Razvoj tehnologije i novih medija izravno utječe na novinsku industriju i rezultira padom naklada novinskih izdanja. Kako bi se osigurala održivost te smanjili troškovi u novinskoj proizvodnji pristupa se traženju pogodnih metoda i alata za unapređenje sustava upravljanja kvalitetom. Poznati sustavi upravljanja kvalitetom poput ISO 9001, TQM, Lean proizvodni koncept, te QFD metoda – evaluacija funkcije kvalitete sveprisutni su u različitim proizvodnim sustavima. Svaki proizvodni sustav, pa tako i proizvodni sustav novina mora zadovoljiti potrebe kupca ali i svih drugih zainteresiranih dionika – zaposlenika, vlasnika, dobavljača itd. Iako se QFD metoda uglavnom koristi za razvoj novog proizvoda, u radu se istražuje mogućnost primjene u novinskoj proizvodnji. Ispitivanjem efekata pojedinih alata u pojedinim segmentima sustava novinske proizvodnje i njihovom prilagodbom, razvijena je nova metoda – modificirana QFD testirana u novinskim tiskarama u kojima je provedeno istraživanje. Metoda se može primijeniti u novinskim tiskarama koje će na taj način proizvodne procese učiniti učinkovitijim i osigurati održivo poslovanje., Development of technology and new media affects the newspaper industry so that it results in decline of newspaper publication circulation. Suitable methods and tools to improve quality management system have been looked for to ensure sustainability and reduce the costs in newspaper production. Well-known systems of quality management such as ISO 9001, TQM, Lean manufacturing and QFD methods – Quality Function Deployment, are ubiquitous in production systems around the world. Each production system, including the system of newspaper production must meet the customer’s requirements and all other value chain participants by recognizing the newspaper product properties. Although the QFD method is mainly used for developing a new product, this paper explores the possibility of its implementation in the newspaper production. It affects the improvement of the production process by acting preventively to detect compatibility. By examining the effects of certain tools in certain segments of the newspaper production system and their adaptation, a new method was developed - modified QFD, tested in the newspaper printing houses the research was conducted in. The method can be implemented in the newspaper production systems and thus make production processes more efficient and ensure sustainable business.