10 results on '"Mattelart, Armand"'
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2. Las tecnologías de la comunicación vistas desde la utopía
- Author
Mattelart, Armand
- Abstract
Los vectores de la comunicación han fluctuado históricamente del ideal del vínculo universal a través de las redes del industrialismo en el siglo XIX a las redes globales del tercer milenio. Pero también ha sido una constante en las concepciones sobre la comunicación el soslayar el análisis del sentido de esos cambios. La Humanidad ve en la comunicación el quitamiedos ante la disgregación y el camino hacia una nueva vinculación social. Otros, antes que los actuales profetas de la informática ya avanzaron estas desmesuradas esperanzas sobre el determinismo virtuoso de la tecnología. El análisis histórico del itinerario seguido las utopías de la comunicación, permite escapar de la volatilidad de la comunicación contemporánea para tratar de entender los grandes retos de la comunicación que se avecina.
- Published
- 2000
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3. Las tecnologías de la comunicación vistas desde la utopía
- Author
Mattelart, Armand
- Abstract
ResumenLos vectores de la comunicación han fluctuado históricamente del ideal del vínculo universal a través de las redes del industrialismo en el siglo XIX a las redes globales del tercer milenio. Pero también ha sido una constante en las concepciones sobre la comunicación el soslayar el análisis del sentido de esos cambios. La Humanidad ve en la comunicación el quitamiedos ante la disgregación y el camino hacia una nueva vinculación social. Otros, antes que los actuales profetas de la informática ya avanzaron estas desmesuradas esperanzas sobre el determinismo virtuoso de la tecnología. El análisis histórico del itinerario seguido las utopías de la comunicación, permite escapar de la volatilidad de la comunicación contemporánea para tratar de entender los grandes retos de la comunicación que se avecina.
- Published
- 2000
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4. Utopies et réalités du lien global. Pour une critique du technoglobalisme
- Author
Mattelart, Armand
- Abstract
RésuméDepuis les années quatre-vingt, en concomitance avec la déréglementation des réseaux d'information et de communication, on assiste à une véritable déréglementation des concepts qui nous servent à désigner le monde réticulaire. Les innovations sémantiques à partir des espaces marchands et de la recherche opérationnelle font florès au détriment des approches théoriques qui acceptent de prendre de la distance par rapport aux nouveaux empirismes technicistes. Pour nous faire comprendre, nous sommes obligés d'utiliser des termes dont nous n'interrogeons pas la genèse: qui les formule et les opère? La notion de globalisation, directement empruntée à la langue anglaise, est une de celles-là, et elle occupe une place matricielle. La «globalisation» est, certes, déjà inscrite dans les faits: de plus en plus nos sociétés sont connectées avec des produits et des réseaux d'information et de communication dont la logique est de fonctionner sur le mode «universel». Mais c'est aussi une notion réductrice qui dissimule la complexité du nouvel ordre mondial plutôt qu'elle ne la révèle. Son sens est moins transparent que ne le donne à croire sa consécration météorique dans le langage courant. Cette nouvelle appellation et sa galaxie ont une histoire et occupent une position précise dans la topologie politique des relations internationales. Le travail critique sur la notion paraît une condition préalable, nécessaire, mais certes non suffisante, pour poser la question des alternatives. C'est ce que tente de faire l'auteur dans la première partie de cet article. Dans la seconde, il s'emploie à montrer le profond renouvellement des problématiques de l'internationalisation des systèmes de communication à partir de l'économie politique de la communication internationale et de l'anthropologie.
- Published
- 1998
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5. International Communications
- Author
Crane, Rhonda, Smith, Anthony, Wettig, Gerhard, Mattelart, Armand, Siegelaub, Seth, Hardt, Hanno, Fiscner, Heinz-Dietrich, Melnik, Stefan Reinhard, Asante, Molefi Kete, Asante, Molefi Kete, Newmark, Eileen, Blake, Cecil, and Hedebro, Goran
- Abstract
Roland S. Hornet, Jr.'s Politics, Cultures and Communication: European vs. American Approaches to Communications Policymaking (New York: Praeger Special Studies, 1979—price not given, but available in both paper and cloth)Rhonda J. Crane's The Politics of International Standards: France and the Color TV War (Ablex Publishing, 355 Chestnut, Norwood, N.J. 07648—$14.95)Anthony Smith is Television and Political Life: Studies in Six Euro ean Countries (New York: St. Martin's Press, 1979—$1 . )Gerhard Wettig's Broadcasting and Detente: Eastern Policies and their Implications for East-West Relations (New York: St. Martin's Press, 1977—$10.00)Armand Mattelart and Seth Siegelaub, eds. Communication and Class Struggle, 1. Capitalism, Imperialism (International Mass Media Research Center, 173 ave de la dhuys, 93170 bagnolet, France—$14.95, paper)Hanno Hardt Social Theories of the Press: Early German and American Perspectives (Beverly Hills, Calif.: Sage Publications, 1979—$18.50/8.95)Heinz-Dietrich Fiscner and Stefan Reinhard Melnik, eds. Entertainment: A Cross-Cultural Examination (New York: Hastings House, 1979—$18.50/9.50)Molefi Kete Asante, Eileen Newmark and Cecil A. Blake, eds. Handbook of Intercul tural Communication (Beverly Hills, Calif.: Sage Publications, 1979—825.00)Goran Hedebro Communication and Social Change in Developing Nations::: Critical View (Stockholm: Economic Research Institute of the Stockholm School of Econom2.cs/Schooi of Journalism, University of Stockholm, 1979 —no price indicated, paper.)
- Published
- 1979
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6. French Mass Media Books: 1980-81
- Author
Balle, Francis, Solal, L., Solal, P., Gatineau, J. C., Lempen, Blaise, Fleck, Florian, Boyer, Patrick, Michalowska, Anika, Mabileau, Albert, Grassin, Maurice, Dibilio, Philipe, LePrince, George, Cave, Francoise, Beaune, Joseph, Ponot, Rene, Burbage, Robert, Albert, Pierre, Tudesq, A. J., Duval, Rene, Laurence, Gerard, Lavoinne, Yves, Cazenave, Francois, Bobbled, Thierry, Collin, Claude, Souchon, Michael, Cluzel, Jean, Capin, Jean, de Closets, Francois, Castarede, J., Sur, J., Montassier, Gerard, Courtial, Jean-Pierre, Veron, Eliseo, Jouary, J. P., Bromhead, L., Kohler, P., Chamoux, Jean-Pierre, Flichy, Patrick, Metayer, Gerard, Pomonti, Jacques, Metayer, Gerard, Mattelart, Armand, Piemme, J. M., Ramonet, Ignacio, Cipra, Annie, Hermelin, Christian, Pucheu, Rene, Holtz-Bonneau, Francoise, Boussinot, Roger, Sadoul, George, and Autant-Lara, Claude
- Abstract
Francis Balle, Medias et societe [Media and Society] (Paris: Montchrestien, 1980, 750 pp.)L. Solal, P. Solal, and J.C. Gatineau, Dictionnaire Juridique: Presse ecrite, parlee, televisee [A Legal Dictionary: The Written, Spoken and Televised Press] (Paris: Dalloz, 1980, 280 pp.)Blaise Lempen, Information et pouvior [Information and Power] (Lausanne, Switzerland: L'Age d'homme, 1980, 160 pp.)Florian H. Fleck, ed. Le journalists, l'information sure les activites des autorites et le public [The Journalist: Information on the Activities of Government and the Public] (Fribourg, Switz.: Editions universitaires, 1980, 129 pp.)Patrick Boyer, Les journalistes son-ils des assassins? [Are Journalists Murderers?] (Paris: Hachette, 1980, 205 pp.)Anika Michalowska, Dix-Neuf journalistes et leur metier [Nineteen Journalists and Their Work] (Paris:. Editions d'organisation, 1980, 224 pp.)Albert Mabileau and A.J. Tudesq, eds. L'information locale. [Local News] (Bordeaux: Editions Pedone, 1981, 360 pp.)Maurice Grassin, Qu'on m'envoie un journaliste pour croquer la rosiire: chronique d'un localier [Send me a reporter to cover the girl that won the annual prize for virtue: Chronicle of a Small Town Correspondent] (Le Guilvinec: Editions Le Signor, 1980, 178 pp.)Philipe Dibilio and George LePrince, L'Aigle et la _plume: chronique de la presse quotidienne en Rhine-Alpes [The Eagle and the Pen: A History of the Daily Press in the Rhtne-Alps Region] (Lyons: Editions Federop, 1980)Francoise Cave, L'espoir et la consolation: l'ideologie de la famille dans la presse du coeur [Hope and Solace: Family Ideologyin the Sentimental Press] (Paris: Payot, 1981, 190 pp.)SPI, La presse industrielle: repertoire analytique, and Notre presse industrielle [The Business Press: Analytical Report, and Our Business Press] (Paris: Syndicat de la presse industrielle, 1980, 213 and 65 pp.)Joseph Beaune and Rene Ponot, Qui a ramasse la plume d'pie? [Who Picked Up the Goose Quill?] (Paris: Dessain & Tolra, 1979, 332 pp.)Robert Burbage, La presse aux Etats- Unis [The Press in the United State] (Paris: TTUocumentation francaise, 1981, 278 pp.)"Statuts,", Issue No. 27 of Etudes de radio-television (Bruxelles, Be glum: ORTB-F, May 1980, 259 pp.)Pierre Albert and A.J. Tudesq, Histoire de la radio-television. (History of Broadcasting) (Paris: PUF, Que sais- Je ? Nol 1904, 1981, 128 pp.)Rene Duval, Histoire de la radio en France [History of Radio in France] (Paris: A ain Moreau, 1980, 444 pp.)G4rard Laurence, Le contenu des medias electroniques: methods d'histoire quantitative [The Content of Electronic Media: A Method for Quantitative History] (Paris: Maloine/St. Hyacinthe; Quebec: Edisem, 1980, 135 pp.)Yves Lavoinne, La radio (Paris: Larousse, 1980, 192 pp.)Francois Cazenave, Les radios libres [Free Radio Stations] (Paris: PUF, Que Sais- Je ? No. 1868, 1980, 128 pp.)Thierry Bobbled, Devine qui va parler ce soir? [Guess Who's Going to Speak Tonight?] (Paris: Syros, 1981, 176 pp.)Claude Collin, Ecoutez la vraie difference... [Listen to Something Really Different] (Claix: La Pensee Sauvage, 1979, 127 pp.)Michael Souchon, Petit ecran: Grand public (Small Screen: Large Public) (Paris: INA-La Small francaise, 1980, 198 pp.)Jean Cluzel, Telemanie [Televisionmania] (Paris: Plon, 1979, 28 pp.)Jean Capin, L'effet television [The Television Syndrome] (Paris: Grasset, 1980, 285 pp.)Francois de Closets, Le systeme EPM [The What-the-Hell System] (Paris: Grasset, 1980, 340 pp.)J. Castarede and J. Sur, La communiculture: Pour une culture de la communication. [Communiculture: For a Culture of Communication] (Paris: Stock, 1980, 299 pp.)Gerard Montassier, Le fait culture: les createurs; l'industrie culturelle; la culture pour quoi faire at pour qui. [The Cultural Phenomenon: the Creators, the Culture Industry, Culture for What and For Whom] (Paris:Fayard, 1980, 447 pp.)Jean-Pierre Courtial, La communication pieqee [communication is Booby-Trapped] (Paris: Robert Jauze, 1979, 219 pp.)Eliseo Veron, Construire l'evenement: les medias et l'accident de Three Mile Island [Building an Event: The Media and the TMI Accident] (Paris: Editions de Minuit, 1981, 177 pp.)J.P. Jouary, et al., Giscard et les idees: Essai sur la guerre ideologique [Giscard and Ideas: An Essay on the Ideological War) (Paris: Les editions sociales, 1980, 234 pp.)L. Bromhead and P. Kohler, La television dechainee [Television Unchained] (Paris: Hachette, 1980, 177 pp.)Jean-Pierre Chamoux, L'information sans frontieres [Transnational Information] (Paris: La documentation frangoise, 1980, 179 pp.)Patrick Flichy, Les industries de l'imaqinaire: pour une analyse economique des mgdias [The Audio-Visual Industries: Toward an Economic Analysis of Media] (Grenoble:.Presses Universitaires de Grenoble, 1980, 277 pp.)Gerard Metayer, La societe malade de ses communications? [Is Communications Making Society Sick?] (Paris: Dunod, 1980, 223 pp.)Jacques Pomonti and Gerard Metayer, La Communication: besoin social ou marche? [Communication: A Social Need or Market?] (Paris: la documentation francaise, 1980, 151 pp.)Armand Mattelart and J.M. Piemme, Television: enjeux sans frontieres-Industries culturelles et politiques de la communication [Television: Transnational States-Cultural Industries and Communication Policies] (Grenoble: Presses universitaires de Grenoble, 1980, 231 pp.)Ignacio Ramonet, Le chewing-gym des yeux [Chewing Gum for the Eyeballs] (Paris: Alain Moreau, 1980, 191 pp.)INA-CHOP, Ou et comment se former a la communication audiovisuelle en France-Guide pratique Uhere and How to Train for Audio- Visuai Communication in France-A Practical Guide: (Paris: La documentation francaise, 1980, 336 pp.)Annie Cipra and Christian Hermelin, La presse, outilyedagogique [The Press as a Teaching Tool] (Paris: Retz, 1980, 200 pp.)Rene Pucheu, Savoir s'informer-comment se servir des mass media [Getting at the News -How to Use the Mass Media] (Paris: Editions du Centurion, 1980, 107 pp.)Francoise Holtz-Bonneau, Dejouons la publicite OLr et's Not be the Fools of Advertisingj (Montargis: Editions de is Surienne, 1980, 179 pp.)Roger Boussinot, L'encyclopedie du cinema [The Cinema Encyclopedia] (Paris: Bordas, 1980, 2 Vols, 1,333 pp.)George Sadoul, Ecrits 1: Chroniques du cinema fran ais 1939-1967 [Chronicles of the French Cinema] (Paris: UGE 10/18, 1979, 413 pp.)Claude Autant-Lara, Telemafia [The Televison Mafia] (Paris: Alain Lefeuvre, 1981, 296 pp.)
- Published
- 1981
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7. International Communication
- Author
Mattelart, Armand, Siegelaub, Seth, de la Haye, Yves, Lovis, F. B., Tagg, E. D., Gudykunst, William, Yun Kim, Young, - Rada, J.F., Pipe, G. R., Van Der Laan, A., Winters, A. A., Barquin, R. C., Mead, G. P., and Firestone, Charles
- Abstract
THE MISSING LINK: REPORT OF THE INDEPENDENT COMMISSION FOR WORLD WIDE TELECOMMUNICATIONS DEVELOPMENT (Secretary General, International Telecommunication Union, CH1211 Geneva 20, Switzerland---apparently available free on request, paper)AN EXPLORATION OF LEGAL ISSUES IN INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGIES (Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, 1750 Pennsylvania Ave. NW, Washington, D.C. 20006---$14.00, paper)COMMUNICATION AND CLASS STRUGGLE: 2. LIBERATION, SOCIALISM edited by Armand Mattelart and Seth Siegelaub (438pp..1983---$18.95, paper)MARX & ENGELS ON THE MEANS OF COMMUNICATION (THE MOVEMENT OF COMMODITIES, PEOPLE, INFORMATION & CAPITAL) edited by Yves de la Haye (175 pp., 1980---$6.00, paper)MARXISM AND THE MASS MEDIA: TOWARDS A BASIC BIBLIOGRAPHY 1-2-3 REVISED (105 pp., 1979---$7.50, paper)INFORMATICS EDUCATION FOR ALL STUDENTS AT UNIVERSITY LEVEL edited by F.B. Lovis and E.D. Tagg (Amsterdam: North-Holland/New York: Elsevier Science Publishers, 1984---$31.00)METHODS FOR INTERCULTURAL COMMUNICATION RESEARCH edited by William Gudykunst and Young Yun Kim (Beverly Hills, Ca.: Sage Publications, 1984---price not given, paper)COMMUNICATION REGULATION AND INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS edited by j.F.- Rada and G.R. Pipe (265 pp., 1984---$46.25)TRANSBORDER DATA FLOWS; ACCESS TO THE INTERNATIONAL ON-LINE DATA-BASE MARKET (130 pp., 1984---$28.75)THE USE OF INFORMATION IN A CHANGING WORLD edited by A. Van Der Laan and A.A. Winters (470 pp.,1984---$53.75)TOWARDS THE INFORMATION SOCIETY edited by R.C. Barquin and G.P. Mead (164 pp., 1984---$38.50)TRANSBORDER DATA FLOW AND BRAZIL (Amsterdam: North-Holland/New York: Elsevier, 1984---$57.75)INTERNATIONAL SATELLITE AND CABLE TELEVISION, edited by Charles Firestone (Communications Law Program, UCLA School of Law, 405 Hilgard Ave., Los Angeles, Ca. 90024---price not given, but about $50.00, paper)THE TELECOMMUNICATIONS EXPORT GUIDE; A DIRECTORY OF INTERNATIONAL TRADE DATA AND RESOURCES (North American Telecommunications Assn., 2000 M St. NW, Washington, DC 20036---$115.00, paper)
- Published
- 1985
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8. International Communication
- Author
Mattelart, Armand
- Abstract
Armand Mattelart's Multinational Corporations and the Control of Culture: The Ideological Apparatuses of Imperialism (Brighton, Sussex: Harvester Press Ltd./Atlantic Highlands, N.J.: Humanities Press, 1979 ---$37.50)Unesco, two other reports on media in developing nationsStatistics on Radio and Television, 1960-1976, Statistical Reports and Studios No. 23 (1979, 124 pp.---$4.75, paper)
- Published
- 1979
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9. Third World Communication
- Author
Mattelart, Armand, McCoy, Alfred, Roces, Alfredo, Librero, Felix, Pineda-Ofreneo, Rosalinda, del Mundo, Clodualdo, Froilan, Vicente, Gopal, B. V., and Lowe, Vincent
- Abstract
COMMUNICATING IN POPULAR NICARAGUA edited by Armand Mattelart (International General, PO Box 350, New York 10013—$ 8.95, paper)PHILIPPINE CARTOONS: POLITICAL CARICATURE OF THE AMERICAN ERA, 1900-1941 by Alfred McCoy and Alfredo Roces (Quezon City: Vera-Reyes, 1985, 370 pp.)A HISTORY OF THE KOMIKS OF THE PHILIPPINES AND OTHER COUNTRIES (Quezon City: Islas Filipinas Publishing Co., 1985, 305 pp)RURAL EDUCATIONAL BROADCASTING: A PHILIPPINE EXPERIENCE by Felix Librero (Laguna: University of Philippines—Los Banos, 1985 155 pp.)THE MANIPULATED PRESS: A HISTORY OF PHILIPPINE JOURNALISM SINCE 1945 by Rosalinda Pineda-Ofreneo (Manila: Cacho Hermanos, 1984, 256 pp.)PHILIPPINE MASS MEDIA: A BOOK OF READINGS edited by Clodualdo del Mundo, Jr. (Manila: Communication Foundation of the Philippines, 1986, 280 pp.)THE PHILIPPINE PRESS: UNDER SIEGE by the National Press Club (Manila, Press Club, 1984, 1985, two vols)MANUAL ON MEDIA EDUCATION by Vicente S. Froilan (Manila: Communication Foundation for Asia, 1985, 88 pp.)MEDIA AND THE CHINESE PUBLIC: A SURVEY OF THE BEIJING MEDIA AUDIENCE, special issue of Chinese Sociology and Anthropology (Spring-Summer 1986, 200 pp.)VIDEO PIRACY AND THE LAW by B.V. Gopal (New Delhi: Deep & Deep Publications, 1986, 160 pp.)ASIAN PR by Vincent Lowe (Singapore: Times Books International, 1986, 208 pp.)PUBLIC RELATIONS: THE MALAYSIAN EXPERIENCE (Kuala Lumpur: Institute of Public Relations Malaysia, 1986, 260 pp)SELLING DREAMS: HOW ADVERTISING MISLEADS US by the Consumers' Association of Penang (Pengan, CAP, 1986, 149 pp.)ABUSE OF WOMEN IN THE MEDIA by the Consumer's Association of Penang (Penang: CAP, 1982, 85 pp)
- Published
- 1987
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10. The Developing World
- Author
Shepherd, F. M., Lent, John, Mattelart, Armand, and Schmucler, Hector
- Abstract
TECHNICAL DEVELOPMENT OF BROADCASTING IN ASIA-PACIFIC: 1964-1984 edited by F. M. Shepherd (Asia Pacific Broadcasting Union, P.O. Box 1164, Pantai, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia $20.00 by air to any address, paper)WOMEN AND MASS MEDIA IN ASIA: AN ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY by John A. Lent (Asian Mass Communication Research and Information Centre, 39 Newton Road, Singapore 1130 price not given, paper)COMMUNICATION & INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES: FREEDOM OF CHOICE FOR LATIN AMERICA? by Armand Mattelart and Hector Schmucler (Norwood, NJ: Ablex, 1985 $29.95)International radio listening guides (several titles)
- Published
- 1986
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