17 results on '"special vocabulary"'
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- Author
Akhmatkulova Makhfuza Shukhrat Qizi
- Subjects
vocabulary, terminology, linguistic, terminological relation, communication, definition, "special vocabulary - Abstract
Today wealth of Uzbek terminology is predominantly because of the utilization of different languages and word arrangement is giving. The principle factor that decides the soundness of a specifically expressed framework in a specific field is its routineness. The wording has its quirks. For instance, assuming the normal language is synonymy, congruity, furthermore extravagance of the language, it is a negative peculiarity in terminology. The Uzbek language has gone through a notable way of advancement. This article introduced the hypothetical order of the most widely recognized sorts of game terms since terminology spread generally and become a fundamental piece of our advanced society and regularly we don't feel or recognize them as neologisms. They mirror all progressions occurring in our life from the advancement of innovation to the social and sociopolitical modifications. All sections help to group the word development of new words and word phrases as per their starting point, deduction, and historical background. Because of various sort of models, which were taken from various languages, the students will want to appear to be legit the impact of new words on our present vocabulary.
- Published
- 2022
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- Author
Edona Pllana, Sadete Pllana, and Zana Pllana
- Subjects
English analysis, business administration, special vocabulary, word terms - Abstract
English has an impact in many European languages and Albanian language as well. English words have flooded everywhere and even unnecessary words are borrowed, so it has conquered several languages of the world. This spread of English words in the Albanian language lexicon of economics and business administration is a consequence of political, economic, cultural, scientific influence, etc., in particular after 1990 (in Albania, on the occasion of opening up to the world) and in Kosovo after June 1999 (on the occasion of the entry of NATO ground forces into Kosovo). English words or of English descent have entered as terms in particular areas of social activity. In the field of business administration, economics, finance, trade and management, these are terms that primarily denote notions and phenomena of international economics, financial and trade relations, US and UK monetary units, such as: arbitrage, audit, assets, balance sheet, business, businessman, board, budget, check, economy, export, fiscal, grant, import, equity, clearing, license, leader, trust, dollar, pound, sterling, etc.
- Published
- 2020
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- Author
N.G. Sologubova, A.V. Bobrovnikova, and J.V. Privalova
- Subjects
news article, intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance systems, genre and stylistic features, scientific and technical style, media journalism - Abstract
This article deals with the importance of the military translator's work with news in the field of intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance systems, especially given the importance of extracting information in the shortest timescale. In this regard, an attempt has been made to examine the genre and stylistic features of news articles. These articles are informative, relevant, and neutral by the fact that they are at the boundary of two functional styles: media-publicistic and scientific-technical. Therefore, semantic, lexical, and grammatical components will sort of respond to the peculiarities of the two styles. Overall, the genre peculiarities of news articles in the sphere of intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance systems are manifested in the use of special vocabulary, clothed in the form of derivative words, compound phrases and abbreviations, as well as in the use of complex grammatical constructions.
- Published
- 2023
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- Author
Marjona Jurakulova Sadriddinovna
- Subjects
professional sphere, university students, communicative competence, educational process, educational and methodological documentation, professionally oriented education, English - Abstract
The article outlines some areas of professionally oriented teaching of English on the example of philologists. The main goals and objectives of the article are formulated. The relevance of the issue under consideration is indicated. The author emphasizes that the leading method in teaching professionally oriented English is the communicative method. In theoretical and methodological terms, this problem has not been fully studied, today many researchers and scientists are working on it. Some areas of providing professionally-oriented teaching of English to bachelors of philology are highlighted. The author refers to them: studying the needs of society in philological education, changing the content of education, which should contribute to the formation of communicative and professional competencies, as well as the creation of an educational and methodological base for the learning process. The author introduces the developed teaching aids for the discipline "Foreign language" for the direction of training "Philology". On the example of philologists, it is considered how professional training can be improved by means of the English language. A significant role in the process of professionally oriented learning is played by special vocabulary. Since philology is understood as a set of sciences that study the culture of the people (language, literature, history, philosophy, art and their relationship), expressed in language and literary creativity, the study of philological vocabulary and terminology is a very complex process. The basic principles of teaching professionally oriented vocabulary and terminology, which contribute to the expansion of the vocabulary of the English language, are outlined. An important role is given to such content of education, which creates the need for the use of professional speech, writing, reading. It is proposed to consider in practice the integration of two academic disciplines profile and language
- Published
- 2023
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- Author
Sultanova Durdona Abulxayr Qizi
- Subjects
vocabulary, style, fashion industry, fashion magazines - Abstract
The character of fashion is characterized by the rapid dynamics of the form of expression. The changes taking place in fashion also have an impact on the composition of vocabulary, namely, on the composition of special vocabulary – terminology. Terminology, like any other group of lexical units, reflects the corresponding development of the fields of life, science.
- Published
- 2023
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- Author
Qodirova Fazilat Shukurovna, Ayakulov Nurbek Abdug`appor o`g`li, and Ayakulova Aziza Ismatulla qizi
- Subjects
term, synonymy, antonymy, polysemy, lexicon, linguistic research, terminological units - Abstract
In the following article, we will discuss such linguistic properties of the language of special purposes as synonymy, antonymy and polysemy. If in the general vocabulary these phenomena are presented sequentially, then in the special vocabulary they have their own characteristics. So, unambiguity has always been singled out as the desired requirements for terms, when one word has one meaning. This means that the term has no polysemantic relations, synonyms, antonyms. Modern studies of terminological units prove that in practice the situation is different. Within special areas of knowledge, there is a continuous replenishment and updating of lexical units, often ahead of the development of general vocabulary, where there is no urgent need to replenish and expand the vocabulary.
- Published
- 2022
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8. A Textbook Model in a Foreign Language for Specific Purposes: Tourism Sphere
- Author
Elena Cherkashina
- Subjects
foreign language for specific purposes ,ComputingMilieux_THECOMPUTINGPROFESSION ,Science ,linguistic professional competence ,ComputingMilieux_COMPUTERSANDEDUCATION ,linguistic - Abstract
The article deals with the recent problem of teaching a foreign language to specialists in the sphere of service and production. The demand for personnel with a professional linguistic competence has remained high on the labor market over the past decade. The teaching community is actively developing new training courses and programs in the foreign language of the specialty, an important component of which is mastering the language of the professional sphere. However, the question of creating textbooks for narrow-focused specialists (air traffic controllers, pilots, navigators, medical personnel, tourism workers) remains open, for such specialists a foreign language is a tool that allows them to carry out their professional activities. The article clarifies the content of the terms "language of specialty" and "language for specific purposes", which is reflected in the organization of courses in the language of specialty and technology of courses in language for specific purposes. The results of the experimental training have showed the effectiveness of the program "French in the field of tourism" and revealed the need to write a textbook. The author's proposed model of the textbook "French in the field of tourism" is intended for students of language universities, faculties of tourism, staff of hotels and travel agencies and includes the following components: modularity of the course, special vocabulary, a list of professional skills and communicative situations of business communication, methodological techniques that allow to form readiness for professional activity. This tutorial model can be extrapolated to other languages and training profile.
- Published
- 2021
9. Virtual, Augmented and Mixed Reality: Essence of Concepts and Specificity of Relevant Computer Systems
- Author
Volynets Viktoriia
- Subjects
computer virtual reality ,computer technology ,virtual reality ,augmented reality ,mixed reality - Abstract
The purpose of the article is to reveal the essence of the concepts of “virtual reality”, “augmented reality”, “mixed reality”, as well as to find out the typological differences of the relevant computer systems. The research methodology is based on the application of the dialectical method, which allows us to reveal the special features of virtual / augmented / mixed realities through the prism of the dialectic of interaction between technology and man. The scientific novelty of the findings is a clear distinction between the concepts of “virtual reality”, “augmented reality”, “mixed reality” — the key concepts of immersive information technology, the inappropriate use of which as synonyms leads to the unjustified use of special vocabulary. In addition, the article reveals the essence and main differences between computer VR-, AR-, XR-systems, which is extremely important in the framework of Ukrainian cultural studies, a science that is now actively involved in the study of unprecedented social changes under the influence of the latest information and communication technologies. Conclusions. The diversity of views of scientists and practitioners on the typology of virtual reality, as well as the concepts of “virtual reality”, “augmented reality”, “mixed reality”, is explained by the inappropriate identification of virtual reality technologies of the late 1990s and modern developments in this area; the lack of clear typology criteria and appropriate methodological approaches, which complicates the process of classification of types of virtual reality; the rapid development of VR-technologies, which provokes a significant gap between theory and practice. Meanwhile, the field of virtual reality research continues to expand steadily, and the integration of VR with various spheres of human life is ongoing. VR and AR technologies are gaining popularity in cultural, educational, gaming, business environments, etc. It is possible that in the near future, virtual reality will become an integral part of our lives and give humanity many new opportunities. The issue under discussion is just beginning to be studied in Ukrainian culturology, which encourages deeper penetration into the essence of the processes occurring in culture under the influence of the latest information and communication developments, and therefore, clarification of the possibilities of using the latter in the implementation of numerous cultural projects, developing mechanisms and methods for their use by cultural institutions, etc.
- Published
- 2021
- Author
Dzhalladova, Irada, Batechko, Nina, and Evhenia Kolomiyets-Ludwig
- Subjects
information security, legal framework, systemic approach - Abstract
The article substantiates the methodic bases for the usage of the systemic approach to analyze the legal framework of information security provision. The authors prove the necessity of the creation of common special vocabulary to be the basis of the theoretical methodological grounds of the information security and its legal framework. The conclusion has been approved that information threats are of dynamic character and moreover, the legal regulation of this sphere usually falls behind the development of the information society in Ukraine and all over the world. The multilevel interpretation of the information security legal framework structure has been suggested, with the components of the latter to be interacting and been arranged by hierarchy. The systematization of the objects for research has been performed basing on its following features: integrity, organization structurality, hierarchy, but considering also its features of the dynamic system such as feedback links and non-linear effects. The multilevel approach has been proved to be effective in arranging of the legal framework of information security provision, which considers global tendencies and works for the society, its members and state, as well as for natural persons and legal entities., {"references":["1.\tCornish, P. (2009). Cyber Security and Politically, Socially and Religiously Motivated Cyber Attacks [Cyber Security and Politically, Socially and Religiously Motivated Cyber Attacks]. Brussels : European Parliament, [in English] 2.\tOn the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation) (2016). 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Kiev, Vidomosti Verkhovnoi Rady Ukrainy, 45, 42. [in Ukrainian]. 34.\tRozporiadzhennia Holovy Verhniodniprovskoi raionnoi derzhavnoi administratsii \"Pro pryznachennia vidpovidalnoho iz zabezpechennia kiberbezpeky, kiberzahystu ta bezpeky informatsiinyh tehnolohii u Verhniodniprovskii raionnii derzhavnii administratsii\" [Order of the Head of Verhniodniprovskii District State Administration \"On Appointment of the Responsible Officer on Cybersecurity, Cyberprotection and Information Technologies Security in the Verhniodniprovskii District State Administration\"]. (2018). Retrieved from http://www.verhn-rn.dp.gov.ua/OBLADM/vdnepr_rda.nsf/docs/061C3145AC68E2ACC225822B005340B9?OpenDocument&PrintForm [in Ukrainian] 35.\tUkaz Prezydenta Ukrayiny vid 25 Liutoho 2017 roku №47/2017 \"Pro Doktrynu Natsionalnoyi Bezpeky Ukrainy\" [Doctrine of National Security of Ukraine]. (2017). Kiev, Oficiinyi Visnyk Ukrainy, 20, 8. 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Retrieved from https://github.com/sapran/dontclickshit [in Ukrainian]. 40.\tSulatskii, D.V. (2012). Heneza poniattia \"telekomunikatsiina posluha\" v ukrainskomu ta yevropeiskomu zakonodavstvi [Genesis of the notion of \"telecommunication service\" in the Ukrainian and European legislation]. Informatsiia i Pravo – Information and Law, 2(5), 18-22 [in Ukrainian]. 41.\tSuprunov, Yu.M. (2013). Napriamky ta okremi problem vykorystannia socialnyh servisiv Internetu v konteksti informatsiinoi bezpeky derzhavy [Directions and Some Issues of Internet Social Services Usage in the context of Information Security of the State]. Problemy stvorennia, vyprobuvannia, zastosuvannia ta ekspluatatsii skladnyh informatsiinyh system – Problems of Creation, Testing, Usage and Exploitation of Complex Information Systems, 7, 145-159 [in Ukrainian]. 42.\tPostanova Kabinetu Ministriv Ukrainy \"Pro deiaki pytannia dokumentuvannia upravlinskoi diialnosti : Typova instructsiia z dokumentuvannia upravlinskoi informatsii v elektronnii formi ta orhanizatsii roboty z elektronnymy dokumentamy v dilovodstvi, elektronnoho mizhvidomchoho obminu\" [Regulation of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine \"On Certain Issues of Documentation of Management Activity : Standard Manual on Documentation of Management Information in Electronic Form and Organization of Work with Digital Documents, Electronic Interdepartamental Exchange\"]. (2018). (n.d.). zakon.rada.gov.ua. Retrieved from http://zakon1.rada.gov.ua/laws/show/55-2018-%D0%BF?test=dCCMfOm7xBWMKeFEZiWk7Ch6 HI4WUs80msh8Ie6 [in Ukrainian]. 43.\tFurashev, V.M. (2014). Zakonodavche zabezpechennia informatsiinoi bezpeky Ukrainy [Legal Provision of Information Security of Ukraine]. Informatsiia i Pravo – Information and Law, 1(10), 59-67 [in Ukrainian]. 44.\tShelomentsev, V.P. Sutnist orhanizatsiinoho zabezpechennia systemy kibernetychnoi bezpeky Ukrainy ta napriamy yoho udoskonalennia [Main Points of the Organizational Provision of Cybernetic System Security of Ukraine and Directions for Its Improvement]. Borotba z orhanizovanoiu zlochynnistiu i koruptsiieiu (teoriia I praktyka) – Struggle Against Organized Crime Activity and Corruption (Theory and Practice), 2, 299 – 309 [in Ukrainian]. 45.\tShcherbakova A.V., & Fedorova H.S. (2011). Mnogourovnevyi podhod k postroieniiu gybridnoi intellektualnoi sistemy [Multilevel Approach to the Creation of a Hybrid Intellectual System]. Systemy obrobky informatsii – Information Processing Systems, 3(93), 96-99 [in Ukrainian]."]}
- Published
- 2018
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11. Throwing away the ladder. Wittgenstein's philosophy and and scholarly communication
- Author
Enkhbayar, Asura
- Subjects
language games ,scholarly communication ,citation theory ,technology ,wittgenstein - Abstract
Engagement, interaction, and communication is a the very core of late Wittgenstein's philosophy. In this talk, I explore two core concepts in his work, (1) the therapeutic use of philosophy and (2) language games, in the context of citation theory and scholarly communication. Original Abstract: We might want to engage with fellow researchers and students, but learning special vocabulary and language of another field can be a daunting task. In times of ever accelerating technological progress, scholarly communication is facing the challenge of reconciling increasingly specialized research programs and practices with the demand for interdisciplinary communication. In this talk, I want to address the gap between theory and practice in a playful way by proposing a framework based on Wittgenstein's philosophy, contemporary cognitive science, and schol-comm technology. The main question that I want to explore is: "How can the theory help to design and build technology for scholarly communications which overcomes the challenges of transdisciplinary communication?" I will briefly introduce these concepts, provide some background for the philosophical ideas, and finally show how these relate to an actual piece of working scholarly communications software, viz., Open Knowledge Maps. This framework provides tools to conceptualize scholarly communication and technology in a way that includes the individual cognitive and broader social dimension of communication. COI: I am part of the non-profit OKM (openknowledgemaps.org). The draft of this paper is available on Authorea (https://www.authorea.com/210697/Y1Etz_Zx39cR7MUjcSgoUg)
- Published
- 2018
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- Subjects
normative nature of industry-specific terminology ,terminology ,terminology science ,terminological standardization ,TS — terminological system - Abstract
The aim of the article is to focus on the priorities of modern Ukrainian terminology science. Relevance. Without understanding the tasks of terminology science as a special branch of scientific knowledge, it is impossible to fully study any terminology system of the modern Ukrainian language. There singled out the tasks of modern Ukrainian terminology science, the implementation of which in examining specific terminology is a prerequisite for a holistic research of a small terminological fragment, which will contribute to the cognition and comprehensive study of the entire array of the Ukrainian scientific and technical terminology, including: 1) сlassifying special vocabulary (terms, nomens, industry words); 2) standardization of the TS; 3) improvement of comparative research methods; 4) compilation of terminology dictionaries; 6) study of linguistic factors relevant to the establishment and development of terminology; 7) clarification of extralinguistic factors significant for terminology. Conclusions. To date, terminology science has emerged as an independent scientific direction with its terminological apparatus and theoretical and methodological principles of research of its specific subject — terminologies and terms. One of the main tasks of modern domestic terminology science can be considered examining industry terminology systems as fragments of a common scientific terminology system, due to the study of which it will be possible to speak of a holistic research of the terminology system of the language as a whole.
- Published
- 2018
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13. Теоретичні Й Практичні Основи Для Різноаспектного Дослідження Спеціальної Лексики
- Subjects
normative nature of industry-specific terminology ,terminology ,terminology science ,terminological standardization ,GeneralLiterature_REFERENCE(e.g.,dictionaries,encyclopedias,glossaries) ,TS — terminological system - Abstract
The aim of the article is to focus on the priorities of modern Ukrainian terminology science. Relevance. Without understanding the tasks of terminology science as a special branch of scientific knowledge, it is impossible to fully study any terminology system of the modern Ukrainian language. There singled out the tasks of modern Ukrainian terminology science, the implementation of which in examining specific terminology is a prerequisite for a holistic research of a small terminological fragment, which will contribute to the cognition and comprehensive study of the entire array of the Ukrainian scientific and technical terminology, including: 1) сlassifying special vocabulary (terms, nomens, industry words); 2) standardization of the TS; 3) improvement of comparative research methods; 4) compilation of terminology dictionaries; 6) study of linguistic factors relevant to the establishment and development of terminology; 7) clarification of extralinguistic factors significant for terminology. Conclusions. To date, terminology science has emerged as an independent scientific direction with its terminological apparatus and theoretical and methodological principles of research of its specific subject — terminologies and terms. One of the main tasks of modern domestic terminology science can be considered examining industry terminology systems as fragments of a common scientific terminology system, due to the study of which it will be possible to speak of a holistic research of the terminology system of the language as a whole.
- Published
- 2018
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- Subjects
lexical skills ,technical terms ,technical specialties ,phraseological units ,professional foreign language communication - Abstract
The article shows the peculiarities of dealing with vocabulary at foreign language classes at technical universities. The fact that high-quality lexical skills are the key condition for successful communication in a foreign language is stressed. The main stages in developing lexical skills of non-linguistic students are described in details. A number of specific difficulties in mastering foreign language vocabulary by technical students associated with some characteristics of their perception and way of thinking are defined. Particular attention is paid to the technical terminology and phraseological units teaching as the most difficult but essential aspects of foreign language vocabulary at non-linguistic universities. The article states that the beginning of work on special vocabulary learning involves the professional selection of lexical material, which includes professional vocabulary and terminology, which, on the one hand, develops the professional competence of the future specialist, on the other - contributes to the formation of his professional motivation. It is noted that it is very important to involve actively all kinds of memory: visual, auditory, motor, logical to master the vocabulary, especially technical terms. Some recommendations on effective remembering new lexical units taking into account the leading memory of students and other psychological factors are given. In particular, the attention is drawn to the method of mnemonic associations. The main point of this method is to select an unusual phonetic association in the native language for a foreign word to be remembered. The basic principles of the most effective new lexical material masterring at non-linguistic universities are outlined in the conclusion.
- Published
- 2017
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15. Особливості Роботи З Іншомовною Лексикою На Заняттях З Іноземної Мови В Технічному Вузі
- Subjects
lexical skills ,technical terms ,technical specialties ,phraseological units ,professional foreign language communication - Abstract
The article shows the peculiarities of dealing with vocabulary at foreign language classes at technical universities. The fact that high-quality lexical skills are the key condition for successful communication in a foreign language is stressed. The main stages in developing lexical skills of non-linguistic students are described in details. A number of specific difficulties in mastering foreign language vocabulary by technical students associated with some characteristics of their perception and way of thinking are defined. Particular attention is paid to the technical terminology and phraseological units teaching as the most difficult but essential aspects of foreign language vocabulary at non-linguistic universities. The article states that the beginning of work on special vocabulary learning involves the professional selection of lexical material, which includes professional vocabulary and terminology, which, on the one hand, develops the professional competence of the future specialist, on the other - contributes to the formation of his professional motivation. It is noted that it is very important to involve actively all kinds of memory: visual, auditory, motor, logical to master the vocabulary, especially technical terms. Some recommendations on effective remembering new lexical units taking into account the leading memory of students and other psychological factors are given. In particular, the attention is drawn to the method of mnemonic associations. The main point of this method is to select an unusual phonetic association in the native language for a foreign word to be remembered. The basic principles of the most effective new lexical material masterring at non-linguistic universities are outlined in the conclusion.
- Published
- 2017
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16. Qualifi Cative with Lexem «War» in the Ukrainian Periodic Language
- Author
Olena Efimenko
- Subjects
linguistic war ,military sphere ,a lexeme is war ,military metaphor ,war ,for internetniy space ,religious wars - Abstract
In the article, on the basis of analysis of periodicals, the use of combinations of words is considered with a lexeme war. The groups of proof combinations of words are selected on a military subject. It is set that more active display of combination of words of origin is acquired in social and political texts in connection with battle events on East of Ukraine and events in society. It is and linguistic, and religious, wars and wars for internentniy space. It is found out, that addition to the vocal supply is the special vocabulary in a portable value. In verbal registration enter words which present a military sphere, for expression of rivalry, competition. It is set that lexeme war in direct and portable values exists practically in all spheres of society.
- Published
- 2017
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17. [Handbook Entry] Case Study: Reading Anew the Mǎwángduī Bamboo Book Ten Interviews (*Shí Wèn 十問)
- Author
Pfister, Rudolf
- Subjects
Mǎwángduī medical corpus ,Early Chinese Medical Manuscripts ,Ten Interviews (*Shí Wèn 十問) ,Historical Linguistics ,Chinese Medicine ,Manuscripts ,Sexual body techniques - Abstract
Contents A. Early Chinese Medical Manuscripts B. The Case of the Ten Interviews 1. Finding Situation 2. Paratextual Features and Slip Order 3. Revised Transcription 4. Loan relationships and Notational Features 5. Riming 6. Special Vocabulary 7. Selected Translations of Technical Poetry 7.1 Dialogue (1), 7.2 Dialogue (5), 7.3 Dialogue (6) 8. Concluding Remarks C. Bibliography Reference works: Early Chinese medicine Reference works: Paleography, loangraphs, phonology Manuscript sources Mǎwángduī medical corpus: Transcriptions, commentaries, translations Other cited literature
- Published
- 2011
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