Yamamoto, Masaharu, Tsuchiya, Yasuo, Endo, Kazuo, Saito, Toshiko, Onishi, Hideaki, and Takahashi, Hideaki E.
application/pdf, 論文(Article), Several reports have attempted to explain the difference in life expectancy among the 47 prefectures in Japan. Various factors, such as employment type, medical human resources, contents of nutrition intake, obesity and life style habits have been focused on as causes of the difference in life expectancy. Most of the reported factors were statistically correlated with life expectancy in females, and they are comprehensible and reasonable from the viewpoint of epidemiology. To our knowledge, however, there are very few factors that are consistently and reasonably related to life expectancy in Japanese males. In the case of males in Okinawa, which was ranked first among 47 prefectures suddenly dropped to the 26th place(referred to as 26-shock)in 2000, it was reported that an increase in deaths from cerebral infarction and myocardial infarction was responsible for the drop. This atomistic experience in Okinawa does not seem to be applicable for other prefectures. To our knowledge, there is no scientific agreement in regard to the determinant factor or factors determining life expectancy in males. An attempt was made to disclose the positive factors correlated with the longevity of life in males in particular, as well as in females, by applying multiple regression analysis(stepwise method)to people's life indicators(PLI)in 1996 and life expectancies in 2000 in the 47 prefectures. PLI was defined by the National Life Council in Economic Planning Agency in 1992 in order help quantify the improvement of quality of life. In PLI, 8 activities of life, such as home, consumption, work, raising children, health, play, study, and communication, were classified according to 4 values, including security, fairness, freedom and comfort. In males, communication among the 8 life activities and freedom and comfort among the 4 life values were positively correlated with the longevity of life, and in females, health, home and study, among the life activities, and fairness among the life values were positively correlated with longevity. It is inferred that the prefectures where men can live socially free and comfortable may bring longer life expectancy. On the other hand, the prefectures with good medical facilities and living environment may be related to women’s longer life., 都道府県の平均寿命格差を説明する要因について多くの報告があるが、男性では関連する要因が報告者によって異なり、さらに寿命延長にどのように関わっているか説明が困難である。一方女性では都道府県別の病院数、病床数、看護師等の医療スタッフ数、栄養摂取等が関わっており、これら要因については常識的に理解可能である。そこで男性平均寿命の地域格差を規定する要因を探ることと、女性平均寿命に関連する要因を再確認することを目的として本研究を実施した。研究手法は地域相関研究で、説明変数として平成10年版の新国民生活指標(男女区別なし)、目的変数に平成12年の男性及び女性の平均寿命を用いた。統計的分析は単相関分析と重回帰分析(変数増加法)を用いた。男性の単相関分析では、生活活動領域で「費やす」、「働く」、「学ぶ」、「交わる」、生活評価軸で「自由」、「快適」が有意であった。女性ではそれぞれ「住む」、「癒す」、「公正」であった。男性の重回帰分析では、生活活動領域の「交わる」のみであった。生活評価軸では標準回帰係数の絶対値の大きい順に、「公正」(ただし負の相関)、「快適」、「自由」であった。女性の生活活動領域では「癒す」、「育てる」(ただし負の相関)、「住む」、「学ぶ」であった。生活評価軸では「公正」のみ有意であった。男性平均寿命はヒトとの「交わり」の機会が多く、そして「快適、「自由」なライフスタイルを送れる地域に長いと推測された。女性の場合は、快適住居に定住し、地域の医療・保健・福祉施設や公共の文化施設等の恩恵を受けることが出来る地域の平均寿命が長いことが示唆された。