This volume contains the Proceedings of the Fifth Workshop on Coalgebraic Methods in Computer Science (CMCS'2002). The Workshop was held in Grenoble, France on April 6--7 2002, as satellite event to ETAPS'2002.Over the last few years it has become clear that a great variety of state-based dynamical systems, like transition systems, automata, process calculi and class-based systems can be captured uniformly as coalgebras. The aim of the CMCS workshops is to bring together researchers with a common interest in the theory and application of coalgebras. The five CMCS volumes demonstrate that coalgebra is developing into a field of its own, presenting a deep mathematical foundation and a growing field of applications and interactions with various other fields, such as modal logic, category theory, dynamical systems, control systems, object-oriented and concurrent programming, formal systems specifications, algebra, analysis, combinatorics, and set theory.The papers in this volume were reviewed by the program committee: Jiri Adamek(Department of Computer Science, Technical University of Braunschweig)Alexandru Baltag(Department of Computer Science, Oxford University)H. Peter Gumm(Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, University of Marburg)Jesse Hughes(Department of Computer Science, University of Nijmegen)Bart Jacobs(Department of Computer Science, University of Nijmegen)Alexander Kurz(Department of Software Technology, CWI)Marina Lenisa(Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, University of Udine)Ugo Montanari(Department of Computer Science, University of Pisa)Larry Moss(Department of Mathematics, Indiana University)Ataru T. Nakagawa(SRA Key Technology Laboratory, Tokyo)John Power(Department of Computer Science, The University of Edinburgh)Horst Reichel(Institute of Theoretical Computer Science, Dresden University of Technology)Jan Rutten(Department of Software Technology, CWI)Several outside reviewers also assisted. CMCS received 20 submissions and accepted 15 of them. In addition, there were two invited speakers: Jose Meseguer and Luigi Santocanale. Their papers appear in this volume along with the 15 submitted contributions. We are grateful to everyone who sent us papers, and we regret that the length of the conference did not allow more papers to be presented.We thank the organizers of ETAPS'2002 for their help and encouragement. Special thanks to Rachid Echahed for his constant help with the organization of the workshop, and also to Mike Mislove for his work as a Managing Editor of the ENTCS series. Their efforts have been crucial for the success of CMCS'2002.September 1, 2002 Lawrence S. Moss