1. Vpliv barve na urejanje javnega odprtega prostora na primeru Barjanske ceste v Ljubljani
- Author
Es, Tea and Fikfak, Alenka
- Subjects
temporary urban solutions ,street ,odprt javni prostor ,Barjanska cesta ,open public space ,colours ,ulica ,taktični urbanizem ,tactical urbanism ,barve ,Ljubljana ,začasne urbanistične rešitve - Abstract
Ulična mreža je ožilje vsakega mesta in ulica je osnovna enota mestnega prostora, skozi katero ljudje dojemajo mesto. Oblikovanje ulic lahko vpliva na kvaliteto bivanja v mestih, hkrati pa privablja njegove obiskovalce. Z uporabo barve v urbanističnih zasnovah lahko identiteto mesta nadgradimo, popestrimo ali primerno dopolnimo. Z barvo se v urbanizmu srečujemo v vsaki zasnovi, le redko pa je izpostavljena kot element urejanja prostora. Najpogosteje je uporabljena v začasnih urbanističnih rešitvah, s katerimi lahko ob minimalnih posegih v prostor odgovorimo na potrebe družbe in okolja, ustvarimo pa realne in trajne rešitve. Ob uporabi barve v urbanističnih zasnovah moramo upoštevati njen vpliv na človeka in primarno sporočilnost, saj lahko le s primerno izbiro barve zagotovimo željen učinek v mestu. Naloga z uporabo barve ureja območje Barjanske ceste v Ljubljani, ki predstavlja del hrbtenice mesta. Povezuje staro mestno jedro z potezo mestne vpadnice in združuje vzhodno ter zahodno območje ob Barjanski cesti. S tipičnimi profili barvne poteze ustvarja hierarhijo barv, ki uporabniku odpira različne ambiente in s tem kreira unikatno izkušnjo. The street network is the lifeblood of every city and the street is the basic unit of urban space through which people perceive the city. The design of streets can affect the quality of living in cities, and at the same time attract visitors. The city’s identity can be upgraded, brightened, or suitably supplemented by using color in urban design. We encounter color in urban planning in every design, but it is rarely highlighted as an element of spatial planning. It is most often used in temporary urban planning solutions, with which we can respond to the needs of society and the environment with minimal interventions in the space, and create realistic and permanent solutions. When using color in urban planning, we must take into account its impact on people and its primary communication, because only with the appropriate choice of color can we ensure the desired effect in the city. The task with the use of color regulates the area of Barjanska cesta in Ljubljana, which represents part of the backbone of the city. It connects the old town center with one of the main city roads and unites the eastern and western areas along Barjanska cesta. It creates a hierarchy of colors with typical profiles of color strokes, which opens up different environments for the user and thus creates a unique experience.
- Published
- 2023