19 results on '"causes and consequences"'
Search Results
2. Varnost in zdravje pri delu v podjetju: Prijava in preiskovanje delovnih nezgod
- Author
Berčič, Nika and Zupan, Klementina
- Subjects
varnost in zdravje pri delu ,preiskovanje nezgod ,injuries at work ,causes and consequences ,poškodbe pri delu ,vzroki in posledice ,investigating accidents ,safety and health at work ,work accidents ,delovne nezgode - Abstract
Varnost in zdravje pri delu je interdisciplinarno področje. Za varnost in zdravje pri delu smo odgovorni vsi – od odgovornih oseb pa do vseh posameznikov, ki so na kakršenkoli način udeleženi v delovni proces. Glavni namen varnosti in zdravja pri delu je prav preprečevanje nezgod in poškodb pri delu. Nezgode za delodajalca namreč pomenijo gospodarsko škodo odsotnost delavca pomeni nižje dohodke, pa tudi po vrnitvi delavca na delovno mesto je lahko pričakovati, da bo morda delavca treba ponovno uvajati v delo ali mu zaradi hujše poškodbe, ki mu onemogoča opravljanje prvotnega dela, nuditi delo na drugem delovnem mestu. Nezgode pri delu imajo lahko na žalost tudi dolgoročne posledice za posameznika, ki je udeležen v nezgodi lahko je zaradi poškodbe okrnjeno njegovo profesionalno pa tudi zasebno življenje. Obravnavanje, preiskovanje ter analiziranje poškodb in nezgod pri delu terja od preiskovalcev sistematičen pristop k problemu. Nezgode pri delu so lahko posledica neustreznega delovnega okolja ali organizacijskih dejavnikov, na strani zaposlenih pa so nezgode največkrat posledica človeškega faktorja ali nepravilnega pristopa do dela, tj. rutinskega dela, iskanja bližnjic ter neupoštevanja navodil za varno delo. Prav zato je pomembno, da so ljudje usposobljeni in ozaveščeni o pomembnosti varnosti in zdravja pri delu. Kakovostna izvedba usposabljanj zaposlenih za varno in zdravo delo, spodbujanje k dobri varnostni kulturi podjetja, analiziranje delovnih mest z varnostnega vidika, ocenjevanje in obvladovanje tveganj ter preiskovanje poškodb, nezgodnih dogodkov in skoraj dogodkov so tako ključni elementi, ki skupaj tvorijo celoto preprečevanja nezgod pri delu. Occupational health and safety is an interdisciplinary field. We are all responsible for safety and health at work - from employers to every single individual who participates in the work process in any way. The main purpose of health and safety at work is to prevent injuries and incidents at work. Incidents mean economic losses for the employers the absence of a worker means lower income, and even after the worker returns to work, it may be expected that the worker may need to be reintroduced to his work or offered another job due to severe injuries that may prevent him from performing his original one. Unfortunately, accidents at work can also have long-term consequences for the individual involved in the accident the injury may impair his professional as well as his private life. Dealing with, investigating and analysing injuries and accidents at work requires investigators to take a systematic approach to the problem. Accidents at work can be the result of an inadequate work environment or organizational factors, and they are most often the result of a human factor or an incorrect approach to work on the part of employees, ie. routine work, finding shortcuts and disregarding instructions for safe work. That is why it is important that people are educated on and aware of the importance of health and safety at work. Quality training of employees for safe and healthy work, promotion of a good safety culture of the company, analysis of jobs from a safety point of view, risk assessment and management, and investigation of injuries, accidents and near events are key elements that together form the prevention of accidents at work.
- Published
- 2022
- Author
Pekica, Marin
- Subjects
culture of remembrance ,dealing with the past ,the burning of the villages Šajini and Bokordići in 1944 ,causes and consequences ,kultura sjećanja ,suočavanje s prošlošću ,paljenje sela Šajini i Bokordići 1944 ,uzroci i posljedice - Abstract
Kako je događaj s polovice 20. stoljeća uspio obilježiti jedno selo u Istri za čitav vijek njegovog postojanja? Stravična ubojstva kao dio odmazde u Drugom svjetskom ratu urezala su se u pamćenje svim preživjelima, ali i njihovim potomcima koji priče o tome slušaju od malih nogu. Ne samo da je sjećanje na taj događaj vrlo živo, nego je kod pojedinaca i nakon 77 godina još uvijek prisutan antagonizam prema počiniteljima i narodu kojem su počinitelji pripadali. Razloge tome možemo tražiti u dugom nizu godina neuspješnog procesa suočavanja s prošlošću., In October 1943, the Germans occupied Istria to secure the area from Allied attacks, and the only ones who defied them were the partisans. Partisan actions interfered with German governance, so in the last years of the war, strict measures were taken to suppress such actions. These measures included burning down villages and killing the population in retaliation for partisan attacks. Such massacres were remembered in the collective memory of burning villages as the greatest tragedy of all time, and witnessing individuals remembered the event to the last detail for the rest of their lives. Some events, such as the burning of the villages Šajini and Bokordići in January 1944, have remained unexplained to this day. Moreover, no one has ever been convicted of burning those villages. The causes of this are most likely poverty caused after the end of the war, which made additional investigation impossible, but also the political situation of the newly formed state in which individuals may not have liked a full investigation. Because of this, the inhabitants of the village blamed the Germans and the Italians for the massacre of the innocent Croatian population for unknown reasons for years, which made the process of dealing with the past difficult, and has not yet been fully implemented to this day.
- Published
- 2022
4. Causes and Consequences of Population Migration From the Republic of Kazakhstan to the Russian Federation
- Author
Ismagulova, K. S.
- Subjects
В данном тезисе изложены различные причины и последствия миграции экономически активного населения из Республики Казахстан в Российскую Федерацию. В этой статье также показана динамика за последние годы и сделан анализ данных. Перемещение между территориями одного государства или между странами положительным образом сказывается на психике человека (влияет на повышение кругозора). То есть миграция способствует повышению социальной активности населения. Но также есть и минусовые стороны, такие как сложности с жильем, получением вид на жительства или гражданства, ксенофобия и прочее. This thesis outlines the various causes and consequences of the migration of the economically active population from the Republic of Kazakhstan to the Russian Federation. This article also shows the dynamics in recent years and made an analysis of the data. Moving between the territories of one state or between countries has a positive effect on the human psyche (affects an increase in horizons). That is, migration contributes to an increase in the social activity of the population. But there are also negative sides, such as difficulties with housing, obtaining a residence permit or citizenship, xenophobia, and so on.
- Published
- 2022
5. Man as barbarian
- Author
Lazarević Velibor S.
- Subjects
man ,extinction ,lcsh:History (General) and history of Europe ,lcsh:D ,industrialization ,causes and consequences ,nature ,lcsh:H1-99 ,destruction ,ecology ,lcsh:Social sciences (General) ,the planet earth - Abstract
Immoderate, rapid development of humanity demands immoderate exploitation of natural resources and regular environment deterioration. On the other hand, moderate consumption would mean a moderate exploitation of natural resources. Thus, instead of the consumption society should be created a safeguard one which would preserve the nature from exaggerated exploitation and pollution. In the last decades, instead of market economy the advocates of ecological or sustainable economy are appearing, and in order to preserve biosphere the industrial economy would be replaced by the ecological one. By the use of chemical protective or incentive agents, man deteriorated life of Divine creatures, birds, bees and other insects as the native plant pollinators. Man paradoxically polluted the air, poisoned the water, soil and plants by which he feeds himself. Almost all arable lands are poisoned by chemistry (artificial fertilizers, pesticides, herbicides). This process, instead of being slowed down is being accelerated. As the self-proclaimed master of the planet, man is, at the same time, the greatest destroyer. In order not to be the criminal of nature in the future but its fried, man should develop a new ecological consciousness - human ecology, ethical relationship toward nature, give up profit selfish interests, sightless exploitation, dirty and war technology and become the one and the same with nature since the destruction and robbery of nature are one of contemporary civilization inhumanities being made by man at his own harm. Besides being barbarian against nature, man is also barbarian against his fellow-countrymen (dissidents, other believers, poor and rich ones...). None as man is so powerful at other man harm inflict; he causes wars, revolutions, terrorism, and hate against other and own people as the ideal of world peace-making neither exists nor is desirable.
- Published
- 2020
6. Registros de violencia contra la mujer en el Instituto Médico Legal de Lages, en el Estado de Santa Catarina, Brasil, de 2004 a 2012
- Author
Magnabosco, Camilla Donida, Cassemiro, Pâmela Mayara da Silva, and Souza, Patrícia Alves de
- Subjects
Instituto Médico Legal ,Legal Medical Institute ,Violência contra a mulher ,Maria da Penha Law ,Causas y consecuencias ,Ley Maria da Penha ,Causas e consequências ,La violencia contra las mujeres ,Lei Maria da Penha ,Violence against women ,Causes and Consequences - Abstract
Violence is a problem for all segments of society. In Brazil, the notification of violence against women is a legal requirement, the result of an ongoing struggle to ensure that the violence perpetrated against this segment of the population leaves the political invisibility and the little social legitimacy that is sometimes attributed to it. The General Institute of Forensics (GIF) is an official expert body, with competences, among other things, for carrying out criminal investigations. Its member is the Legal Medical Institute (LMI), responsible for autopsies, cadaveric reports, examination of bodily injuries; intoxication or intoxication by substance of any kind; of finding sexual violence; mental health, sexually transmitted infection, and all other expertise that requires the opinion of specialists in Forensic Medicine. The objective is to identify how many records of violence against women there were between the years 2004 to 2012. A quantitative survey was carried out at the LMI in the municipality of Lages (SC). The records were searched in the body examination book. In all years, the minor injury was registered by the coroner in over 65% of the cases. The role of Organs legal, social, educational and health agencies in forming a network will allow violence against women to leave the cloak of invisibility and be extinguished from societies. That is why it is necessary to work together to eliminate the domination of the masculine over the feminine, and it must involve the public and the private in the fight against this extinction. La violencia es un problema para todos los segmentos de la sociedad. En Brasil, la notificación de la violencia contra la mujer es un requisito legal, resultado de una lucha permanente para lograr que la violencia perpetrada contra este segmento de la población deje la invisibilidad política y la poca legitimidad social que a veces se le atribuye. El Instituto General de Pericia (IGP) es un organismo oficial experto, con competencias, para la realización de investigaciones penales. Su miembro es el Instituto Médico Legal (IML), responsable de autopsias, informes cadavéricos, examen de lesiones corporales; intoxicación o intoxicación por sustancias de cualquier tipo; de encontrar violencia sexual; salud mental, infecciones de transmisión sexual y cualquier otra experiencia que requiera la opinión de especialistas en Medicina Forense. El objetivo es identificar cuántos registros de violencia contra la mujer hubo entre los años 2004 a 2012. Se realizó una encuesta cuantitativa en el IML del municipio de Lages (SC). Los registros se buscaron en el libro de exámenes corporales. En todos los años, el médico forense registró la lesión menor en más del 65% de los casos. El papel de los organismos legales, sociales, educativos y de salud en la conformación de una red permitirá que la violencia contra la mujer salga del manto de la invisibilidad y se extinga de las sociedades. Por eso es necesario trabajar juntos para eliminar la dominación de lo masculino sobre lo femenino, y debe involucrar lo público y lo privado en la lucha contra esta extinción. A violência é um problema de todos os segmentos da sociedade. No Brasil, a notificação de violências contra mulheres é uma exigência legal, resultado de uma luta contínua para que a violência perpetrada contra este segmento da população saísse da invisibilidade política e da pouca legitimidade social que às vezes lhe é atribuída. O Instituto Geral de Perícias (IGP) é um órgão de perícia oficial, competindo-lhe dentre outras atribuições a realização de perícias criminais. Tem como integrante o Instituto Médico Legal (IML), responsável pelas autopsias, laudos cadavéricos, exame de lesões corporais; de embriaguez ou intoxicação por substância de qualquer natureza; de constatação de violência sexual; de sanidade mental, de infecção sexualmente transmissível, e todas as demais perícias que demandem a opinião de especialistas em Medicina Legal. O objetivo é identificar quantos registros de violência contra a mulher há entre os anos de 2004 a 2012. Foi realizada uma pesquisa quantitativa, no IML do município de Lages (SC). Os registros foram pesquisados no livro de exames de corpo delito. Em todos os anos a lesão leve, foi registrada pelo médico legista acima de 65% dos casos. A atuação dos órgãos jurídicos, sociais, educacionais e saúde na formação de uma rede permitirão que a violência contra a mulher saia do manto da invisibilidade e seja extinguida das sociedades. Por isso é necessário realizar um trabalho em conjunto para eliminar a dominação do masculino sobre o feminino, devendo envolver o público e o privado para a luta contra essa extinção.
- Published
- 2020
7. International migratory movements their causes and consequences
- Author
Hazar, Numan, Kuçuradi, İoanna, and Maltepe Üniversitesi
- Subjects
International migratory ,Movement of populations ,Causes and consequences ,Migratory ,Emigration - Abstract
Migratory movements have always been human tragedies. Throughout history there were migrations whose causes are varied. At the present time, the number of displaced people worldwide reflects the real dimension of this problem. According to the United nations Refugee Agency UNHCR (Office of the United Nations High Commission for refugees), by the end of 2016, the worldwide number of displaced people had risen to 65.6 million - more than the population of the United Kingdom...
- Published
- 2020
8. Abordaje de la obesidad infantil en el ámbito escolar a través de la enseñanza de hábitos saludables
- Author
Ruiz Higuera, Lucía, Pedro del Valle, Imanol de, and Universidad de Cantabria
- Subjects
Physical activity ,Healthy habits education ,Salud ,Obesidad infantil ,Causas y consecuencias ,Health ,Hábitos alimenticios ,Educación hábitos saludables ,Actividad física ,Causes and consequences ,Childhood obesity ,Food publicity ,Enfermedad ,Feeding habits ,Illness ,Publicidad alimentaria - Abstract
RESUMEN El principal propósito de este trabajo es diseñar una propuesta de intervención didáctica interdisciplinar con el fin de promover hábitos saludables de manera continuada en el tiempo y abordar la problemática de la obesidad infantil, tan presente hoy en día. Para ello, se ha revisado la literatura existente en relación a la salud y a la obesidad infantil, prestando especial atención a las causas y factores que influyen negativamente en la alimentación del alumnado, sus consecuencias a corto y largo plazo, los aspectos que se han de tener en cuenta para educar en el desarrollo de hábitos saludables, así como la importancia que tienen todos los agentes educativos en la prevención de la obesidad infantil. También se ha incluido una revisión de las guías y recursos que ofrece el gobierno de Cantabria sobre este asunto. Los resultados muestran que una buena educación para la salud, junto con su práctica continuada en el día a día y la colaboración por parte de todos los agentes educativos, hace posible una mejora en los hábitos diarios relacionados con la alimentación del alumnado. ABSTRACT The main objective of this project is to design an interdisciplinary didactic unit in order to promote healthy habits continuously over the time and to address the problem of childhood obesity, so present nowadays. To this end, the existing bibliography on child health and obesity has been reviewed, paying special attention to the causes and negative factors which influence in the children´s nutrition, it´s short and long term consequences, the aspects that must be taken into account to educate in the development of healthy habits as well as the importance of all educational agents in the prevention of childhood obesity, including a review of the guidelines and resources offered by the Government of Cantabria related to this topic. The results show that a good health education together with their daily practice and collaboration by all the agents involved in education, makes possible an improvement in daily habits related to the feeding of the students Grado en Magisterio en Educación Primaria
- Published
- 2019
- Author
Mariana Aparecida Grillo and Ana Caroline Silva Santos
- Subjects
Bullying ,General Medicine ,Identification of those involved ,Bullying. Identificação dos envolvidos. Causas e Consequências ,lcsh:L ,lcsh:L7-991 ,lcsh:Education (General) ,Causes and Consequences ,lcsh:Education - Abstract
This article intends to conduct an analysis and reflection of one of the important issues which it is education: bullying, because it is a violence that occurs in the school of repetitive and deliberate manner in which its consequencescan cause damage significant to emotional training, psychological and socio-educational of the victim, if the student. Note that bullying is increasing in epidemic form in schools and its effects are traumatizing students to witness and those who suffer the action, because it is violence with deliberate and repetitive character. In terms of overall objective, conduct yourself will this article in order to obtain information about bullying in the school environment, more specifically will address: The Bullying conceptions; Investigate the causes and consequences can be seen in the behavior of students; To study the key players of Bullying in school. Thus, it is a qualitative methodological approach that will make the use of literature by various authors for the issue of deepening. It resulted contribute in the actions of professionals in the face of violence. Therefore, it is concluded that the school is a place of learning, where change is necessary, both in order to act as the thinking of people and students.
- Published
- 2015
10. Суспільно-географічний аналіз міграційних процесів у Кіровоградській області
- Subjects
міграції ,міграційні процеси ,причини і наслідки міграцій ,внутрішньорегіональна ,міжрегіональна ,міждержавна міграція ,міграційний оборот ,коефіцієнт інтенсивності міграцій ,УДК 911.3:314.7 ,UDC 911.3:314.7 ,migration ,migration processes ,causes and consequences ,intraregional ,interregional ,interstate migration ,ratio of migration intensity ,миграции ,миграционные процессы ,причины и последствия миграции ,внутрирегиональная ,межрегиональная ,межгосударственная миграция ,миграционный оборот ,коэффициент интенсивности миграций - Abstract
The research covers social and geographic peculiarities of the migration processes in Kirovohrad Region from 2005 to 2014 where the negative tendencies of the main kinds of migration were observed during the indicated period. The basic indicators such as: migration turnover, ratio of arrival and departure intensity, general ratio of migration intensity, ratio of turnover intensity, have been also calculated.Kirovohrad Region has the biggest negative general ratio of migration decrease per 10,000 of current population which makes -8.6. The smallest migration turnover was observed in 2009 and comprised 26,180 persons. The biggest one was observed in 2012 and made 35,109 persons. General ratio of migration intensity of all streams was changing from -5.1 in 2005 to -0.9 in 2014. The tendencies for the ratio increase were registered in interregional migration and ranged from -5.0 in 2005 tо -1.2 in 2014. In international migration this index varied from -0.14 tо 0.36. A group of districts with negative migration balance was singled out. They are Vilshanskyi, Dobrovelychkivskyi, Znamianskyi, Novoukrainskyi, Ustynivskyi, Oleksanderivskyi, Oleksandriiskyi Districts. A considerable positive migration balance is characteristic only of the most economically developed one, Kirovohrad District. Interregional migration streams are directed to Dnipropetrovsk, Kyiv, Odesa, Cherkasy Regions. The biggest migration gain was from Donetsk and Luhansk Regions in 2014 due to internally displaced people.The international migration of Kirovohrad region population is characterized by the rates growth of migration increase from negative indicators in 2005 (-153 persons) to positive in 2014 (360 persons). During the recent decade the main donor countries of migrants have been Russia, Moldova and Transcaucasian nations: Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia. The main recipient countries of Kirovohrad migrants were the United States of America, Russia, Germany, Israel.The age structure of the migrants in the region is characterized by the predominance of working age people 76 – 80 per cent of the total number of migrants. Graphics and diagrams have been made and based on the respective calculations.The main factors of migration in our region are those describing the living conditions: natural and geographic, economic, environmental, etc. An important factor for the region is also active irreversible outflow of students to study in other parts of the country., В статье рассматриваются основные общественно-географические особенности миграционных процессов в одной из наиболее депрессивных областей Украины - Кировоградской, где в течение многих лет наблюдаются негативные тенденции в основных видах миграций населения. Исследование охватывает десятилетний период с 2005 по 2014 годы. Определены основные причины усиления различных типов миграций в области, охарактеризованы особенности внутрирегиональной, межрегиональной и межгосударственной миграции населения области. Рассчитаны основные показатели, характеризующие миграционные процессы в области: миграционный оборот, коэффициент интенсивности прибытия и убытия, общий коэффициент интенсивности миграции, коэффициент интенсивности миграционного оборота. На основе этих расчетов построены картосхемы и графики. Проанализирована возрастная структура мигрантов и влияние основных последствий миграционных процессов на социально-экономическую ситуацию в Кировоградской области. Для улучшения негативной миграционной ситуации обосновывается введение региональной миграционной политики., У статті розглядаються основні суспільно-географічні особливості міграційних процесів у одній з найбільш депресивних областей України – Кіровоградській, де протягом багатьох років спостерігаються негативні тенденції у основних видах міграцій населення. Дослідження охоплює десятирічний період з 2005 по 2014 роки. Визначені основні причини посилення різних типів міграцій в області, охарактеризовано особливості внутрішньорегіональної, міжрегіональної та міждержавної міграції населення області. Розраховані основні показники, які характеризують міграційні процеси в області: міграційний оборот, коефіцієнт інтенсивності прибуття та вибуття, загальний коефіцієнт інтенсивності міграцій, коефіцієнт інтенсивності міграційного обороту. На основі цих розрахунків побудовані картосхеми та графіки. Проаналізовано вікову структуру мігрантів та вплив основних наслідків міграційних процесів на соціально-економічну ситуацію в Кіровоградській області. Для покращення негативної міграційної ситуації обґрунтовується запровадження регіональної міграційної політики.
- Published
- 2017
11. Neuroethics and philosophy
- Author
Jovan Babic
- Subjects
justification ,Coping (psychology) ,Sociology and Political Science ,lcsh:Philosophy (General) ,media_common.quotation_subject ,Metaphysics ,Conflation ,Applied ethics ,Epistemology ,Focus (linguistics) ,neuroethics ,Philosophy ,causes and consequences ,values ,reasons ,Quality (philosophy) ,Sociology ,explanation ,lcsh:B1-5802 ,Neuroethics ,Function (engineering) ,Neuroscience ,media_common - Abstract
Neuro-ethics is probably fastest growing part of applied ethics. The main thesis is that certain natural processes in brain and nerves produce certain moral, and immoral, behaviors. All these processes can be explained causally, and (if this is so) neuro-ethics might be the final result of neuroscience. There are some metaphysical and ethical pitfalls to be considered, however, like the (incorrect) conflation of causal explanation and rational justification in definingvalues, not only non-moral values but moral values as well. Certainly, the knowledge of how neurological processes function could help to enhance the quality of human life, not only in coping with defects but also in improving the so-called „normal life“. This implies that neuroethics is instrumental, dealing with values which are instrumental as well. However, neuroethics, it seems, aspires to go further than that: to explain how goals come into existence and what their articulation should look like. All of this should be causally explained, or at least explainable; and the main focus of the paper is an analysis of this aspiration. The analysis refers to some important distinctions like the distinction between causes and reasons, explanation and justification, or the one between means and ends. At the end of the paper there is a section about applications, where some of the benefits and risks are summarily indicated, with a conclusion that neuroethics surely might help in advancing the overall quality of human life, individual and social.
- Published
- 2014
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12. Spousal Violence: An Overview on the Causes and Consequences
- Author
Khaing, Khaing Lay
- Subjects
Spousal Violence ,Economy ,Society and Culture ,Causes and Consequences - Abstract
- Published
- 2009
13. European urban spawl: sustainability, cultures of (anti)urbanism and 'hibrid cityscapes'
- Author
Nataša Pichler Milanović
- Subjects
sustainable development ,urban sprawl ,sprawling patterns ,causes and consequences ,cultures of (anti)urbanism ,lcsh:G1-922 ,anti-sprawl policies ,hybrid cityscapes ,European cities ,lcsh:Geography (General) - Abstract
This paper has its origins in a comparative research project examining aspects of urban sprawlin Europe undertaken within the 5.FP EU. The project Urban Sprawl: European Patterns,Environmental Degradation and Sustainable Development (URBS PANDENS EVK4-CT-2001-00052) sought to understand recent trends in urban sprawl in a number of case studyurban regions and to advise the European Commission on policy development with regard tothe control, management and amelioration of the effects of urban sprawl.
- Published
- 2007
14. Variable nodale et cône implicatif
- Author
Gras, Régis, Lahanier-Reuter, Dominique, Bailleul, M., Laboratoire d'Informatique de Nantes Atlantique (LINA), Mines Nantes (Mines Nantes)-Université de Nantes (UN)-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), Théodile-CIREL, Centre Interuniversitaire de Recherche en Education de Lille - ULR 4354 (CIREL), and Université de Lille-Université de Lille
- Subjects
Statistical Implicative Analysis ,graphe ,Top of the cone ,Analyse statistique implicative ,cône ,Edge ,nœud ,cause et conséquence ,Causes and consequences ,sommet du cône ,[INFO]Computer Science [cs] ,Rule ,Node ,arête ,Cone ,règle ,Graphic - Abstract
International audience; Inside the Statistical Implicative Analysis frame, implicative rules may be extracted while pondered by a measure called Intensity of Implication. The set of the non-symmetrical relationships that associate the different variables may be represented by a graph so called implicative. Inside the graph, relationships upstream and downstream from a central variable parted on either sides of this node can be sometimes noticed. This situation of a confluent is metaphorically said a two clusters implicative cone. On condition that the set is rather homogeneous and linked, giving conceptual meaning to this cone allows some kind of causalities/consequences isolation of it from the whole set. In this communication, we define criteria for the homogeneity of a cone and conditions for existence of causal relationships. Some significant examples illustrate our theoretical discourse.; Dans le cadre de l’Analyse Statistique Implicative, il est procédé à l’extraction de règles implicatives pondérées par une mesure appelée intensité d’implication. Un graphe dit implicatif permet de représenter l’ensemble des relations non symétriques quiassocient les variables. Au sein du graphe,on observe quelquefois, à partir d’une variable centrale, des relations amont et avaltelles qu’il soit possible d’isoler ces deuxtypes de part et d’autre de ce nœud, ce confluent,sous la métaphore de cône implicatif à deux grappes. Donner une signification à ce cône, sous la condition d’une certaine homogénéité et de la connexité de l’ensemble, permet de l’isoler conceptuellement du tout en des termes de causalité-conséquences. Dans cette communication, nous définissonsselon deux approchesun critère d’homogénéité d’un cône et des conditions d’existence de relations causales. Nous illustrons le propos théorique par l’examen de plusieurs exemplessignificatifs.
- Published
- 2015
15. Neuroetika i filozofija
- Author
Babić, Jovan
- Subjects
neuroetika ,causes and consequences ,neuronauka ,objašnjenje - Abstract
Neuroetika je najnovija i verovatno najbrze rastuca grana bioetike i, mozda, primenjene etike uopste. U njoj se polazi od teze da odredeni pri- rodni procesi u mozgu i nervima proizvode odredena moralna i nemoralna ponasanja (a nisu samo prirodna osnova takvih dogadanja). Kao prirodni procesi ovi dogadaji se onda mogu do kraja i bez ostatka uzrocno objasniti. U tom smislu neuroetika bi trebalo daje zavrsnica i vrhunac neuronauke (neurologije i drugih njoj bliskih nauka), koja u nase vreme zaista dozivljava ogroman napredak. U tekstu se ukazuje na izvesne metafizicke i eticke tesko- ce ovog pristupa, pre svega u preklapanju pojmova (uzrocnog) objasnjenja i (razloznog) opravdanja u nacinu definisanja vrednosti, ne samo moralnih. Sasvim je sigurno da je funkcionisanje nervnog sistema vazan parametar u opisu i objasnjenju pre svega oseta i osecanja, a onda i svega ostalog sto se na vrednosnom planu gradi na toj osnovi. Znanje o procesima sa kojima se tu srecemo sigurno moze pomoci ne samo da se otklone razni problemi koji ugrozavaju kvalitet ljudskog zivota nego se moze iskoristiti i za poboljsanje tog kvaliteta tamo gde on nije direktno ugrozen. U tom smislu neuroetika spada u etiku sredstava (kako koncipirati, proizvesti, distribuisati i upotrebiti to znanje). Ali pretenzija neuroetike ide dalje od ove instrumentalne upotrebe znanja do kojih dolazi neuronauka i proteze se na artikulaciju ciljeva i na pretpostavku da se ta artikulacija moze upotpunosti uzrocno objasniti. Glavni fokus rada upravoje analiza ove pretenzije, kroz analizu razlika izmedu uzro- ka i razloga, objasnjenja i opravdanja, sredstava i ciljeva. Na kraju, u odeljku oprimenama, daje se sumarni pregled koristi i rizika koje neuroetika donosi, sa zakljuckom da ona sigurno moze znacajno pomoci da se kvalitet ukupnog zivota, individualnog i socijalnog, unapredi.
- Published
- 2014
16. A transmissão da crise financeira e económica mundial de 2008 a Portugal
- Author
Alves, Nuno Filipe Madeira and Lagoa, Sérgio
- Subjects
Análise de dados ,Portugal ,Estados Unidos da América ,Data analysis ,Análise de dados -- Data analysis ,EUA ,Ciências Sociais::Economia e Gestão [Domínio/Área Científica] ,União Europeia ,Causas e consequências ,Causes and consequences ,Crise mundial ,Medidas adoptadas ,Measures taken ,UE ,Global crisis - Abstract
A realização desta dissertação tem como objectivo a obtenção do grau de Mestre no Mestrado de Economia Monetária e Financeira no ISCTE-IUL. Nesta dissertação pretende-se entender quais as causas da crise mundial de 2008 que estiveram presentes em Portugal e qual o impacto que este sofreu, mais particularmente, no seu sector bancário, sendo necessário para isso perceber primeiro quais foram as principais causas e consequências desta crise. E a escolha deste tema prende-se com o facto desta crise ser considerada uma das mais graves desde a crise do crash da bolsa de Nova Iorque de 1929, daí ser importante fazer uma análise desta crise, percebendo o que a despoletou e quais os impactos que teve. Para entender melhor qual o impacto e qual foi a amplitude que esta crise financeira e económica teve no nosso país e no seu sector bancário, será efectuada uma análise de dados, na qual se irá comparar a situação portuguesa com a UE e os EUA, uma vez que estes são as economias mais importantes do mundo, tratando-se das principais potências mundiais, daí a minha escolha por estas economias. Por outro lado, com a informação recolhida sobre as causas, as consequências e as medidas adoptadas, esta dissertação permitirá também tirar conclusões de como evitar ou amenizar os efeitos de possíveis futuras crises desta natureza. This dissertation aims to obtain Master‟s degree in Master of Monetary and Financial Economics at ISCTE-IUL. This dissertation aims to understand what the causes of the global crisis of 2008 were present in Portugal and what impact this has, more specifically, in his banking sector, and for that it‟s necessary to understand first what were the causes and consequences of this crisis. And the choice of this theme relates to the fact that this crisis is considered one of the most serious crise since the crash of New York Stock Exchange in 1929, then it is important to analyze this crisis, realizing what triggered it and what are the main impacts it had. To better understand what impact and was the extent this financial and economic crisis had on our country and its banking sector, there will be an analysis of data, in which it‟ll compare the Portuguese situation with the EU and USA, because this are the major economies of the world, and this is the why I choose this countries. Moreover, with the information collected about the causes, the consequences and the measures taken, this dissertation will also draw conclusions on how to avoid or mitigate the effects of possible futures crises of this nature.
- Published
- 2010
17. Deterioration of Bridge Deck Roadway Members. Part I: Site Investigations
- Author
Zenonas Kamaitis
- Subjects
lcsh:TE1-450 ,waterproofing ,education ,expansion joints ,damages ,lcsh:TG1-470 ,road bridges ,surfacing ,safety and drainage systems ,deterioration ,causes and consequences ,lcsh:Bridge engineering ,lcsh:Highway engineering. Roads and pavements - Abstract
Bridge deck ancillary components such as surfacing, waterproofing, expansion joints, safety barriers, and drainage are important elements of highway bridges. These elements have an influence on either traffic safety and comfortability or the behaviour of the superstructures and substructures of a bridge. When they fail to function properly, the performance of bridges can be seriously affected. In this article deterioration and damages of deck components in highway bridges are analysed. The extent, causes and consequences of deterioration problems were investigated. A database analysis of field inspection results was performed. An investigation revealed that roadway members inevitably deteriorate over time at different rates. Illustrative examples of deteriorated roadway members are presented. The experience shows that lifetime of certain components is only about 5 to 7 years, sometimes less.
- Published
- 2006
18. Die ontwikkeling en evaluering van 'n multikulturele psigo-opleidingsprogram ter bekamping van tienerswangerskappe
- Author
Botha, Theresa Adrian, Van der Merwe, Karen, and 11039736 - Van der Merwe, Eveline Karen (Supervisor)
- Subjects
Teenage pregnancy ,Prevention programmes ,Causes and consequences - Abstract
Thesis (M.A. (Psychology))--North-West University, Vaal Triangle Campus, 2007. The researcher focused on developing a psycho-developmental programme that could be used as an intervention technique to combat teenage pregnancy. The literature research indicated that general factors contributing to teenage pregnancy could be divided into individual factors and social factors. The following individual factors played a major role towards teenage pregnancy: lack of knowledge, lack of future vision, lack of educational and personal goals and poor academic performance. Social factors such as poor health care services, poor socio-economic condition, unemployment and poverty could be seen as the most common general factors that lead to teenage pregnancy. Family disorientation because of families consisting of one parent, alcohol and drug abuse, and lack of parent support increase the risk to get involved in prostitution and sexual molesting ending up in teenage pregnancy. Psychological aspects such as low self-image, low self-concept, low self-esteem and an external locus of control are also contributing factors to teenage pregnancy. Cultural rituals, myths about sexuality and teenage pregnancy, poor recreational facilities, poor socio-economic condition leading to poverty and increasing the risk of becoming a victim of sexual abuse could be seen as the most common cultural factors which lead to teenage pregnancy. For the purpose of this research a cultural quasi-experimental design was used. Enrolled pupils between fourteen and sixteen years from the following culture groups: white, black (rural), black (urban) and brown were included in this research. These pupils were enrolled students from the following High Schools in Parys: Parys High School, Phehelang High School, Barnard Molekwane High School, Weiveld High School and Sckonkinville High School. All the pupils from the control group, experimental group and development groups were exposed to the completion of a questionnaire that was utilised for pre-testing as well as post-testing. This questionnaire consisted out of three dimensions: knowledge on sexuality, attitudes towards sexuality and myths occurring in connection with sexuality. This questionnaire is available in Afrikaans and Sotho. Only the experimental group was exposed to the psycho-development programme. The results of the research indicated that no differences between the research groups (experimental, development and control groups), age (14 - 16 years) and gender (male and female) groups were reported before the implementation of the psycho-educational programme. Only statistical differences in the cultural groups (white, black and brown) were found: between white and brown in connection with knowledge, attitudes and myths, and between white and black differences in connection with knowledge and myths. Between brown and black differences were found in connection with attitudes. The results after the implementation of the psycho-educational programme showed that no differences were found in connection with age and gender. The experimental group reported a positive change in attitudes towards teenage pregnancy, while knowledge increased in the development group. No changes were reported in the control group. Within the different cultural groups the following results were reported: Knowledge increased in the white group, while within the black group changes in knowledge, attitudes and myths were found. The results for the brown group did not report any change. The following conclusion could be made that the developed psycho-educational programme did have an impact on improving the knowledge and changing the attitudes of the study population in connection with sexuality and teenage pregnancy. The limitations of this research were identified and recommendations were made. Masters
- Published
- 2006
19. Die ontwikkeling en evaluering van 'n multikulturele psigo-opleidingsprogram ter bekamping van tienerswangerskappe|h[electronic resource] /|cTheresa A. Botha
- Author
Botha, Theresa Adrian
- Subjects
Teenage pregnancy ,Prevention programmes ,Causes and consequences - Abstract
The researcher focused on developing a psycho-developmental programme that could be used as an intervention technique to combat teenage pregnancy. The literature research indicated that general factors contributing to teenage pregnancy could be divided into individual factors and social factors. The following individual factors played a major role towards teenage pregnancy: lack of knowledge, lack of future vision, lack of educational and personal goals and poor academic performance. Social factors such as poor health care services, poor socio-economic condition, unemployment and poverty could be seen as the most common general factors that lead to teenage pregnancy. Family disorientation because of families consisting of one parent, alcohol and drug abuse, and lack of parent support increase the risk to get involved in prostitution and sexual molesting ending up in teenage pregnancy. Psychological aspects such as low self-image, low self-concept, low self-esteem and an external locus of control are also contributing factors to teenage pregnancy. Cultural rituals, myths about sexuality and teenage pregnancy, poor recreational facilities, poor socio-economic condition leading to poverty and increasing the risk of becoming a victim of sexual abuse could be seen as the most common cultural factors which lead to teenage pregnancy. For the purpose of this research a cultural quasi-experimental design was used. Enrolled pupils between fourteen and sixteen years from the following culture groups: white, black (rural), black (urban) and brown were included in this research. These pupils were enrolled students from the following High Schools in Parys: Parys High School, Phehelang High School, Barnard Molekwane High School, Weiveld High School and Sckonkinville High School. All the pupils from the control group, experimental group and development groups were exposed to the completion of a questionnaire that was utilised for pre-testing as well as post-testing. This questionnaire consisted out of three dimensions: knowledge on sexuality, attitudes towards sexuality and myths occurring in connection with sexuality. This questionnaire is available in Afrikaans and Sotho. Only the experimental group was exposed to the psycho-development programme. The results of the research indicated that no differences between the research groups (experimental, development and control groups), age (14 - 16 years) and gender (male and female) groups were reported before the implementation of the psycho-educational programme. Only statistical differences in the cultural groups (white, black and brown) were found: between white and brown in connection with knowledge, attitudes and myths, and between white and black differences in connection with knowledge and myths. Between brown and black differences were found in connection with attitudes. The results after the implementation of the psycho-educational programme showed that no differences were found in connection with age and gender. The experimental group reported a positive change in attitudes towards teenage pregnancy, while knowledge increased in the development group. No changes were reported in the control group. Within the different cultural groups the following results were reported: Knowledge increased in the white group, while within the black group changes in knowledge, attitudes and myths were found. The results for the brown group did not report any change. The following conclusion could be made that the developed psycho-educational programme did have an impact on improving the knowledge and changing the attitudes of the study population in connection with sexuality and teenage pregnancy. The limitations of this research were identified and recommendations were made. Thesis (M.A. (Psychology))--North-West University, Vaal Triangle Campus, 2007.
- Published
- 2006
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