1. Hierarchy and exclusion – Alojzije Stepinac’s public speeches against racism
- Author
Davor Trbušić and Boris Beck
- Subjects
Philosophy ,Religious studies ,biblijska metaforika ,krv ,nacizam ,propovijed ,rasa ,biblical metaphors ,blood ,Nazism ,race ,sermon - Abstract
This paper analyzes the public speech on the issue of race by Zagreb Archbishop Alojzije Stepinac between 1941 and 1945 as a response to the ideology and practice of the regime of the Independent State of Croatia. On the basis of Stepinac publicly available speeches, epistles and sermons, it is shown that he repeatedly explicitly refuted Nazi racial theories and denounced the persecution of Jews and Roma as unethical. In this way, he also entered the political sphere, to which the leaders of the regime reacted publicly. Stepinac regularly shaped his speeches within the ethos of the Catholic Church and for this purpose used biblical images of the Tower of Babel and the Flood, connecting Christian morality with the condemnation of racist theories. He typically uses an antithesis, insisting that all people are equal regardless of race, and that all people stand against God and they are obliged to behave in accordance with his will. Stepinac explicitly and figuratively refutes the biological hierarchy of the human race, insisting that all people are born equal and have the same inalienable rights, thus directly opposing the racist policy and practice of the Independent State of Croatia, and the result of this is his opposition by excluding anyone from society, which extends the ethics of his Church to all people without distinction., U ovom se radu analizira javni govor zagrebačkog nadbiskupa Alojzija Stepinca o pitanju rase između 1941. i 1945. godine kao odgovor na ideologiju i praksu režima Nezavisne Države Hrvatske. Na temelju Stepinčevih javno dostupnih govora, nagovora, okružnica, poslanica i propovijedi pokazuje se da je on višekratno eksplicitno opovrgavao nacističke rasne teorije te prokazivao progone Židova i Roma kao neetične. Stepinac je svoje istupe redovno oblikovao unutar ethosa Katoličke crkve te se u tu svrhu koristio biblijskim slikama Kule babilonske i potopa, povezujući kršćanski moral s osudom totalitarističkih društava. Kao stilsko sredstvo tipično koristi antitezu kojom s jedne strane izvrće antinomiju nacizma (čisti arijevci nasuprot nečistih Židova), inzistirajući na tome da su svi ljudi jednaki bez obzira na rasu, a s druge uspostavlja novu antitezu u skladu sa svojim svjetonazorom: svi ljudi stoje nasuprot Boga te su se dužni ponašati u skladu s njegovom voljom. Stepinac eksplicitno i figurativno opovrgava biološku hijerarhičnost ljudske rase, inzistirajući na tome da su svi ljudi rođeni jednaki te da imaju ista neotuđiva prava, čime se izravno suprotstavio rasističkoj politici i praksi Nezavisne Države Hrvatske, a rezultat je toga njegovo protivljenje tomu da se ikoga isključuje iz društva, čime etiku svoje Crkve proteže ne sve ljude bez razlike.
- Published
- 2023
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