1. Technical-economic feasibility study of electricity generation from photovoltaic solar energy on San Andrés island
- Author
Moreno López, Wilmar Albeiro, Rosero García, Javier Alveiro, and Grupo de Investigación Emc-Un
- Subjects
SSFV ,Renewable energy ,537 - Electricidad y electrónica [530 - Física] ,Photovoltaic cells ,Optimitation ,629 - Otras ramas de la ingeniería [620 - Ingeniería y operaciones afines] ,Energy industry ,Costo - beneficio ,Cost - benefit ,Solar collectors ,Optimización ,FNCER ,Células fotovoltaicas ,PVSS ,San Andrés Island ,Industria energética ,Colectores solares ,San Andrés Isla - Abstract
ilustraciones, fotografías a color Dada la presencia de extensos arrecifes coralinos, praderas de pastos marinos, manglares, playas, mar abierto y bosques secos tropicales, los cuales albergan puntos de alto endemismo, la región del Archipiélago de San Andrés, Providencia y Santa Catalina fue declarada como reserva de Biósfera Seaflower en el año 2000 por la UNESCO (Seaflower Foundation, 2019). Sin embargo, en la actualidad no se lleva a cabo una adecuada conservación de las especies claves y ecosistemas estratégicos antes enunciados, por factores entre los que se encuentra la generación de electricidad que se efectúa 100% a partir de combustibles fósiles con un modelo obsoleto que ya sobrepasa los 60 años. Mediante el uso de herramientas computacionales como Neplan, Homer Pro y MATLAB, se desarrolla un modelo de optimización para el planteamiento de la diversificación de la matriz energética de la isla de San Andrés, mediante la implementación de SSFV considerando las restricciones técnicas de la red eléctrica actual. Se encuentra que la penetración de las SSFV puede ser de hasta 28 MW. El ahorro de un solo año en combustible y subsidios, sumado a la monetización de bonos de carbono por toneladas de CO2 no emitidas permiten el financiamiento completo de las políticas departamentales orientadas a la totalidad de la población vulnerable del Departamento Archipiélago para el cuatrienio 2020 – 2023. El retorno de la inversión con el resultado del modelo de optimización planteado es de 3.18 años, lo que determina su viabilidad. (Texto tomado de la fuente) For extensive coral reefs, seagrass beds, mangroves, beaches, the open sea, and tropical dry forests presence, which are home to points of high endemism, the Archipelago of San Andrés, Providencia, and Santa Catalina region was declared Seaflower Biosphere Reserve in the year 2000 by UNESCO (Seaflower Foundation, 2019). However, at present, adequate conservation of the key species and strategic ecosystems mentioned above is not carried out, due to factors among which is the generation of electricity that is carried out 100% from fossil fuels with an obsolete model that it is already over 60. With computational tools use like Neplan, Homer Pro and MATLAB, an optimization model is developed for the approach to the San Andrés energy matrix diversification, through the implementation of PVSS considering the technical restrictions of the current electrical network. It is found that PVSS penetration can be up to 28 MW. The savings of a single year in fuel and subsidies, added to carbon credits per tons of CO2 not emitted monetization, allow the full financing of departmental policies aimed at the entire vulnerable population of the Archipelago Department for the 2020-2023 period. The investment return with the optimization model proposed is 3.18 years, then its viability. For extensive coral reefs, seagrass beds, mangroves, beaches, the open sea, and tropical dry forests presence, which are home to points of high endemism, the Archipelago of San Andrés, Providencia, and Santa Catalina region was declared Seaflower Biosphere Reserve in the year 2000 by UNESCO (Seaflower Foundation, 2019). However, at present, adequate conservation of the key species and strategic ecosystems mentioned above is not carried out, due to factors among which is the generation of electricity that is carried out 100% from fossil fuels with an obsolete model that it is already over 60. With computational tools use like Neplan, Homer Pro and MATLAB, an optimization model is developed for the approach to the San Andrés energy matrix diversification, through the implementation of PVSS considering the technical restrictions of the current electrical network. It is found that PVSS penetration can be up to 28 MW. The savings of a single year in fuel and subsidies, added to carbon credits per tons of CO2 not emitted monetization, allow the full financing of departmental policies aimed at the entire vulnerable population of the Archipelago Department for the 2020-2023 period. The investment return with the optimization model proposed is 3.18 years, then its viability. Maestría Magíster en Ingeniería - Ingeniería Eléctrica ENERGÍAS RENOVABLES
- Published
- 2023