Dakkak, Yousra J., Boer, Aleid C., Boeters, Debbie M., Niemantsverdriet, Ellis, Reijnierse, Monique, and Mil, Annette H. M. Van Der Helm-Van
Additional file 1: Supplementary Methods 1. Detailed MRI protocol. Supplementary Methods 2. Scoring of MRI-inflammation: synovitis, tenosynovitis and osteitis. Table S1. Association of MRI-detected inflammation with physical joint examination per type of MRI-detected lesion (synovitis, tenosynovitis and osteitis) for MCP-joints. Table S2. Frequency of intermetatarsal bursitis (IMB) according to status at physical joint examination (PE) and MRI in MTP-joints in 157 RA-patients. Figure S1. Schematic illustration with coronal view of the forefoot at the metatarsal heads (M1–5) with intermetatarsal bursae in between. Figure S2. Concordance and discordance between clinical joint swelling at PE and findings at MRI, for all 1750 MCP-joints (A) and for non-swollen (B) and swollen MCP-joints (C) separately. Figure S3. Frequency of a swollen joint upon physical examination, MRI-detected inflammation and intermetatarsal bursitis (IMB) per location for MTP(2–5)- and MCP(2–5)-joints in 157 RA patients. Figure S4. Concordance and discordance between clinical joint swelling at PE and findings at MRI, for all 625 MTP-joints (A) and for non-swollen (B) and swollen MTP-joints (C, D) separately in 157 RA-patients. Figure S5. Concordance and discordance between clinical joint swelling at PE and findings at MRI, for all 1759 MTP-joints (A) and for non-swollen (B) and swollen MTP-joints (C, D) separately when flexor tenosynovitis and osteitis were not included in definition of MRI-inflammation. Figure S6. Concordance and discordance between joint tenderness at PE and findings at MRI, excluding swollen joints, given for all MTP-joints (A) and for non-tender (B) and tender MTP-joints separately (C, D).