1. Influence of ventilation on the microclimate parameters of the mine of St. Barbara
- Author
Šarko, David, Klanfar, Mario, Domitrović, Dubravko, and Korman, Tomislav
- Subjects
temperature ,dew point ,absolute humidity ,relative humidity ,fan ,Python - Abstract
U ovom diplomskom radu analizirat će se podatci prikupljeni mrežom senzora koji su postavljeni unutar rudnika koristeći programski jezik Python. Na temelju podataka prikazani su dijagrami i histogrami koji će pokazati uspješnost rada novog ventilatora koji je ugrađen radi smanjivanje vlage unutar rudnika. Analizom podataka koji su učitani u Python i potom uz korištenje programskog koda i algoritama dobiveni su rezultati kretanja rosišta, temperature i relativne vlage kroz vrijeme. Dobivena su ukupna vremena kad je ventilator radio tlačno, depresijski i kad je bio ugašen. Pokazano je da je ventilator opravdan u rudniku jer postoji nepovoljno vrijeme gdje bi moglo doći do kondenzacije vlage ako se ne upali ventilator. Koristeći unutranje senzore pokazalo se da nikad nije došlo do kondenzacije vlage unutar rudnika. Prikazana su kretanja apsolutne vlage kad ventilator radi i kad je ugašen. Analizom je prikazano da apsolutna vlaga pada dok ventilator radi, a raste kad je ugašen. Također u različitim periodima godine postoje i slučajevi gdje apsolutna vlažnost pada na senzorima bliže ulazu zračne struje a poraste na senzorima bliže izlazu zračne struje., This thesis will analyze data collected by a network of sensors placed inside the mine using the Python programming language. Based on the data, diagrams and histograms are presented that will show the success of the new fan installed to reduce moisture inside the mine. By analyzing the data that was loaded into python and then with the use of program code and algorithms, the results of the movement of the dew point, temperature and relative humidity over time were obtained. The total times when the ventilator was working in push mode, in pull mode and when it was turned off were obtained. It has been shown that the fan is justified in the mine because there is unfavorable weather where moisture condensation could occur if the fan is not turned on. Using internal sensors, it was shown that moisture condensation never occurred inside the mine. The movements of absolute humidity are shown when the fan is running and when it is turned off. The analysis showed that the absolute humidity falls while the fan is running, and rises when it is turned off. Also, in different periods of the year, there are cases where the absolute humidity drops on the sensors closer to the entrance of the air stream and rises on the sensors closer to the exit of the air stream.
- Published
- 2022