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1,180 results

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1. 不同颜色果袋对'巨峰, 葡萄果实中 挥发性成分的影响.

2. 水环境中磺胺类药物代谢产物的 行为特征与生态毒理.

3. Meta-analysis of plant restoration impacts on soil microbial community structure in mining areas.

4. 白色侧齿霉菌在文物表面的生态适应 及其防治研究进展.

5. 昆虫视觉电生理技术研究进展.

6. 类芽孢杆菌 CH2 的筛选、酶活性及全基因组分析.

7. 虚拟生态技术:概念、体系与应用展望.

8. 屋顶绿化低碳景观潜力探究.

9. 典型黄帚橐吾型退化草地形成过程中 土壤和植被特征.

10. 香樟冠层光环境对叶片功能性状和光合特性的影响.

11. 不同环境条件下光合作用对光响应 模型的研究进展.

12. 放牧压力表述的分异及其适用场景.

13. 基于图论的景观图表达、分析及应用.

14. 苘麻挥发油对小麦、玉米和大豆萌发 及幼苗生长的化感作用.

15. 放牧对全球草地生态系统碳氮磷化学计量特征 影响的Meta分析.

16. 氮添加对树木根系特性的影响.

17. 生态创新的最新研究进展与述评.

18. 人工选择下旱地小麦生长塑性与产量形成特征.

19. 城市黑臭水体遥感监测与筛查研究进展.

20. 微生物帮助烟草抗旱的机理及其应用.

21. 生态系统核算研究进展.

22. 基于生态系统服务簇的内蒙古自治区生态功能分区.

23. 铜-毒死蜱对蚯蚓的联合毒性效应.

24. Effects of leaf extracts of Amorpha fruticosa on seed germination and seedling growth of Amygdalus pedunculata.

25. 公益林保护区生态补偿标准与补偿方式.

26. Influencing factors of non-point source pollution of watershed based on boosted regression tree algorithm.

27. 京津冀地区资源环境承载力动态变化及其驱动因子.

28. 青海湖湿地生态系统服务价值评估.

29. Ecological suitability assessment and optimization of urban land expansion space in Guiyang City.

30. A review of green roof performance towards management of roof runoff.

31. 寄主植物根浸提液对肉苁蓉种子萌发 及吸器形成的影响.

32. Socio-hydrology: A review.

33. Prediction method of rural landscape pattern evolution based on life cycle: A case study of Jinjing Town, Hunan Province, China.

34. Analysis on accessibility of urban park green space: The case study of Shenyang Tiexi District.

35. Research advances in eco-toxicological diagnosis of soil pollution.

36. Environmental behavior of graphene and its effect on the transport and fate of pollutants in environment.

37. 有机类肥料对土壤养分含量的影响.

38. 菌根真菌与植物共生营养交换机制研究进展.

39. Measurement and estimation methods and research progress of snow evaporation in forests.

40. Horizontal transfer of antibiotic resistance genes in the environment.

41. Suitability assessment of construction land in the central and southern parts of Hebei Province, China based on potential-limitation model.

42. Effects of forest ownership regime on landscape pattern and animal habitat: A review.

43. Species composition and geographical distribution of threatened fishes in Yunnan Province of Southwest China.

44. 植物对羰基化合物的排放与吸收研究进展.

45. Applications of macroinvertebrate community index and quantitative macroinvertebrate community index in monitoring and assessing river water quality.

46. Oxidative damage of volatile oil from Chenopodium ambrosioides on Vicia faba root tip cells.

47. Climatic suitability of single cropping rice planting region in China.

48. An approach for integrated assessment of eco-risk in coastal waters based on catastrophe theory: Taking Luoyuan Bay as a case.

49. Ecosystem services evaluation based on geographic information system and remote sensing technology: A review.

50. Soil seed bank research of China mining areas: Necessity and challenges.