1. Effect of fertilization on the content of volatile compounds in must of variety 'Škrlet bijeli' (Vitis vinifera L.)
- Author
Mirela TRDENIĆ, Marko PETEK, and Zvjezdana MARKOVIĆ
- Subjects
bobica grozda ,C13 norizoprenoidi ,grožđe ,hlapivi spojevi ,ishrana bilja ,vinova loza ,C13 norisoprenoids ,grapevine ,plant nutrition ,vine berry ,volatile compounds - Abstract
Primarne arome grožđa su hlapivi spojevi koji se formiraju u bobici grozda tijekom dozrijevanja te imaju ključnu ulogu u formiranju kvalitete grožđa. Sadržaj i razvoj primarnih aroma ovisan je o sorti, tlu, klimi, agrotehničkim mjerama koje se provode u vinogradu, a posebice je izražen utjecaj temperature, izloženost sunčevoj svjetlosti, opskrba vodom te defolijacija lista u zoni grozda. Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je utvrditi utjecaj različitih gnojidbenih tretmana, posebice folijarne primjene kalija (K) te bora (B) i ostalih mikroelemenata na sadržaj primarnih aroma u grožđu sorte 'Škrlet bijeli'. Primjenjena su četiri gnojidbena tretmana: NPK; NPK + Fertdolomit; NPK + Fertdolomit + Folibor B; NPK + Fertdolomit + Folibor B + Proteoleaf. Berba grožđa u 2012., 2013. i 2014. godini obavljena je u fazi pune zrelosti. Sadržaj primarnih aroma određen je primjenom plinske kromatografije s masenom detekcijom (GC/MS) uz prethodnu mikroekstrakciju na čvrstoj fazi (SPME). Istraživanjem je utvrđen statistički značajan utjecaj godina s nižom prosječnom temperaturom tijekom vegetacije na sadržaj primarnih aroma u moštu. Izuzetak je β-damaskenon čije su vrijednosti bile značajno veće u godini s višom prosječnom temperaturom tijekom vegetacije., The primary aromas of grapes originate from the volatile compounds formed in the vine berry during ripening and thus play a key role in the formation of the grape quality. The content and development of primary aromas depend on the variety, soil, climate, agrotechnical practices in the vineyard, and are especially affected by temperature, exposure to sunlight, water supply and leaf defoliation in the cluster zone. The aim of this research was to determine the effect of different fertilization treatments, especially the foliar application of potassium (K) and boron (B) and other microelements on the content of primary aromas in grapes of the 'Škrlet bijeli' variety. Four fertilization treatments were applied: NPK; NPK + Fertdolomite; NPK + Fertdolomite + Folibor B; NPK + Fertdolomite + Folibor B + Proteoleaf. Grape harvesting in research years 2012, 2013 and 2014 was performed at the stage of full maturity. The primary aromas were analyzed by solid-phase microextraction coupled with gas chromatography mass spectrometry (SPME-GC/MS). In this research, it has been determined a statistically significant effect of vintage years with lower average temperature during the growing season on the content of primary aromas in the must. The exception is β-damaskenone whose values were significantly higher in a vintage year with a higher average temperature during the growing season.
- Published
- 2020