1. Fragments of Painted Plaster from the Apodyterium of the Roman Baths in Varaždinske Toplice
- Author
Hornik, Dora, Kaić, Iva, and Šatović, Domagoj
- Subjects
fizikalna analiza ,kemijska analiza ,Varaždinske Toplice ,ancient roman architecture ,ancient roman baths (thermae) ,freske ,rimske terme ,rimsko zidno slikarstvo ,unutrašnja žbuka ,HUMANISTIC SCIENCES. Archeology. Ancient Archeology ,ancient roman art ,frescoes (murals) ,rimska umjetnost ,ancient roman wall (mural) painting ,graditeljska baština ,plaster ,Aquae Iasae ,Pompeian styles ,built heritage ,chemical analysis ,rimska arhitektura ,physical analysis ,pompejanski (pompejski) stilovi ,HUMANISTIČKE ZNANOSTI. Arheologija. Antička arheologija - Abstract
Ovim je radom obrađena većina fragmenata oslikane žbuke iz zapadnog apoditerija rimskih termi u Varaždinskim Toplicama, odnosno nekadašnjem rimskom naselju Aquae Iasae koje je bilježilo kontinuitet naseljenosti još od prapovijesti. Ulomci su pripadali zidnoj, a zasigurno i stropnoj dekoraciji zapadnog apoditerija termi. Uglavnom se radi o fragmentima s naslikanim bordurama i trakama različitih boja, poglavito u kombinaciji crvene i žute boje, no neki ulomci sadrže i različite geometrijske elemente, kao i motive vegetabilnog i arhitektonskog podrijetla, što ukazuje na raznovrsnost u načinu dekoriranja. Rezultati analize ulomaka pokazuju da su utjecaji u načinu dekoriranja vjerojatno došli iz Slovenije te Cisalpinskog područja, kao i da su praćeni trendovi u izradi zidnih slika koji su u doba kasne antike bili prisutni na širem prostoru Rimskog Carstva, što se uočava iz odabira motiva, boja i pigmenata oslika. Unatoč brojnim nepoznanicama, analiza fragmenata zidnog oslika zapadnog apoditerija varaždinskotopličkog termalnog sklopa, koju donosi ovaj rad, pruža osnovni uvid u zidne ili stropne ukrase spomenute prostorije, kao i okvir za njihovo daljnje istraživanje. This thesis deals with the majority of fragments of painted plaster from the western apodyterium of the Roman baths in Varaždinske Toplice, i.e. the former roman settlement of Aquae Iasae, which recorded the continuity of population since prehistoric times. The fragments belonged to the wall and presumably ceiling decoration of the western apodyterium of the thermal baths. These are mainly fragments with painted strips of different colors, mainly in a combination of red and yellow, but some fragments also contain different geometric patterns, as well as motifs of vegetable and architectural origin, which indicates a variety of decoration. The results of the analysis of the fragments show that the influences of decoration style probably came from Slovenia and the Cisalpine area, as well as that they followed the trends in wall painting that were present in the wider area of the Roman Empire during late antiquity, which is indicated by the choice of motifs, colors and painting pigments. Despite the numerous unknowns, the analysis of fragments of the wall painting of the western apodyterium of the Varaždin Toplice thermal complex provides a basic insight into the wall or ceiling decorations of the apodyterium, as well as a framework for further research.
- Published
- 2022