24 results on '"Farmers -- Training"'
Search Results
2. Resilience and Food Security in a Food Systems Context
- Author
Christophe Béné, Stephen Devereux, Christophe Béné, and Stephen Devereux
- Subjects
- Food supply, Food security, Resilience (Personality trait)
- Abstract
This open access book compiles a series of chapters written by internationally recognized experts known for their in-depth but critical views on questions of resilience and food security. The book assesses rigorously and critically the contribution of the concept of resilience in advancing our understanding and ability to design and implement development interventions in relation to food security and humanitarian crises. For this, the book departs from the narrow beaten tracks of agriculture and trade, which have influenced the mainstream debate on food security for nearly 60 years, and adopts instead a wider, more holistic perspective, framed around food systems. The foundation for this new approach is the recognition that in the current post-globalization era, the food and nutritional security of the world's population no longer depends just on the performance of agriculture and policies on trade, but rather on the capacity of the entire (food) system to produce, process, transport and distribute safe, affordable and nutritious food for all, in ways that remain environmentally sustainable. In that context, adopting a food system perspective provides a more appropriate frame as it incites to broaden the conventional thinking and to acknowledge the systemic nature of the different processes and actors involved. This book is written for a large audience, from academics to policymakers, students to practitioners.This is an open access book.
- Published
- 2023
3. Poverty, Inequality, and Innovation in the Global South
- Author
Oliver Mtapuri and Oliver Mtapuri
- Subjects
- Agricultural innovations--Developing countries, Equality--Developing countries, Poverty--Developing countries
- Abstract
This edited volume analyzes the experiences learned in practice especially among small holder farmers to eradicate poverty. In other words, it discusses practical solutions which small scale farmers can use to alleviate poverty and reduce inequality. This addresses the issue of inclusive and sustainability of projects leading to the notion of not leaving anyone behind. The book provides insights that can be translated into policy with potential to inform practice. It also has the potential to address the issue of rural urban migration by providing knowledge that is usable by small scale farmers, policy makers and entrepreneurs alike. The volume is written by authors from different countries, Nigeria, Tanzania, and Zimbabwe, indicating the commonality of the problems of poverty and inequality. It contains insights from all these countries assembled together into an amalgam of practices ready to use and implement informed by evidence from the field as most of the chapters are based onempirical data.
- Published
- 2023
4. From Me to We : How Shared Value Can Turn Companies Into Engines of Change
- Author
Ricardo Ernst, Jerry Haar, Ricardo Ernst, and Jerry Haar
- Subjects
- Social responsibility of business, Strategic planning
- Abstract
Shared value is a management strategy in which companies find business opportunities in social problems. While philanthropy and CSR focus efforts focus on “giving back” or minimizing the harm business has on society, shared value focuses company leaders on maximizing the competitive value of solving social problems in new customers and markets, cost savings, talent retention, and more.This book takes the concept of shared value to the next level, with the concept of “Me to We” (also abbreviated as “M2W”) and discusses the current state of the business-environment-government relationship and shows how the shared value model can contribute to each entity. Citing real cases and examples from multiple industries, the authors show that shared value promotes shareholder interests while serving as a successful business strategy. Chapters explore the emerging phenomenon of shared value, the shareholder-stakeholder comparisons, the role of government inthe stakeholder environment, shared value as it related to competitiveness, and operational issues such as implementation, communication, and leadership in their relationship to shared value.Readers will find useful strategies of Me to We and its implementation by firms that have become leaders in their market. They will receive ideas and insights into business strategies that will overshadow CSR activities as a differentiation or brand development strategy of the past.Featuring interviews with corporate executives offering their perspectives on shared value, this book will discuss shared value within the context of business and society, competitiveness, and globalization.
- Published
- 2022
5. Chinese Agricultural Technology Aid in Africa
- Author
Xiaoyun Li, Lixia Tang, Jixia Lu, Xiuli Xu, Yue Zhang, Gubo Qi, Chuanhong Zhang, Xiaoyun Li, Lixia Tang, Jixia Lu, Xiuli Xu, Yue Zhang, Gubo Qi, and Chuanhong Zhang
- Subjects
- Agricultural development projects--Africa, Agricultural assistance, Chinese--Africa, Agriculture--Africa
- Abstract
The book presents findings of anthropological studies conducted by researchers from Agricultural Technology Demonstration Center in a number of African countries, including Zimbabwe, Ethiopia, Tanzania, and Mozambique. The aim of these ethnological studies is to understand the Center's experience in these countries as well as the way it works in terms of institutional arrangement, interaction between Chinese and local staff and technology transfer. A basic contention of the book is that insofar as these Centers showcase China's achievements in domestic development for purpose of sharing the country's experiences with host countries, what they do essentially points toward a new and innovative approach to foreign aid.
- Published
- 2022
6. The Palgrave Handbook of the Anthropology of Technology
- Author
Maja Hojer Bruun, Ayo Wahlberg, Rachel Douglas-Jones, Cathrine Hasse, Klaus Hoeyer, Dorthe Brogård Kristensen, Brit Ross Winthereik, Maja Hojer Bruun, Ayo Wahlberg, Rachel Douglas-Jones, Cathrine Hasse, Klaus Hoeyer, Dorthe Brogård Kristensen, and Brit Ross Winthereik
- Subjects
- Anthropology, Technology--Anthropological aspects, Science--Social aspects, Anthropology--Research
- Abstract
This Handbook offers an overview of the thriving and diverse field of anthropological studies of technology. It features 39 original chapters, each reviewing the state of the art of current research and enlivening the field of study through ethnographic analysis of human-technology interfaces, forms of social organisation, technological practices and/or systems of belief and meaning in different parts of the world. The Handbook is organised around some of the most important characteristics of anthropological studies of technology today: the diverse knowledge practices that technologies involve and on which they depend; the communities, collectives, and categories that emerge around technologies; anthropology's contribution to proliferating debates on ethics, values, and morality in relation to technology; and infrastructures that highlight how all technologies are embedded in broader political economies and socio-historical processes that shape and often reinforce inequality and discrimination while also generating diversity. All chapters share a commitment to human experiences, embodiments, practices, and materialities in the daily lives of those people and institutions involved in the development, manufacturing, deployment, and/or use of particular technologies.Chapters 11 and 31 are available open access under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License via link.springer.com.
- Published
- 2022
7. Africa's Agricultural Renaissance : From Paradox to Powerhouse
- Author
Ayodele Odusola and Ayodele Odusola
- Subjects
- Agriculture--Africa, Agriculture--Economic aspects--Africa, Agriculture and state--Africa
- Abstract
This book addresses the paradox between preponderance of hunger in a continent that is well endowed with fertile agricultural land, plenty of fresh water and a vibrant labor force. As some statistics show, close to 60% of arable land in the world is located in Africa which also has several rivers flowing in all seasons and plenty of underground water. The bulk of its labor force thrives on agriculture, yet the continent's largest import item is food. 23 of 36 the most malnourished countries also belong in Africa. This has caused significant needless human suffering. This book goes beyond providing the traditional framework of supplying policy recommendations to delivering an applied, innovative framework upon which policymakers, the private sector and international institutions can take clear and deliberate action to stimulate Africa's agricultural sector, thus responding to the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.
- Published
- 2021
8. Developing Global Leaders : Insights From African Case Studies
- Author
Eva Jordans, Bettina Ng’weno, Helen Spencer-Oatey, Eva Jordans, Bettina Ng’weno, and Helen Spencer-Oatey
- Subjects
- Leadership--Africa--Case studies
- Abstract
This book is a timely guide on what constitutes effective leadership in Africa. It explores how today's leaders in Africa perceive their role, the challenges they experience, and how they operate effectively as leaders. In the era of globalization, there is an increasing need to offer guidance on how leaders can adjust their leadership style to suit situational contexts. Drawing on case study and survey data, this book illustrates to scholars and leaders worldwide the vision of leadership that is emerging in Africa. It will contribute to the development of a new community of global leaders, integrating cutting-edge knowledge on leadership development in Africa.
- Published
- 2020
9. Sustainable Development and Communication in Global Food Networks : Lessons From India
- Author
Maria Touri and Maria Touri
- Subjects
- Food industry and trade--Economic aspects, Communication in economic development, Sustainable development--India, Sustainable agriculture--India, Anti-globalization movement, Sustainable development
- Abstract
This book offers a novel approach to sustainable development through the theory and practice of communication in global food networks, focusing specifically on organic food and fair trade movements. Adopting an interdisciplinary approach, it brings together the fields of Communication for Development and Social Change, Agri-Food Studies and Economic Geography. This is supported with a participatory method that unveils voices from Indian farming communities, small European businesses and UK-based consumers. The book exemplifies the integral role of communication in sustainable development through direct and mediated communication processes that bring these actors together in the global food market. Such processes include trade relations, self-representation, and information and knowledge exchange through the spaces of the internet. Through these processes the book uncovers the instrumental role of communication in building a more holistic understanding of sustainable development. It also advocates that sustainable solutions require smaller, self-sustained projects and initiatives that pay closer attention to the voices and localized experiences of the people on the ground.
- Published
- 2020
10. Socio-Tech Innovation : Harnessing Technology for Social Good
- Author
Latha Poonamallee, Joanne Scillitoe, Simy Joy, Latha Poonamallee, Joanne Scillitoe, and Simy Joy
- Subjects
- Business, Management science, Entrepreneurship, New business enterprises
- Abstract
This book defines socio-technological innovation and lays out different aspects of technology innovation and adoption literature as applied to socio-tech innovation and entrepreneurship. Socio-tech innovation refers to novel solutions that involve development or adoption of technological innovations to address social and/or environmental problems with a view towards creating benefit for the larger whole rather than just for the owners or investors. Unlike conventional technological innovation, socio-tech innovation either develops a product specifically for underserved markets and adopts a model in which the market is not an afterthought but the rai-son d'etre. Social ventures have not been as successful in scaling up, though technology innovation-led ventures have; therefore, meaningful actionable insights that can help social ventures scale up successfully can be gleaned by this process. This book offers researchers in innovation and entrepreneurship programs a uniqueand interdisciplinary approach to studying social innovation that is grounded in technology innovation. This book features a series of socio-tech venture cases that illustrate these dynamics and can be used in undergraduate and graduate courses.
- Published
- 2020
11. Sustainable Business Practices for Rural Development : The Role of Intellectual Capital
- Author
Hardeep Chahal, Vijay Pereira, Jeevan Jyoti, Hardeep Chahal, Vijay Pereira, and Jeevan Jyoti
- Subjects
- Sustainable development, Rural development, Human capital, Business planning
- Abstract
The book includes empirical research papers and case studies embracing human capital, relational capital and structural capital in context to services and manufacturing sectors. It will highlight on the sustainable business practices manifested in the work culture, values and beliefs in context to rural regions. From a learning and managerial perspective, the book will identify effective business practices in varied service and manufacturing sectors significant for sustaining business performance and competitive advantage.
- Published
- 2020
12. The Future of Risk Management, Volume II : Perspectives on Financial and Corporate Strategies
- Author
Paola De Vincentiis, Francesca Culasso, Stefano A. Cerrato, Paola De Vincentiis, Francesca Culasso, and Stefano A. Cerrato
- Subjects
- Risk management--Congresses
- Abstract
With contributions presented during the Second International Risk Management Conference, this second volume addresses important areas of risk management from a variety of angles and perspectives. The book will cover two separate tracks—financial risk management and risk management and corporate strategies—and will be of interest to academic researchers and students in risk management, banking, and finance.
- Published
- 2019
13. Business Responsibility and Sustainability in India : Sectoral Analysis of Voluntary Governance Initiatives
- Author
Bimal Arora, Pawan Budhwar, Divya Jyoti, Bimal Arora, Pawan Budhwar, and Divya Jyoti
- Subjects
- Social responsibility of business--India
- Abstract
On the backdrop of the institutionalisation of corporate social responsibility (CSR) and sustainability, and the emergence of multi-stakeholder-driven voluntary regulation, this timely collection places special emphasis on India and explores its international voluntary sustainability standards. The authors analyse the adoption and implementation of voluntary governance initiatives across a range of industries, offering insightful sectoral discussion and evaluation of voluntary sustainability standards as forms of transnational private regulation. This book will be of interest to anyone researching CSR, sustainability and supply chain management in emerging markets.
- Published
- 2019
14. Rural Urban Migration and Policy Intervention in China : Migrant Workers' Coping Strategies
- Author
Li Sun and Li Sun
- Subjects
- Migrant labor--China--Psychological aspects, Rural-urban migration--Government policy--China
- Abstract
This book examines rural-urban migration policies in China, and considers how Chinese workers cope with migration events in the context of these policies. It explores the contribution of migrant workers to the Chinese economy, the impact of changes within the ‘hukou'system (household registration) and the impact of recent migration policies promoting rural-urban migration and targeting key events during migrant workers'migration trajectories - job-seeking, wage exploitation, work injuries and illness - namely the corresponding ‘Skills Training Program for Migrant Workers', the ‘Circular on Managing Wage Payment to Migrant Workers', the ‘Circular on Migrant Workers Participating in Work-Related Injury Insurance', and the ‘New Rural Medical Cooperative Scheme'(Health Insurance). Through in-depth interviews, it examines how when facing such challenges, migrant workers choose to either make a claim under existing policies, or use other coping strategies. The book notably proposes a typology of “coping” which includes a variety of administrative coping, political coping and social coping, and considers how workers in China harness the power of civil groups and social networks.
- Published
- 2019
15. State and Economic Development in Africa : The Case of Ethiopia
- Author
Aaron Tesfaye and Aaron Tesfaye
- Subjects
- Sustainable development--Ethiopia, Political science, Economic development--Government policy--Ethiopia
- Abstract
This book critically assesses the impact of Ethiopia's policy of Agriculture Development Led Industrialization. Employing qualitative and quantitative analysis, it presents empirical evidence suggesting persistent economic growth. The research highlights improvements in infrastructure, health care, education, poverty alleviation as well reductions in infant mortality rate. The impact of this economic growth has however had led to only slight improvements in the plight of the poor. The author argues that, while significant steps have been achieved with measurable economic gains, there are still undeniable obstacles within the federal system: prevailing patron-client relationships, constraints on state capacity to efficiently and effectively implement policy, and bureaucratic rent-seeking in the provision of public goods. The author concludes that these problems will have to be resolved before Ethiopia's political economy can achieve the stage of sustainable development
- Published
- 2017
16. A New Paradigm for Greek Agriculture
- Author
Kostas Karantininis and Kostas Karantininis
- Subjects
- Agriculture--Greece, Fisheries--Greece
- Abstract
This book offers an assessment of new opportunities available for the agricultural sector and provides technical assistance to the Greek authorities with regards to its rural development and fishery sector. Karantininis follows a value chain approach and analyzes the Greek agri-food industry, breaking it down vertically and horizontally. Vertically, the Greek agri-food chain is stripped to its main upstream and downstream components: inputs, primary production, distribution and retail. Horizontally, the agri-food value chain is analyzed in terms of size, ownership, governance and space. The author pays special attention to policy formation, policy implementation, the political and industrial structure, land and credit markets, education, extension and research. The author focuses on this through three subcategories of fruits and vegetables, aquaculture and olive oil. A number of opinions and recommendations are presented in each section, concluding with propositions for a new institutional structure for Greek agriculture.
- Published
- 2017
17. Accelerated Development in Southern Africa
- Author
John Barratt and John Barratt
- Subjects
- Development economics, Economic history
- Published
- 2016
18. Agricultural Policy in Developing Countries
- Author
N. Islam and N. Islam
- Subjects
- Agriculture and state--Congresses.--Developing
- Published
- 2016
19. Africa’s Recovery in the 1990s : From Stagnation and Adjustment to Human Development
- Author
Kenneth A. Loparo, Thandika Mkandawire, Rolph Van der Hoeven, Giovanni Andrea Cornia, Kenneth A. Loparo, Thandika Mkandawire, Rolph Van der Hoeven, and Giovanni Andrea Cornia
- Subjects
- Structural adjustment (Economic policy)--Africa,
- Abstract
While the design of adjustment policies in the latter part of the 1980s has generally shown greater attention to their impact on growth and social implications, this book argues that several orthodox adjustment policies are still incongruent with long-term development in Africa. It goes on to discuss a development strategy which could lead to a much awaited economic recovery and improvement in social conditions in Africa in the 1990s drawing its conclusions from a general theoretical discussion and national case-studies.
- Published
- 2016
20. Kenya After 50 : Reconfiguring Education, Gender, and Policy
- Author
Mickie Mwanzia Koster, Michael Mwenda Kithinji, Jerono P. Rotich, Mickie Mwanzia Koster, Michael Mwenda Kithinji, and Jerono P. Rotich
- Subjects
- Women--Kenya--Social conditions--21st century, Education and state--Kenya
- Abstract
This book explores the key milestones in education, gender, and policy that Kenya has achieved since independence, the challenges of this experience, and the future prospects. This edited collection of chapters also aims to illuminate the lessons learned from the experiences of the postcolonial period as well as postulate on the way forward. Through this exploration of the Kenyan experience since independence, the authors present an optimistic view that despite the many obstacles and challenges, the country still has promising prospects as a nation.
- Published
- 2016
21. The State and Agrarian Change in Zimbabwe's Communal Areas
- Author
Michael Drinkwater and Michael Drinkwater
- Subjects
- Development economics, Economic history, Political science, Environmental management
- Abstract
This book explores why, a decade after Zimbabwean independence, government agricultural development policies still retains surprising similarities with those of the colonial period despite lengthy peasant opposition. Using documentary and fieldwork material from the Midlands province, the analysis covers the subjects of pastoral and land use management, household production and income-earning strategies, and farmer-extension relations.
- Published
- 2016
22. The Women's Land Army in First World War Britain
- Author
B. White and B. White
- Subjects
- World War, 1914-1918--Women--Great Britain
- Abstract
Between 1917 and 1919 women enlisted in the Women's Land Army, a national organisation with the task of increasing domestic food production. Behind the scenes organisers laboured to not only recruit an army of women workers, but to also dispel public fears that Britain's Land Girls would be defeminized and devalued by their wartime experiences.
- Published
- 2014
23. German Agriculture in Transition : Society, Policies and Environment in a Changing Europe
- Author
G. Wilson and G. Wilson
- Subjects
- Agriculture and state--Germany
- Abstract
A much-needed contemporary analysis of the Common Agricultural Policy and Germany's role within it. The authors investigate the effect of reunification on German policy today, and ask whether she has acted as leader, partner or obstructor in the formation of policy. Their analysis includes social and environmental aspects, as well as the economic and political, with a special focus on the'green agenda'in European agriculture.
- Published
- 2001
24. The Elusive Promise of NGOs in Africa : Lessons From Uganda
- Author
S. Dicklitch and S. Dicklitch
- Subjects
- Non-governmental organizations--Uganda, Non-governmental organizations--Africa, Democracy--Uganda, Democracy--Africa
- Abstract
Dicklitch challenges the dominant discourse of neo-liberalism which places NGOs and civil society at the forefront of democratization and development in Africa. Based on nine months of field research in Uganda, the study draws on evidence from the'successfully'liberalizing country and shows how NGO potential for democratization and development has been subverted by state directives, structural and historical conditions, as well as the internal limitations of NGOs.
- Published
- 1998
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