Yu, Shengju, Liu, Suyuan, Wang, Siwei, Tang, Chang, Luo, Zhigang, Liu, Xinwang, and Zhu, En
Anchor technology is popularly employed in multi-view subspace clustering (MVSC) to reduce the complexity cost. However, due to the sampling operation being performed on each individual view independently and not considering the distribution of samples in all views, the produced anchors are usually slightly distinguishable, failing to characterize the whole data. Moreover, it is necessary to fuse multiple separated graphs into one, which leads to the final clustering performance heavily subject to the fusion algorithm adopted. What is worse, existing MVSC methods generate dense bipartite graphs, where each sample is associated with all anchor candidates. We argue that this dense-connected mechanism will fail to capture the essential local structures and degrade the discrimination of samples belonging to the respective near anchor clusters. To alleviate these issues, we devise a clustering framework named SL-CAUBG. Specifically, we do not utilize sampling strategy but optimize to generate the consensus anchors within all views so as to explore the information between different views. Based on the consensus anchors, we skip the fusion stage and directly construct the unified bipartite graph across views. Most importantly, $\ell _{1}$ norm and Laplacian-rank constraints employed on the unified bipartite graph make it capture both local and global structures simultaneously. $\ell _{1}$ norm helps eliminate the scatters between anchors and samples by constructing sparse links and guarantees our graph to be with clear anchor-sample affinity relationship. Laplacian-rank helps extract the global characteristics by measuring the connectivity of unified bipartite graph. To deal with the nondifferentiable objective function caused by $\ell _{1}$ norm, we adopt an iterative re-weighted method and the Newton’s method. To handle the nonconvex Laplacian-rank, we equivalently transform it as a convex trace constraint. We also devise a four-step alternate method with linear complexity to solve the resultant problem. Substantial experiments show the superiority of our SL-CAUBG.