64 results on '"Schaposnik, Fidel A."'
Search Results
2. Functional bosonization of a Dirac field in 2 + 1 dimensions, in the presence of a boundary
- Author
Fosco, Cesar Daniel and Schaposnik, Fidel Arturo
- Subjects
Condensed Matter::Quantum Gases ,Chern–simons theory ,Field (physics) ,Gauge theory ,Boundary (topology) ,Physics ,Mathematical physics ,High Energy Physics::Phenomenology ,Bosonization ,Física ,Worldsheet ,Dirac (software) ,Boundary value problem - Abstract
We apply the functional bosonization procedure to a massive Dirac field defined on a 2 + 1 dimensional spacetime which has a non-trivial boundary. We find the form of the bosonized current both for the bulk and boundary modes, showing that the gauge field in the bosonized theory contains a perfect-conductor boundary condition on the worldsheet spanned by the boundary. We find the bosonized action for the corresponding boundary modes., Instituto de Física La Plata
- Published
- 2018
3. Induced parity-odd effective action for a Dirac field on S² × S¹
- Author
Fosco, César Daniel and Schaposnik, Fidel Arturo
- Subjects
High Energy Physics::Theory ,external Abelian gauge field ,High Energy Physics::Lattice ,Physics ,fermions ,Física ,Ciencias Exactas ,space-time geometry - Abstract
We evaluate the parity-odd part of the effective action due to massive Dirac fermions on a S² × S¹ manifold, minimally coupled to an external Abelian gauge field. We do that for a special class of gauge-field configurations, which is especially suitable to the study of the behavior of the fermionic determinant under large gauge field configurations, which are allowed by the space-time geometry., Facultad de Ciencias Exactas, Instituto de Física La Plata
- Published
- 2017
4. Induced parity-odd effective action for a Dirac field on S 2 × S 1
- Author
Fosco, Cesar Daniel and Schaposnik, Fidel Arturo
- Subjects
purl.org/becyt/ford/1 [https] ,Anomaly ,Ciencias Físicas ,purl.org/becyt/ford/1.3 [https] ,Otras Ciencias Físicas ,Chern ,CIENCIAS NATURALES Y EXACTAS - Abstract
We evaluate the parity-odd part of the effective action due to massive Dirac fermions on a S 2 × S 1 manifold, minimally coupled to an external Abelian gauge field. We do that for a special class of gauge-field configurations, which is especially suitable to the study of the behavior of the fermionic determinant under large gauge field configurations, which are allowed by the space-time geometry. Fil: Fosco, Cesar Daniel. Comisión Nacional de Energía Atómica. Centro Atómico Bariloche; Argentina. Comisión Nacional de Energía Atómica. Gerencia del Área de Energía Nuclear. Instituto Balseiro; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina Fil: Schaposnik, Fidel Arturo. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - La Plata. Instituto de Física La Plata. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas. Instituto de Física La Plata; Argentina
- Published
- 2017
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5. N = 2 Chern-Simons-matter theories without vortices
- Author
Russo, Jorge G. and Schaposnik, Fidel Arturo
- Subjects
Matrix Models ,Chern-Simons Theories ,Extended Supersymmetry ,Física ,Ciencias Exactas ,Supersymmetric Gauge Theory - Abstract
We study N = 2 Chern-Simons-matter theories with gauge group Uk1(1)×Uk2(1). We find that, when k1 + k2 = 0, the partition function computed by localization dramatically simplifies and collapses to a single term. We show that the same condition prevents the theory from having supersymmetric vortex configurations. The theories include mass-deformed ABJM theory with U(1)k× U−k(1) gauge group as a particular case. Similar features are shared by a class of CS-matter theories with gauge group Uk1(1)×⋯×UkN(1)., Facultad de Ciencias Exactas, Instituto de Física La Plata
- Published
- 2017
6. Informe científico de investigador: Schaposnik, Fidel Arturo (2015-2016)
- Author
Schaposnik, Fidel Arturo
- Subjects
Física, Matemática, Química y Astronomía ,física de partículas ,Ciencias Físicas ,materia condensada - Abstract
Durante el período que aquí se informa, desarrollé en colaboración con estudiantes graduados y colegas de Universidad de La Plata y otros centros del país y del exterior, una serie de trabajos centrados en el estudio de teorías campos con aplicaciones a la física de partículas (Área I) y a la la materia condensada (Área 2). Área I: Corresponde a la física de altas energías y la cosmología. Apunta a describir de manera unificada las interacciones fundamentales hoy conocidas. Es por ello de un tema central en la comprensión de las leyes de nuestro Universo, promovido en los principales centros internacionales como el Massachussetts Institute of Technology y el IAS de Princeton (USA), el CERN (Europa), entre otros. A esta área pertenecen los trabajos 1, 2, 3,4, 8, 10 del listado del punto 7.1. Área II: los trabajos 5, 6, 7 y 9 corresponden a aplicaciones a la materia condensada de modelos de la teoría de campos cuya energía se identifica con la energía libre de Ginzburg-Landau para describir fenómenos como el de los superconductores y aisladores topológicos y el efecto Hall. Es de notar que los trabajos 2, 3, 4 y 8 del Área I tienen también aplicaciones al Área II y por ello han sido citados por otros autores en relación con fenómenos de la materia condensada.
- Published
- 2016
7. Chern-Simons-Higgs theory with visible and hidden sectors and its N=2 SUSY extension
- Author
Arias, Paola, Ireson, Edwin, Schaposnik, Fidel Arturo, and Tallarita, Gianni
- Subjects
High Energy Physics::Theory ,Vortex equations ,High Energy Physics::Phenomenology ,Física ,Ciencias Exactas - Abstract
We study vortex solutions in Abelian Chern-Simons-Higgs theories with visible and hidden sectors. We first consider the case in which the two sectors are connected through a BF-like gauge mixing term with no explicit interaction between the two scalars. Since first order Bogomolny equations do not exist in this case, we derive the second order field equations. We then proceed to an N=2 supersymmetric extension including a Higgs portal mixing among the visible and hidden charged scalars. As expected, Bogomolny equations do exist in this case and we study their string-like solutions numerically., Facultad de Ciencias Exactas, Instituto de Física La Plata
- Published
- 2015
8. N = 2 SUSY Abelian Higgs model with hidden sector and BPS equations
- Author
Arias, Paola, Ireson, Edwin, Núñez, Carlos, and Schaposnik, Fidel Arturo
- Subjects
Extended Supersymmetry ,High Energy Physics::Phenomenology ,Física ,Solitons Monopoles and Instantons ,Ciencias Exactas - Abstract
In this paper we study a system inspired on certain SUSY breaking models and on more recent Dark Matter scenarios. In our set-up, two Abelian gauge fields interact via an operator that mixes their kinetic terms. We find the extended Supersymmetric version of this system, that also generates a Higgs portal type of interaction. We obtain and study both analytically and numerically, the equations defining topologically stable string-like objects. We check our results using two different approaches., Facultad de Ciencias Exactas, Instituto de Física La Plata
- Published
- 2015
9. Chern-Simons-Higgs Theory with Visible and Hidden Sectors and its ${\cal N}=2$ SUSY Extension
- Author
Arias, Paola, Ireson, Edwin, Schaposnik, Fidel A., and Tallarita, Gianni
- Subjects
High Energy Physics - Theory ,High Energy Physics - Phenomenology ,High Energy Physics::Theory ,High Energy Physics - Phenomenology (hep-ph) ,High Energy Physics - Theory (hep-th) ,High Energy Physics::Phenomenology ,FOS: Physical sciences - Abstract
We study vortex solutions in Abelian Chern-Simons-Higgs theories with visible and hidden sectors. We first consider the case in which the two sectors are connected through a BF-like gauge mixing term with no explicit interaction between the the two scalars. Since first order Bogomolny equations do not exist in this case, we derive the second order field equations. We then proceed to an ${\cal N}=2$ supersymmetric extension including a Higgs portal mixing among the visible and hidden charged scalars. As expected, Bogomolnyi equations do exist in this case and we study their string-like solutions numerically., Comment: 10 pages, 12 figures. Several typos fixed and the Gauss law is explicitly written, figures correctly shown. Accepted in PLB
- Published
- 2015
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10. Duality and bosonization in Schwinger–Keldysh formulation
- Author
Gamboa Saravi, Ricardo Enrique, Naon, Carlos Maria, and Schaposnik, Fidel Arturo
- Subjects
Astronomía ,Duality ,Ciencias Físicas ,Bosonization ,Out of equilibrium ,CIENCIAS NATURALES Y EXACTAS - Abstract
We present a path-integral bosonization approach for systems out of equilibrium based on a duality transformation of the original Dirac fermion theory combined with the Schwinger–Keldysh time closed contour technique, to handle the non-equilibrium situation. The duality approach to bosonization that we present is valid for D ≥ 2 space–time dimensions leading for D = 2 to exact results. In this last case we present the bosonization rules for fermion currents, calculate current–current correlation functions and establish the connection between the fermionic and bosonic distribution functions in a generic, non-equilibrium situation. Fil: Gamboa Saravi, Ricardo Enrique. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - La Plata. Instituto de Física La Plata. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas. Instituto de Física La Plata; Argentina Fil: Naon, Carlos Maria. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - La Plata. Instituto de Física La Plata. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas. Instituto de Física La Plata; Argentina Fil: Schaposnik, Fidel Arturo. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - La Plata. Instituto de Física La Plata. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas. Instituto de Física La Plata; Argentina
- Published
- 2014
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11. Informe científico de investigador: Schaposnik, Fidel Arturo (2013-2014)
- Author
Schaposnik, Fidel Arturo
- Subjects
Física, Matemática, Química y Astronomía ,teoría de partículas ,Ciencias Físicas ,teoría de campos ,teoría de cuerdas - Abstract
Durante el período cubierto por este informe, en colaboración con estudiantes graduados y colegas del grupo que dirijo en la Universidad de La Plata y también del exterior, desarrollé una serie de trabajos centrados en el estudio de teorías campos y partículas que están en la base de la unificación de todas las interacciones conocidas en la Naturaleza. Se trata, por ello, de un tema central en la comprensión de las leyes de nuestro Universo y que por ello es promovido en los principales centros de investigación científica y tecnológica del mundo como son por ejemplo el Massachussetts Institute of Technology o el Institute for Advanced Study de Princeton, USA. A continuación resumiré los principales logros de cada uno de los trabajos realizados en el período utilizando para referrirme a ellos la numeración de la lista de publicaciones del punto 7.1 En los trabajos 1 y 2 se estudian teorías del tipo "Lifshitz" en las que el sistema tiene propiedade diferentes frente a cambios de escala de espacio y de tiempo. Estas teorías son relevantes tanto para el estudio de transiciones de fase en sistemas de interés en la física de la materia condensada como también en el campo de teorías gravitatorias con posibilidades de una formulación cuántica. En el trabajo 1 construimos soluciones del tipo vórtice para un modelo de Chern-Simons-Higgs y las relacionamos con las fases de sistemas condensados Lifshitz y en el trabajo 2, basados en la conjetura de Maldacena de una teoría Lifshitz de Yang-Mills-Higgs, analizamos comportamientos críticos en la frontera holográfica En los trabajos 3 y 4 discutimos dualidades entre teorías bosónicas y fermiónicas en dos dimensiones espaciales relevantes tanto en modelos gravitatorios como en física de materia condensada planar. En el trabajo 5 obtenemos fórmulas de bosonización en dos dimensiones de espacio tiempo para sistemas fuera del equilibrio El trabajo 6 discute soluciones de teorías con un sector visible y otro llamado "escondido", de interés para estudios cosmológicos de materia oscura y cuerdas cósmicas. Las soluciones topológicas que encontramos corresponden a vórtices con flujos magnéticos cuantificados por lo que también pueden relacionarse con los que aparecen en modelos fenomenológicos de superconductividad del tipo Ginzburg-Landau. Finalmente el trabajo [7] presenta una prueba matemáticamente rigurosa de la existencia de soluciones tipo vórtice magnético con carga eléctrica en teorías no-abelianas con dinámica de Chern-Simons.
- Published
- 2014
12. N=2 SUSY Abelian Higgs model with hidden sector and BPS equations
- Author
Arias, Paola, Ireson, Edwin, Núñez, Carlos, and Schaposnik, Fidel
- Subjects
High Energy Physics - Theory ,High Energy Physics - Theory (hep-th) ,High Energy Physics::Phenomenology ,FOS: Physical sciences - Abstract
In this paper we study a system inspired on certain SUSY breaking models and on more recent Dark Matter scenarios. In our set-up, two Abelian gauge fields interact via an operator that mixes their kinetic terms. We find the extended Supersymmetric version of this system, that also generates a Higgs portal type of interaction. We obtain and study both analytically and numerically, the equations defining topologically stable string-like objects. We check our results using two different approaches. Various technical details are explicitly stated for the benefit of various readers., Comment: 22 pages, 4 figures, 1 appendix
- Published
- 2014
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13. Duality and bosonization in Schwinger-Keldysh formulation
- Author
Gamboa Saraví, R., Naón, C. M., and Schaposnik, Fidel Arturo
- Subjects
Condensed Matter::Quantum Gases ,Ciencias Físicas ,High Energy Physics::Lattice ,Física ,Ciencias Exactas - Abstract
We present a path-integral bosonization approach for systems out of equilibrium based on a duality transformation of the original Dirac fermion theory combined with the Schwinger-Keldysh time closed contour technique, to handle the non-equilibrium situation. The duality approach to bosonization that we present is valid for D 2 space-time dimensions leading for D = 2 to exact results. In this last case we present the bosonization rules for fermion currents, calculate current-current correlation functions and establish the connection between the fermionic and bosonic distribution functions in a generic, nonequilibrium situation., Facultad de Ciencias Exactas
- Published
- 2014
14. Higher loop corrections to a Schwinger-Dyson equation
- Author
Bellon, Marc P. and Schaposnik, Fidel Arturo
- Subjects
High Energy Physics::Theory ,Renormalization ,Física ,Schwinger-Dyson equation - Abstract
We consider the effects of higher loop corrections to a Schwinger–Dyson equation for propagators. This is made possible by the efficiency of the methods we developed in preceding works, still using the supersymmetric Wess–Zumino model as a laboratory. We obtain the dominant contributions of the three and four-loop primitive divergences at high order in perturbation theory, without the need for their full evaluations. Our main conclusion is that the asymptotic behavior of the perturbative series of the renormalization function remains unchanged, and we conjecture that this will remain the case for all finite order corrections., Facultad de Ciencias Exactas
- Published
- 2013
15. Gauged Lifshitz model with Chern-Simons term
- Author
Lozano, Gustavo Sergio, Schaposnik, Fidel Arturo, and Tallarita, Gianni
- Subjects
Física - Abstract
We present a gauged Lifshitz Lagrangian including second and forth order spatial derivatives of the scalar field and a Chern-Simons term, and study non-trivial solutions of the classical equations of motion. While the coefficient beta of the forth order term should be positive in order to guarantee positivity of the energy, the coefficient alpha of the quadratic one need not be. We investigate the parameter domains finding significant differences in the field behaviors. Apart from the usual vortex field behavior of the ordinary relativistic Chern-Simons-Higgs model, we find in certain parameter domains oscillatory solutions reminiscent of the modulated phases of Lifshitz systems., Facultad de Ciencias Exactas, Comisión de Investigaciones Científicas de la provincia de Buenos Aires
- Published
- 2013
16. Holography and AdS4 self-gravitating dyons
- Author
Lugo, Adrián René, Moreno, Enrique Francisco, and Schaposnik, Fidel Arturo
- Subjects
High Energy Physics::Theory ,General Relativity and Quantum Cosmology ,High Energy Physics::Lattice ,Física - Abstract
We present a self-gravitating dyon solution of the Einstein-Yang-Mills-Higgs equations of motion in asymptotically AdS space. The back reaction of gauge and Higgs fields on the space-time geometry leads to the metric of an asymptotically AdS black hole. Using the gauge/gravity correspondence we analyze relevant properties of the finite temperature quantum field theory defined on the boundary. In particular we identify an order operator, characterize a phase transition of the dual theory on the border and also compute the expectation value of the finite temperature Wilson loop., Facultad de Ciencias Exactas
- Published
- 2010
17. Holographic phase transition from dyons in an AdS black hole background
- Author
Lugo, Adrián René, Moreno, Enrique Francisco, and Schaposnik, Fidel Arturo
- Subjects
High Energy Physics::Theory ,General Relativity and Quantum Cosmology ,Física - Abstract
We construct a dyon solution for a Yang-Mills-Higgs theory in a 4 dimensional Schwarzschild-anti-de Sitter black hole background with temperature T. We then apply the AdS/CFT correspondence to describe the strong coupling regime of a 2 + 1 quantum field theory which undergoes a phase transition exhibiting the condensation of a composite charge operator below a critical temperature T c ., Facultad de Ciencias Exactas
- Published
- 2010
18. Informe científico de investigador: Schaposnik, Fidel Arturo (2009-2010)
- Author
Schaposnik, Fidel Arturo
- Subjects
Física, Matemática, Química y Astronomía ,teoría de partículas ,Ciencias Físicas ,teoría de campos ,teoría de cuerdas - Abstract
Durante el período cubierto por este informe, en colaboración con estudiantes y colegas del grupo que dirijo en la Universidad de La Plata y también del exterior, desarrollé una serie de trabajos centrados en el estudio de teorías campos, cuerdas y partículas que están en la base de la unificación de todas las interacciones conocidas en la Naturaleza. También realicé trabajos de aplicación de la teorías de campos y cuerdas a problemas de interés en materia condensada. Si bien hoy se cuenta con una teoría que unifica las interacciones electromagnéticas, fuertes y débiles hay varios problemas pendientes, como el llamado "problema de las jerarquías (escalas de masas demasiado variadas para las partículasd básicas) escala de unificación (de las 3 interacciones), etc. El imponer una simetría adicional a las de gauge -y de carácter totalmente distinto- como es la supersimetría, ofrece atractivas soluciones para los problemas mencionados pero a la par plantea la necesidad de encontrar mecanismos de rotura ya que de ser una simetría exacta, exigiría que existieran fermiones de masa cero (fotinos), bosones con la masa del electrón (s-electrones), etc. La rotura corrige las masas de estas partículas que tendrían así chances de ser detectadas en el Gran acelerador de hadrones (LHC) del CERN. Dos de mis trabajos cubrieron diversos aspectos de teorías supersimétricas, tanto en sus aspectos clásicos como cuánticos. En el trabajo 1 estudiamos la relación entre supersimetría y la existencia de ecuaciones de primer orden cuyas soluciones tipo monopolo y dión resuelven las más complicadas ecuaciones de Euler-Lagrange de modelos de gauge. En el trabajo 3 estudiamos los modelos utilizados hoy en día, en los que la rotura de la supersimetría se produce por la aparición, al descender la temperatura con la expansión del Universo, de vacíos metaestables. Los resultados nos permitieron dar un escenario cosmológico muy aceptable para las distintas etapas de evolución. El trabajo 2 discute soluciones de teorías de gauge en relación con otro de los problemas pendientes para la unificación: en efecto, en él construimos soluciones del tipo cromomagnético y cromoeléctrico, candidatas a proveer un mecanismo para el confinamiento de los quarks. Los trabajos 4 y 5 corresponden a un área que, a partir de 2008, ha comenzado a atraer más y más especialistas de la física de altas energías y de la materia condensada: se trata de aplicaciones de la famosa conjetura de Maldacena (conocida como conjetura AdS/CFT) que permite obtener resultados cuánticos en regímenes no perturbativos a partir de cálculos clásicos en teorías duales en los que la gravitación juega un rol central. Hemos logrado describir a nivel cuántico transiciones de fase típicas de super conductores y superfluidos planares a partir de teorías de campos de gauge y escalares en una dimension mayor (3+1) en el que la métrica corresponde a un agujero negro Anti-de Sitter (AdS). En el trabajo 4 esta métrica es impuesta como un fondo sin dinámica mientras que en el 5 hemos resuelto el sistema completo de ecuaciones de Yang-Mills-Einstein. En ambos casos hemos podido caracterizar la transición de fase y calcular cantidades de relevancia (indice crítico, energía libre, entropía).
- Published
- 2010
19. (1+1)-dimensional Galilean supersymmetry in ultracold quantum gases
- Author
Lozano, Gustavo S., Piguet, Oliver, Schaposnik, Fidel Arturo, and Sourrouille, Lucas
- Subjects
Condensed Matter::Quantum Gases ,ultracold quantum gases ,High Energy Physics::Theory ,Galilean invariant model ,Chern-Simons matter system ,Physics ,Física ,supersymmetry ,self-dual equations ,Ciencias Exactas - Abstract
We discuss a (1+1)-dimensional Galilean invariant model recently introduced in connection with ultracold quantum gases. After showing its relation to a nonrelativistic (2+1) Chern-Simons matter system, we identify the generators of the supersymmetry and its relation with the existence of self-dual equations., Facultad de Ciencias Exactas
- Published
- 2007
20. A monopole solution from noncommutative multi-instantons
- Author
Correa, Diego Hernán, Forgács, Péter, Moreno, Enrique Francisco, Schaposnik, Fidel Arturo, and Silva, Guillermo Ariel
- Subjects
High Energy Physics::Theory ,High Energy Physics::Lattice ,Gauge Symmetry ,Non-Commutative Geometry ,High Energy Physics::Phenomenology ,Física ,Solitons Monopoles and Instantons ,Ciencias Exactas - Abstract
We extend the relation between instanton and monopole solutions of the selfduality equations in SU(2) gauge theory to noncommutative space-times. Using this approach and starting from a noncommutative multi-instanton solution we construct a U(2) monopole configuration which lives in 3 dimensional ordinary space. This configuration resembles the Wu-Yang monopole and satisfies the selfduality (Bogomol'nyi) equations for a U(2) Yang-Mills-Higgs system., Facultad de Ciencias Exactas
- Published
- 2004
21. Noncommutative solitons and instantons
- Author
Schaposnik, Fidel Arturo
- Subjects
High Energy Physics::Theory ,vortex ,Mathematics::K-Theory and Homology ,Mathematics::Operator Algebras ,High Energy Physics::Lattice ,Condensed Matter::Superconductivity ,Física ,noncommutative field - Abstract
I review different approaches to the construction of vortex and instanton solutions in noncommutative field theories., Facultad de Ciencias Exactas
- Published
- 2004
22. On coordinate transformations in planar noncommutative theories
- Author
Correa, Diego Hernán, Fosco, Cesar Daniel, Schaposnik, Fidel Artur, and Torroba, Gonzalo
- Subjects
Coordinates ,Planar Noncommutative Theories ,Física - Abstract
We consider planar noncommutative theories such that the coordinates verify a space-dependent commutation relation. We show that, in some special cases, new coordinates may be introduced that have a constant commutator, and as a consequence the construction of Field Theory models may be carried out by an application of the standard Moyal approach in terms of the new coordinates. We apply these ideas to the concrete example of a noncommutative plane with a curved interface. We also show how to extend this method to more general situations., Facultad de Ciencias Exactas
- Published
- 2004
23. Non-Abelian fractional quantum Hall states and chiral coset conformal field theories
- Author
Cabra, Daniel Carlos, Fradkin, Eduardo, Rossini, Gerardo Luis, and Schaposnik, Fidel Arturo
- Subjects
Chern–simons theory ,Abelian group ,Fractional quantum hall effect ,Physics ,Quantum hall effect ,Física ,Pfaffian ,Quantum spin hall effect ,Field (physics) ,Connection (mathematics) ,Topological quantum field theory ,High Energy Physics::Theory ,Conformal field theory ,Mathematical physics ,Theoretical physics ,Conformal map ,Coset - Abstract
We propose an effective Lagrangian for the low energy theory of the Pfaffian states of the fractional quantum Hall effect in the bulk in terms of non-Abelian Chern–Simons (CS) actions. Our approach exploits the connection between the topological Chern–Simons theory and chiral conformal field theories. This construction can be used to describe a large class of non-Abelian FQH states., Facultad de Ciencias Exactas
- Published
- 2000
24. Monopole and dyon solutions in AdS space
- Author
Lugo, Adrián René and Schaposnik, Fidel Arturo
- Subjects
Cosmological constant ,Coupling constant ,Magnetic monopole ,Higgs boson ,Physics ,Física ,Quantum mechanics ,Dyon ,Second order equation ,High Energy Physics::Theory ,General Relativity and Quantum Cosmology ,de Sitter–Schwarzschild metric ,De Sitter space ,Mathematical physics ,Mass scale ,Scalar (mathematics) ,de Sitter invariant special relativity ,Anti-de Sitter space - Abstract
We consider monopole and dyon classical solutions of the Yang-Mills-Higgs system coupled to gravity in asymptotically anti-de Sitter space. We discuss both singular and regular solutions to the second order equations of motion showing that singular Wu-Yang like dyons can be found, the resulting metric being of the Reissner-Nordstrom type (with cosmological constant). Concerning regular solutions, we analyze the conditions under which they can be constructed discussing, for vanishing coupling constant, the main distinctive features related to the anti-de Sitter asymptotic condition; in particular, we find in this case that the v.e.v. of the Higgs scalar, | H (∞)| , should be quantized in units of the natural mass scale 1/e r 0 (related to the cosmological constant) according to | H (∞)| 2 =m(m+1)(e r 0 ) −2 , with m ∈ Z ., Facultad de Ciencias Exactas
- Published
- 1999
25. Virtual photon effects in D = 3 Born-Infeld theory
- Author
Fosco, César Daniel and Schaposnik, Fidel Arturo
- Subjects
Quantum electrodynamics ,Lattice field theory ,Unified field theory ,Gauge theory ,Hamiltonian lattice gauge theory ,Action (physics) ,Physics ,Effective field theory ,Yang–Mills theory ,Física ,Relationship between string theory and quantum field theory ,Field theory (psychology) ,Virtual particle ,Effective action ,Field strength ,Introduction to gauge theory ,One-dimensional space - Abstract
One-loop effects due to virtual gauge field propagation in 2+1-dimensional Born-Infeld theory are investigated. Although this field theory model is not power counting renormalizable, it can be consistently interpreted as an effective field theory. We derive the one-loop effective action in this framework. Halpern's field strength's formulation is then applied to derive an effective description for the interaction between magnetically charged particles, when the gauge field dynamics is determined by a Born-Infeld action. We compare the results with those of the Maxwell theory., Facultad de Ciencias Exactas
- Published
- 1998
26. Fermionic determinant as an overlap between bosonic vacua
- Author
Fosco, Cesar Daniel and Schaposnik, Fidel Arturo
- Subjects
Dirac operator ,Física ,Euclidean geometry ,Ciencias Exactas - Abstract
We find a representation for the determinant of a Dirac operator in an even number D =2 n of Euclidean dimensions as an overlap between two different vacua, each one corresponding to a bosonic theory with a quadratic action in 2 n +1 dimensions, with identical kinetic terms, but differing in their mass terms. This resembles the overlap representation of a fermionic determinant (although bosonic fields are used here). This representation may find applications to lattice field theory, as an alternative to other bosonized representations for Dirac determinants already proposed., Facultad de Ciencias Exactas
- Published
- 1998
27. Uniqueness of Bogomol'nyi equations and Born-Infeld like supersymmetric theories
- Author
Christiansen, Hugo Roland, Núñez, Carlos, and Schaposnik, Fidel Arturo
- Subjects
High Energy Physics::Theory ,High Energy Physics::Phenomenology ,Física ,Bogomol'nyi equations ,Ciencias Exactas ,Higgs scalars ,Supersymmetric extension - Abstract
We discuss Bogomol’nyi equations for general gauge theories (depending on the two Maxwell invariants FµνFµν and F˜µνFµν) coupled to Higgs scalars. By analysing their supersymmetric extension, we explicitly show why the resulting BPS structure is insensitive to the particular form of the gauge Lagrangian: Maxwell, Born-Infeld or more complicated non-polynomial Lagrangians all satisfy the same Bogomol’nyi equations and bounds which are dictated by the underlying supersymmetry algebra., Facultad de Ciencias Exactas
- Published
- 1998
28. Abelian and non-Abelian induced parity-breaking terms at finite temperature
- Author
Fosco, César Daniel, Rossini, Gerardo Luis, and Schaposnik, Fidel Arturo
- Subjects
Quantum field theory ,Chiral anomaly ,Abelian group ,Parity (physics) ,Gauge theory ,High Energy Physics::Lattice ,Physics ,Mathematical physics ,Effective action ,Física ,Thermal quantum field theory ,Symmetry breaking ,Quantum mechanics - Abstract
We compute the exact canonically induced parity-breaking part of the effective action for 2+1 massive fermions, in particular, Abelian and non-Abelian gauge field backgrounds. The method of computation resorts to the chiral anomaly of the dimensionally reduced theory., Facultad de Ciencias Exactas
- Published
- 1997
29. Multiflavor correlation functions in non-Abelian gauge theories at finite fermion density in two dimensions
- Author
Christiansen, Hugo Roland and Schaposnik, Fidel Arturo
- Subjects
Abelian group ,High Energy Physics::Lattice ,High Energy Physics::Phenomenology ,Física ,Multiflavor ,Ciencias Exactas ,Quantum chromodynamics - Abstract
We compute vacuum expectation values of products of fermion bilinears for two-dimensional quantum chromodynamics at finite flavored-fermion densities. We introduce the chemical potential as an external charge distribution within the path-integral approach and carefully analyze the contribution of different topological sectors to fermion correlators. We show the existence of chiral condensates exhibiting an oscillatory inhomogeneous behavior as a function of a chemical potential matrix. This result is exact and goes in the same direction as the behavior found in four-dimensional QCD4 within the large N approximation., Facultad de Ciencias Exactas
- Published
- 1997
30. Non Abelian Bosonization in Two and Three Dimensions
- Author
Le Guillou, J. C., Moreno, Enrique Francisco, Núñez, Carlos, and Schaposnik, Fidel Arturo
- Subjects
Condensed Matter::Quantum Gases ,Abelian group ,Action (physics) ,High Energy Physics::Lattice ,Physics ,Dirac operator ,Particle physics ,Física ,Fermion doubling ,Massless particle ,Vector field ,High Energy Physics::Theory ,Mathematical physics ,Bosonization ,Wess–Zumino–Witten model ,Path integral formulation ,Current algebra ,Fermion - Abstract
We discuss non-abelian bosonization of two- and three-dimensional fermions using a pathintegral framework in which the bosonic action follows from the evaluation of the fermion determinant for the Dirac operator in the presence of a vector field. This naturally leads to the Wess-Zumino-Witten action for massless two-dimensional fermions and to a Chem-Simons action for very massive three-dimensional fermions. One advantage of our approach is that it allows one to derive the exact bosonization recipe for fermion currents in a systematic way., Facultad de Ciencias Exactas
- Published
- 1997
31. Induced parity breaking term at finite temperature
- Author
Fosco, César Daniel, Rossini, Gerardo Luis, and Schaposnik, Fidel Arturo
- Subjects
Parity (physics) ,Gauge theory ,High Energy Physics::Lattice ,Physics ,Mathematical physics ,Effective action ,Física ,Fermion ,Quantum mechanics - Abstract
We compute the exact induced parity-breaking part of the effective action for 2 + 1 massive fermions in QED3 at finite temperature by calculating the fermion determinant in a particular background. The result confirms that gauge invariance of the effective action is respected even when large gauge transformations are considered., Facultad de Ciencias Exactas
- Published
- 1997
32. Partículas elementales
- Author
Schaposnik, Fidel Arturo and Reichenbach, María Cecilia von
- Subjects
Física ,Partículas Elementales - Abstract
Los físicos han desarrollado el modelo standard hacia la gran unificación: la supersimetría, la teoría de supercuerdas. Pero hay cuestiones que todavía quedan sin respuesta, algunas de las cuales podrán ser aclaradas en el futuro cercano por los nuevos aceleradores y los progresos que se logren en los dominios de la astrofísica y la cosmología., Facultad de Ciencias Exactas
- Published
- 1997
33. Bosonization in d > 2 dimensions
- Author
Schaposnik, Fidel A.
- Subjects
Condensed Matter::Quantum Gases ,High Energy Physics - Theory (hep-th) ,High Energy Physics::Phenomenology ,FOS: Physical sciences - Abstract
I discuss in this talk a bosonization approach recently developed. It leads to the (exact) bosonization rule for fermion currents in d > 2 dimensions and also provides a systematic way of constructing the bosonic action in different regimes., Talk given at "Trends in Theoretical Physics, CERN - Santiago de Compostela - La Plata Meeting", La Plata, April 1997, 34 pages, latex
- Published
- 1997
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34. Bosonization of vector and axial vector currents in 3+1 dimensions
- Author
Fosco, Cesar Daniel and Schaposnik, Fidel Arturo
- Subjects
Condensed Matter::Quantum Gases ,High Energy Physics::Theory ,High Energy Physics::Phenomenology ,Bosonization ,Física ,Ciencias Exactas ,Massless fermionic field - Abstract
The bosonization of a massless fermionic field coupled to both vector and axial-vector external sources is developed, following a path-integral approach. The resulting bosonized theory contains two antisymmetric tensor fields whose actions consist of non-local Kalb-Ramond-like terms plus interactions. Exact bosonization rules that take the axial anomaly for the axial current into account are derived, and an approximated bosonized action is constructed., Facultad de Ciencias Exactas
- Published
- 1997
35. The ζ-function answer to parity violation in three dimensional gauge theories
- Author
Gamboa Saraví, Ricardo Enrique, Rossini, Gerardo Luis, and Schaposnik, Fidel Arturo
- Subjects
Gauge theory ,High Energy Physics::Lattice ,Physics ,Regularization (physics) ,Ground state ,High Energy Physics::Phenomenology ,Particle physics ,Física ,Invariant (physics) ,Massless particle ,Supersymmetric gauge theory ,High Energy Physics::Theory ,Parity (physics) ,Effective action ,Riemann zeta function ,Fermion ,Theoretical physics - Abstract
We study parity violation in (2+1)-dimensional gauge theories coupled to massive fermions. Using the ζ function regularization approach we evaluate the ground state fermion current in an arbitrary gauge field background, showing that it gets two different contributions which violate parity invariance and induce a Chern–Simons term in the gauge field effective action. One is related to the well-known classical parity breaking produced by a fermion mass term in three dimensions; the other, already present for massless fermions, is related to peculiarities of gauge-invariant regularization in odd-dimensional spaces., Facultad de Ciencias Exactas
- Published
- 1996
36. Fermion condensates of massless two-dimensional QED at finite density in nontrivial topological sector
- Author
Christiansen, Hugo Roland and Schaposnik, Fidel Arturo
- Subjects
Chiral symmetry ,Particle physics ,Física ,Ciencias Exactas ,Cosmology - Abstract
Vacuum expectation values of products of local bilinears ψ¯ψ are computed in massless two-dimensional QED at finite density. It is shown that chiral condensates exhibit an oscillatory inhomogeneous behavior depending on the chemical potential. The use of a path integral approach clarifies the connection of this phenomenon with the topological structure of the theory, Facultad de Ciencias Exactas
- Published
- 1996
37. Supergravity and a Bogomol'nyi Bound in Three Dimensions
- Author
Edelstein Glaubach, José Daniel, Núñez, Carlos, and Schaposnik, Fidel Arturo
- Subjects
Abelian group ,Higgs boson ,Physics ,Supersymmetry algebra ,High Energy Physics::Phenomenology ,Particle physics ,Física ,Supergravity ,Duality (optimization) ,Bounded function ,High Energy Physics::Theory ,Topological quantum number ,Mathematical physics ,Supercharge ,Einstein ,Higher-dimensional supergravity ,Supersymmetry ,Spinor - Abstract
We discuss the 2 + 1 dimensional Abelian Higgs model coupled to N = 2 supergravity. We construct the supercharge algebra and, from it, we show that the mass of classical static solutions is bounded from below by the topological charge. As it happens in the global case, half of the supersymmetry is broken when the bound is attained and Bogomol’nyi equations, resulting from the unbroken supersymmetry, hold. These equations, which correspond to gravitating vortices, include a first order self-duality equation whose integrability condition reproduces the Einstein equation., Facultad de Ciencias Exactas
- Published
- 1996
38. Bogomol'nyi bounds and Killing spinors in d = 3 supergravity
- Author
Edelstein Glaubach, José Daniel, Núñez, Carlos, and Schaposnik, Fidel Arturo
- Subjects
Physics ,Física ,Supergravity ,Quantum mechanics ,Duality (optimization) ,Field (physics) ,High Energy Physics::Theory ,General Relativity and Quantum Cosmology ,Mathematical physics ,Einstein ,Supersymmetry ,Gravitational field ,Spinor ,Gravitation - Abstract
We discuss the connection between the construction of Bogomol'nyi bounds and equations in three dimensional gravitational theories and the existence of an underlying N = 2 local supersymmetric structure. We show that, apart from matter self duality equations, a first order equation for the gravitational field (whose consistency condition gives the Einstein equation) can be written as a consequence of the local supersymmetry. Its solvability makes possible the evasion of the no-go scenario for the construction of Killing spinors in asymptotically conical spacetimes. In particular we show that the existence of non-trivial supercovariantly constant spinors is guaranteed whenever field configurations saturate the topological bound., Facultad de Ciencias Exactas, Comisión de Investigaciones Científicas de la provincia de Buenos Aires
- Published
- 1996
39. An alternative dimensional reduction prescription
- Author
Edelstein Glaubach, José Daniel, Giambiagi, J.J., Núñez, Carlos, and Schaposnik, Fidel Arturo
- Subjects
Physics ,Bosonization ,Física ,Space (mathematics) ,Partition function (mathematics) ,Supersymmetry ,Fermion ,Propagator ,Theoretical physics ,Quantum mechanics ,Dimensional reduction - Abstract
We propose an alternative dimensional reduction prescription which in respect with Green functions corresponds to drop the extra spatial coordinate. From this, we construct the dimensionally reduced Lagrangians both for scalars and fermions, discussing bosonization and supersymmetry in the particular 2-dimensional case. We argue that our proposal is in some situations more physical, in the sense that it mantains the form of the interactions between particles, thus preserving the dynamics corresponding to the higher dimensional space., Facultad de Ciencias Exactas
- Published
- 1996
40. A comment on bosonization in d ≥ 2 dimensions
- Author
Schaposnik, Fidel Arturo
- Subjects
Condensed Matter::Quantum Gases ,Representation (mathematics) ,Simple (abstract algebra) ,Homogeneous space ,Abelian group ,Physics ,Mathematical physics ,High Energy Physics::Phenomenology ,Bosonization ,Física ,Fermion ,Quantum mechanics ,Partition function (statistical mechanics) - Abstract
We discuss recent results on bosonization in d ≥ 2 space-time dimensions by giving a very simple derivation for the bosonic representation of the original free fermionic model both in the abelian and non-abelian cases. We carefully analyse the issue of symmetries in the resulting bosonic model as well as the recipes for bosonization of fermion currents., Facultad de Ciencias Exactas, Comisión de Investigaciones Científicas de la provincia de Buenos Aires
- Published
- 1995
41. Bosonization of Three Dimensional Non-Abelian Fermion Field Theories
- Author
Bralić, Ninoslav, Fradkin, Eduardo, Manías, María Virginia, and Schaposnik, Fidel Arturo
- Subjects
Condensed Matter::Quantum Gases ,High Energy Physics::Theory ,Abelian group ,High Energy Physics::Lattice ,High Energy Physics::Phenomenology ,Física ,Bosonized theory ,Fermions ,Ciencias Exactas - Abstract
We discuss bosonization in three dimensions of an SU(N) massive Thirring model in the low-energy regime. We find that the bosonized theory is related (but not equal) to SU(N) Yang-Mills-Chern-Simons gauge theory. For free massive fermions bosonization leads, at low energies, to the pure SU(N) (level k = 1) Chern-Simons theory., Facultad de Ciencias Exactas
- Published
- 1995
42. Fermionic coset models as topological models
- Author
Rossini, Gerardo Luis and Schaposnik, Fidel Arturo
- Subjects
Topological quantum field theory ,Abelian group ,Physics ,Física ,Topology ,Coset - Abstract
By considering the fermionic realization of G/H coset models, we show that the partition function for the U(1)/U(1) model defines a topological quantum field theory and coincides with that of a two-dimensional Abelian BF system. In the non-Abelian case, we prove the topological character of G/G coset models by explicit computation, also finding a natural extension of two-dimensional BF systems with non-Abelian symmetry., Facultad de Ciencias Exactas
- Published
- 1994
43. The Fermion-Boson Mapping in Three Dimensional Quantum Field Theory
- Author
Fradkin, Eduardo and Schaposnik, Fidel Arturo
- Subjects
Condensed Matter::Quantum Gases ,Thirring model ,Bosonization ,Física ,Maxwell-Chern-Simons theory ,Ciencias Exactas - Abstract
We discuss bosonization in three dimensions by establishing a connection between the massive Thirring model and the Maxwell-Chern-Simons theory. We show, to lowest order in inverse fermion mass, the identity between the corresponding partition functions; from this, a bosonization identity for the fermion current, valid for length scales long compared with the Compton wavelength of the fermion, is inferred. We present a non-local operator in the Thirring model which exhibits fractional statistics., Facultad de Ciencias Exactas
- Published
- 1994
44. Supersymmetry and Bogomol'nyi equations in the Abelian Higgs Model
- Author
Edelstein Glaubach, José Daniel, Núñez, Carlos, and Schaposnik, Fidel Arturo
- Subjects
High Energy Physics::Theory ,Higgs boson ,High Energy Physics::Phenomenology ,Física ,Supersymmetry ,Bogomol’nyi ,Ciencias Exactas - Abstract
The N=2 supersymmetric extension of the 2+1 dimensional Abelian Higgs model is discussed. By analysing the resulting supercharge algebra, the connection between supersymmetry and Bogomol'nyi equations is clarified. Analogous results are presented when the model is considered in 2-dimensional (Euclidean) space., Facultad de Ciencias Exactas
- Published
- 1994
45. Ground-state wave functionals for (1 + 1)-dimensional fermion field theories
- Author
Fradkin, Eduardo, Moreno, Enrique Francisco, and Schaposnik, Fidel Arturo
- Subjects
Wave function ,Gauge theory ,Exponent ,Physics ,Ground state ,Física ,Bethe ansatz ,Quantum mechanics ,Hamiltonian (quantum mechanics) ,Mathematical physics ,Path integral formulation ,Condensed Matter::Strongly Correlated Electrons ,Fermion ,Renormalization group ,One-dimensional space ,Fermionic field - Abstract
We use path-integral methods to derive the ground-state wave functions of a number of two-dimensional fermion field theories and related systems in one-dimensional many-body physics. We derive the exact wave function for the Thirring-Luttinger and coset fermion models and apply our results to derive the universal behavior of the wave functions of the Heisenberg antiferromagnets and of the Sutherland model. We find explicit forms for the wave functions in the density and in the Grassmann representations. We show that these wave functions always have the Jastrow factorized form and calculated the exponent. Our results agree with the exponents derived from the Bethe ansatz for the Sutherland model and the Haldane-Shastri spin chain but apply to all the systems in the same universality class., Facultad de Ciencias Exactas
- Published
- 1993
46. A Topological Model for Two Dimensional Gravity Coupled to Matter
- Author
Cugliandolo, Leticia F., Schaposnik, Fidel Arturo, and Vucetich, Héctor
- Subjects
Symmetry ,Topological gauge theory ,Física ,Non-Abelian two-dimensional gauge ,Ciencias Exactas - Abstract
Starting from a topological gauge theory in two dimensions with symmetry groups ISO(2, 1), SO(2, 1) and SO(1, 2) we construct a model for gravity with non-trivial coupling to matter. We discuss the equations of motion which are connected to those of previous related models but incorporate matter content. We also discuss the resulting quantum theory and finally present explicit formulæ for topological invariants., Facultad de Ciencias Exactas
- Published
- 1992
47. La historia clínica en medicina interna : Pasado y presente
- Author
Schaposnik, Fidel Arturo
- Subjects
historia de la medicina ,Ciencias Médicas ,historia clínica - Abstract
La Historia, ontológicamente considerada, es un ente móvil, con una velocidad de aceleración creciente, es decir, con una acumulación cada vez más rápida de cambios significativos sociales, culturales, políticos y científicos. Si extendemos a la Medicina la analogía que estableció el filósofo argentino García Venturini entre la Historia y la teoría general de la relatividad de Einstein, podemos afirmar que la Medicina, en su continuo movimiento de progreso, está sometida a un registro de aceleración creciente, a la vez que aumenta la masa de sus conocimientos y la energía cinética, vale decir, la implicación universal, la fuerza expansiva de cada nuevo descubrimiento. De la misma manera, la historia clínica ha experimentado profundas modificaciones en su concepto y contenido específico, acompasadamente con las corrientes médicas de cada época., Facultad de Ciencias Médicas
- Published
- 1972
48. La biopsia pulmonar percutánea : Experiencia con el instrumental de Stig Radner
- Author
Schaposnik, Fidel Arturo, Calafell, Rubén, and Laguens, Rubén M.
- Subjects
Biopsia ,Ciencias Médicas ,Biopsia con Aguja - Abstract
La biopsia pulmonar percutánea constituye un procedimiento práctico y de gran simplicidad para el diagnóstico de las afecciones difusas de ese órgano; es útil, asimismo, para el estudio histológico de procesos localizados, con emplazamiento periférico. La práctica de la biopsia de pulmón fue iniciada por Menetrier (1886) v Krönig (1887), para el diagnóstico del cáncer, utilizando para ello la aspiración a través de agujas de calibre adecuado. El método fue abandonado por el peli gro de complicaciones y la posibilidad de siembras metastáticas en el trayecto de la punción. Con el advenimiento de la aguja hendida de Vim-Silverman, la biopsia pulmonar adquirió nueva vigencia, v en 1954 Dutra y Geraci publicaron tres casos cuyo diagnóstico fue asegurado mediante ese procedimiento. A partir de entonces la biopsia se generalizó v en la actualidad pasan de dos millares los casos publicados. Los instrumentos más empleados son la aguja de Vim-Silverman, la de Men- ghini v las agujas comunes de aspiración. Un avance notable de la técnica se debe a Stig Radner, de Lund (Suecia), quien creó un sencillo instrumental, que a nuestro entender, supera en la calidad del material obtenido, a los procedimientos anteriores. Este autor realizó 125 biopsias (12), observando, como únicas complicaciones, algunos casos de hemoptisis fugaces y 5 casos de neumotorax fácilmente reversibles, en pacientes enfisematosos. Con el instrumental ce Radne; v siguiendo su técnica’ que uno de nosotros (F. S.) aprendió personalmente del autor, hemos realizado 40 biopsias, comprobando la superioridad del método., Facultad de Ciencias Médicas
- Published
- 1972
49. Especificidad de los síntomas de la litiasis vesicular
- Author
Schaposnik, Fidel Arturo, Acebal, Eduardo, and Salvioli, Miguel
- Subjects
Ciencias Médicas ,Litiasis - Abstract
Pese a la frecuencia de la litiasis vesicular, los estudios dirigidos a esclarecer aspectos clínicos de esta enferme dad, son muy escasos. Por extrapolación de los datos estadísticos referentes a países con características similares a las de Argentina, puede calcularse en más de un millón el número de personas que padece litiasis en nuestro país. Se trata de cifras aproximativas, puesto que no existen encuestas epidemiológicas masivas, en grupos seleccionados de población, que permitan establecer la cantidad de individuos que tienen litiasis vesicular asintomática. Desde la forma silenciosa —que constituye un hallazgo casual, radiológico, quirúrgico o necrópsico— hasta los síndromes dolorosos típicamente biliares, existe un amplio espectro de manifestaciones, que ha sido imputado a la litiasis’ pero que no siempre desaparece tras la colecistectomía., Facultad de Ciencias Médicas
- Published
- 1972
50. El taponamiento cardíaco como forma de comienzo del cáncer broncopulmonar
- Author
Salvioli, Miguel, Schaposnik, Fidel Arturo, Mussi, Juan, and Camacho, Raúl
- Subjects
Taponamiento Cardíaco ,cáncer ,Ciencias Médicas - Abstract
Aunque el derrame pericardíaco maligno es relativamente raro si se lo compara con el que se produce en otras serosas como la pleura y el peritoneo, creemos que deben agotarse todos los medios diagnósticos para descubrirlo. Los adelantos producidos en cirugía cardíaca, roentgenoterapia y en el uso de agentes quimioterápicos, han hecho posible un real alivio para los pacientes con metástasis pericardíacas. Asimismo es menester destacar que puede presentarse como elemento inicial de un cáncer de pulmón’ un derrame hemorrágico masivo con taponamiento cardíaco, eventualidad muy poco frecuente, pero que debe tenerse en cuenta, pues diagnosticado oportunamente, el tratamiento de emergencia puede permitir prolongar la vida del paciente por largos períodos de tiempo. Es precisamente ese aspecto, el motivo de este trabajo, con la presentación de dos casos ilustrativos., Facultad de Ciencias Médicas
- Published
- 1972
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