The title complexes, diaquadi(2,2''-bipyridine)di(dichloroacetato)lanthanide(III) monodichloroacetato [Ln(CHCl2COO)2(2,2'-bipy)2(H2O)2]+(CHCl2COO)-(Ln = Dy, Ho, Tm, Er, Yb], were obtained and characterized. [Er(CHCl2COO)2(2,2'-bipy)2(H2O)2]+(CHCl2COO)- crystallizes in the mooclinic space group P21/n with Z = 4. Cell dimensions are a = 15.886(9), b = 13.758(2), c = 16.343(4)Å, β = 113.31(3)°, and the structure was refined to an R of 0.049 for 3415 observed reflections. The Er(III) ion exhibits a distorted, square antiprismatic configuration. Four N atoms of 2,2'-bipy and four O atoms from two dichloroacetato and two water ligands are coordinated. One dichloroacetato group lies outside the polyhedron and is connected with water ligands by hydrogen bonds.