Humans are able to intentionally forget previously learned information (as often measured using the directed forgetting, short DF, paradigm, for an overview see Pastötter, Tempel, & Bäuml, 2017): In the item-method of DF (see MacLeod, 1998 for a review), for instance, participants are instructed to memorize stimuli that are presented to them sequentially. Each sequentially presented stimulus is directly followed by a cue informing participants to either forget or remember the stimulus. People typically recall fewer to-be-forgotten (TBF) than to-be-remembered (TBR) stimuli (Bjork, 1970). Whereas various studies have already demonstrated that humans are able to intentionally forget previously learned information, only few studies have analyzed whether DF affects motor representations (Tempel & Frings, 2016) or incidentally learned information (e.g., Hockley, Ahmad, & Nicholson, 2016; Jou, 2010). Recent studies provided first evidence that typical findings regarding retrieval-induced forgetting and effects of DF extend to motor memory (in particular, motor sequences, Tempel, Aslan, & Frings, 2016; Tempel & Frings, 2013, 2016) and stimulus-response (S-R) associations (Dreisbach & Bäuml, 2014). Stimulus-response (S-R) associations are formed when stimuli and responses repeatedly co-occur and thus bind together – a notion that is supported by (item-specific) repetition priming effects (see Logan, 1988, 1990). Here, participants’ responses are, for instance, generally faster for stimuli that require the same as opposed to a different, previously-executed response. The current study aims to gain a deeper understanding of the mechanisms underlying the DF effect on the retrieval of S-R associations. For this, we will investigate whether (not explicitly instructed) learned S-R associations can be intentionally forgotten based on forget/remember cues following stimuli. To address this question, we will combine the DF item-method paradigm and an item-specific priming paradigm assessing the encoding and retrieval of S-R associations (see below and also Hsu & Waszak, 2012; Moutsopoulou, Yang, Desantis, & Waszak., 2015). ***Information on the task and study design*** Our study will consist of five major phases: (1) A learning, (2) a distraction, (3) a test, (4) another distraction, and (5) a recognition phase. 1. Learning Phase: During the learning phase, participants’ task is to classify images of objects as containing a mechanism or not. We will extend the DF paradigm to S-R mappings using a classification task (drawing on an item-specific priming paradigm; Hsu & Waszak, 2012; Moutsopoulou, Yang, Desantis, & Waszak, 2015; Pfeuffer, Moutsopoulou, Pfister, Waszak, & Kiesel, 2017). By categorizing the stimuli, participants encode S-R associations (stimulus-action, S-A, associations between stimuli and motor outputs according to the terminology provided by Moutsopoulou et al., 2015). Importantly, whether a left or right response is required for the classification of a specific stimulus will differ between stimuli and will be indicated by a task-cue detailing the classification-response mapping prior to the stimulus’ presentation. For example, the task cue “M + N” will indicate that an object image has to be classified as “mechanic” by pressing a left key and as “non-mechanic” by pressing a right key. Conversely, the task cue “N + M” will indicate that a right key press is required for mechanic objects and a left key press for non-mechanic ones. Participants will respond to each stimulus four times (in four blocks, see detailed task description below) in the exact same way (i.e., same S-R mapping). In the fourth block, participants will also be instructed to memorize some of the object images for a later memory test. In this block, directly after the response to a stimulus, a cue will inform participants to either forget or remember the stimulus. 2. Distraction Phase: In a subsequent distractor task, participants will solve a visual working memory task for 1.5 minutes to spurge short-term memory. 3. Test Phase: In the test phase, participants will be presented once with the stimuli from the learning phase (both TBF and TBR objects). Importantly, for half of the stimuli, the S-R mapping are the same as in the learning phase (item-specific response repetition between learning and test). For the other half of the stimuli, the S-R mapping will be the opposite (item-specific response switch between learning and test). Response switches are therefore defined as item-specific switches of the stimuli´ S-R mappings between the learning and the test phase (e.g., stimulus requires a right key press during the learning phase, but a left key press during the test phase). Response repetitions are in turn defined as item-specific repetitions of the required response between the learning and the test phase (stimulus requires a right key press during both the learning and test phase). Typically, RTs and error rates for item-specific response repetitions between learning phase and test phase trials are lower as compared to item-specific response switches, indicating that S-R associations have been formed during the learning phase and were retrieved in the test phase. We refer to these effects as item-specific S-R effects. Trial structure and task instructions will be equivalent to the last appearance of stimuli during the learning phase. Again, after responding to each stimulus, the same remember or forget cue as in the 4th block of the learning phase will be presented. Participants will be reminded to only remember the TBR stimuli. 4. Distraction Phase: Participants will again solve a visual working memory task for 1.5 minutes to spurge short-term memory. 5. Recognition Phase: In the recognition phase, participants will be presented with all the object images from the learning phase and an equal number of new object images. Participants will be instructed to identify whether an object has previously been presented (category: “old”) or not (category: “new”) – regardless of its associated memory instruction – by pressing either left or right response key. On a given trial, an old or new stimulus image is presented in the center of the screen, and participants are instructed to categorize the stimulus as quickly and accurately as possible as either “old” or “new” according to the category labels that are displayed in the right or left upper screen corner. ***How we aim to measure a DF effect on S-R associations*** We will use the difference in RTs and error rates between trials that require an item-specific response switch and an item-specific response repetition to determine a DF effect based on the remember/forget cues. In other words, we will measure the strength of item-specific S-R effects for TBF as compared to TBR stimuli. Applying the observations in typical DF paradigms to the context of S-R associations we expect the following observations: If DF influences the retrieval of S-R associations, S-R effects, the performance differences between item-specific response repetitions and response switches (see Hypotheses section) should be smaller for TBF as compared to TBR stimuli.