Shuan, Dong, Xingzhong, Wan, Yuxiang, Ou, Changgen, Feng, Yun, Wang, and Boren, Chen
In this paper, three new organic azids i.e. 2-azidoethylammonium-3-nitro-1,2,4-triazol-5-onate (AANTO), 1,1-dinitro-3-aza-5-azidopentane (DAAP) and bis (2-azidoethylamine)-ethyl-dinitramine (BAED) are synthesized and characterized, and their thermal decomposition reactions are studied using DSC and ARC. The approximate heat of decomposition is determined, and the the self-heating rates and pressure increasing rates are measured as the function of self-heating temperature. Their thermal stability is compared, and their potential thermal hazard is assessed.