1. Alikhanova Nodira Mirshovkatovna-Doctor Of Medical Science.1, 2. Takhirova Feruza Abrarovna-PhD Of Medical Science. 1, 3. Musakhanova Charos Bakhtiyer Qizi-PhD Student. 1, 4. Davronov Rifqat Rahimovich-PhD Of Computer Science.2, 5. Akramova Gulzoda Gayratullayevna-PhD Of Medical Science. 1, 6. Abboskhujaeva Lola Saydiganikhodjaevna-PhD Of Medical Science. 1, 7. Shakirova Munavvara Mukhiddinovna-PhD Of Medical Science. 1, 8. Trigulova Raisa Xusainovna-Doctor Of Medical Science.3, 9. Nazarova Nozimakhon Sunnatilla Qizi-PhD Student. 1, 10. Aykhodjaeva Mokhira Akmalovna-PhD Of Medical Science. 1, 11. Kayumova Durdona Tuygunovna-PhD Of Medical Science. 1, 12. Maksutova Nigora Nasreddinovna-PhD Of Medical Science. 1, 13. Turaev Feruz Fathullaevich-Doctor Of Medical Science.1, and 14. Daminov Botir Turgunpulatovich-Doctor Of Medical Science.4
Background and aims. Survival of patients is the main criterion of the efficacy of hemodialysis. As known, the survival of patients with diabetes on maintenance hemodialysis is lower than without diabetes. This study is the first in Uzbekistan to evaluate survival of end-stage renal disease patients with diabetes. Materials and Methods. The retrospective study was conducted on 54 diabetes patients with end-stage renal disease receiving hemodialysis at the Hemodialysis department of the Republican specialized scientific-practical medical center of endocrinology named after academician Y.Kh.Turakulov of the Ministry of Health of Uzbekistan in Tashkent in 2013-2020. Results. Among 54 patients (22 women, 41%, and 32 men, 59%) with mean age of 56.5±13.4 years, mean diabetes duration was 16.3±6.5 years. There were 12 patients with T1D (22%) and 42 patients with T2D (78%). The 1-, 3- and 5-year survival rate was 57%, 22% and 9%, respectively. Conclusions. Data on the analysis of the survival rate of patients by nosology in Uzbekistan are sparse, for patients on hemodialysis, especially for persons with diabetes mellitus, there are no at all. Our findings demonstrated low survival of the diabetics on the maintenance hemodialysis; the fact requiring more detailed study on the problem.