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1,853 results

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1. On D.Y. Gao and X. Lu paper 'On the extrema of a nonconvex functional with double-well potential in 1D'

2. Biased Adjusted Poisson Ridge Estimators-Method and Application

3. Special Ulrich bundles on regular Weierstrass fibrations

4. Tikhonov regularization of a second order dynamical system with Hessian driven damping

5. Global optimization in Hilbert space

6. d-Hermite rings and skew $$\textit{PBW}$$ PBW extensions

7. Order 3 symplectic automorphisms on K3 surfaces

8. Multivariate quasi-tight framelets with high balancing orders derived from any compactly supported refinable vector functions

9. Maximal families of nodal varieties with defect

10. An index theorem for higher orbital integrals

11. On curves with circles as their isoptics

12. Counting tropical rational space curves with cross-ratio constraints

13. On the size of subsets of $$\mathbb{F}_p^n$$ without p distinct elements summing to zero

14. Approximations in $$L^1$$ with convergent Fourier series

15. An outer-approximation guided optimization approach for constrained neural network inverse problems

16. High perturbations of quasilinear problems with double criticality

17. Sampling Discretization of Integral Norms

18. On the pair correlations of powers of real numbers

19. Correction to: Seifert fibrations of lens spaces

20. Simpson filtration and oper stratum conjecture

21. Graded Bourbaki ideals of graded modules

22. On a new class of functional equations satisfied by polynomial functions

23. On Isotypic Decompositions for Non-Semisimple Hopf Algebras

24. Integral Representations for the Hartman–Watson Density

25. Estimating the moments of a random forcing field of 2D fluid from image sequences using energy minimisation method

26. Khintchine-type theorems for values of subhomogeneous functions at integer points

27. On the classification of simple Lie algebras of dimension seven over fields of characteristic 2

28. A New Convexity-Based Inequality, Characterization of Probability Distributions, and Some Free-of-Distribution Tests

29. On the fill-in of nonnegative scalar curvature metrics

30. Explicit descriptions of spectral properties of Laplacians on spheres $${\mathbb {S}}^{N}\,(N\ge 1)$$: a review

31. Optimal sampled-data controls with running inequality state constraints: Pontryagin maximum principle and bouncing trajectory phenomenon

32. Tailoring a Pair of Pants: The Phase Tropical Version

33. Washington units, semispecial units, and annihilation of class groups

34. On Boundedness Property of Singular Integral Operators Associated to a Schrödinger Operator in a Generalized Morrey Space and Applications

35. Halanay Inequality on Time Scales with Unbounded Coefficients and Its Applications

36. Convergence of sampling Kantorovich operators in modular spaces with applications

37. Theorems connecting Stieltjes transform and Hankel transform

38. Low dimensional orders of finite representation type

39. Sobolev regular solutions for the incompressible Navier–Stokes equations in higher dimensions: asymptotics and representation formulae

40. A generic exact solver for vehicle routing and related problems

41. A new contractive condition related to Rhoades’s open question

42. Vector-valued q-variational inequalities for averaging operators and the Hilbert transform

43. Bilinear estimates on Morrey spaces by using average

44. Packing colorings of subcubic outerplanar graphs

45. On Counting Certain Abelian Varieties Over Finite Fields

46. Branch values in Ahlfors’ theory of covering surfaces

47. Finite-horizon general insolvency risk measures in a regime-switching Sparre Andersen model

48. Convergence of linking Baskakov-type operators

49. Remarks on the geodesic-Einstein metrics of a relative ample line bundle

50. Nikolskii constants for polynomials on the unit sphere