The article is devoted to the analysis and republishment of the full version of the little-known «Corpus of Ancient Monuments and Archaeological Findings in Bessarabia», created in 1913-1916 by questioning of 800 local correspondents. It was created by the wine-maker N.K. Mogilyansky (1877-1966) and the official Ya.M. Ebergardt (1887 - ?). On the territory of eight districts of Bessarabia (now the Republic of Moldova, Odessa and Chernivtsi regions of Ukraine) about 1300 objects were taken into account: burial mounds, ancient cemeteries, ancient settlements and settlements, earthworks and other fortifications, caves, as well as finds of coins and other artifacts. The article contains an analysis of the «Corpus» and concluded that it is a living canvas of the collective folk notions about the antiquities of Bessarabia, as well as a road map for searching and excavating old and unknown archeological monuments.