1. Pyrolysis and Flamelet Model for Polymethyl Methacrylate in Solid Fuel Sc(ramjet) Combustors
- Author
Pace, Henry Rogers
- Subjects
- Solid fuel scramjets, Solid fuel propulsion, Combustion modeling, Flamelet Generated Manifolds
- Abstract
Scramjets have been identified as a potential long-term replacement for rocket and ramjet propulsion systems due to their enhanced performance at high Mach numbers. The introduction of solid fuels in these scramjet systems allows for shaping of the solid fuel cavity by additive manufacturing and introduces the possibility of enhancing combustion rates and stability. The present investigation aims to develop a coupled, high-order computational model to study the combustion of solid fuel scramjets. The primary objectives are to identify the effects of changing geometry on combustion and to better characterize the combustion process and flow patterns within a solid fuel scramjet engine. The high-Mach number of the air inflow over a scramjet cavity introduces a strong coupling between fluid dynamics, combustion, and regression time scales. Existing models often use simplified treatments of melt-layer conditions and combustion models that over-predict experimental rates, along with highly dissipative numerical schemes that inhibit the study of thermo-acoustic interactions between coherent pressure waves and the burning walls of the cavity. These limitations in current models suggest the need for a Navier-Stokes solver based on a high-order, discontinuous Galerkin method, incorporating melt layer equations and enhanced combustion manifolds. These manifolds should account for the effects of pressure and high oxidizer temperatures on flamelet dynamics. The focus is on modeling the flow field with accurate chemical heat release and residence time, to better study the effects of heat flux on the solid surface and the resulting coupling. An investigation of solid fuel scramjets was performed, and the numerical methodology with which the problem was tackled is described. A novel combustion mechanism was developed using a counterflow burner to study the combustion and regression of solid model fuel polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA). The diffusion flame between the fuel and oxidizer was studied numerically using a solid fuel decomposition and melt layer model to simulate convection and pyrolysis of the material. This model was validated using new experimental data as well as previously published works. The foam layer parameters are critical to the success of the validation. Results showed that the increased residence time of the gas in the bubbles facilitates the fuel breakdown. Fully coupled fuel injection and solid fuel surface monitoring was implemented based on this counterflow model and was a function of heat flux. Fuel regression was handled using adaptive control points for a B-Spline basis that updates based on surface movement. This methodology was used due to its resilience against the creation of surface discontinuities likely to result from large temperature gradients during combustion. Fourth-order computational simulations of ramjet combustion without regressing fuel walls using an in-house Discontinuous Galerkin approach were performed with a fully conjugate solution for the thermal wave in the solid. Results in ramjet geometries showed the turbulent combustion strongly affects the heat feedback to the walls and thus increases both the regression and fuel injection rates. Scramjet geometries were also simulated using the flamelet-progress variable approach in two different oxidizer conditions. All of these simulations showed strong agreement with experimental data and helped to uncover flame holding characteristics of the scramjet cavities and the strong coupling between the recirculation region and pyrolysis of fuel. The analysis has led to a better understanding of the effects of solid fuel scramjet geometries on mixing, enhanced modeling of acoustic instabilities in solid fuel air-breathing propulsion, and improved fuel chemistry modeling. It has been shown that cavity design significantly influences heat transfer to the solid fuel in both ramjet and scramjet conditions. The presence and thickness of the melt layer will guide designs that aim to reduce or enhance mechanical removal of fuel. Additionally, ramjet results indicate that longer cavities can couple with acoustics to induce self-excited conditions, leading to increased heat transfer to the solid. The importance of self-sustained instability and its coupling with melt layer fuel injection will contribute to improved acoustic stability. Developing pressure/temperature-dependent manifolds and melt layer models will advance our understanding of solid fuel supersonic combustion and its effects on phenomena such as blowout, fuel residence time, and solid fuel dual-mode transition.
- Published
- 2024