Livestock producers mostly desires cheaper feed ingredients that are readily available for the better parts of tropical season and have no competition with man’s dietary demands. Wild sunflower, a weed found growing uncultivated on abandoned/waste lands may be employed as livestock feeding resource, hence the need to embark on this study. According to the literature, it was observed that sunflower contains relatively high nutrient concentration which makes it a potential source and supplement of satisfactory quality protein for livestock feed formulation. Percentages vary from 17.20-20.07, 11.00-19.00, 4.00-38.00, 3.36-16.70 and 26.00-50.05 for CP, CF, EE, Ash and NFE respectively. It was also crystal clear that wild sunflower may be included in livestock feeding up to 10% without having any deleterious effect on nutrient digestibility, carcass and blood parameters. When processed, higher inclusion level may be employed up to 30%. 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