Introduction: Creativity is a positive human characteristic and considered the basis of many human conquers in various fields of knowledge. The hypothetical relationship between creativity and psychiatric vulnerability was first debated in antiquity and since then the plot thickens even more. From the last century, creativity and psychopathology became even more spoken due to the artworks created by mentally affected artists. Although some results have suggested a relationship between creativity and psychosis, few studies have examined this relationship using empirical methods. For this reason, the possible association between the two issues is considered one of the most controversial topics nowadays. Aim: The aim of this article is to present a literature review of the putative link that are being studied between creativity and psychosis and the main outcomes available so far. Methods: Literature review of selected article deemed relevant by the authors, using Medline/Pubmed database with the combination of the following keywords: “creativity”, “psychosis”, “psychopathology“ with no time limits of publication. References of the selected articles were also considered. Results and Conclusions: A connection between creativity and psychopathology in what concerns to bipolar disorder, schizophrenic disorder as well as squizotypal disorder, as been suggested by the ongoing research on the fields of biology, imagiology, genetic as well as psychometric and psychodiagnostic (mainly the last two). Nevertheless, comparison between studies is difficult due to different definitions and methods used. Besides there is also a need for integration of findings in the different research areas mentioned, in order to reach more accurate conclusions.