Silva, Kelly Maria Rêgo da, Silva, Pryscilla Bizerra da, Silva, Higo José Neri da, Silva, Pauliana Texeira da, Silva, Bruna Layra, Ferreira, Ana Maria Castro, Bezerra, Wallyson André dos Santos, Silva, Denilson de Araújo e, Campos, Mariel Rodrigues de, Oliveira, Deylane Menezes Teles e, Nascimento, Antonia Luzia Lima do, Ribeiro, Alice Maria de Castro, Silva, Amanda Miranda da, Sousa, Emille Andrade, Oliveira, Iara Katrynne Fonsêca, Lopes, Michelle Maria Ferreira, Andrade, Nathália Batista de, Pinheiro, Iluska Martins, Ferreira, Kivia Ludmilla Carvalho, and Furtado, Denis Romulo Leite
Coronaviruses are viruses that cause respiratory infections that can affect animals and humans. The SARS-CoV-2 epidemic, which caused COVID-19, began in Wuhan (China) in December 2019, and spread to several countries, becoming a dangerous pandemic without specific treatment. This work aims to show cases treated with the main drugs for SARS-CoV-2, evaluating its efficacy and disadvantages. Publications with data from pharmacological treatments for the new SARS-CoV-2, scientific publications, world health organization (WHO) and governmental publications were used, among the date (2019-2020). Data were collected from the following scientific databases: LILACS, PUBMED, PERIODICOS, GOOGLE ACADEMICOS, SCIENCE DIRECT, BIRAME, Virtual Health Library - VHL, SCIELO, Cochrane Library, HighWire Press, Scopus and Elsevier; and the technological bases: WIPO and PTO. The use of these drugs may have led to improvement and cure of patients globally. They are believed to be effective against the disease. However, we need scientific proofs. In the results we observed the drugs used worldwide and the patents approved until (15/09/2020). There is no treatment for Covid19, medications that soften the flu-like symptoms of the disease were used. In emergency cases, the combination of the antibiotic azithromycin and hydroxychloroquine, used for malaria and other medicines, was used. This study evaluated most of the drugs that are in use for the treatment of SARS-CoV-2, in order to present a drug or more that is effective for the treatment of the disease, also showing whether in vitro and in vivo research was conducted in the search for a better treatment. Coronaviruses are viruses that cause respiratory infections that can affect animals and humans. The SARS-CoV-2 epidemic, which caused COVID-19, began in Wuhan (China) in December 2019, and spread to several countries, becoming a dangerous pandemic without specific treatment. This work aims to show cases treated with the main drugs for SARS-CoV-2 evaluating its efficacy and disadvantages. Publications with data from pharmacological treatments for the new SARS-CoV-2, scientific publications, world health organization (WHO) and governmental publications were used, among the date (2019-2020). Data were collected from the following scientific databases: LILACS, PUBMED, PERIODICOS, GOOGLE ACADEMICOS, SCIENCE DIRECT, BIRAME, Virtual Health Library - VHL, SCIELO, Cochrane Library, HighWire Press, Scopus and Elsevier; and the technological bases: WIPO and PTO. The use of these drugs may have led to improvement and cure of patients globally. They are believed to be effective against the disease. However, we need scientific proofs. In the results we observed the drugs used worldwide and the patents approved until (15/09/2020). Los coronavirus son virus que causan infecciones respiratorias que pueden afectar a animales y seres humanos. La epidemia del SARS-CoV-2, que causó covid-19, comenzó en Wuhan (China) en diciembre de 2019, y se extendió a varios países, convirtiéndose en una peligrosa pandemia sin tratamiento específico. Este trabajo tiene como objetivo mostrar los casos tratados con los principales fármacos para el SARS-CoV-2 evaluando su eficacia y desventajas. Entre la fecha (2019-2020) se utilizaron publicaciones con datos de tratamientos farmacológicos para el nuevo SARS-CoV-2, publicaciones científicas, organización mundial de la salud (OMS) y publicaciones gubernamentales. Os Coronavírus são vírus que causam infecções respiratórias podendo afetar animais e humanos. A epidemia de SARS-CoV-2, causador da COVID-19 teve início em Wuhan (China) em dezembro de 2019, e se espalhou por diversos países tornando-se uma pandemia perigosa e sem tratamento especifico. Esse trabalho pretende mostrar casos tratados com os principais fármacos para o SARS-CoV-2 avaliando sua eficácia e desvantagens. Foram utilizadas publicações com dados de tratamentos farmacológicos para o novo SARS-CoV-2, publicações cientificas, oficiais da Organização Mundial da Saúde (World Health Organization - WHO) e governamentais, dentre a data (2019-2020). Os dados foram coletados nas bases cientificas: LILACS, PUBMED, PERIODICOS, GOOGLE ACADEMICOS, SCIENCE DIRECT, BIRAME, Biblioteca Virtual em saúde - BVS, SCIELO, Cochrane Library, HighWire Press, Scopus e Elsevier; e as bases tecnológicas: WIPO e INPI. A utilização desses fármacos pode ter ocasionado melhora e cura de pacientes globalmente. Acredita-se que são eficazes contra a doença. Porém, temos a necessidade de comprovações cientificas. Nos resultados observamos os fármacos utilizados mundialmente e as patentes aprovadas até (15/09/2020). Não existe tratamento para a Covid19, utilizou-se medicamentos amenizadores dos sintomas gripais da doença. Nos casos emergenciais foram utilizados a combinação do antibiótico azitromicina e hidroxicloroquina, usados para malária e outros medicamentos. Este trabalho avaliou grande parte dos medicamentos que estão em uso para o tratamento do SARS-CoV-2, com o intuito de apresentar um fármaco ou mais que seja eficaz para o tratamento da doença, mostrando ainda se foram realizadas pesquisas in vitro e in vivo na busca de uma melhor tratativa.