
Showing total 27 results
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1. Orthosymplectic Feigin-Semikhatov duality

2. Quantum mechanics and quantum field theory. Algebraic and geometric approaches

3. Feynman checkers: external electromagnetic field and asymptotic properties

4. L'invariance conforme et l'universalit\'e au point critique des mod\`eles bidimensionnels

5. Asymptotic analysis of the form-factors of quantum spin chains

6. Periodic Gibbs measures for three-state hard-core models in the case Wand

7. Feynman checkers: towards algorithmic quantum theory

8. Constrained Hamiltonian approach to the Maxwell theory

9. Finslerian representation of the Maxwell equations

10. Planar maps and random partitions

11. Thompson Field Theory

12. Implementing a Method for Stochastization of One-Step Processes in a Computer Algebra System

13. Geometry Transition in Covariant Loop Quantum Gravity

14. An integrabilist approach of out-of-equilibrium statistical physics models

15. Stability and area law for rapidly mixing quantum dissipative systems

16. New global estimations of the Cauchy problem for the Navier-Stokes equations

18. Maxwell's Equations in Arbitrary Coordinate System

19. Classical and Quantum Discrete Dynamical Systems

20. Information and Entanglement Measures in Quantum Systems With Applications to Atomic Physics

21. Solutions of the Klein-Gordon equation on manifolds with variable geometry including dimensional reduction

22. Tiling by rectangles and alternating current

23. Geometrical Methods in Gauge Theory

24. On functions of Jacobi and Weierstrass (I)

25. Quasi-exactly solvable quartic Bose Hamiltonians

26. Examples of mirror partners arising from integrable systems

27. General approach to potentials with two known levels