28 results on '"J, Callum"'
Search Results
2. Remote monitoring of implantable defibrillators is associated with fewer inappropriate shocks and reduced time to medical assessment in a remote and rural area
3. High-intensity interval training in patients with heart failure
4. EPV270/#88 Optimizing the screening and management of preoperative anemia prior to gynecologic oncology surgery (OPRA): a quality improvement initiative
6. O007 The impact of physical activity on sleepiness among patients with obstructive sleep apnoea. A study from the Sydney Sleep Biobank
7. Understanding metal organic chemical vapour deposition of monolayer WS
8. External Loop Recorders: Primary Care Placement Is Noninferior to Hospital-Based Cardiac Unit
9. O042 Impact of supine REM AHI on diagnostic sleep studies for OSA
10. 2015 Canadian Surgery Forum02 The usefulness and costs of routine contrast studies after laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy for detecting staple line leaks03 The association of change in body mass index and health-related quality of life in severely obese patients04 Inpatient cost of bariatric surgery within a regionalized centre of excellence system05 Regional variations in the public delivery of bariatric surgery: an evaluation of the centre of excellence model06 The effect of distance on short-term outcomes after bariatric surgery07 The role of preoperative upper endoscopy in bariatric surgery: a systematic review08 Outcomes of a dedicated bariatric revision surgery clinic10 Quality of follow-up: a systematic review of the research in bariatric surgery14 Bariatric surgery improves weight loss and cardiovascular disease compared with medical management alone: an Alberta multi-institutional early outcomes study16 Diabetic control after laparoscopic gastric bypass and sleeve gastrectomy: a short-term prospective study17 Knowledge and perception of bariatric surgery among primary care physicians: a survey of family doctors in Ontario19 Is early discharge of patients post laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy safe?22 A comparison of outcomes between bariatric centres of excellence within Ontario02 Closure methods for laparotomy incisions: a cochrane review03 Closing the audit cycle: Are we consenting correctly now?05 Regional variation in the use of surgery in Ontario06 Quitting general surgery residency: attitudes and factors in Canada07 Nipple-sparing mastectomy: utility of intraoperative frozen section analysis of retroareolar tissue08 Withdrawn09 Reliable assessment of operative performance10 Video assessment as a method of assessing surgical competence: the difference in video-rating skills after 4 years of residency11 Burnout among academic surgeons13 Increased health services use by severely obese patients undergoing emergency surgery: a retrospective cohort study14 Novel models for advanced laparoscopic suturing: taking it to the next level16 Pectoral nerve block in breast and axillary surgery17 Predictors for positive resection margins in gastric adenocarcinoma: a population-based analysis18 Predictors of malignancy in thyroid nodules19 Safety and efficacy of POEM for treatment of achalasia: a systematic review of the literature20 Informed consent for surgery21 Meconium ileus: 20 years of experience22 Paraesophageal hernia repair in the elderly: outcomes in a 10-year retrospective study23 The changing face of breast cancer: younger age and aggressive disease in Filipino Canadians24 A systematic review of intraoperative blood loss estimation methods for major noncardiac surgery: a 50-year perspective25 The AVATAR trial: applying vacuum to accomplish reduced wound infections in laparoscopic pediatric surgery27 Indications for use of damage control surgery in civilian trauma patients: a content analysis and expert appropriateness rating study28 Indications for use of thoracic, abdominal, pelvic, and vascular damage control interventions in trauma patients: a content analysis and expert appropriateness rating study29 The impact of health care contact and invasive procedures on Staphylococcus aureus bacteremia: a 5-year retrospective cohort study30 Acute care surgery — positive impact on gallstone pancreatitis31 Safety and efficacy of a step-up approach to management of severe, refractory Clostridium difficile infection32 Clinical and operative outcome of patients with acute cholecystitis who are treated initially with image-guided cholecystostomy34 Assessment of preoperative carbohydrate loading and blood glucose concentration in patients with diabetes35 Impact of pre-emptive lidocaine infiltration at trocar sites (PLITS) and intraoperative ketorolac administration on postoperative pain and narcotics consumption after endocholecystectomy: a randomized-controlled trial36 Expert intraoperative judgment and decision-making: defining the cognitive competencies for safe laparoscopic cholecystectomy37 Teaching clinical anatomy to postgraduate surgical trainees38 Investigating the role of TNFR1 in gastric adenocarcinoma peritoneal metastasis39 Selective outcome reporting and publication biases in surgical randomized controlled trials40 Definitive percutaneous management of symptomatic cholelithiasis41 Peer-based coaching: an innovative method to teach faculty an advanced laparoscopic technique42 Improving teaching and learning in the operating room: Does the surgical procedure feedback rubric support learning?43 Withdrawn44 Mislabelling study designs as case–control in surgical literature45 Measured resting energy expenditure in patients with open abdomens: preliminary data of a prospective pilot study46 Open abdomen management and primary abdominal closure in a surgical abdominal sepsis cohort: a retrospective review47 The effect of early mobilization protocols on postoperative outcomes following abdominal and thoracic surgery: a systematic review49 Program directors and trainees attitudes toward the introduction of multi-source feedback as part of surgical residents’ formative assessment process at the University of Calgary: a qualitative study50 Outcomes associated with alternate blunt cerebrovascular injury detection strategies in major trauma patients: a systematic review and meta-analysis51 Assessing the effect of preoperative nutrition on the surgical recovery of elderly patients53 Why is the percentage of medical students selecting a general surgery career different between Canadian medical schools?54 Colorectal cancer patient perspectives of preoperative repeat endoscopy: a qualitative study55 Staphylococcus aureus bacteremia in a pediatric population: a retrospective study in a tertiary-care referral centre56 The impact of postoperative complications on the recovery of elderly surgical patients57 Withdrawn58 The economics of recovery after pancreatic surgery: detailed cost minimization analysis of a postoperative clinical pathway for patients undergoing pancreaticoduodenectomy59 2015 CJS Editor’s Choice Award Recipient: Achalasia-specific quality of life after pneumatic dilation and laparoscopic Heller myotomy with partial fundoplication: a randomized clinical trial60 NSAID use is associated with an increased risk of anastomotic leak after colorectal surgery: results of a frequentist and Bayesian meta-analysis61 Miracles for babies with abnormal lungs: the story of miR-10a and lung development62 Investigating hospital readmissions and unplanned ED visits following general surgical procedures at a tertiary care centre63 Remote FLS testing: ready for prime time64 Contrast blush (CB) significance on computed tomography (CT) and correlation with noninterventional management (NIM) failure for blunt splenic injury (BSI) in children65 Bridging the gap on the surgical ward: enhancing resident–nurse communication through a CUSP pilot project66 A prospective interim analysis of microbiological gene expression profile of Staphyloccocus aureus bacteremia and its clinical implications67 Outcomes of selective nonoperative management of civilian abdominal gunshot wounds: a systematic review and meta-analysis68 Does rater training improve the reliability of surgical skill assessments? A randomized control trial69 Parallel or divergent? The evolution of emergency general surgery service delivery at 3 Canadian teaching hospitals70 Surgeon satisfaction in the era of dedicated emergency general surgery services: a multicentre study74 Withdrawn76 Timing of cholecystectomy after gallstone pancreatitis: Are we meeting the standards?77 Management of traumatic occult hemothorax, a survey of trauma providers in Canada78 Withdrawn01 Extent of lymph node involvement after esophagectomy with extended lymphadenectomy for esophageal adenocarcinoma predicts recurrence: a large North American cohort study02 A randomized comparison of electronic versus handwritten daily notes in thoracic surgery03 Is tissue still the issue? Lobectomy for suspected lung nodules without preoperative or intraoperative confirmation of malignancy04 Incidence of pulmonary embolism and deep vein thrombosis following major lung resection: a prospective multicentre incidence study05 Venous thromboembolism (VTE) prophylaxis in thoracic surgery: a Canadian national delphi consensus survey06 Preoperative chemoradiation therapy v. chemotherapy in patients undergoing modified en bloc esophagectomy for locally advanced esohageal adenocarcinoma: Does radiation add value?07 Comparative outcomes following tracheal resection for benign versus malignant conditions08 Combined clinical staging for resectable lung cancer: clinicopathological correlations and the role of brain MRI10 A retrospective cohort evaluation of non–small cell lung cancer recurrence detection11 Health-related quality of life measure distinguishes between low and high T stages in esophageal cancer12 Transition from multiport to single-port anatomic lung resection is feasible13 Survival rates in patients with N3 esophageal adenocarcinoma treated with neoadjuvant chemotherapy and esophagectomy with en-bloc lymphadenectomy14 Impact of a dedicated outpatient clinic on the management of malignant pleural effusions16 Has the quality of reporting of randomized controlled trials in thoracic surgery improved?17 Clinical features distinguishing malignant from benign esophageal diagnoses in patients referred to an esophageal diagnostic assessment program18 Concordance with invasive mediastinal staging guidelines19 Current lung-protective ventilation strategies may not be protective during one-lung ventilation surgery20 National practice variation in pneumonectomy perioperative care — results from a survey of the Canadian Association of Thoracic Surgeons21 Outcomes after multimodal treatment of esophagogastric neuroendocrine carcinoma: Is there a role for resection?22 Clinical results of treatment for isolated axillary and plantar hyperhidrosis: a single centre experience23 The role of pneumonectomy after neoadjuvant chemotherapy for N2 non–small cell lung cancer24 Time delays in the management of non–small cell lung cancer: a comparison between high-volume designated and low-volume community hospitals25 Regionalization and outcomes of lung cancer surgery in Ontario, Canada26 Robotic pulmonary resection for lung cancer: the first Canadian series01 The effect of early postoperative nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs on pancreatic fistula following pancreaticoduodenectomy02 Laparoscopic ultrasound still has a role in the staging of pancreatic cancer: a systematic review of the literature03 Impact of portal vein embolization on morbidity and mortality of major liver resection in patients with colorectal metastases: experience of a small single tertiary care centre04 A decision model and cost analysis of intraoperative cell salvage during hepatic resection05 The impact of portal pedicle clamping on survival from colorectal liver metastases in the contemporary era of liver resection: a matched cohort study06 Clinical and pathological features of intraductal papillary neoplasms of the biliary tract and gallbladder07 International practice patterns among ALPPS surgeons: Do we need a consensus?08 Omental flaps to protect pancreaticojejunostomy in pancreatoduodenectomy11 Preoperative diagnostic angiogram and endovascular aortic stent placement for appleby resection candidates: a novel surgical technique in the management of locally advanced pancreatic cancer12 Recurrence following initial hepatectomy for colorectal liver metastases: a multi-institutional analysis of patterns, prognostic factors and impact on survival13 The influence of the multidisciplinary cancer conference era on the management of colorectal liver metastases14 Monosegment ALPPS hepatectomy: extending resectability by rapid hypertrophy15 How does simultaneous resection of colorectal liver metastases impact chemotherapy administration?16 Preoperative liver volumetry for surgical planning: a systematic review and evaluation of current modalities17 Surgical planning of hepatic metastasectomy using radiologist performed intraoperative ultrasound21 Surgical resection and perioperative chemotherapy for colorectal cancer liver metastases: a population-based study22 Management and outcome of colorectal cancer (CRC) liver metastases in the elderly: a population-based study23 Outcomes following repeat hepatic resection for recurrent metastatic colorectal cancer: a population-based study24 A clinical pathway after pancreaticoduodenectomy standardizes postoperative care and may decrease postoperative complications25 Significance of regional lymph node involvement in patients undergoing liver resection and lymphadenectomy for colorectal cancer metastases26 NSAID use and risk of postoperative pancreatic fistulas following pancreaticoduodenectomy: a retrospective cohort study27 Minimally invasive HPB surgery in Canada: What are we doing and do we want to do more?28 2015 CJS Editor’s Choice Award Recipient: Predictors of actual survival in resected pancreatic adenocarcinoma: a population-level analysis29 Predictors of receipt of adjuvant therapy following pancreatic adenocarcinoma resection: a population-based analysis30 Effect of surgical wait time on oncological outcomes in periampullary cancer31 Does surgical assist expertise affect resectability in periampullary malignancies?32 The impact of tranexamic acid on fibrinolytic activity during major liver resection33 Colorectal cancer with synchronous hepatic metastases: a national survey of opinions on treatment sequencing and multidisciplinary cooperation34 Outcomes associated with a matched series of patients undergoing sequential resections of colorectal cancer and hepatic metastases compared with synchronous surgical therapy of the primary and hepatic metastases35 The impact of anesthetic inhalational agent on short-term outcomes after liver resection38 The impact of perioperative blood transfusions on posthepatectomy short-term outcomes: an analysis from the American College of Surgeons National Surgical Quality Improvement Program (ACS-NSQIP)39 Associations between pancreatic cancer quality indicators and outcomes in Nova Scotia40 Developing a national quality agenda in hepato-pancreato-biliary surgery: key priority areas for study02 Withdrawn03 Histological features and clinical implications of polypropylene degradation04 A rare case of primary hernia of the perineum05 Migration of polypropylene mesh in the development of late complications06 Laparoscopic hernia repair — Has this procedure run its course?07 Mesh materials used for hernia repair: Why do they shrink?08 The role of pure tissue repairs in a tailored concept for inguinal hernia repair09 Recurrent inguinal hernias a persistent problem in hernia surgery: analysis of 14 640 recurrent cases in the German hernia database, Herniamed10 Open circular intra-abdominal ventral herniorrhaphy: a new technique in ventral hernia repair01 Misrepresentation or 'spin' is common in robotic colorectal surgical studies02 Postoperative pelvic sepsis rates following complete pathologic response to neoadjuvant therapy in rectal cancer03 Understanding the complexities of shared decision-making in cancer: a qualitative study of the perspectives of patients undergoing colorectal surgery04 Impact of hospital volume on quality indices for rectal cancer surgery in British Columbia, Canada07 The effect of laparoscopy on inpatient cost after elective colectomy for colon cancer08 Predictors of variation in neighbourhood access to laparoscopic colectomy for colon cancer09 Predictors of 30-day readmission after elective colectomy for colon cancer10 Neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio predicts major perioperative complications in patients with colorectal cancer12 Sessile serrated adenoma (SSA) detection-predictive factors13 Diverticular abscess managed with long-term definitive nonoperative intent is safe14 Long-term outcomes of conservative management following successful nonoperative treatment of acute diverticulitis with abscess: a systematic review15 Incidence of ischemic colitis after abdominal aortic aneurysm repair: results from the national surgical quality improvement program database16 Sigmoid colectomy for acute diverticulitis in immunosuppressed v. immunocompetent patients: outcomes from the ACS-NSQIP database17 A cross-sectional survey of health and quality of life of patients awaiting colorectal surgery in Canada19 Self-expanding metal stents versus emergent surgery in acute malignant large bowel obstruction20 Combined laparoscopic and TAMIS LAR in a morbidly obese patient after open right hepatectomy21 Safety and feasibility of laparoscopic rectal cancer resection in morbidly obese patients22 Factors associated with morbidity following sacral neurostimulation for fecal incontinence: beware of the high risk groups23 Hyperglycemia increases surgical site infections following colorectal resections for malignancy in a standardized patient cohort24 Implementing an enhanced recovery program after colorectal surgery in elderly patients: Is it feasible?25 From laparoscopic-assisted to total laparoscopic right colectomy with intracorporeal anastomosis: Is the shift in technique justified?26 Surgical site infection rates following implementation of a 'colorectal closure bundle' in elective colorectal surgeries27 Quality of life and anorectal function of rectal cancer patients in long-term recovery28 Combined laparoscopic/transanal endoscopic microsurgery approach to radical resection for rectal tumours29 Transanal endoscopic microsurgery resection of rectal neuroendocrine tumours: a single centre Canadian experience30 Abdominoperineal reconstruction with a myocutaneous flap32 Comparison of robotic and laparoscopic colorectal surgery with respect to 30-day perioperative morbidity33 Definitive management of fistula-in-ano using draining setons35 Oncologic outcomes following complete pathologic response to neoadjuvant therapy in rectal cancer36 Laparoscopic total mesorectal excision in obese patients with rectal cancer: What is the oncological impact?38 Improving the enhanced recovery programs in laparoscopic colectomy: liposomal bupivacaine may not be the answer39 Fistulae related to colonic diverticular disease: a single institution experience41 Laparoscopic colectomy for malignancy provides similar pathologic outcomes and improved survival outcomes compared with open approaches42 MRI utilization and completeness of reporting in rectal cancer: a population-based study43 Supporting quality assurance initiatives for rectal cancer: Is the CAP protocol enough?44 Accuracy and predictive ability of preoperative MRI for rectal adenocarcinoma: room for improvement47 A population-based study of colorectal cancer in patients ≤ 40: Does the extent of resection affect outcomes?48 Transanal minimally invasive surgery (TAMIS) for rectal neoplasms01 The impact of blood transfusion on perioperative outcomes following resection of gastric cancer: an analysis of the ACS-NSQIP02 Association of wait time to surgical management with overall survival in Ontarians with melanoma04 General surgeons’ attitudes toward breast reconstruction in the province of Quebec06 Neoadjuvant chemotherapy for breast cancer: Is practice changing? A population-based review of current surgical trends07 Robotic versus laparoscopic versus open gastrectomy for gastric adenocarcinoma15 Influence of preoperative MRI on the surgical management of breast cancer patients17 Adverse events related to lymph node dissection for cutaneous melanoma: a systematic review and meta-analysis19 Regional variations in survival, case volume and intraoperative margin assessment in resected gastric cancer20 Comparison of clinical and economic outcomes between robotic, laparoscopic and open rectal cancer surgery: early experience at a tertiary care centre21 Outcomes and clinicopathologic features of patients with Angiosarcoma of the breast23 Postmastectomy radiation: Should subtype factor in to the decision?24 Omission of axillary staging in elderly patients with early stage breast cancer impacts regional control but not survival: a systematic review and meta-analysis25 Objective pathological assessment of CRCLM by MALDI26 Identification of predictive tumour markers in breast cancer tissue — a pilot study research plan27 Reframing women’s risk: counselling on contralateral prophylactic mastectomy in non–high risk women with early breast cancer28 Withdrawn30 Comparison of different methods of immediate breast reconstructions for breast cancer patients: Is 'single stage' really better?32 Is lymph node ratio a more accurate prognostic factor in stage III colon cancer than standard nodal staging?33 Costs associated with reoperation in the setting of attempted breast-conserving surgery: a decision analysis34 Polo-like kinase 4 (Plk4) activates Cdc42, stimulates cell invasion and enhances cancer progression in vivo35 Negative predictive value of preoperative abdominal CT in determining gastric cancer resectability on a population level36 2015 CJS Editor’s Choice Award Recipient: (18)F-fluoroazomycin arabinoside positron emission tomography (FAZA-PET) imaging predicts response to chemoradiation and evofosfamide (TH-302) in a preclinical xenograft model of rectal cancer37 Impact of a regional guideline on the surgical treatment of the axilla in patients with breast cancer: a population-based study39 Recent trends in port-site metastasis following laparoscopic resection of gallbladder cancer: a systematic review40 Real-time electromagnetic navigation for breast tumour resection: pilot study on palpable tumours41 Neoadjuvant imatinib for primary gastrointestinal stromal tumour (GIST): mutational status and timing of resection42 Adherence to osteoporosis screening guidelines in seniors with breast cancer treated with anti-estrogen therapy: a population-based study43 Automated robot interventions for enhanced clinical outcomes in breast biopsy44 Preoperative pregabalin or gabapentin for postoperative acute and chronic pain among patients undergoing breast cancer surgery: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials46 Uptake and impact of synoptic reporting on breast cancer operative reports in a community care setting47 Withdrawn
11. Promoting innovation and economic growth in less developed territories
12. Development of RBC transfusion indications and the collection of patient-specific pre-transfusion information
13. Obstetrical transfusion medicine knowledge among faculty and trainee obstetricians: a prospective knowledge assessment study
14. Trauma Association of Canada Annual Scientific Meeting abstractsErythroopoietin resuscitated with normal saline, Ringer’s lactate and 7.5% hypertonic saline reduces small intestine injury in a hemorrhagic shock and resuscitation rat model.Analgesia in the management of pediatric trauma in the resuscitative phase: the role of the trauma centre.Multidisciplinary trauma team care in Kandahar, Afghanistan: current injury patterns and care practices.Does computed tomography for penetrating renal injury reduce renal exploration? An 8-year review at a Canadian level 1 trauma centre.The other side of pediatric trauma: violence and intent injury.Upregulation of activated protein C leads to factor V deficiency in early trauma coagulopathy.A provincial integrated model of improved care for patients following hip fracture.Sports concussion: an Olympic boxing model comparing sex with biomechanics and traumatic brain injury.A multifaceted quality improvement strategy to optimize monitoring and management of delirium in trauma patients: results of a clinician survey.Risk factors for severe all-terrain vehicle injuries in Alberta.Evaluating potential spatial access to trauma centre care by severely injured patients.Incidence of brain injury in facial fractures.Surgical outcomes and the acute care surgery service.The acute care general surgery population and prognostic factors for morbidity and mortality.Disaster preparedness of trauma.What would you like to know and how can we help you? Assessing the needs of regional trauma centres.Posttraumatic stress disorder screening for trauma patients at a level 1 trauma centre.Physical and finite element model reconstruction of a subdural hematoma event.Abdominal wall reconstruction in the trauma patient with an open abdomen.Development and pilot testing of a survey to measure patient and family experiences with injury care.Occult shock in trauma: What are Canadian traumatologists missing?Timeliness in obtaining emergent percutaneous procedures for the severely injured patient: How long is too long?97% of massive transfusion protocol activations do not include a complete hemorrhage panel.Trauma systems in Canada: What system components facilitate access to definitive care?The role of trauma team leaders in missed injuries: Does specialty matter?The adverse consequences of dabigatran among trauma and acute surgical patients.A descriptive study of bicycle helmet use in Montréal.Factor XIII, desmopressin and permissive hypotension enhance clot formation compared with normotensive resuscitation: uncontrolled hemorrhagic shock model.Negative pressure wound therapy for critically ill adults with open abdominal wounds: a systematic review.The 'weekend warrior:' Fact or fiction for major trauma?Canadian injury preventon curriculum: a means to promote injury prevention.Penetrating splenic trauma: Safe for nonoperative management?The pediatric advanced trauma life support course: a national initiative.The effectiveness of a psycho-educational program among outpatients with burns or complex trauma.Trauma centre performance indicators for nonfatal outcomes: a scoping review.The evaluation of short track speed skating helmet performance.Complication rates as a trauma care performance indicator: a systematic review.Unplanned readmission following admission for traumatic injury: When, where and why?Reconstructions of concussive impacts in ice hockey.How does head CT correlate with ICP monitoring and impact monitoring discontinuation in trauma patients with a Marshall CT score of I–II?Impact of massive transfusion protocol and exclusion of plasma products from female donors on outcome of trauma patients in Calgary region of Alberta Health Services.Primary impact arthrodesis for a neglected open Weber B ankle fracture dislocation.Impact of depression on neuropsychological functioning in electrical injury patients.Predicting the need for tracheostomy in patients with cervical spinal cord injury.Predicting crumping during computed tomography imaging using base deficit.Feasibility of using telehomecare technology to support patients with an acquired brain injury and family care-givers.Program changes impact the outcomes of severely injured patients.Do trauma performance indicators accurately reflect changes in a maturing trauma program?One-stop falls prevention information for clinicians: a multidisciplinary interactive algorithm for the prevention of falls in older adults.Use of focused assessment with sonography for trauma (FAST) for combat casualties in forward facilities.Alberta All-terrain Vehicle Working Group: a call to action.Observations and potential role for the rural trauma team development course (RTTDC) in India.An electronic strategy to facilitate information-sharing among trauma team leaders.Development of quality indicators of trauma care by a consensus panel.An evaluation of a proactive geriatric trauma consultation service.Celebrity injury-related deaths: Is a gangster rapper really gangsta?Prevention of delirium in trauma patients: Are we giving thiamine prophylaxis a fair chance?Intra-abdominal injury in patients who sustain more than one gunshot wound to the abdomen: Should non-operative management be used?Retrospective review of blunt thoracic aortic injury management according to current treatment recommendations.Telemedicine for trauma resuscitation: developing a regional system to improve access to expert trauma care in Ontario.Comparing trauma quality indicator data between a pediatric and an adult trauma hospital.Using local injury data to influence injury prevention priorities.Systems saving lives: a structured review of pediatric trauma systems.What do students think of the St. Michael’s Hospital ThinkFirst Injury Prevention Strategy for Youth?An evidence-based method for targeting a shaken baby syndrome prevention media campaign.The virtual mentor: cost-effective, nurse-practitioner performed, telementored lung sonography with remote physician guidance.Quality indicators used by teaching versus nonteaching international trauma centres.Compliance to advanced trauma life support protocols in adult trauma patients in the acute setting.Closing the quality improvement loop: a collaborative approach.National Trauma Registry: 'collecting' it all in New Brunswick.Does delay to initial reduction attempt affect success rates for anterior shoulder dislocation (pilot study)?Use of multidisciplinary, multi-site morbidity and mortality rounds in a provincial trauma system.Caring about trauma care: public awareness, knowledge and perceptions.Assessing the quality of admission dictation at a level 1 trauma centre.Trauma trends in older adults: a decade in review.Blunt splenic injury in patients with hereditary spherocytosis: a population-based analysis.Analysis of trauma team activation in severe head injury: an institutional experience.ROTEM results correlate with fresh frozen plasma transfusion in trauma patients.10-year trend of assault in Alberta.10-year trend in alcohol use in major trauma in Alberta.10-year trend in major trauma injury related to motorcycles compared with all-terrain vehicles in Alberta.Referral to a community program for youth injured by violence: a feasibility study.New impaired driving laws impact on the trauma population at level 1 and 3 trauma centres in British Columbia, Canada.A validation study of the mobile medical unit/polyclinic team training for the Vancouver 2010 Winter Games.Inferior vena cava filter use in major trauma: the Sunny-brook experience, 2000–2011.Relevance of cellular microparticles in trauma-induced coagulopathy: a systemic review.Improving quality through trauma centre collaboratives.Predictors of acute stress response in adult polytrauma patients following injury.Patterns of outdoor recreational injury in northern British Columbia.Risk factors for loss-to-follow up among trauma patients include functional, socio-economic, and geographic determinants: Would mandating opt-out consent strategies minimize these risks?Med-evacs and mortality rates for trauma from Inukjuak, Nunavik, Quebec.Review of open abdomens in McGill University Health Centre.Are surgical interventions for trauma associated with the development of posttraumatic retained hemothorax and empyema?A major step in understanding the mechanisms of traumatic coagulopathy: the possible role of thrombin activatable fibrinolysis inhibitor.Access to trauma centre care for patients with major trauma.Repeat head computed tomography in anticoagulated traumatic brain injury patients: still warranted.Improving trauma system governance
15. The evidence for the use of recombinant factor VIIa in massive bleeding: development of a transfusion policy framework
16. Risk factors for red cell transfusion in adults undergoing coronary artery bypass surgery: a systematic review
17. An order set and checklist improve physician transfusion ordering practices to mitigate the risk of transfusion-associated circulatory overload
18. [Early viscoelasticity-based coagulation therapy for severely injured bleeding patients: Report of the consensus group on the consensus conference 2014 for formulation of S2k guidelines]
19. Journal club
20. Journal club
21. MRI diagnosis of bilateral adrenal vein thrombosis
22. Consent for blood transfusion: do patients understand the risks and benefits?
23. Expression of p210 and p190 BCR-ABL due to alternative splicing in chronic myelogenous leukaemia
24. The Medical Event Reporting System for Transfusion Medicine
25. Analysis of factors affecting hematopoietic recovery after autologous bone marrow transplantation for lymphoma
26. Evaluation of cytoreductive therapy prior to high dose treatment with autologous bone marrow transplantation in relapsed and refractory Hodgkin's disease
27. Disinfection of human skin allografts in tissue banking: a systematic review report
28. Formative evaluation of a professional development program for high school teachers infusing engineering design into the classroom
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