Edgar Shih, Erich J. Grethel, Susmita Chatterjee, Robert H. Ball, Kerilyn K. Nobuhara, Raul A. Cortes, Hanmin Lee, Diana L. Farmer, Micheal Harrison, Soon Ha Yang, Matthew S. Clifton, and Amy J. Wagner
SURGERY RAUL CORTES, AMY WAGNER, ROBERT BALL, EDGAR SHIH, SOON HA YANG, HANMIN LEE, DIANA FARMER, KERILYN NOBUHARA, MATTHEW CLIFTON, ERICH GRETHEL, SUSMITA CHATTERJEE, MICHEAL HARRISON, University of California, San Francisco, Surgery, San Francisco, California, University of California, San Francisco, Pediatric Surgery, San Francisco, California, University of California, San Francisco, Obstetrics, Gynecology & Reproductive Sciences, San Francisco, California, Fetal Treatment Center, Surgery, San Francisco, California, University of California, San Francisco, Surgery, Pediatrics, & OB/GYN, San Francisco, California, University of California, San Francisco, Surgery, OB GYN & Pediatrics, San francisco, California, University of California, San Francisco, Fetal Treatment Center, San Francisco, California OBJECTIVE: Morbidity associated with preterm premature rupture of membranes (PPROM) after fetal surgery limits the beneficial effects of interventions and persists in spite of recent innovations and techniques. We have developed a preemptive fetal membrane sealing technique for use prior to membrane puncture and tested it in an in-vitro fetal membrane system. We have also evaluated the tensile properties of these sealants/glues to the fetal membrane surfaces. STUDY DESIGN: Term placentas from normal spontaneous vaginal deliveries or cesarean sections were collected and used for harvesting fetal membranes. Sealants with distinct bioadhesive properties (Coseal , BioGlue , Tisseal ) were tested for use as topical matrices in three systems for an n total of 102 experiments. Membranes were draped over a 60 cc syringe and fastened to a closed system to determine leak pressure (cm H2O) after an 18 gauge needle was placed directly through either a preformed sealant matrix or an additional outer membrane placed over the sealant. The effect of the glue on tensile rupture force (g/cm) was also evaluated using a Sandblom tensiometer after puncture. Results were evaluated using Kruskall-Wallis and Dunn’s post-hoc statistics. RESULTS: Preemptive sealing by both Coseal and BioGlue led to higher S164 SMFM Abstracts