Mularczyk, Agata, Stangret, Anna, Szczęśniak, Angelika, Topczewska, Katarzyna, Gisicka, Kamila, Licow, Agnieszka, Ćwiek, Dorota, and Sipak-Szmigiel, Olimpia
Mularczyk Agata, Stangret Anna, Szczęśniak Angelika, Topczewska Katarzyna, Gisicka Kamila, Licow Agnieszka, Ćwiek Dorota, Sipak-Szmigiel Olimpia. Knowledge of the perinatal care standard among women giving birth to children in the hospitals in Szczecin. Journal of Education, Health and Sport. 2019;9(3):178-183. eISNN 2391-8306. DOI The journal has had 7 points in Ministry of Science and Higher Education parametric evaluation. Part b item 1223 (26/01/2017). 1223 Journal of Education, Health and Sport eissn 2391-8306 7 © The Authors 2019; This article is published with open access at Licensee Open Journal Systems of Kazimierz Wielki University in Bydgoszcz, Poland Open Access. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Noncommercial License which permits any noncommercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author (s) and source are credited. This is an open access article licensed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non commercial license Share alike. ( which permits unrestricted, non commercial use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the work is properly cited. The authors declare that there is no conflict of interests regarding the publication of this paper. Received: 15.02.2019. Revised: 15.02.2019. Accepted: 11.03.2019. Knowledge of the perinatal care standard among women giving birth to children in the hospitals in Szczecin Agata Mularczyk, Anna Stangret, Angelika Szczęśniak, Katarzyna Topczewska, Kamila Gisicka, Agnieszka Licow, Dorota Ćwiek, Olimpia Sipak-Szmigiel Pomorski Uniwersytet Medyczny w Szczecinie Abstract Introduction: In order to improve the quality of perinatal care in Poland, the Regulation of the Minister of Health of September 20, 2012 introduced the standards of medical treatment when providing medical care from the field of perinatal care to women during the period of physiological pregnancy, physiological childbirth, postpartum and newborn care ( so-called the standards of perinatal care). Although the standards have been in force for several years, there are still problems with their compliance and their low knowledge among women giving birth. Research objective: Assessment of the level of knowledge about the Standards perinatal care and of Patients' Rights and the rights arising from them by women giving birth in the hospitals in Szczecin. Materials and Methods: The study included 335 women who have given birth in the hospitals in Szczecin. The study was performed since January 2016 till March 20158 by means of a diagnostic survey, based on the author’s questionnaire, developed on the basis of the standards of perinatal care 20th September 2012. Results: Among women giving birth vaginally 42% reported knowledge of the standard. 41% of women who have given birth by caesarean section declared that they know the standard. No statistically significant differences were found between the knowledge or lack of knowledge of the standards in terms age, education, and attend or not at antenatal class. We found statistically significant relationship between the knowledge of the standards and having a birth plan. Conclusions: 1. Knowledge of the standards declared more women, in comparison to the research conducted a few years earlier. Despite this their knowledge is still not high. 2. Women in spite of declaring knowledge of the standard are not aware that they were not followed. 3. There is still a need to educate women and staff on the standards of prenatal care and Patients' Rights. Keywords: childbirth, obstetrics, Patient Rights.