1. Measurements of Strain and Displacement During 4m Biaxial Rock Friction Experiment Using Fiber Bragg Grating Sensors and Accelerometers
- Subjects
Accelerometer ,FBG センサ ,4m岩石摩擦試験機 ,スティックスリップ ,Large-scale biaxial friction apparatus ,FBG sensor ,Stick-slip events ,岩石摩擦試験 ,Rock friction experiment ,加速度センサ - Abstract
防災科学技術研究所が保有する4 m 岩石摩擦試験機を用いた岩石摩擦実験において,fiber Bragg grating (FBG)センサによる岩石試料のひずみ計測,およびmicroelectromechanical system (MEMS),圧電式(PZ)加速度センサによる加速度計測を実施し,岩石試料のひずみ変化やすべりイベント時の変位を推定した.FBG センサのノイズレベルは,すべりイベント時のひずみ変化を計測する上で十分小さいことが半導体ひずみゲージとの比較から確認できた.しかし,その計測分解能がすべりイベント時の岩石のひずみ変化と同程度(~ 1 με)であったため,より精度良くひずみ変化を計測するためには分解能の改善が必要であることが明らかになった.PZ センサでは共振によって入力加速度の高周波成分が増幅し,加速度の測定範囲を超えるオーバーロードが発生した一方で,MEMS 式加速度センサによる計測ではPZ センサとは異なる共振特性による高周波帯の減衰のためオーバーロードを避けることができた.MEMS 一軸型加速度センサによる加速度波形を本研究で提案した一連の手順で処理することで,すべりイベント時の変位推定をロバストに行うことができた.本研究で行った解析は,今後FBGセンサや加速度センサを用いてより詳細な断層破壊様式を議論するための基盤となる.We measured local strain change and co-seismic displacement of rock specimen installed in 4 m biaxial rock friction apparatus using fiber Bragg grating (FBG) sensors, microelectromechanical system (MEMS) accelerometers and piezoelectric (PZ) accelerometers. The measurements of strain using the FBG sensors are verified with those of semiconductor strain gauges (SGs), showing the noise level of FBG sensors is low enough to quantify the strain change due to the co-seismic slip. However, the measurement resolution of the strain needs to be improved as its co-seismic change associated with a single slip event is nearly in the same order of its resolution. We then developed a process flow of converting the acceleration during the slip event measured with accelerometers near the fault to the co-seismic displacement. PZ accelerometers were overloaded due to the amplification of its highfrequency response, while we obtained the acceleration without overload for the case with MEMS accelerometers because of the attenuation in high-frequency components. We obtained a reasonable estimation of the co-seismic displacement using MEMS uniaxial accelerometer in comparison to the slip on the fault measured with eddy current displacement (GAP) sensor. This study provides the accuracy and quantitative objectives of FBG sensors and accelerometers for the measurements of strain and co-seismic displacement during stick-slip experiments, which help for further applications on the large-scale biaxial rock friction experiments to discuss the nucleation and rupture process of faults.
- Published
- 2022