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2,527 results

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1. Event Correlation with Boxed Pomsets.

2. A Decentralised Car Traffic Control System Simulation Using Local Message Propagation Optimised with a Genetic Algorithm.

3. ProM 4.0: Comprehensive Support for Real Process Analysis.

4. Computing Minimal Elements of Upward-Closed Sets for Petri Nets.

5. Independence of Net Transformations and Token Firing in Reconfigurable Place/Transition Systems.

6. Comparison of the Expressiveness of Arc, Place and Transition Time Petri Nets.

7. Formal Modeling and Analysis of the OGDC Wireless Sensor Network Algorithm in Real-Time Maude.

8. A Connectivity Based Partition Approach for Node Scheduling in Sensor Networks.

9. Mobile Anchor-Free Localization for Wireless Sensor Networks.

10. Efficient and Distributed Access Control for Sensor Networks.

11. A UML Profile for Modeling Mobile Information Systems.

12. Scalable Processing of Context Information with COSMOS.

13. Migration in CORBA Component Model.

14. Parallel Edge Detection on a Virtual Hexagonal Structure.

15. LDFSA: A Learning-Based Dynamic Framed Slotted ALOHA for Collision Arbitration in Active RFID Systems.

16. Self Managing Middleware for Dynamic Grids.

17. Small-World Network Inspired Trustworthy Web Service Evaluation and Management Model.

18. Fault Management in P2P-MPI.

19. Interoperable Grid PKIs Among Untrusted Domains: An Architectural Proposal.

20. A Study of System Nervousness in Multi-agent Manufacturing Control System.

21. Solving Dynamic Distributed Constraint Satisfaction Problems with a Modified Weak-Commitment Search Algorithm.

22. Exchange Values and Self-regulation of Exchanges in Multi-agent Systems: The Provisory, Centralized Model.

23. ETTO: Emergent Timetabling by Cooperative Self-organization.

24. How to Increase the Security of Digital Rights Management Systems Without Affecting Consumer's Security.

25. Privacy-Preserving Decision Tree Mining Based on Random Substitutions.

26. Do You Trust Your Recommendations? An Exploration of Security and Privacy Issues in Recommender Systems.

27. Lifetime Maximization of Sensor Networks Under Connectivity and k-Coverage Constraints.

28. Utilising Alternative Application Configurations in Context- and QoS-Aware Mobile Middleware.

29. Bounding Recovery Time in Rollback-Recovery Protocol for Mobile Systems Preserving Session Guarantees.

30. The Architecture of a Privacy-Aware Access Control Decision Component.

31. Deployment of an Intelligent Dynamic Local Power Dispatch System Using LAN and Wireless Technology.

32. Study on Unified Metamodeling Framework Based on Down-Up Mechanism.

33. Extending Cova Functionality to Support Business Processes.

34. An Approach of Virtual Prototyping Modeling in Collaborative Product Design.

35. Research on Collaborative Editing Environment for Conceptual Design of 3D Object.

36. Integration, Management and Communication of Heterogeneous Design Resources with WWW Technologies.

37. Distributed Product Design and Manufacturing Based on KBE.

38. Research on Internet-Based System Architecture for Collaborative Product Development.

39. Screen-Sharing Technology for Cooperative CAPP System in a Networked Manufacturing Environment.

40. Towards a Systematic Conflict Resolution Policy in Multi-agent System: A Conceptual Framework.

41. SWSAIF: A Semantic Application Integration Framework to Support Collaborative Design.

42. A Dynamic Scalable Video Conference System Based on SIP.

43. The Role of Sketches in Supporting Near-Synchronous Remote Communication in Computer Supported Collaborative Design.

44. A Conflict Resolution Methodology in a Large-Scale CSCD System.

45. A Real-Time MAC Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks: Virtual TDMA for Sensors (VTS).

46. A Synchronous Multicast Application for Asymmetric Intra-campus Networks: Definition, Analysis and Evaluation.

47. FingerMouse - A Button Size Visual Hand Tracking and Segmentation Device.

48. Life-Inspired Systems and Their Quality-Driven Design.

49. Compatible Component Upgrades Through Smart Component Swapping.

50. Towards an Engineering Approach to Component Adaptation.