
Showing total 3,174 results
3,174 results

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1. Screening Paper Formation Variations on Production Line.

2. A Kernel Based Multi-resolution Time Series Analysis for Screening Deficiencies in Paper Production.

3. P System Models of Bistable, Enzyme Driven Chemical Reaction Networks.

4. A Bio-inspired Architecture for Cognitive Audio.

5. A Lot Size Model for Deteriorating Inventory with Back-Order Cancellation.

6. A New Pooled Buying Method Based on Risk Management.

7. On Using Learning Automata to Model a Student's Behavior in a Tutorial-like System.

8. Enhanced Neural Filter Design and Its Application to the Active Control of Nonlinear Noise.

9. Promising Search Regions of Crossover Operators for Function Optimization.

10. A Manufacturing-Environmental Model Using Bayesian Belief Networks for Assembly Design Decision Support.

11. Perimeter Intercepted Length and Color t-Value as Features for Nature-Image Retrieval.

12. Biometric Person Authentication Is a Multiple Classifier Problem.

13. Interactive Boosting for Image Classification.

14. Empirical Analysis of GP Tree-Fragments.

15. The Holland Broadcast Language and the Modeling of Biochemical Networks.

16. Using XCS to Describe Continuous-Valued Problem Spaces.

17. A Formal Relationship Between Ant Colony Optimizers and Classifier Systems.

18. An Experimental Comparison Between ATNoSFERES and ACS.

19. Mining Rough Association from Text Documents for Web Information Gathering.

20. A Probabilistic Model of the DNA Conformational Change.

21. Computing with Spiking Neural P Systems: Traces and Small Universal Systems.

22. Actors, Roles and Coordinators — A Coordination Model for Open Distributed and Embedded Systems.

23. Enabling Ubiquitous Coordination Using Application Sessions.

24. Employing Inductive Databases in Concrete Applications.

25. A Novel Incremental Approach to Association Rules Mining in Inductive Databases.

26. The Hows, Whys, and Whens of Constraints in Itemset and Rule Discovery.

27. Bio-inspired Organization for Multi-agents on Distributed Systems.

28. Bio-inspired Replica Density Control in Dynamic Networks.

29. Evolving the Walking Behaviour of a 12 DOF Quadruped Using a Distributed Neural Architecture.

30. A Novel All-Optical Neural Network Based on Coupled Ring Lasers.

31. A Design and Implementation of Reconfigurable Architecture for Neural Networks Based on Systolic Arrays.

32. Natural Language Human-Machine Interface Using Artificial Neural Networks.

33. Automatic Recognition and Evaluation of Natural Language Commands.

34. A Constraint Satisfaction Adaptive Neural Network with Dynamic Model for Job-Shop Scheduling Problem.

35. Modeling and Optimization of High-Technology Manufacturing Productivity.

36. Neural Network Based Posture Control of a Human Arm Model in the Sagittal Plane.

37. Identification of Cell-Cycle Phases Using Neural Network and Steerable Filter Features.

38. Mining Protein Interaction from Biomedical Literature with Relation Kernel Method.

39. Multiple-Point Bit Mutation Method of Detector Generation for SNSD Model.

40. A Neural Network Decision-Making Mechanism for Robust Video Transmission over 3G Wireless Network.

41. The LD-CELP Gain Filter Based on BP Neural Network.

42. Intelligent Built-in Test (BIT) for More-Electric Aircraft Power System Based on Hybrid Generalized LVQ Neural Network.

43. Generalized Minimum Variance Neuro Controller for Power System Stabilization.

44. Feeder Load Balancing Using Neural Network.

45. Study of Neural Networks for Electric Power Load Forecasting.

46. Grasping Control of Robot Hand Using Fuzzy Neural Network.

47. PD Control of Overhead Crane Systems with Neural Compensation.

48. Identification and Control of Dynamic Systems Based on Least Squares Wavelet Vector Machines.

49. Implementable Adaptive Backstepping Neural Control of Uncertain Strict-Feedback Nonlinear Systems.

50. Fractional Order Digital Differentiators Design Using Exponential Basis Function Neural Network.