Such, Elizabeth, Henry, Ian, Wörsching, Martha, Cronin, Mike, Kopecký, Petr, Baringhorst, Sigrid, Church, CliveH., Leaman, Jeremy, Hill, Malcolm, King, Ian, Kuhn, Raymond, Bergem, Wolfgang, Sandle, Mark, Helcké, Joanna, Marshall, Barbara, Stinshoff, Richard, Robinson, Julie, and Soldan, Angelika
1. Sport and CultureGary ARMSTRONG and Richard GIULIANOTTI, eds., Entering the Field‐ New Perspectives on World Football,Berg, 1997, pp.319, £14.99, ISBN 1–85973–198–8 (pbk) Grant JARVIE, ed., Sport in the Making of Celtic Cultures,Leicester University Press 1999, pp.198, ISBN 0–7185–0129–2 (pbk)Andreas MAUS, Drüben‐ Alltagsgeschichten aus Ost und West[with photographies by Burkhard PETER], Deutscher Taschenbuch Verlag, dtv premium, 1999, pp.214, DM24.00, ISBN3–423–24164–0 (pbk)Neil TRANTER, Sport, Economy and Society in Britain 1750–1914,Cambridge University Press, 1998, pp. 112, £6.95, ISBN 0–521–57655–5 (pbk), £19.95, ISBN 0–521–57217–7 (hbk)2. Further ReviewsAttila ÁGH, The Politics of Central Europe,Sage Publications 1998, pp.244, £15.99, ISBN 0–7619–5032‐X(pbk)Hartmut BEHR, Zuwanderung im Nationalstaat ‐ Formen der Eigen‐ und Fremdbestimmung in den USA, der Bundesrepublik und Frankreich,Leske + Budrich, 1998, pp.327, DM48.00, ISBN 3–8100–1976–3 (pbk)Robert BIDELEUX and Ian JEFFRIES, A History of Eastern Europe ‐ Crisis and Change,Routledge, 1998, pp.685, £19.99, ISBN 0–415–16112–6 (pbk)Peter GOWAN and Perry ANDERSON, eds., The Question of Europe,Verso, 1997, pp.399, £15.00, ISBN1–85984–142–2 (pbk)Hermann, W. HOEN, The Transformation of Economic Systems in Central Europe,Cheltenham, UK, Northampton, MA.: Edward Elgar 1998, pp. 203+xi, £49.95, ISBN 1–85898–271–5.Robert LADRECH & Philippe MARLIÈRE (eds) Social Democratic Parties in the European Union‐ History, Organization, Policies,Macmillan, 1998, pp.234, £45.00, ISBN 0–333–68940–2 (hbk)Jo LANGHAM‐BROWN (ed.), Media in Europe ‐ The Yearbook of the European Institute for the Media 1998,The European Institute for the Media, 1998, pp.338, DM49.50, ISBN 3–929673–30–4 (pbk)Ronald LUTZ and Matthias ZENG (eds), Armutsforschung und Sozialberichterstattung in den neuen Bundesländern,Leske + Budrich, 1998, pp.323, DM 48.00, ISBN 3–8100–1843–0 (pbk)Martin McCAULEY, Russia since 1914,Longman Companions to History Scries, Longman, 1998, pp.367, £14.99, ISBN 0–582–27639‐X (pbk)Hugh O'DONNELL, Good Times, Bad Times ‐ Soap Operas and Society in Western Europe,Leicester University Press, 1999, pp.247, £16.99, ISBN 0–7185–0046–6 (pbk)Rosalind M.O.PRITCHARD, Reconstructing Education‐ East German School and Universities after Unification,Berghahn Books 1999, pp.249, £40.00, ISBN 1–57181–954–1 (hbk) Thomas SAALFELD, Großbritannien. Eine politische Landeskunde.Opladen: Leske & Budrich 1998, pp 155, DM 18,‐ ISBN 3–8100–2062–1 (pbk)Wolfgang SACHS, Reinhard LOSKE, Manfred LINZ et al, Greening the North: A Post‐Industrial Blueprint for Ecology and Equity,Zed Books 1998, pp 247, £14.95, ISBN 1 85649 508 6 (pbk).Klaus SCHROEDER, Der SED‐Staat ‐ Geschichte und Strukturen der DDR 1949–1989,Carl Hanser Verlag, 1998, 782 pp., DM78.00Janine R. WEDEL, Collision and Collusion: The Strange Case of Western Aid to Eastern Europe 1989–1998,London: Macmillan 1998, pp.286+xv, £25.00, ISBN 0–333–75328–3.