Based on the recently published whole-genome sequence of cultivated strawberry ‘Camarosa’, in this study, 222 FaWRKYgenes were identified in the ‘Camarosa’ genome. Phylogenetic analysis showed that the 222 FaWRKYcandidate genes were classified into three groups, of which 41 were in group I, 142 were in group II, and 39 were in group III. The 222 FaWRKYgenes were evenly distributed among the seven chromosomes. The exon–intron structures and motifs of the WRKY genes had evolutionary diversity in different cultivated strawberry genomes. Regarding differential expression, the expression of FaWRKY133was relatively high in leaves, while FaWRKY63was specifically expressed in roots. FaWRKY207, 59, 46, 182, 156, 58, 39, 62and 115were up-regulated during achene development from the green to red fruit transition. FaWRK181, 166and 211were highly expressed in receptacles at the ripe fruit stage. One interesting finding was that FaWRKY179and 205were significantly repressed after Colletotrichum fructicolainoculation in both ‘Benihoppe’ and ‘Sweet Charlie’ compared with Mock. The data reported here provide a foundation for further comparative genomics and analyses of the distinct expression patterns of FaWRKYgenes in various tissues and in response to C. fructicolainoculation. more...