68 results on '"Domenico Rizzo"'
Search Results
2. Cittadini of Venice : Shaping Identities Between Networks and Patronage (c. 1530-1690)
- Author
Giulia Zanon and Giulia Zanon
- Subjects
- Social classes--Italy--History, Social mobility--Italy--History
- Abstract
In this volume Giulia Zanon sheds new light on our grasp of social hierarchy and the possibilities for social mobility in pre-modern Italy. By adopting an interdisciplinary approach that combines deep archival research with a multitude of artistic and architectural artefacts, this work breaks new ground by contextualizing the part played by social relationships and the arts in publicly affirming and displaying the prestige of the middling sorts, the cittadini, in early modern Venice.
- Published
- 2024
3. Drafting Italy : Conscription and the Military From 1814 to 1914
- Author
Marco Rovinello and Marco Rovinello
- Subjects
- Draft--History--19th century.--Italy, Draft--History--20th century.--Italy
- Abstract
This is the first comprehensive history of conscription and the military in Italy from the Restoration to the eve of WWI. The comparative and transnational approach enables this work to compare and contrast the Italian experience with that of many other countries in the world as well as understand transfers and the adaptive and imitative processes that emerge when conscription and the military are viewed from an Italian perspective. Peacetime and wartime recruitment, military life, culture, justice and civil-military relationships are analysed using a wide range of sources and an interdisciplinary approach that combines top-down and bottom-up perspectives. This enables the book not only to assess the contribution the military has made to the country in terms of state-building, nation building, modernization, pedagogical and disciplinary models, gender identity and roles, but also to reconsider the standard taxonomies as well as some established evolutionary models of the armies. Moreover, the Italian military is seen as an internally complex world that is incapable of defining its own one-dimensional identity or of imposing any such identity on its members. Consequently, it is an element in the history of a country that is substantially the same as any other such element and thus important in people's collective and individual lives whether or not they are in uniform. Rather than being an object of study in and of itself, the military becomes a vantage point from which to observe the Italian history in the long 19th century. Therefore, this book can be profitably read by professional military historians and non-specialist readers interested in the military, as well as by all scholars working on Italian pre- and post-unification political, institutional, socio-economic, cultural and gender history.
- Published
- 2023
4. Body, Self and Melancholy : The Self-Narratives and Life of the Nobleman Osvaldo Ercole Trapp (1634-1710)
- Author
Siglinde Clementi and Siglinde Clementi
- Subjects
- DB772.T73
- Abstract
This book addresses early modern concepts of the body and the self – focussing on three self-narratives authored by the nobleman Osvaldo Ercole Trapp (1634–1710), a body description from head to foot, autobiographical writings, and a brief chronicle of the House of Trapp-Caldonazzo. Approaching the complex theme of the question of the early modern self and the historical body, this book intertwines consistent contextualisation and historicisation of self-interpretation and biography. This is done in three steps: first, the content and function of these self-narratives are analysed with reference to current research on early modern self-narratives. In a second step, the life and family history of Osvaldo Ercole Trapp are examined from a microhistorical perspective and placed within the context of the early modern history of Tyrol's nobility. A third step then goes into detail on individual contexts and discourses that refine one's comprehension of these self-narratives: noble masculinity; family, house and line; theories of procreation and education; body experience and body images. It combines textual analysis, historical anthropology with a strong gender-historical perspective, microhistory and the history of the body as a history of experience and discourse. With this approach, the study makes an innovative contribution to early modern studies on self-narratives, social history of early modern nobility and the history of the body as the history of experience and discourse.This volume will be of interest to students and scholars alike interested in intellectual, social and cultural history.
- Published
- 2023
5. Administrating Kinship: Marriage Impediments and Dispensation Policies in the 18th and 19th Centuries
- Author
Margareth Lanzinger and Margareth Lanzinger
- Subjects
- Consanguinity (Law)--History--19th century. --, Consanguinity (Canon law)--History--19th centu, Cross-cousin marriage--History--19th century
- Abstract
From the late eighteenth century, more and more men and women wished to marry their cousins or in-laws. This aim was primarily linked to changes in marriage concepts, which were increasingly based on familiarity. Wealthy as well as economically precarious households counted on related marriage partners. Such unions, however, faced centuries-old marriage impediments. Bridal couples had to apply for a papal dispensation. This meant a hurdled, lengthy and also expensive procedure. This book shows that applicants in four dioceses – Brixen, Chur, Salzburg and Trent – took very different paths through the thicket of bureaucracy to achieve their goal. How did they argue their marriage projects? How did they succeed and why did so many fail? Tenacity often proved decisive in the end.
- Published
- 2023
6. L'ideologia gender è pericolosa
- Author
Laura Schettini and Laura Schettini
- Subjects
- Gender identity--History, Gender identity--Social aspects, Sex role--History
- Abstract
L''ideologia gender'minaccia la nostra società! Confonde l'identità e le menti dei nostri figli, mette a repentaglio l'ordine naturale delle cose, quello che distingue in maschi e femmine! Ma davvero esiste un progetto globale per renderci tutti'fluidi'? Dove nasce l'ossessione per le questioni di genere e gli orientamenti sessuali non conformi? E quali sono le fratture politiche che si nascondono dietro a questi temi? Già a metà degli anni Novanta, destra populista e cattolicesimo tradizionalista hanno cominciato a lanciare allarmi contro i pericoli a cui una fantomatica'teoria del gender'esporrebbe la società (o anche la nazione, la famiglia, la civiltà, la gioventù, l'infanzia e chi più ne ha più ne metta). Oggi, il nemico è l''ideologia gender', un'etichetta che serve a evocare l'attacco, unitario e programmatico, che una molteplicità di soggetti (le femministe e le persone Lgbtq+ prima di tutti) starebbero sferrando all'ordine naturale alla base della nostra società. Da chi si aggirerebbe per le scuole a confondere l'identità sessuale di ignari bambini agli uomini che mettono la gonna, fino ai fanatici delle lettere e simboli finali (schwa, u, •). Ma sono davvero questi gli oggetti del contendere? Perché ci si accalora tanto su questi temi? Quali sono le istanze portate avanti dagli antigender e, sul fronte opposto, da chi sfida l'ordine'naturale'? Se gender è una parola moderna, questa sfida è iniziata molto tempo fa. Una lunga storia a cui conviene prestare attenzione, oltre le comode semplificazioni.
- Published
- 2023
7. Curating Fascism : Exhibitions and Memory From the Fall of Mussolini to Today
- Author
Sharon Hecker, Raffaele Bedarida, Sharon Hecker, and Raffaele Bedarida
- Subjects
- Fascism and art--Exhibitions, Fascism in art--Exhibitions, Art, Italian--20th century--Exhibitions, Art, Italian--21st century--Exhibitions
- Abstract
On the centenary of the fascist party's ascent to power in Italy, Curating Fascism examines the ways in which exhibitions organized from the fall of Benito Mussolini's regime to the present day have shaped collective memory, historical narratives, and political discourse around the Italian ventennio. It charts how shows on fascism have evolved since the postwar period in Italy, explores representations of Italian fascism in exhibitions across the world, and highlights blindspots in art and cultural history, as well as in exhibition practices. Featuring contributions from an international group of art, architectural, design, and cultural historians, as well as journalists and curators, this book treats fascism as both a historical moment and as a major paradigm through which critics, curators, and the public at large have defined the present moment since World War II. It interweaves historical perspectives, critical theory, and direct accounts of exhibitions from the people who conceived them or responded to them most significantly in order to examine the main curatorial strategies, cultural relevance, and political responsibility of art exhibitions focusing on the Fascist period. Through close analysis, the chapter authors unpack the multifaceted specificity of art shows, including architecture and exhibition design; curatorial choices and institutional history; cultural diplomacy and political history; theories of viewership; and constructed collective memory, to evaluate current curatorial practice.In offering fresh new perspectives on the historiography, collective memory, and understanding of fascist art and culture from a contemporary standpoint, Curating Fascism sheds light on the complex exhibition history of Italian fascism not just within Italy but in such countries as the USA, the UK, Germany, and Brazil. It also presents an innovative approach to the growing field of exhibition theory by bringing contributions from curators and exhibition historians, who critically reflect upon curatorial strategies with respect to the delicate subject of fascism and fascist art, into dialogue with scholars of Italian studies and art historians. In doing so, the book addresses the physical and cultural legacy of fascism in the context of the current historical moment.
- Published
- 2022
8. In Fashion: Culture, Commerce, Craft, and Identity
- Author
Jacque Lynn Foltyn, Laura Petican, Jacque Lynn Foltyn, and Laura Petican
- Subjects
- Fashion merchandising, Fashion--Social aspects, Advertising--Fashion, Clothing trade, Fashion design
- Abstract
For the contributors to In Fashion: Culture, Commerce, Craft, and Identity being “in fashion” is about self-presentation; defining how fashion is presented in the visual, written, and performing arts; and about design, craft, manufacturing, packaging, marketing and archives. The book's international cast of authors engage “in” fashion from various disciplinary, professional, and creative perspectives; i.e., anthropology, archaeology, art history, cultural studies, design, environmental studies, fashion studies, history, international relations, literature, marketing, philosophy, sociology, technology, and theatre. In Fashion has five sections: • Fashioning Representations: Texts, Images, and Performances; • Fashionable: Shopping, Luxury, and Vintage; • Fashion's Materials: Craft, Industry, and Innovation; • Museum Worthy: Fashion and the Archive; • Fashioning Cultural Identities: Case Studies.
- Published
- 2022
9. The Jews in Genoa, Volume 2: 1682-1799 : Documentary History of the Jews in Italy
- Author
Rosanna Urbani, Guido Zazzu, Rosanna Urbani, and Guido Zazzu
- Abstract
These volumes of the'Documentary History of the Jews in Italy', illustrate the history of the Jews in Genoa and surroundings from Antiquity to the French Revolution. The earliest documentary evidence takes the form of letters from King Theodoric. For the Middle Ages the documentation is relatively fragmentary and sporadic. Later there is greater abundance of historical evidence, which portrays chiefly the destinies of the Jews in the Republic from the sixteenth century on, when the presence of the Jews became permanent and a regular community was established also in the capital.The historical records presented illustrate mainly the relationship between the government of the Genoese Republic and the Jews, the latter's economic activities and their communal and social life. Some of the detailed descriptions of the Jewish population in Genoa, their living conditions and occupations, allow for a close examination of the social conditions of this Northern Italian community. For a while Genoa became a haven of refuge for some of the exiles from Spain, including the historian Joseph Hacohen and members of the Abarbanel family. The volumes are provided with an extensive introduction, bibliography, glossary and indexes.
- Published
- 2022
10. La Legge Rognoni-La Torre tra storia e attualità
- Author
AA.VV, Enzo Ciconte, AA.VV, and Enzo Ciconte
- Abstract
Il 13 settembre 1982 entrò in vigore la Legge n. 646, nota come Legge Rognoni – La Torre, che introdusse per la prima volta nel Codice penale italiano il reato di “associazione a delinquere di tipo mafioso” (art. 416 bis) e la conseguente previsione di misure patrimoniali applicabili all'accumulazione illecita di capitali. A spiegare perché ancora oggi è fondamentale preservare il provvedimento approvato quarant'anni fa, è questo libro monografico, che inaugura la collana AP-profondimenti promossa da Avviso pubblico, Enti locali e regioni contro mafie e corruzione, curato da Enzo Ciconte, che apre le riflessioni con una descrizione storica del percorso della legge, il testo contiene anche i contributi di un magistrato, di un dirigente di Polizia e di un Sindaco che, da diversi punti di vista, si sono cimentati con l'applicazione del sistema delle misure di prevenzione e con l'utilizzo per finalità di carattere sociale delle ricchezze sottratte alle mafie. Vi è anche un contributo di Giuliano Turone, magistrato che indagò sulla mafia e sulla P2, riconosciuto come uno dei più autorevoli studiosi del reato associativo di tipo mafioso. Vengono inoltre pubblicati un'intervista inedita a Virginio Rognoni e gli stralci di alcuni documenti storici recentemente desecretati, insieme a dati statistici su beni e aziende confiscate.
- Published
- 2022
11. Emotions and Migration in Argentina at the Turn of the 20th Century
- Author
María Bjerg and María Bjerg
- Subjects
- Immigrants--Argentina--Social life and customs, Emotions--History, Marriage--Europe--Psychological aspects
- Abstract
Revealing the lives of migrant couples and transnational households, this book explores the dark side of the history of migration in Argentina during the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Using court records, censuses, personal correspondence and a series of case studies, María Bjerg offers a portrayal of the emotional dynamics of transnational marital bonds and intimate relationships stretched across continents. Using microhistories and case studies, this book shows how migration affected marital bonds with loneliness, betrayal, fear and frustration. Focusing primarily on the emotional lives of Italian and Spanish migrants, this book explores bigamy, infidelity, adultery, domestic violence and murder within official and unofficial unions. It reveals the complexities of obligation, financial hardship, sacrifice and distance that came with migration, and explores how shame, jealousy, vengeance and disobedience led to the breaking of marital ties. Against a backdrop of changing cultural contexts Bjerg examines the emotional languages and practices used by adulterous women against their offended husbands, to justify domestic violence and as a defence against homicide. Demonstrating how migration was a powerful catalyst of change in emotional lives and in evolving social standards, Emotions and Migration in Early Twentieth-century Argentina reveals intimate and disordered lives at a time when female obedience and male honour were not only paramount, but exacerbated by distance and displacement.
- Published
- 2022
12. The International LGBT Rights Movement : A History
- Author
Laura A. Belmonte and Laura A. Belmonte
- Subjects
- Sexual minorities--Civil rights--History, Gay rights--History, Human rights--History
- Abstract
During the past four decades, the international lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender rights movement has made significant advances, but millions of LGBT people continue to live in fear in nations where homosexuality remains illegal. The International LGBT Rights Movement offers a comprehensive account of this global force, from its origins in the mid-nineteenth century to its crucial place in world affairs today. Belmonte examines the movement's goals, the disputes about its mission, and its rise to international importance. The International LGBT Rights Movement provides a thorough introduction to the movement's history, highlighting key figures, controversies, and organizations. With a global scope that considers both state and non-state actors, the book explores transnational movements to challenge homophobia, while also assessing the successes and failures of these efforts along the way.
- Published
- 2021
13. An Anthropology of Gender Variance and Trans Experience in Naples : Beauty in Transit
- Author
Marzia Mauriello and Marzia Mauriello
- Subjects
- Transsexualism--Social aspects--Italy--Naples, Gender nonconformity--Social aspects--Italy--Naples, Transgender people--Italy--Naples--Social conditions
- Abstract
This book recounts the author's fieldwork among the trans and gender-variant communities in Naples. This is where a gender-variant figure, the femminiello, has found a safe environment within the city's historical poorest neighborhoods, the so-called “quartieri popolari”, which were and continue to be culturally and socially connoted. The femminielli, who can be read as “suspended” figures between the feminine and the masculine, provide the background for a discourse on the meanings that genders and sexualities have assumed in modern Naples. This is done with significant openings to theoretical reasoning that is both extraterritorial and multidisciplinary. Starting from the micro context, the aim of the book is to explore the breadth and complexity of the gender variant and trans experience, with particular reference to the changing meanings of the body, which are also tied to the collective images of beauty in contemporary times.
- Published
- 2021
14. Italiane : Biografia del Novecento
- Author
Perry Willson and Perry Willson
- Abstract
Le contadine e le lavoranti a domicilio che faticano senza sosta, la casalinga meravigliata del suo primo bagno in casa. Le militanti cattoliche, le comuniste, le fasciste e le femministe di varie tendenze. Le donne che trasportano bombe per liberare il proprio paese, quelle disposte a commettere un omicidio per salvare l'onore della figlia, quelle che rischiano la vita ricorrendo all'aborto clandestino e quelle pronte a morire per Mussolini. Le donne all'avanguardia nel campo del lavoro, dell'istruzione e della politica e quelle impegnate in iniziative sociali, su fronti opposti, dalle cattoliche alle socialiste. Le nuore tiranneggiate nelle famiglie mezzadrili e le vedove bianche. Le studentesse, le badanti immigrate e le ministre del governo. È con tutte loro che l'Italia è arrivata al Duemila, dopo aver superato un secolo intenso e difficile, quel Novecento in cui la metà femminile della popolazione è protagonista, al pari degli uomini, di profonde trasformazioni politiche, sociali, economiche, giuridiche e culturali. In questa prima biografia collettiva del Novecento delle italiane, Perry Willson esplora come la realtà femminile sia stata condizionata e abbia a sua volta plasmato eventi storici fondamentali, tra cui l'ascesa del fascismo, le due guerre mondiali, il'miracolo economico'e le agitazioni culturali e politiche degli anni Settanta. Un lungo periodo che ha visto grandi progressi e conquiste per le donne italiane, in un continuo intreccio di modernità e tradizione. Uno studio portentoso, brillante e istruttivo sulle straordinarie trasformazioni intervenute nella vita delle donne in Italia nel XX secolo. Vivace, acuto e di ampio respiro: una lettura davvero piacevole. Christopher Duggan
- Published
- 2020
15. Emotional Arenas : Life, Love, and Death in 1870s Italy
- Author
Mark Seymour and Mark Seymour
- Subjects
- Murder--Italy--Rome--Case studies, Trials (Murder)--Italy--Rome--History--19th century, Emotions--Sociological aspects--History--Case studies, Love-letters--Italy--History--19th century, Marriage--Italy--History--19th century, Marriage law--Italy--History--19th century, Adultery--Italy--History--19th century
- Abstract
Based on the records of a murder trial that transfixed all of Italy in the late 1870s, this study makes use of a dramatic court case to develop a new paradigm for the history of emotions - the'emotional arena'. Set in the decade following Italian unification, the context was one of notable cultural variety. An as-yet unexplored aspect of this was that the experience and expression of emotions were as variable as the regions making up the new nation. Through a close examination of the spaces in which daily lives, loves, and deaths unfolded - from marital homes to places of socializing and entertainment, to a Roman court room - Mark Seymour explores the way social'arenas'are crucial to the historical development of emotional cultural rules. The narrative is driven by the failed marriage of a decorated but allegedly impotent Risorgimento soldier, his wife's scandalous affair with a virile circus artiste (who had a string of previous lovers), and the illicit new couple's murder of the hapless husband. Hundreds of witnesses - from local professionals to servants and even circus clowns - interviewed across the length and breadth of the peninsula, left their personal views on marriage, sexuality, and infidelity. These provide an extraordinary series of peepholes into little-known areas of the new nation's social fabric. A careful yet imaginative reading of the prosecution records, as well as contemporary newspaper coverage, allows reconstruction of the highly emotional experiences of all those touched by this extraordinary story. The result is a classic Italian micro-history with relevance for today's emotionally volatile times.
- Published
- 2020
16. L'ordine è già stato eseguito : Roma, le Fosse Ardeatine, la memoria
- Author
Alessandro Portelli and Alessandro Portelli
- Abstract
Qual è il significato delle Fosse Ardeatine? Quale memoria ha lasciato la strage nazista compiuta a Roma il 24 marzo 1944, come rappresaglia dell'attentato partigiano di via Rasella, in cui il giorno prima erano morti 33 tedeschi? Questo libro, uscito nel 1999 e insignito del Premio Viareggio, è divenuto ormai una pietra miliare della storiografia contemporanea e un punto di riferimento per i tantissimi lettori che continuano ad accostarsi ad esso, spesso in occasione dei ricorrenti quanto accesi dibattiti sulla memoria del fascismo e dell'antifascismo. Protagonista assoluta del libro è la voce diretta dei portatori della memoria: duecento intervistati, di cinque generazioni, e di diversissima estrazione sociale e politica (compresi fascisti ed ex fascisti). L'autore torna a lavorare sul suo saggio bandiera, che ha gettato per la prima volta una luce sulle false notizie circolate in occasione del terribile eccidio delle Fosse Ardeatine. Ad arricchire questa nuova edizione, in occasione dei vent'anni dall'uscita della prima, è un saggio dedicato proprio alla memoria del nazifascismo e al suo rapporto con le più recenti riprese di sussulti fascisti e di letture revisioniste o svalutative della Resistenza. Ancora oggi, in modo singolare, quella tragica strage rappresenta un banco di prova della coscienza delle nuove generazioni. Raccolte da Alessandro Portelli, con uno scrupolo che è pari alla passione civile e alla tensione letteraria, le voci di questo libro danno vita a una ricostruzione di grande respiro corale, che si struttura attorno all'elaborazione e alla codificazione di un linguaggio. Ed è il linguaggio, alla fine, a farsi storia: una storia parlata; parlata a Roma.
- Published
- 2020
17. Italy and the Military : Cultural Perspectives From Unification to Contemporary Italy
- Author
Mattia Roveri and Mattia Roveri
- Subjects
- Sociology, Military--Italy
- Abstract
This book sheds new light on the role of the military in Italian society and culture during war and peacetime by bringing together a whole host of contributors across the interdisciplinary spectrum of Italian Studies. Divided into five thematic units, this volume examines the continuous and multifaceted impact of the military on modern and contemporary Italy. The Italian context offers a particularly fertile ground for studying the cultural impact of the military because the institution was used not only for defensive/offensive purposes, but also to unify the country and to spread ideas of socio-cultural and technological development across its diverse population.
- Published
- 2020
18. Altri femminismi : Corpi#Violenza#Riproduzione#Culture#Lavoro
- Author
AA. VV, T. Bertilotti, C. Galasso, A. Gissi, F. Lagorio, AA. VV, T. Bertilotti, C. Galasso, A. Gissi, and F. Lagorio
- Abstract
Il volume pone al centro i sistemi di pensiero e le pratiche politiche che il femminismo ha assunto con l'irruzione di nuovi soggetti, nell'incontro con altri movimenti e categorie di analisi e di fronte alle emergenze del mondo contemporaneo, aggiornando la ricerca con l'obiettivo di analizzare le problematiche dei femminismi contemporanei che appaiono più urgenti. Violenza e riproduzione, trasformazioni del lavoro e immigrazione, rapporto con il lesbismo e emergere del soggetto trans, confronto con l'industria del sesso e impatto con l'Islam, fino alla riflessione sul multiculturalismo nel mondo post-coloniale. Partendo da questi temi le autrici raccolgono la sfida che la complessità del presente pone alla storia e alla tradizione del pensiero femminile e alle pratiche politiche che lo hanno accompagnato. Questo lavoro non può e non vuole essere l'ultima parola su questi temi, divenuti di recente più ampi e controversi, ma si pone come strumento utile per affrontare la fitta trama del presente, nel momento in cui le pratiche femministe si rinnovano.
- Published
- 2020
19. Italy in the Modern World : Society, Culture and Identity
- Author
Linda Reeder and Linda Reeder
- Abstract
Providing a comprehensive history of Italy from around 1800 to the present, Italy in the Modern World traces the social and cultural transformations that defined the lives of Italians during the 19th and 20th century. The book focuses on how social relations (class, gender and race), science and the arts shaped the political processes of unification, state building, fascism and the postwar world. Split up into four parts covering the making of Italy, the liberal state, war and fascism, and the republic, the text draws on secondary literature and primary sources in order to synthesize current historiographical debates and provide primary documents for classroom use. There are individual chapters on key topics, such as unification, Italians in the world, Italy in the world, science and the arts, fascism, the World Wars, the Cold War, and Italy in the 21st century, as well as a wealth of useful features for students, including:• Comprehensive bibliographic essays covering each of the four parts• 23 images and 12 mapsItaly in the Modern World also firmly places both the nation and its people in a wider global context through a distinctly transnational approach. It is essential reading for all students of modern Italian history.
- Published
- 2019
20. Von der „Unzucht“ zur „Liebe“: Die Behandlung der Homosexualität in der österreichischen Presse von der Legalisierung 1971 bis zur gleichgeschlechtlichen Ehe 2017
- Author
Spindler, Nina and Spindler, Nina
- Subjects
- Homosexuality--Press coverage--Austria--History, Homosexuality--Law and legislation--Austria--History
- Abstract
Die Autorin geht der Frage nach, wie die österreichischen Parteien und die Presse auf die Legalisierung der Homosexualität im Jahre 1971 reagierten und inwiefern die Aufhebung der rechtlichen Diskriminierung auch ein Ende der gesellschaftlichen Diskriminierung bedeutete. In einem zweiten Schritt wird untersucht, wie sich die Berichtserstattung über die Legalisierung der Homosexualität im Jahre 1971 von jener über den Beschluss der gleichgeschlechtlichen Ehe im Jahr 2017 unterscheidet und ob ein verändertes Bild von Homosexualität in der Öffentlichkeit zu erkennen ist. Neben diesen zwei Schwerpunktjahren sollen einige weitere „Meilensteine“ in der Geschichte der Homosexualität, nämlich das Aufkommen von Aids, die Aufhebung der im Jahre 1971 eingeführten Sonderparagraphen, das Aktivwerden erster Schwulen- und Lesbenbewegungen sowie die Eingetragene Partnerschaft und das Adoptionsrecht Anfang des 21. Jahrhunderts aufgearbeitet werden, damit ein umfangreiches Bild zur Geschichte der Homosexualität entsteht.
- Published
- 2019
21. Advertising, Values and Social Change: A Sociological Analysis
- Author
Maria Angela Polesana, Author and Maria Angela Polesana, Author
- Subjects
- Advertising--Social aspects
- Abstract
This book provides a snapshot of the major social, cultural and economic changes that have taken place in the contemporary consumer society following the global financial crisis of 2008. It discusses brands, consumption patterns and advertising, and highlights their symbolic component. Markets are conversations, as the Cluetrain Manifesto pointed out as early as 2000, and this is all the more so today in our increasingly digitalized society. Advertising, therefore, needs to attune products to the most interesting conversations, those that are consistent with the new sensibility of the individual, identifying the languages which reflect most closely the new values and which are most useful for effective storytelling. The analysis here focuses on Italian advertising, but the language categories described are in tune with the new Zeitgeist, which, faced with the challenge of climate change and the crisis of unlimited economic growth, demands a more informed and responsible approach to consumption globally. The book is, therefore, useful for those working in corporate communication, advertising agencies, universities and Italian cultural organizations.
- Published
- 2019
22. Geschichte und Region/Storia e regione 27/2 (2018) : Vermögen und Verwandtschaft/Patrimonio e parentela
- Author
Sieglinde Clementi, Janine Maegraith, Sieglinde Clementi, and Janine Maegraith
- Abstract
Das Verfügen über materielle Güter – Geld, Liegenschaften, persönliche Gegenstände – bestimmt bis heute die Handlungsspielräume von Frauen und Männern. Historisch gesehen ging es bei Vermögensübertragungen nicht nur um die persönliche Absicherung, sondern wesentlich um die Konstituierung und Aufrechterhaltung von Verwandtschaftsräumen. Die Beiträge in diesem Heft befassen sich mit der Frage des Zusammenspiels von gesetztem Recht und Rechtspraxis in Bezug auf das Ehegüterrecht und das Erbrecht in unterschiedlichen Regionen Österreichs, Italiens, Deutschlands und der Schweiz in der Frühen Neuzeit. ••••••••••••••• INHALT EDITORIAL / EDITORIALE VERMÖGEN UND VERWANDTSCHAFT /PATRIMONIO E PARENTELA Birgit Heinzle Gemeinsam oder getrennt? Ehegüterpraxis in den obersteirischen Herrschaften Aflenz und Veitsch, 1494–1550 Siglinde Clementi Heiraten in Grenzräumen. Vermögensarrangements adeliger Ehefrauen und -männer im frühneuzeitlichen Tirol Laura Casella I beni della nobiltà nel Friuli moderno: un quadro d'insieme e alcuni casi di rivendicazioni maschili e femminili Gesa Ingendahl Verträgliche Allianzen. Verwandtschaftsbeziehungen in Heiratsverträgen der Freien Reichsstadt Ravensburg Cinzia Lorandini Patrimoni familiari indivisi e attività d'impresa in età moderna: il caso dei Salvadori di Trento Jon Mathieu Vermögensarrangements und Verwandtschaft im frühneuzeitlichen Graubünden: Grundmuster, Wandel, Einordnung AUFSÄTZE / CONTRIBUTI Andrea Sarri Tra'guerra giusta','guerra santa'e'castigo di Dio'. La diocesi di Bressanone e il vescovo Franz Egger nella Grande Guerra FORUM Klara Meßner Zwischen den Staaten – zwischen den Stühlen. Die Kinder- und Jugendpsychiatrie/-psychotherapie und deren Vorläufer in Südtirol nach 1945 aus der Sicht einer Akteurin Ulrich Beuttler Alfred Quellmalz – auch heute noch eine Reizfigur. Besprechung des Dokumentarfilms von Mike Ramsauer REZENSIONEN / RECENSIONI Markus A. Denzel/Andrea Bonoldi/Anne Montenach/Françoise Vannotti (Hg.), Oeconomia Alpium I: Wirtschaftsgeschichte des Alpenraums in vorindustrieller Zeit. Forschungsaufriss, -konzepte und –perspektiven (Gerhard Fouquet) Davide De Franco, La difesa delle libertà. Autonomie alpine nel Delfinato tra continuità e mutamenti (secoli XVII–XVIII) (Marco Meriggi) Ingrid Bauer/Christa Hämmerle (Hg.), Liebe schreiben. Paarkorrespondenzen im Kontext des 19. und 20. Jahrhunderts (Takemitsu Morikawa) James R. Dow, Angewandte Volkstumsideologie. Heinrich Himmlers Kulturkommissionen in Südtirol und der Gottschee (Stefan Lechner) Stefan Lechner/Andrea Sommerauer/Friedrich Stepanek, Beiträge zur Geschichte der Heil- und Pflegeanstalt Hall in Tirol im Nationalsozialismus und zu ihrer Rezeption nach 1945. Krankenhauspersonal – Umgesiedelte SüdtirolerInnen in der Haller Anstalt – Umgang mit der NS-Euthanasie seit 1945 (Wolfgang Weber) ABSTRACTS AUTOREN UND AUTORINNEN / AUTORI E AUTRICI
- Published
- 2019
23. Italian Prisons in the Age of Positivism, 1861-1914
- Author
Mary Gibson and Mary Gibson
- Subjects
- Imprisonment--Italy--History--20th century, Prisons--Italy--History--20th century, Prisons--Italy--History--19th century, Imprisonment--Italy--History--19th century
- Abstract
During a period dominated by the biological determinism of Cesare Lombroso, Italy constructed a new prison system that sought to reconcile criminology with nation building and new definitions of citizenship. Italian Prisons in the Age of Positivism, 1861-1914 examines this'second wave'of global prison reform between Italian Unification and World War I, providing fascinating insights into the relationship between changing modes of punishment and the development of the modern Italian state. Mary Gibson focuses on the correlation between the birth of the prison and the establishment of a liberal government, showing how rehabilitation through work in humanitarian conditions played a key role in the development of a new secular national identity. She also highlights the importance of age and gender for constructing a nuanced chronology of the birth of the prison, demonstrating that whilst imprisonment emerged first as a punishment for women and children, they were often denied'negative'rights, such as equality in penal law and the right to a secular form of punishment. Employing a wealth of hitherto neglected primary sources, such as yearly prison statistics, this cutting-edge study also provides glimpses into the everyday life of inmates in both the new capital of Rome and the nation as a whole.Italian Prisons in the Age of Positivism, 1861-1914 is a vital study for understanding the birth of the prison in modern Italy and beyond.
- Published
- 2019
24. Pédé, et c’est tout : Pétrole, et les dessous cachés du meurtre de Pasolini
- Author
Carla Benedetti, Giovanni Giovannetti, Carla Benedetti, and Giovanni Giovannetti
- Abstract
Nombreux sont ceux qui ont cru à la mise en scène du pédé qui rôde dans la nuit à ses risques et périls, tué par un jeune homme et par quelques autres voyous fascistes et homophobes. Ils y ont cru par désinformation, par indifférence, par automatisme, par antipathie envers Pasolini, quelques-uns aussi par peur. Ils ont tous dogmatiquement épousé la thèse officielle, fermant les yeux sur ses évidentes contradictions et faisant taire leurs propres scrupules de vérité. Pédé, et c'est tout retrace la généalogie du dernier roman de Pasolini, Pétrole, publié posthume en 1992. L'ouvrage aurait été mis sous presse tronqué d'un ensemble de pages décisives. Cette reconstruction, qui jette enfin une nouvelle lumière sur la mort de Pasolini, porte sur la découverte de nouveaux matériaux inédits que Pasolini conservait parmi les feuillets du manuscrit et qui sont ici publiés pour la première fois.
- Published
- 2018
25. Feuds and State Formation, 1550–1700 : The Backcountry of the Republic of Genoa
- Author
Osvaldo Raggio and Osvaldo Raggio
- Subjects
- Social history, Nation-building--Italy--Genoa, World politics, Economic history
- Abstract
This book re-evaluates the role of local agency and provides a new perspective to the political, social and cultural history of state formation, taking a microhistorical approach and through close analysis of archival sources between 1550 to 1700. The backcountry of the Republic of Genoa is a laboratory for gauging the weight and significance of two elements which, according to Charles Tilly and other scholars, have characterized the construction of the modern state: judicial administration and fiscal extraction. The instruments employed in this respect were arbitration and compensation. Interactions between center and periphery occurred within a stratified and discontinuous fabric of fluid jurisdictions and segmented residential topographies, which constituted spaces of mediation. Such spaces were generated by conflicts between kin groups (feuds and factional alignments) and managed both by Genoese officials and by local notables and notaries, who translated a whole set of local practices into judicial procedures. This book offers a rich contextualization of material life, family relationships, economic activities, and power struggles in a corner of the Mediterranean world that was extremely important, but about which very little has been published in English.
- Published
- 2018
26. Roma - Uma história em sete invasões : Uma história em sete invasões
- Author
Matthew Kneale and Matthew Kneale
- Abstract
Nenhuma cidade da Terra preservou tão bem seu passado quanto Roma. Visitantes podem atravessar pontes antes cruzadas por Cícero e Júlio César, explorar templos ocupados pelos imperadores romanos e entrar em igrejas que praticamente não mudaram desde as primeiras missas celebradas ali por papas, dezesseis séculos atrás. Essa longevidade arquitetônica é ainda mais notável considerando os muitos desastres que afligiram a cidade. Roma sofreu terremotos, inundações, incêndios, pragas e foi, sobretudo, devastada repetidamente por exércitos invasores. Dos gauleses aos alemães nazistas – passando pelos godos, normandos, espanhóis, luteranos e franceses –, Matthew Kneale nos conta as histórias por trás das sete invasões mais importantes e revela, com percepção fascinante, as marcas que cada invasor deixou na cidade e como elas transformaram seus aspectos social, econômico e cultural. Utilizando uma abordagem totalmente inovadora do passado de Roma, Kneale desvenda como ela se tornou a cidade que é hoje. Com uma pesquisa meticulosa e um conhecimento em primeira mão do local, Roma: Uma história em sete invasões é uma celebração da coragem feroz e da vitalidade do povo romano. Acima de tudo, é uma carta de amor apaixonada para essa cidade incomparável.
- Published
- 2018
27. Rome : A History in Seven Sackings
- Author
Matthew Kneale and Matthew Kneale
- Abstract
“This magnificent love letter to Rome” (Stephen Greenblatt) tells the story of the Eternal City through pivotal moments that defined its history—from the early Roman Republic through the Renaissance and the Reformation to the German occupation in World War Two—“an erudite history that reads like a page-turner” (Maria Semple). Rome, the Eternal City. It is a hugely popular tourist destination with a rich history, famed for such sites as the Colosseum, the Forum, the Pantheon, St. Peter's, and the Vatican. In no other city is history as present as it is in Rome. Today visitors can stand on bridges that Julius Caesar and Cicero crossed; walk around temples in the footsteps of emperors; visit churches from the earliest days of Christianity. This is all the more remarkable considering what the city has endured over the centuries. It has been ravaged by fires, floods, earthquakes, and—most of all—by roving armies. These have invaded repeatedly, from ancient times to as recently as 1943. Many times Romans have shrugged off catastrophe and remade their city anew. “Matthew Kneale [is] one step ahead of most other Roman chroniclers” (The New York Times Book Review). He paints portraits of the city before seven pivotal assaults, describing what it looked like, felt like, smelled like and how Romans, both rich and poor, lived their everyday lives. He shows how the attacks transformed Rome—sometimes for the better. With drama and humor he brings to life the city of Augustus, of Michelangelo and Bernini, of Garibaldi and Mussolini, and of popes both saintly and very worldly. Rome is “exciting…gripping…a slow roller-coaster ride through the fortunes of a place deeply entangled in its past” (The Wall Street Journal).
- Published
- 2018
28. The Ethics of Seeing : Photography and Twentieth-Century German History
- Author
Jennifer Evans, Paul Betts, Stefan-Ludwig Hoffmann, Jennifer Evans, Paul Betts, and Stefan-Ludwig Hoffmann
- Subjects
- Photography--Moral and ethical aspects--Germany--History--20th century, Photography--Germany--History--20th century, Photography in historiography
- Abstract
Throughout Germany's tumultuous twentieth century, photography was an indispensable form of documentation. Whether acting as artists, witnesses, or reformers, both professional and amateur photographers chronicled social worlds through successive periods of radical upheaval. The Ethics of Seeing brings together an international group of scholars to explore the complex relationship between the visual and the historic in German history. Emphasizing the transformation of the visual arena and the ways in which ordinary people made sense of world events, these revealing case studies illustrate photography's multilayered role as a new form of representation, a means to subjective experience, and a fresh mode of narrating the past.
- Published
- 2018
29. Rome: A History in Seven Sackings
- Author
Matthew Kneale and Matthew Kneale
- Abstract
A SUNDAY TIMES BESTSELLER Waterstone's Book of the Month, 2018 Nominated for the 2017 Pen Hessell-Tiltman Daily Telegraph's Best History Books of 2017 Sunday Times'Best History Books of 2017 A sweeping history of the city of Rome, seen through the eyes of its most significant sackings, from the Gauls to the Nazis and everything in between. No city on earth has preserved its past as Rome has. Visitors can cross bridges that were crossed by Cicero and Julius Caesar, explore temples visited by Roman emperors, and step into churches that have hardly changed since popes celebrated mass in them sixteen centuries ago. These architectural survivals are all the more remarkable considering the many disasters that have struck the city. Rome has been afflicted by earthquakes, floods, fires and plagues, but most of all it has been repeatedly ravaged by roving armies. From the Gauls to the Nazis, Matthew Kneale tells the stories behind the seven most important of these attacks and reveals, with fascinating insight, how they transformed the city - and not always for the worse. Using this entirely new approach to Rome's past he unveils how it became the city it is today. A meticulously researched, magical blend of travelogue, social and cultural history, Rome: A History in Seven Sackings is a celebration of the fierce courage, panache and vitality of the Roman people. Most of all, it is a passionate love letter to this incomparable city.'A masterpiece of pacing and suspense'Sunday Times'Fascinating... A delight'The Times'Book of the Week'
- Published
- 2017
30. Italian Gothic Horror Films, 1970-1979
- Author
Roberto Curti and Roberto Curti
- Subjects
- Horror films--Italy--History and criticism
- Abstract
Italian Gothic horror films of the 1970s were influenced by the violent giallo movies and adults-only comics of the era, resulting in a graphic approach to the genre. Stories often featured over-the-top violence and nudity and pushed the limits of what could be shown on the screen. The decade marked the return of specialist directors like Mario Bava, Riccardo Freda and Antonio Margheriti, and the emergence of new talents such as Pupi Avati (The House with the Laughing Windows) and Francesco Barilli (The Perfume of the Lady in Black). The author examines the Italian Gothic horror of the period, providing previously unpublished details and production data taken from official papers, original scripts and interviews with filmmakers, scriptwriters and actors. Entries include complete cast and crew lists, plot summaries, production history and analysis. An appendix covers Italian made-for-TV films and mini-series.
- Published
- 2017
31. L'Italia di Salò : 1943-1945
- Author
Mario, Avagliano, Marco, Palmieri, Mario, Avagliano, and Marco, Palmieri
- Subjects
- Fascism--Italy--History--20th century, World War, 1939-1945--Italy
- Abstract
'La nostra via l'abbiamo scelta e con la nostra bella camicia nera sapremo aprirci la via verso l'immancabile vittoria del Fascismo. Grida pure che il tuo ragazzo è partito per la sua bella Patria e con tutte le sue forze la difenderà, grida pure a tutti che noi partiamo con una fede e con un comandamento: o si vince o si muore!'. Allievo ufficiale volontario della Gnr Quando cadde il regime mussoliniano e l'Italia si divise in due, quanti aderirono alla neonata Repubblica sociale e presero le armi? E quali erano le loro motivazioni e i loro sentimenti? Resoconti di polizia, corrispondenze intercettate dalla censura, diari, memorie e documenti editi e inediti consentono di ricostruire la storia dei fascisti di Salò: i volontari, i coscritti, gli internati in Germania che'optarono'per la Rsi, i prigionieri degli Alleati che rifiutarono di collaborare, le seimila ausiliarie e i fascisti che operarono nelle zone già liberate. In tutto oltre mezzo milione di aderenti, volontari o forzati, che vissero i venti mesi della guerra civile'dalla parte sbagliata'.
- Published
- 2017
32. “Misfits” in Fin-de-Siècle France and Italy : Anatomies of Difference
- Author
Susan A. Ashley and Susan A. Ashley
- Subjects
- Deviant behavior--Social aspects--France--History--19th century, Marginality, Social--Italy--History--19th century, Marginality, Social--France--History--19th century, Social medicine--France--History--19th century, Social sciences--France--History--19th century
- Abstract
As the 19th century drew to a close, France and Italy experienced an explosion of crime, vagrancy, insanity, neurosis and sexual deviance. “Misfits” in Fin-de-Siècle France and Italy examines how the raft of self-appointed experts that subsequently emerged tried to explain this aberrant behavior and the many consequences this had. Susan A. Ashley considers why these different phenomena were understood to be interchangeable versions of the same inborn defects. The book looks at why specialists in newly-minted disciplines in medicine and the social sciences, such as criminology, neurology and sexology, all claimed that biological flaws – some inherited and some arising from illness or trauma – made it impossible for these'misfits'to adapt to modern life. Ashley then goes on to analyse the solutions these specialists proposed, often distinguishing between born deviants who belonged in asylums or prisons and'accidental misfits'who deserved solidarity and social support through changes to laws relating to issues like poverty and unemployment. The study draws on a comprehensive examination of contemporary texts and features the work of leading authorities like Cesare Lombroso, Jean-Martin Charcot, and Théodule Ribot, as well as investigators less known now but influential at the time. The comparative aspect also interestingly shows that experts collaborated closely across national and disciplinary borders, employed similar methods and arrived at common conclusions. This is a valuable study for all social and cultural historians of France and Italy and anyone interested in knowing more about the history of medicine in modern Europe.
- Published
- 2017
33. Modernidad congelada
- Author
Ugo Pipitone and Ugo Pipitone
- Subjects
- Agriculture--Economic aspects
- Abstract
Este libro recorre tres realidades subnacionales que, no obstante los avances tecnológicos e infraestructurales que han registrado, no logran emanciparse del atraso. Se plantea que sin una agricultura dinámica e instituciones eficaces salir del atraso y alcanzar niveles de bienestar y productividad similares a los de países de mayor desarrollo es simplemente un espejismo.
- Published
- 2016
34. Masculinity and Western Musical Practice
- Author
Kirsten Gibson and Kirsten Gibson
- Subjects
- Masculinity in music, Music--History and criticism
- Abstract
How have men used art music? How have they listened to and brandished the musical forms of the Western classical tradition and how has music intervened in their identity formations? This collection of essays addresses these questions by examining some of the ways in which men, music and masculinity have been implicated with each other since the Middle Ages. Feminist musicologies have already dealt extensively with music and gender, from the'phallocentric'tendencies of the Western tradition, to the explicit marginalization of women from that tradition. This book builds on that work by turning feminist critical approaches towards the production, rhetorical engagement and subversion of masculinities in twelve different musical case studies. In other disciplines within the arts and humanities,'men's studies'is a well-established field. Musicology has only recently begun to address critically music's engagement with masculinity and as a result has sometimes thereby failed to recognize its own discursive misogyny. This book does not seek to cover the field comprehensively but, rather, to explore in detail some of the ways in which musical practices do the cultural work of masculinity. The book is structured into three thematic sections: effeminate and virile musics and masculinities; national masculinities, national musics; and identities, voices, discourses. Within these themes, the book ranges across a number of specific topics: late medieval masculinities; early modern discourses of music, masculinity and medicine; Renaissance Italian masculinities; eighteenth-, nineteenth- and early twentieth-century ideas of creativity, gender and canonicity; masculinity, imperialist and nationalist ideologies in the nineteenth century, and constructions of the masculine voice in late nineteenth- and twentieth-century opera and song. While the case studies are methodologically disparate and located in different historical and geographical locations, they all share a common conc
- Published
- 2016
35. A Comparative History of Literatures in the Iberian Peninsula : Volume II
- Author
Domínguez, César, Abuín González, Anxo, Sapega, Ellen W., Domínguez, César, Abuín González, Anxo, and Sapega, Ellen W.
- Abstract
Volume 2 of A Comparative History of Literatures in the Iberian Peninsula brings to an end this collective work that aims at surveying the network of interliterary relations in the Iberian Peninsula. No attempt at such a comparative history of literatures in the Iberian Peninsula has been made until now. In this volume, the focus is placed on images (Section 1), genres (Section 2), forms of mediation (Section 3), and cultural studies and literary repertoires (Section 4). To these four sections an epilogue is added, in which specialists in literatures in the Iberian Peninsula, as well as in the (sub)disciplines of comparative history and comparative literary history, search for links between Volumes 1 and 2 from the point of view of general contributions to the field of Iberian comparative studies, and assess the entire project that now reaches completion with contributions from almost one hundred scholars.
- Published
- 2016
36. Mafia Republic : Cosa Nostra, camorra e 'ndrangheta dal 1946 a oggi
- Author
John Dickie and John Dickie
- Abstract
La prima storia comparata di Cosa Nostra, camorra e'ndrangheta dal 1946 a oggi: come le mafie sono entrate nella fase più ricca e sanguinaria della loro storia e come si sono trasformate in una rete criminale globale. È un'immagine dell'Italia fosca, ma disegnata con esperienza e maestria. John Dickie ha straordinarie capacità narrative. La sua abilità di raccontare trame losche e personaggi sinistri è impressionante. Il suo stile scorrevole e veloce diventa più sobrio e riflessivo quando analizza i fatti. Oggi nessuno come lui scrive con maggiore autorità sulle organizzazioni criminali italiane.'Times Literary Supplement'Gli italiani spesso si lamentano che gli stranieri siano ossessionati dalla mafia e trasformino un problema circoscritto di crimine organizzato in uno stereotipo che danneggia l'immagine dell'intera nazione. Tuttavia, come John Dickie dimostra in questo libro agghiacciante e rivelatore, il problema vero è che lo stereotipo è corretto.'The Times'Mafia Republic si basa su due semplici principi: il primo è che fra le tre grandi mafie italiane esistono molte più differenze di quanto potrebbe sembrare a prima vista; alcune di queste differenze sono sottili, altre molto nette, ma ciascuna rappresenta un adattamento finalizzato a consentire a quella particolare organizzazione criminale di sopravvivere e prosperare nel proprio contesto locale seguendo un suo percorso storico distinto. L'altro principio è che a dispetto di tutte queste intriganti differenze la storia delle diverse associazioni criminali assume un senso più chiaro se la si intreccia in un'unica narrazione; le mafie hanno molte cose in comune, prima fra tutte il rapporto perverso con lo Stato italiano, uno Stato in cui si sono infiltrate, con cui hanno collaborato, contro cui hanno combattuto; l'Italia non ha entità criminali statiche e solitarie, ma un ricco ecosistema malavitoso che continua ancora oggi a generare nuove forme di vita.
- Published
- 2016
37. Italian Masculinity As Queer Melodrama : Caravaggio, Puccini, Contemporary Cinema
- Author
John Champagne and John Champagne
- Subjects
- Homosexuality in motion pictures, Masculinity--Italy--History, Homosexuality in art, Homosexuality in music
- Abstract
Offering queer analyses of paintings by Caravaggio and Puccini and films by Özpetek, Amelio, and Grimaldi, Champagne argues that Italian masculinity has often been articulated through melodrama. Wide in scope and multidisciplinary in approach, this much-needed study shows the vital role of affect for both Italian history and masculinity studies.
- Published
- 2015
38. «Questo libro fu d’Andrea Palladio» : Il codice Destailleur B dell’Hermitage
- Author
Orietta Lanzarini, Roberta Martinis, Orietta Lanzarini, and Roberta Martinis
- Abstract
Presentazione Il codice di disegni Destailleur B, conservato nella biblioteca del Museo Statale dell'Ermitage a San Pietroburgo, è noto fin dal 1891, quando Heinrich von Geymüller ne descrive brevemente le caratteristiche, ma fino ad oggi i suoi eccezionali contenuti documentari sono rimasti pressoché inesplorati. Il manoscritto comprende 130 fogli, ovvero 260 pagine, delle quali 69 bianche e 189 disegnate, per un totale di 605 soggetti, quasi tutti accompagnati da legende. Di questi, 563 raffigurano la ricostruzione o, più raramente, lo stato di fatto, di templi, sepolcri, edifici, ponti, elementi architettonici e decorativi antichi ubicati a Roma, Albano, Brindisi, Capua, Cuma, Grottaferrata, Maddaloni, Napoli, Nola, Palestrina, Pozzuoli, Teano (o Teggiano?), Terracina, Tivoli e lungo le principali vie consolari. Un gruppo di 38 soggetti è correlato, invece, al lavoro antiquario di Jacques Androuet Du Cerceau ed altri due dimostrano stringenti legami con i progetti cinquecenteschi per la chiesa romana di San Giovanni dei Fiorentini. La redazione del manoscritto, ad eccezione di alcuni soggetti, è attribuibile ad un solo autore, attivo tra Roma e il Veneto, e si attesta tra la metà degli anni quaranta e la fine degli anni cinquanta del XVI secolo, momento in cui il capillare lavoro di apprendimento, stratificazione e divulgazione della cultura antiquaria attraverso il disegno è ad uno stadio avanzato. Proprio il confronto puntuale con il corpus grafico di età umanistica e con le fonti archeologiche moderne e contemporanee, ha consentito di accertare che la maggior parte degli oggetti raffigurati nel Libro di Pietroburgo sono realmente esistenti, e di ricavare da essi una sorprendente quantità di informazioni, riversate nel presente volume, la cui utilità si rivela sostanziale tanto per gli studi archeologici, quanto per quelli umanistici. Oltre a contribuire alla riscoperta di oggetti e monumenti talvolta perduti, infatti, questa ricchissima raccolta di immagini consente di delineare un quadro preciso del patrimonio antiquario a disposizione di studiosi e architetti attivi alla metà del XVI secolo. Tra questi, Pirro Ligorio, autore di una ponderosa serie di Libri delle Antichità in stretta relazione con il codice dell'Ermitage, allo stesso modo delle stampe e dei disegni di Jacques Androuet Du Cerceau, altro protagonista nella promozione della cultura antiquaria, ed infine, Andrea Palladio, il cui nome è inscindibilmente legato al Libro di Pietroburgo, passato dalle sue mani a quelle di altri illustri proprietari, quali Pierre-François Léonard Fontaine e Charles Percier. Con il presente studio, dunque, il codice Destailleur B dell'Ermitage torna alla luce nella sua interezza, aprendo il campo a nuove e promettenti vie di ricerca.
- Published
- 2015
39. Artificial Intelligence: Methodology, Systems, and Applications : 16th International Conference, AIMSA 2014, Varna, Bulgaria, September 11-13, 2014, Proceedings
- Author
Gennady Agre, Pascal Hitzler, Adila A. Krisnadhi, Sergei O. Kuznetsov, Gennady Agre, Pascal Hitzler, Adila A. Krisnadhi, and Sergei O. Kuznetsov
- Subjects
- Artificial intelligence, Data mining, Information storage and retrieval systems, Application software, User interfaces (Computer systems), Human-computer interaction, Computer simulation
- Abstract
This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence: Methodology, Systems, and Applications, AIMSA 2014, held in Varna, Bulgaria in September 2014. The 14 revised full papers and 9 short papers presented were carefully reviewed and selected from 53 submissions. The range of topics is almost equally broad, from traditional areas such as computer vision and natural language processing to emerging areas such as mining the behavior of Web-based communities.
- Published
- 2014
40. Le nozze dei Bentivoglio (1487)
- Author
Bruno Basile, Stefano Scioli, Bruno Basile, and Stefano Scioli
- Subjects
- Marriage--Political aspects--Italy--Early works to 1800, Marriage customs and rites--Italy--Early works to 1800
- Abstract
Fu un matrimonio politico quello che unì, nel 1487, Annibale Bentivoglio a Lucrezia d'Este: nozze fastose, volute dal Signore di Bologna, Giovanni II, e da quello di Ferrara, Ercole I, per confermare l'alleanza tra due delle più illustri casate del Rinascimento. Ai giorni di festa parteciparono i prìncipi e gli ambasciatori di ogni Stato della penisola e un popolo giubilante, ferrarese e felsineo. Un caso più unico che raro ha preservato, a Bologna, tutti i testi cronistici e letterari che celebrarono l'avvenimento, coinvolgendo poeti di corte, umanisti e storici della città. L'ampia silloge delle opere qui raccolte (di Arienti, Salimbeni, Beroaldo Seniore, Codro, Naldi, Ghirardacci), allineando pagine volgari e latine – alcune inedite, come l'Hymeneus arientesco – offre un quadro pittoresco di riti nuziali, pranzi di apparato, giuochi e giostre che omaggiarono, secondo i modelli della cultura coeva, un evento tra i più memorabili della civiltà rinascimentale.
- Published
- 2014
41. The Glass Closet : Why Coming Out Is Good Business
- Author
John Browne and John Browne
- Subjects
- British Petroleum Company, Homosexuality in the workplace, Gay executives--Great Britain--Biography
- Abstract
Part memoir and part social criticism, The Glass Closet addresses the issue of homophobia that still pervades corporations around the world and underscores the immense challenges faced by LGBT employees.In The Glass Closet, Lord John Browne, former CEO of BP, seeks to unsettle business leaders by exposing the culture of homophobia that remains rampant in corporations around the world, and which prevents employees from showing their authentic selves.Drawing on his own experiences, and those of prominent members of the LGBT community around the world, as well as insights from well-known business leaders and celebrities, Lord Browne illustrates why, despite the risks involved, self-disclosure is best for employees—and for the businesses that support them. Above all, The Glass Closet offers inspiration and support for those who too often worry that coming out will hinder their chances of professional success.
- Published
- 2014
42. »Nur Gott vor Augen« : Die Strafgerichtsbarkeit des Patriarchen von Venedig (1451–1545)
- Author
Nicolas Gillen and Nicolas Gillen
- Abstract
Von standeswidriger Barttracht bis hin zu Mord und Totschlag – die strafrechtlichen Gerichtsakten des Patriarchats von Venedig bieten einen lebahften Einblick in die kirchliche Gerichtspraxis der Renaissance. Die Arbeit macht es sich zur Aufgabe, das kirchliche Strafverfahren anhand von bisher unbeachteten Gerichtsakten zu rekonstruieren. Dies ermöglicht einerseits einen Vergleich der kirchenrechtlichen Traktate mit der Gerichtspraxis. Andererseits vermittelt die Beschreibung der Institution des Kirchengerichts auch neue Einblicke in das Verhältnis von geistlicher und weltlicher Gerichtsbarkeit in Venedig.
- Published
- 2014
43. The Four Books of Architecture
- Author
Andrea Palladio and Andrea Palladio
- Subjects
- Architecture--Early works to 1800
- Abstract
Andrea Palladio (1508–1580) was one of the most celebrated architects of the Renaissance, so important that the term Palladian has been applied to a particular style of architecture that adheres to classical concepts. The wide spread of Palladianism was due partly to the private and public buildings he constructed in Italy, the designs of which were copied throughout Europe. But of even greater consequence was his remarkable magnum opus,'I Quattro Libri dell'Architettura'; translated into every major Western European language in the two centuries following its publication in 1570, it has been one of the most influential books in the history of architecture. The Four Books of Architecture offers a compendium of Palladio's art and of the ancient Roman structures that inspired him. The First Book is devoted to building materials and techniques and the five orders of architecture: Tuscan, Doric, Ionic, Corinthian, and Composite. Palladio indicates the characteristic features of each order and supplies illustrations of various architectural details. The Second Book deals with private houses and mansions, almost all of Palladio's own design. Shown and described are many of his villas in and near Venice and Vicenza (including the famous Villa Capra, or'The Rotunda,'the Thiene Palace, and the Valmarana Palace). Each plate gives a front view drawing of the building and the general floor plan. The Third Book is concerned with streets, bridges, piazzas, and basilicas, most of which are of ancient Roman origin. In the Fourth Book, Palladio reproduces the designs of a number of ancient Roman temples. Plates 51 to 60 are plans and architectural sketches of the Pantheon.In all, the text is illustrated by over 200 magnificently engraved plates, showing edifices, either of Palladio's own design or reconstructed (in these drawings) by him from classical ruins and contemporary accounts. All the original plates are reproduced in this new single-volume edition in full size and in clear, sharp detail. This is a republication of the Isaac Ware English edition of 1738. Faithful and accurate in the translation and in its reproduction of the exquisite original engravings, it has long been a rare, sought-after work. This edition makes The Four Books available for the first time in more than 200 years to the English-speaking public.
- Published
- 2013
44. Vizzarro
- Author
Sharo Gambino and Sharo Gambino
- Abstract
Francesco Moscato è un giovane di umilissime origini, nato nella parte più povera e miserabile del paese. Cresce forte e robusto, adatto alla fatica dei campi, e subito si mostra insofferente del suo destino. Destino che lo accomuna a tanti altri calabresi che allora vivevano una vita grama perché «tutto era baronale sulla terra – scrive Gambino – e bisognava pagareuna tassa sulle sorgenti d'acquaed una sull'acqua piovana». Gambino conduce per manoil lettore raccontando la storiadel suo paesano che «non fu un emulo di Robin Hood,né un Angiolillo (Angelo Duca),né un Vardarelli. Non rubò maial ricco per donare al povero». Fu un brigante, un figlio di un popolo subalterno che si miseprima al servizio dei baroni e poidei Borbone; gli uni e gli altri se ne servirono e poi lo scaricarono malamente quando dava fastidioo non serviva più.
- Published
- 2012
45. Queer 1950s : Rethinking Sexuality in the Postwar Years
- Author
H. Bauer, M. Cook, H. Bauer, and M. Cook
- Subjects
- Lesbians--Social life and customs--20th century, Gay men--Social life and customs--20th century, Gay men--History--20th century, Lesbians--History--20th century
- Abstract
Leading sexuality scholars explore queer lives and cultures in the first full post-war decade through an array of sources and a range of perspectives. Drawing out the particularities of queer cultures from the Finland and New Zealand to the UK and the USA, this collection rethinks preconceptions of the 1950s and pinpoints some of its legacies.
- Published
- 2012
46. Annali della Fondazione Ugo La Malfa XXVI-2011
- Author
AA. VV, Corrado Scibilia, AA. VV, and Corrado Scibilia
- Abstract
La Fondazione pubblica dal 1985 una rivista di storia politica, gli Annali, che si occupa di ricerche e studi che riguardano l'opera e l'attività di Ugo La Malfa e la storia del movimento democratico italiano. La rivista ospita inoltre studi sulla storia italiana contemporanea e sulla costruzione dell'unità europea, nonché il resoconto dell'attività svolta dalla Fondazione.
- Published
- 2012
47. The Greenwood Encyclopedia of LGBT Issues Worldwide : [3 Volumes]
- Author
Chuck Stewart and Chuck Stewart
- Subjects
- Bisexual people--History--Encyclopedias, Gay people--History--Encyclopedias, Homosexuality--History--Encyclopedias, Transgender people--History--Encyclopedias
- Abstract
This set has an ambitious scope with the goal of offering the most up-to-date international overview of key issues in the lives of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender individuals. HIV/AIDS has been a major media focus, but this set fosters a broader understanding of the status of LGBT individuals in their society. More than 70 countries are represented. The clear, accessible prose is appropriate for high school student research on up. The material is especially needed in a cultural climate that increasingly supports and requires information about LGBT populations. The content is useful for a paper on a hot topic, health classes, discussion groups, and gay-straight alliance groups.
- Published
- 2010
48. Living in Arcadia : Homosexuality, Politics, and Morality in France From the Liberation to AIDS
- Author
Julian Jackson and Julian Jackson
- Subjects
- Homosexuality--France--History
- Abstract
In Paris in 1954, a young man named André Baudry founded Arcadie, an organization for “homophiles” that would become the largest of its kind that has ever existed in France, lasting nearly thirty years. In addition to acting as the only public voice for French gays prior to the explosion of radicalism of 1968, Arcadie—with its club and review—was a social and intellectual hub, attracting support from individuals as diverse as Jean Cocteau and Michel Foucault and offering support and solidarity to thousands of isolated individuals. Yet despite its huge importance, Arcadie has largely disappeared from the historical record. The main cause of this neglect, Julian Jackson explains in Living in Arcadia, is that during the post-Stonewall era of queer activism, Baudry's organization fell into disfavor, dismissed as conservative, conformist, and closeted. Through extensive archival research and numerous interviews with the reclusive Baudry, Jackson challenges this reductive view, uncovering Arcadie's pioneering efforts to educate the European public about homosexuality in an era of renewed repression. In the course of relating this absorbing history, Jackson offers a startlingly original account of the history of homosexuality in modern France.
- Published
- 2009
49. Forces of Nature: Natural(-izing) Gender and Gender(-ing) Nature in the Discourses of Western Culture
- Author
Bernadette H. Hyner, Editor and Bernadette H. Hyner, Editor
- Subjects
- Nature in literature, Femininity in literature, Sex role in literature, Sex differences in literature, Sex in literature
- Abstract
In Forces of Nature, the authors investigate the relationships between the natural world and gender and sexuality. The authors explore the frameworks within which femininity and nature have been constructed, as well as the impact nature has had on our understandings of masculinity, homosexuality, and heterosexuality. For some writers nature has restorative powers, for others nature embodies violence and destruction. Yet, one common thread runs across all of the chapters in this collection: nature and animals can not be separated from the human experience. Forces of Nature brings to light the intimate connection humans have with the natural world and provides students and scholars with innovative readings of both canonical and noncanonical texts.
- Published
- 2009
50. Italians to America, March 1904 - May 1904 : Lists of Passengers Arriving at U.S. Ports
- Author
Ira A. Glazier and Ira A. Glazier
- Subjects
- Registers of births, etc.--United States, Ships--United States--Passenger lists, Italian Americans--Genealogy
- Abstract
Italians to America is the first indexed reference work devoted to Italian immigrants to the United States. This series contains passenger list information in chronological order on the first major wave of Italian migration during the last two decades of the nineteenth century, as well as the beginning of the twentieth century. As with the highly regarded companion series on German immigrants, Italians to America presents the passenger lists in chronological order, including information on each person's age, sex, occupation, village of origin, and destination, plus the name of the ship, the port of embarkation, and the date of arrival. Each volume also contains an introduction on the history of Italian migration to the U.S. and a full name index, greatly simplifying the researcher's job.
- Published
- 2008
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