V magistrskem delu smo želeli ugotoviti, kakšne so kurikularne razlike v osnovnih in srednjih šolah med sosednjima državama, tj. Slovenijo in Hrvaško, s poudarkom na predmetu matematike. Že ime magistrskega dela napoveduje, da smo se osredotočili na stališča in mišljenja tistih, ki so neposredno vključeni v izobraževalni proces, to so seveda učitelji. Osredotočili smo se na predmet matematike in tako tudi na učitelje oz. profesorje matematike. Zanimala so nas njihovastališča in mnenja glede matematičnih učnih načrtov v posamezni državi. Primerjali smo potek izobraževanja v obeh državah s poudarkom na matematiki, in sicerv predšolskemin osnovnošolskem izobraževanju, v gimnazijahin vse do študija. matematike. Posebno pozornost smo namenili učnim načrtom iz matematike v osnovnih šolah in gimnazijah podrobno smo jih primerjali in prikazali razlike, ki so se pojavile med njima. Primerjali smo tudi uspehe držav na najbolj znanih matematičnih tekmovanjih, kot je recimo matematična olimpijada.Da smo ugotovili, kakšno je stališče osnovno- in srednješolskih učiteljev glede matematičnih učnih načrtov bodisi v Sloveniji bodisi na Hrvaškem, smo izvedli anketo. Pridobljene rezultate smo primerjali ter prišli do nekaterih zelo zanimivih ugotovitev.V empiričnem delu magistrskega dela smo natančno opisali te ugotovitve, kot npr. da so hrvaški učitelji bolj zainteresirani za spremembe matematičnih učnih načrtov kot pa njihovi stanovski kolegi v Sloveniji. Zanimiva je bila ugotovitev, da so slovenski učitelji mnenja, da je težavnost matematike v osnovnih šolah precej zahtevna, nasprotnega mnenja pa so učitelji na Hrvaškem. Prav tako so slovenski učitelji imeli precej več komentarjev in predlogov, kako bi lahko izboljšali matematične učne načrte. In the master's thesis we wanted to see what the real differences between the two neighboring countries, Slovenia and Croatia, are. More specifically, how different are their school systems, curriculums for primary and secondary schools but with the emphasis on mathematics. As the title of master's thesis says our focus was on views and opinions of those who are directly included in education process and they are of course teachers and professors.We were interested in their opinions and views about the state of curriculums in their countries (Slovenia and Croatia). We compared course of education in both countries focusing on mathematics from the very beginning, viz from pre-school education, then primary education, high school all the way to the education of math teachers.Special attention we have paid to the curriculum in mathematics in primary school and high schooland we thoroughly compared and displayed the differences that have emerged between them.We compared the achievements of both countries at the most famous mathematical competitions, such as the Mathematical Olympiad.To learn accurately the views and opinions of math teachersand professors of mathematics from both countries on their curriculum in mathematics and general satisfaction of their current state of curriculum in mathematics, we conducted a survey on math teachers in Slovenia as well as on math teachers in Croatia.Using the results we compared their views, and came up with some interesting insights.In the empirical part of the master thesis they are described in more detail, such as, that Croatian teachers are more open to change in curriculum in mathematics as Slovenian teachers. Furthermore, that the Slovenian teachers think that the difficulty of mathematics in primary schools is rather difficult, while the Croatian teachers considers that the difficulty is not so large. Slovenian teachers have had much more comments and proposals for the improvement of curriculum for mathematics then Croatian teachers.