34 results on '"de Mora, M"'
Search Results
2. Retinal detachment after refractive lens exchange: A narrative review
3. Desprendimiento de retina tras la cirugía de cristalino transparente con lentes intraoculares EDOF y multifocales: una revisión narrativa
4. Citrobacter koseri as emergent microorganism in infectious keratitis
5. Review of the literature on the currently available evidence for the management of infectious keratitis with PACK-CXL
6. Revisión de la literatura sobre la evidencia disponible actualmente para el manejo de las queratitis infecciosas con PACK-CXL
7. Corneal melting due to hypovitaminosis after bariatric surgery
8. Study of the efficiency and workflow of femtosecond laser-assisted cataract surgery in a Spanish public hospital
9. Severe rejection of deep anterior lamellar keratoplasty in a patient with mucopolysaccharidosis type IV (Morquio syndrome)
10. Keratoglobus: Ancillary testing for differential diagnosis
11. Need for real availability of topical anti-fungal and anti-amoeba eye drugs in the Spanish Health System
12. Necesidad de una disponibilidad real de fármacos oculares tópicos antifúngicos y antiamebianos en el Sistema Sanitario Español
13. Tamoxifen maculopathy: The importance of screening and long follow-up
14. Has there been a more rational use of the ophthalmic emergency services in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic?
15. ¿Se ha hecho un uso más racional de los servicios de urgencias oftalmológicas ante la pandemia por COVID-19?
16. Brief history of chloramphenicol in ophthalmology. Is it safe to use?
17. Breve historia del cloranfenicol en oftalmología. ¿Es seguro su uso?
18. Extracción de cuerpo extraño orbitario con ayuda de electroimán ocular externo: instrumentos del pasado tienen cabida en el presente
19. Extraction of an intraorbital foreign body with the help of an ocular external electromagnet: Instruments of the past still have a place in the present
20. Comment on: Ophthalmology emergencies. An epidemiological study: Are resources being used properly?
21. Comentario al artículo «Oftalmología de urgencias. Un estudio epidemiológico: ¿se utilizan correctamente los recursos?»
22. Oftalmia nodosa por pelos de oruga (procesionaria)
23. Photophobia and neuropathic pain in Sudeck's syndrome
24. Fotofobia y dolor neuropático en el síndrome de Sudeck
25. Multifocal Best's disease: The importance of genetic tests
26. Enfermedad de Best multifocal: la importancia de los test genéticos
27. Poster session 2THE IMAGING EXAMINATIONP536Appropriate use criteria of transthoracic echocardiography and its clinical impact: a continuous challengeP537Implementation of proprietary plug-ins in the DICOM-based computerized echo reporting system fuels the use of 3D echo and deformation imaging in the clinical routine of a multivendor laboratoryP538Exercise stress echocardiography appropriate use criteria: real-life cases classification ease and agreement among cardiologistsANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY OF THE HEART AND GREAT VESSELSP539Functional capacity in older people with normal ejection fraction correlates with left ventricular functional reserve and carotid-femoral pulse wave velocity but not with E/e and augmentation indexP540Survey of competency of practitioners for diagnosis of acute cardiopulmonary diseases manifest on chest x-rayASSESSMENT OF DIAMETERS, VOLUMES AND MASSP541Left atrium remodeling in dialysis patients with normal ejection fractionP542The prediction of postinfarction left ventricular remodeling and the role of of leptin and MCP-1 in regard to the presence of metabolic syndromeP543Ascending aorta and common carotid artery: diameters and stiffness in a group of 584 healthy subjectsAssessments of haemodynamicsP544Alternate echo parameters in patients without estimable RVSPAssessment of systolic functionP545Reduced contractile performance in heart failure with preserved ejection fraction: determination using novel preload-adjusted maximal left ventricular ejection forceP546Left ventricular dimensions and prognosis in acute coronary syndromesP547Time course of myocardial alterations in a murine model of high fat diet: A strain rate imaging studyP548Subclinical left ventricular systolic dysfunction in patients with premature ventricular contractionsP549Global myocardial strain by CMR-based feature tracking (FT) and tagging to predict development of severe left ventricular systolic dysfunction after acute st-elevation myocardial infarctionP550Echocardiographic analysis of left and right ventricular function in patients after mitral valve reconstructionP551The role of regional longitudinal strain assessment in predicting response to cardiac resynchronization therapy in patients with left ventricular systolic dysfunction and left bundle branch blockP552Speckle tracking automatic border detection improves echocardiographic evaluation of right ventricular systolic function in repaired tetralogy of fallot patients: comparison with MRI findingsP553Echocardiography: a reproducible and relevant tool in pah? intermediate results of the multicentric efort echogardiographic substudy (evaluation of prognostic factors and therapeutic targets in pah)Assessment of diastolic functionP554Relationship between left ventricular filling pressures and myocardial fibrosis in patients with uncomplicated arterial hypertensionP555Cardiac rehabilitation improves echocardiographic parameters of diastolic function in patients with ischemic heart diseaseP556Diastolic parameters in the calcified mitral annulusP557Biomarkers and echocardiography - combined weapon to diagnose and prognose heart failure with and without preserved ejection fractionP558Diastolic function changes of the maternal heart in twin and singleton pregnancyIschemic heart diseaseP559Syntax score as predictor for the correlation between epicardial adipose tissue and the severity of coronary lesions in patients with significant coronary diseaseP560Impact of strain analysis in ergonovine stress echocardiography for diagnosis vasospastic anginaP561Cardiac magnetic resonance tissue tracking: a novel method to predict infarct transmurality in acute myocardial infarctionP562Infarct size is correlated to global longitudinal strain but not left ventricular ejection fraction in the early stage of acute myocardial infarctionP563Magnetic resonance myocardial deformation assessment with tissue tracking and risk stratification in acute myocardial infarction patientsP564Increase in regional end-diastolic wall thickness by transthoracic echocardiography as a biomarker of successful reperfusion in anterior ST elevation acute myocardial infarctionP565Mitral regurgitation is associated with worse long-term prognosis in ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction treated with primary percutaneous coronary interventionP566Statistical significance of 3D motion and deformation indexes for the analysis of LAD infarctionHeart valve DiseasesP567Paradoxical low gradient aortic stenosis: echocardiographic progression from moderate to severe diseaseP568The beneficial effects of TAVI in mitral insufficiencyP569Impact of thoracic aortic calcification on the left ventricular hypertrophy and its regression after aortic valve replacement in patients with severe aortic stenosisP570Additional value of exercise-stress echocardiography in asymptomatic patients with aortic valve stenosisP571Valvulo-arterial impedance in severe aortic stenosis: a dual imaging modalities studyP572Left ventricular mechanics: novel tools to evaluate left ventricular performance in patients with aortic stenosisP573Comparison of long-term outcome after percutaneous mitral valvuloplasty versus mitral valve replacement in moderate to severe mitral stenosis with left ventricular dysfunctionP574Incidence of de novo left ventricular dysfunction in patient treated with aortic valve replacement for severe aortic regurgitationP575Transforming growth factor-beta dependant progression of the mitral valve prolapseP576Quantification of mitral regurgitation with multiple jets: in vitro validation of three-dimensional PISA techniqueP577Impaired pre-systolic contraction and saddle-shape deepening of mitral annulus contributes to atrial functional regurgitation: a three-dimensional echocardiographic studyP578Incidence and determinants of left ventricular (lv) reverse remodeling after MitraClip implantation in patients with moderate-to severe or severe mitral regurgitation and reduced lv ejection fractionP579Severe functional tricuspid regurgitation in rheumatic heart valve disease. New insights from 3D transthoracic echocardiographyP58015 years of evolution of the etiologic profile for prosthetic heart valve replacement through an echocardiography laboratoryP581The role of echocardiography in the differential diagnosis of prolonged fever of unknown originP582Predictive value for paravalvular regurgitation of 3-dimensional anatomic aortic annulus shape assessed by multidetector computed tomography post-transcatheter aortic valve replacementP583The significance and advantages of echo and CT imaging & measurement at transcatherter aortic valve implantation through the left common carotid accessP584Comparison of the self-expandable Medtronic CoreValve versus the balloon-expandable Edwards SAPIEN bioprostheses in high-risk patients undergoing transfemoral aortic valve implantationP585The impact of transcatheter aortic valve implantation on mitral regurgitation severityP586Echocardiographic follow up of children with valvular lesions secondary to rheumatic heart disease: Data from a prospective registryP587Valvular heart disease and different circadian blood pressure profilesCardiomyopathiesP588Comparison of transthoracic echocardiography versus cardiac magnetic for implantable cardioverter defibrillator therapy in primary prevention strategy dilated cardiomyopathy patientsP589Incidence and prognostic significance of left ventricle reverse remodeling in a cohort of patients with idiopathic dilated cardiomyopathyP590Early evaluation of diastolic function in fabry diseaseP591Echocardiographic predictors of atrial fibrillation development in hypertrophic cardiomyopathyP592Altered Torsion mechanics in patients with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy: LVOT-obstruction is the topdog?P593Prevention of sudden cardiac death in hypertrophic cardiomyopathy: what has changed in the guidelines?P594Coronary microcirculatory function as determinator of longitudinal systolic left ventricular function in hypertrophic cardiomyopathyP595Detection of subclinical myocardial dysfunction by tissue Doppler ehocardiography in patients with muscular dystrophiesP596Speckle tracking myocardial deformation analysis and three dimensional echocardiography for early detection of chemotherapy induced cardiac dysfunction in bone marrow transplantation patientsP597Left ventricular non compaction or hypertrabeculation: distinguishing between physiology and pathology in top-level athletesP598Role of multi modality imaging in familiar screening of Danon diseaseP599Early impairment of global longitudinal left ventricular systolic function independently predicts incident atrial fibrillation in type 2 diabetes mellitusP600Fetal cardiovascular programming in maternal diabetes mellitus and obesity: insights from deformation imagingP601Longitudinal strain stress echo evaluation of aged marginal donor hearts: feasibility in the Adonhers project.P602Echocardiographic evaluation of left ventricular size and function following heart transplantation - Gender mattersSystemic diseases and other conditionsP603The impact of septal kinetics on adverse ventricular-ventricular interactions in pulmonary stenosis and pulmonary arterial hypertensionP604Improvement in right ventricular mechanics after inhalation of iloprost in pulmonary hypertensionP605Does the treatment of patients with metabolic syndrome correct the right ventricular diastolic dysfunction?P606Predictors of altered cardiac function in breast cancer survivors who were treated with anthracycline-based therapyP607Prevalence and factors related to left ventricular systolic dysfunction in asymptomatic patients with rheumatoid arthritis: a prospective tissue-doppler echocardiography studyP608Diastolic and systolic left ventricle dysfunction presenting different prognostic implications in cardiac amyloidosisP609Diagnostic accuracy of Bedside Lung Ultrasonography in Emergency (BLUE) protocol for the diagnosis of pulmonary embolismP610Right ventricular systolic dysfunction and its incidence in breast cancer patients submitted to anthracycline therapyP611Right ventricular dysfunction is an independent predictor of survival among cirrhotic patients undergoing liver transplantCongenital heart diseaseP612Hypoplasia or absence of posterior leaflet: a rare congenital anomaly of the mitral valveP613ECHO screening for Barlow disease in proband's relativesDiseases of the aortaP614Aortic size distribution and prognosis in an unselected population of patients referred for standard transthoracic echocardiographyP615Abdominal aorta aneurysm ultrasonographic screening in a large cohort of asympromatic volounteers in an Italian urban settingP616Thoracic aortic aneurysm and left ventricular systolic functionStress echocardiographyP617Wall motion score index, systolic mitral annulus velocity and left ventricular mass predicted global longitudinal systolic strain in 238 patients examined by stress echocardiographyP618Prognostic parameters of exercise-induced severe mitral valve regurgitation and exercise-induced systolic pulmonary hypertensionP619Risk stratification after myocardial infarction: prognostic value of dobutamine stress echocardiographyP620relationship between LV and RV myocardial contractile reserve and metabolic parameters during incremental exercise and recovery in healthy children using 2-D strain analysisP621Increased peripheral extraction as a mechanism compensatory to reduced cardiac output in high risk heart failure patients with group 2 pulmonary hypertension and exercise oscillatory ventilationP622Can exercise induced changes in cardiac synchrony predict response to CRT?Transesophageal echocardiographyP623Fully-automated software for mitral valve assessment in chronic mitral regurgitation by three-dimensional transesophageal echocardiographyP624Real-time 3D transesophageal echocardiography provides more accurate orifice measurement in percutaneous transcatheter left atrial appendage closureP625Percutaneous closure of left atrial appendage: experience of 36 casesReal-time three-dimensional TEEP626Real-time three-dimensional transesophageal echocardiography during pulmonary vein cryoballoon ablation for atrial fibrilationP627Three dimensional ultrasound anatomy of intact mitral valve and in the case of type 2 disfunctionTissue Doppler and speckle trackingP629Left ventricle wall motion tracking from echocardiographic images by a non-rigid image registrationP630The first experience with the new prototype of a robotic system for remote echocardiographyP631Non-invasive PCWP influence on a loop diuretics regimen monitoring model in ADHF patients.P632Normal range of left ventricular strain, dimensions and ejection fraction using three-dimensional speckle-tracking echocardiography in neonatesP633Circumferential ascending aortic strain: new parameter in the assessment of arterial stiffness in systemic hypertensionP634Aortic vascular properties in pediatric osteogenesis imperfecta: a two-dimensional echocardiography derived aortic strain studyP635Assessment of cardiac functions in children with sickle cell anemia: doppler tissue imaging studyP636Assessment of left ventricular function in type 1 diabetes mellitus patients by two-dimensional speckle tracking echocardiography: relation to duration and control of diabetesP637A study of left ventricular torsion in l-loop ventricles using speckle-tracking echocardiographyP638Despite No-Reflow, global and regional longitudinal strains assessed by two-dimensional speckle tracking echocardiography are predictive indexes of left ventricular remodeling in patients with STEMIP639The function of reservoir of the left atrium in patients with medicaly treated arterial hypertensionP640The usefulness of speckle tracking analysis for predicting the recovery of regional systolic function after myocardial infarctionP641Two dimensional speckle tracking echocardiography in assessment of left ventricular systolic function in patients with rheumatic severe mitral regurgitation and normal ejection fractionP642The prediction of left-main and tripple vessel coronary artery disease by tissue doppler based longitudinal strain and strain rate imagingP643Role of speckle tracking in predicting arrhythmic risk and occurrence of appropriate implantable defibrillator Intervention in patients with ischemic and non-ischemic cardiomyopathyComputed Tomography & Nuclear CardiologyP644Cardiac adrenergic activity in patients with nonischemic dilated cardiomyopathy. Correlation with echocardiographyP645Different vascular territories and myocardial ischemia, there is a gradient of association?
28. HIT Poster session 2P486The effect of short term aerobic exercise and ACE polymorphism on cardiovascular remodeling in healthy sedentary postmenopausal womenP487Are there predictors of malignant progression of aortic stenosis severity?P488Quantitative und semiquantitative parameters in the classification of aortic insufficiency: a 3D-echocardiography and magnet resonance imaging studyP489Vascular indicies surrogate markers for left ventricular dysfunctionP490Left ventricular systolic strain data does not require indexation to cavity size in mitral valve diseasesP491Impact of EACVI grant programme on career progression of grant winnersP492Early predictor of atrial fibrillation recurrence after electrical cardioversion: diastolic parameters come firstP493Echocardiographic diagnosis of arrhythmias in the fetusP4943D echocardiography is a fast-learning and a more reliable method compared with 2D echocardiography for the assessment of left ventricular volumes and ejection fraction in patients with heart failureP495Right ventricular mechanics in functional ischemic mitral regurgitation in acute inferior myocardial infarctionP496Added value of two dimentional strain in assessement of left ventricular systolic function in rheumatic mitral stenosis patients with normal ejection fractionP497Left ventricular myocardial deformation in arterial hypertension with different types of glucose metabolism disordersP498Epicardial to pericardial adipose tissue ratio: predicting myocardial ischemia in patients referred for exercise stress echocardiographyP499Echocardiographic evaluation of the patients with asd after percutaneous closureP500Screening for carotid artery stenosis with the use of pocket-size imaging device equipped with linear probeP501LAD correlates poorly with LAVIP502Predictors associated with the diastolic dysfunction formation in patients with moderate hypertensionP503Assessment of left atrial function by speckle tracking analysis in transthoracic echocardiography for predicting the presence of left atrial appendage thrombus in patients with atrial fibrillationP504can echocardiography detect subclinical myocardial damage in the layers of myocardial wall? (The first study in a large population with known inflammatory disease)P505Epicardial fat thickness and galectin 3 in patients with atrial fibrillation and metabolic syndromeP506Left ventricular reverse remodeling in heart failure: a new obesity paradox?P507Epicardial adipose tissue and carotid intima media thickness in hemodialysis patients; single center experienceP508Echocardiographic parameters of mitral valve remodeling associated with poor clinical outcome in high risk patients with functional mitral regurgitation after Mitraclip implantationP509Prevalence of valve disease in a community population over the age of 60P510Discordance between mitral valve area and mean transmitral pressure gradient in mitral stenosis: Is mean gradient marker of the severity or parameter of tolerance in severe mitral stenosis?P511Ischemic mitral regurgitation is associated with impaired radial and circumferential myocardial deformation in acute inferoposterior myocardial infarctionP512The importance of early left atrial functional changes in predicting long term left ventricular remodeling in patients surviving a ST elevation myocardial infarctionP513Remodeling of myocardial deformation after mitral valve surgeryP514Global longitudinal peak systolic strain is reduced shortly after heart transplantationP515Detailed transthoracic and transesophageal echocardiographic analysis of mitral leaflets in patient undergoing mitral valve repair
29. Standardization of the Descemet membrane endothelial keratoplasty technique: Outcomes of the first 450 consecutive cases
30. La estandarización en el trasplante endotelial de membrana de Descemet: resultados de las primeras 450 cirugías
31. Síndrome de webino secundario a sífilis meningovascular. Una entidad excepcional con una etiología inesperada
32. Webino syndrome caused by meningovascular syphilis. A rare entity with an unexpected cause
33. Utilidad de la procalcitonina, proteína C reactiva y recuento leucocitario en la detección de enfermedad meningocócica durante un brote epidémico
34. Neuropsychological and neurophysiological studies in myotonic muscular dystrophy (MMD)
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