At one time, the killing of a Latina/Hispanic woman by her intimate partner was extremely rare in Chicago. That is no longer true. Even as the overall number of intimate partner homicides has declined, the proportion in which the victim is a Latinas/Hispanic women has increased. However, there is very little empirical information on Latina/Hispanic women's risk of death, given partner abuse. While there is population-based data on the risk of abuse, that information is of limited use to women who are already confronting an abusive situation, or to the practitioners and friends she may depend on for support. These people need to know the risk factors for a lethal outcome among women experiencing intimate partner violence. Further, without data based on adequate samples, we cannot assume that the constellation of risk factors that are important for Latina/Hispanic women are necessarily the same as for other racial/ethnic groups. The Chicago Women's Health Risk Study (CWHRS) was designed to respond to these questions. The CWHRS, a study of lethal and non-lethal intimate partner violence, contains enough cases so that risk factors for Latina/Hispanic women can be analyzed separately. In this paper, we listen to the voices of the 174 Latina/Hispanic women in the CWHRS (56 who were in a relationship and had not experienced physical abuse in the past year, 40 who had experienced severe or life-threatening violence at the hands of an intimate partner in the past year, 69 who had experienced other kinds of intimate partner violence in the past year, and 9 who had been killed by her intimate partner), following them a year in the past and (for the women who were not killed) a year prospectively. We ask what aspects of the situation indicate that she may be at risk of death, and what helps a woman to be able to escape further violence? From the experiences of women who successfully escaped the violence, and from the experiences of women who did not, we suggest practical interventions that could help to save the lives of Latina/Hispanic women. ..PAT.-Unpublished Manuscript [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]