbook : Homemade Hand Sanitizers, Disinfectants, Air Purifiers, and More
- Author
Natalie Wise and Natalie Wise
- Subjects
- House cleaning--Environmental aspects, Cleaning compounds--Environmental aspects, Green products, Home economics
- Abstract
Make sanitizers, soaps, and all your personal hygiene needs to kill germs and keep you virus-free! These days, dangerous viruses can suddenly become rampant, and bacteria can adapt to become antibiotic-resistant, so we must be extra-vigilant about our health. The Natural Cleaning Handbook keeps you clean, naturally, with homemade products that are healthy for you and your family. Start with the basics and work your way into every corner of your home... from tile grout to shower mold, how to clean lampshades to how to clean water bottles. Germ-killing recipes for cleaning nearly every surface in your home from the carpet to stuffed animals include: Hand sanitizing spray, gel, and foamAntibacterial hand and surface wipesAir purifying sprayLiquid hand soapAnd so much more! You'll also learn storage and organization secrets to keep your home clutter-free, how to manage your time and budget, and why some old-fashioned remedies are still the modern organic ways to keep home. Now is the time to get started.
- Published
- 2020
50. Dams and Reservoirs in Evaporites
- Author
Petar Milanović, Nikolay Maksimovich, Olga Meshcheriakova, Petar Milanović, Nikolay Maksimovich, and Olga Meshcheriakova
- Subjects
- Evaporites, Dams, Reservoirs
- Abstract
This book shares essential insights on evaporites and their effects on dams and reservoirs. The intensity of the solution and suffusion process in evaporites (gypsum and salt) is much greater than the solution of carbonates, and evaporites are particularly vulnerable at dam and reservoir sites.Moreover, the presence of evaporites in the vicinity of dams or reservoirs often leads to serious problems: numerous dams in countries around the world (e.g. China, Germany, Iran, Iraq, Peru, Russia, Spain, the Unites States, and Venezuela) have been affected by evaporite dissolution problems. Several of these dams were seriously endangered or ultimately abandoned, even though the best available engineering prevention and remediation practices were applied. Conventional geotechnical methods based on treating the underground (e.g. grout curtains) or surface (e.g. protective blankets) were not successful.This book presents and analyzes revealing case studies in this regard. Toimprove geotechnical remediation in connection with preventing seepage from reservoirs situated in evaporites, particularly in gypsum, it puts forward a new chemical solution that, after painstaking laboratory testing, was successfully applied in the field.
- Published
- 2019
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